post() public method

Creates 'POST' request.
public post ( string $url, array | string $data = null, array $headers = [], array $options = [] ) : Request
$url string target URL.
$data array | string if array - request data, otherwise - request content.
$headers array request headers.
$options array request options.
return Request request instance.
  * @inheritDoc
 public function export()
     $response = $this->httpClient->post($this->webhookUrl, Json::encode($this->getPayload()), ['Content-Type: application/json; charset=UTF-8'])->send();
     if (!$response->getIsOk()) {
         throw new InvalidValueException("Unable to send logs to Slack: {$response->getContent()}", (int) $response->getStatusCode());
Example #2
  * Sends the specified message.
  * This method should be implemented by child classes with the actual email sending logic.
  * @param Message $message the message to be sent
  * @return boolean whether the message is sent successfully
 protected function sendMessage($message)
     $request = $this->httpclient->post($this->getUrl(), ['from' => $this->normalizeAddress($message->getFrom()), 'to' => $this->normalizeAddress($message->getTo()), 'cc' => $this->normalizeAddress($message->getCc()), 'bcc' => $this->normalizeAddress($message->getBcc()), 'subject' => $message->getSubject(), 'text' => $message->getTextBody(), 'html' => $message->getHtmlBody()], ['Authorization' => 'Basic ' . base64_encode('api:' . $this->apiKey)]);
     $response = $request->send();
     if ($response->getIsOk()) {
         return true;
     } else {
         try {
             $data = Json::decode($response->content);
             if (!isset($data['message'])) {
                 throw new InvalidParamException("'message' field in response data is not set");
         } catch (InvalidParamException $e) {
             throw new MailerException("Invalid response from Mailgun API", 0, $e);
         throw new MailerException("Mailgun sending error: {$data['message']}");
Example #3
 public function send($text = null, $icon = null, $attachments = [])
     $this->httpclient->post($this->url, ['payload' => Json::encode($this->getPayload($text, $icon, $attachments))]);
Example #4
  * Send a message to slack
  * @param string $text message text
  * @param string $emoji emoji icon
  * @param array $attachments attachments (@see
  * @param string $channel channel to send to
 public function send($text = null, $emoji = null, $attachments = [], $channel = null)
     $this->httpclient->post($this->url, ['payload' => Json::encode($this->getPayload($text, $emoji, $attachments, $channel))])->send();
Example #5
 public function query($url, $data)
     $client = new Client(['baseUrl' => self::$baseUrl]);
     $response = $client->post($url, $data, ['Authorization' => 'Token 1d06237cf740861ef28bcfd9fa3994097c1b50b5', 'X-Secret' => self::$token])->setFormat(Client::FORMAT_JSON)->send();
     if ($response->isOk) {
         return $response->data;
     return false;
Example #6
 public function query($url, $data)
     $client = new Client(['baseUrl' => $this->baseUrl]);
     $response = $client->post($url, $data, ['Authorization' => 'Token ' . $this->token, 'X-Secret' => $this->secret])->setFormat(Client::FORMAT_JSON)->send();
     if ($response->isOk) {
         return $response->data;
     } else {
     return false;