Example #1
  * @return User
 public function getUser()
     if ($this->_user === null) {
         $this->_user = User::findUserByEmail($this->email);
     return $this->_user;
Example #2
 /** @inheritdoc */
 public function beforeValidate()
     if (parent::beforeValidate()) {
         $this->user = User::findIdentityByUsernameOrEmail(trim($this->login));
         return true;
     } else {
         return false;
Example #3
 /** @inheritdoc */
 public function rules()
     return ['requiredFields' => [['login', 'password'], 'required'], 'loginTrim' => ['login', 'trim'], 'passwordValidate' => ['password', function ($attribute) {
         if ($this->user === null || !Password::validate($this->password, $this->user->passwordHash)) {
             $this->addError($attribute, Yii::t('users', 'Invalid login or password'));
     }], 'confirmationValidate' => ['login', function ($attribute) {
         if ($this->user !== null) {
             $confirmationRequired = $this->module->enableConfirmation && !$this->module->enableUnconfirmedLogin;
             if ($confirmationRequired && !$this->user->getIsConfirmed()) {
                 $this->addError($attribute, Yii::t('users', 'You need to confirm your email address'));
             if ($this->user->getIsBlocked()) {
                 $this->addError($attribute, Yii::t('users', 'Your account has been blocked'));
     }], 'rememberMe' => ['rememberMe', 'boolean']];
Example #4
 /** @inheritdoc */
 public function rules()
     return ['emailTrim' => ['email', 'filter', 'filter' => 'trim'], 'emailRequired' => ['email', 'required'], 'emailPattern' => ['email', 'email'], 'emailExist' => ['email', 'exist', 'targetClass' => $this->module->modelMap['User'], 'message' => Yii::t('users', 'There is no user with this email address')], 'emailUnconfirmed' => ['email', function ($attribute) {
         $this->user = User::findUserByEmail($this->email);
         if ($this->user !== null && $this->module->enableConfirmation && !$this->user->isConfirmed) {
             $this->addError($attribute, Yii::t('users', 'You need to confirm your email address'));
         if ($this->user->isBlocked) {
             $this->addError($attribute, Yii::t('users', 'Your account has been blocked'));
     }], 'passwordRequired' => ['password', 'required'], 'passwordLength' => ['password', 'string', 'min' => 6]];
Example #5
  * @param $params
  * @return ActiveDataProvider
 public function search($params)
     $query = User::find();
     $dataProvider = new ActiveDataProvider(['query' => $query]);
     if (!($this->load($params) && $this->validate())) {
         return $dataProvider;
     if ($this->createTime !== null) {
         $date = strtotime($this->createTime);
         $query->andFilterWhere(['between', 'createTime', $date, $date + 3600 * 24]);
     $query->andFilterWhere(['like', 'username', $this->username])->andFilterWhere(['like', 'email', $this->email])->andFilterWhere(['registrationIp' => $this->registrationIp]);
     return $dataProvider;
  * Confirms user's account. If confirmation was successful logs the user and shows success message. Otherwise
  * shows error message.
  * @param int $id
  * @param string $code
  * @return string
  * @throws \yii\web\HttpException
 public function actionConfirm($id, $code)
     $user = User::findIdentity($id);
     if ($user === null || $this->module->enableConfirmation == false) {
         throw new NotFoundHttpException();
     $event = $this->getUserEvent($user);
     $this->trigger(self::EVENT_BEFORE_CONFIRM, $event);
     $this->trigger(self::EVENT_AFTER_CONFIRM, $event);
     return $this->render('/message', ['title' => Yii::t('users', 'Account confirmation'), 'module' => $this->module]);
Example #7
  * Finds a user by the given username or email.
  * @param string $usernameOrEmail Username or email to be used on search.
  * @return  User
 public static function findIdentityByUsernameOrEmail($usernameOrEmail)
     if (filter_var($usernameOrEmail, FILTER_VALIDATE_EMAIL)) {
         return self::findUserByEmail($usernameOrEmail);
     return User::findIdentityByUsername($usernameOrEmail);
Example #8
  * Назначение пользователю прав администратора
  * @param $search
 public function actionAdmin($search)
     $user = User::findIdentityByUsernameOrEmail($search);
     if ($user) {
         $rbac = new Rbac();
         $this->stdout(Yii::t('users', 'Admin rights granted') . "\n", Console::FG_GREEN);
     } else {
         $this->stdout(Yii::t('users', 'User is not found') . "\n", Console::FG_RED);
Example #9
  * Tries to find user or create a new one.
  * @param Account $account
  * @return User|bool False when can't create user.
 protected static function fetchUser(Account $account)
     $user = User::findUserByEmail($account->email);
     if (null !== $user) {
         return $user;
     $user = Yii::createObject(['class' => User::className(), 'scenario' => User::SCENARIO_CONNECT, 'username' => $account->username, 'email' => $account->email]);
     if (!$user->validate(['email'])) {
         $account->email = null;
     if (!$user->validate(['username'])) {
         $account->username = null;
     return $user->create() ? $user : false;
Example #10
  * Loads attributes to the user model. You should override this method if you are going to add new fields to the
  * registration form. You can read more in special guide.
  * By default this method set all attributes of this model to the attributes of User model, so you should properly
  * configure safe attributes of your User model.
  * @param User $user
 protected function loadAttributes(User $user)
Example #11
  * Finds the User model based on its primary key value.
  * If the model is not found, a 404 HTTP exception will be thrown.
  * @param int $id
  * @return User the loaded model
  * @throws NotFoundHttpException if the model cannot be found
 protected function findModel($id)
     $user = User::findIdentity($id);
     if ($user === null) {
         throw new NotFoundHttpException('The requested page does not exist');
     return $user;
Example #12
  * Attempts changing user's email address.
  * @param int $id
  * @param string $code
  * @return string
  * @throws \yii\web\HttpException
 public function actionConfirm($id, $code)
     $user = User::findIdentity($id);
     if ($user === null || $this->module->emailChangeStrategy == Module::STRATEGY_INSECURE) {
         throw new NotFoundHttpException();
     $event = $this->getUserEvent($user);
     $this->trigger(self::EVENT_BEFORE_CONFIRM, $event);
     $this->trigger(self::EVENT_AFTER_CONFIRM, $event);
     return $this->redirect(['account']);