Example #1
function publisher_date_to_date_show($options)
    $myts = \Xoops\Core\Text\Sanitizer::getInstance();
    $publisher = Publisher::getInstance();
    $block = array();
    $criteria = new CriteriaCompo();
    $criteria->add(new Criteria('datesub', strtotime($options[0]), '>'));
    $criteria->add(new Criteria('datesub', strtotime($options[1]), '<'));
    // creating the ITEM objects that belong to the selected category
    $itemsObj = $publisher->getItemHandler()->getItemObjects($criteria);
    $totalItems = count($itemsObj);
    if ($itemsObj) {
        for ($i = 0; $i < $totalItems; ++$i) {
            $newItems['itemid'] = $itemsObj[$i]->getVar('itemid');
            $newItems['title'] = $itemsObj[$i]->title();
            $newItems['categoryname'] = $itemsObj[$i]->getCategoryName();
            $newItems['categoryid'] = $itemsObj[$i]->getVar('categoryid');
            $newItems['date'] = $itemsObj[$i]->datesub();
            $newItems['poster'] = $itemsObj[$i]->linkedPosterName();
            $newItems['itemlink'] = $itemsObj[$i]->getItemLink(false, isset($options[3]) ? $options[3] : 65);
            $newItems['categorylink'] = $itemsObj[$i]->getCategoryLink();
            $block['items'][] = $newItems;
        $block['lang_title'] = _MB_PUBLISHER_ITEMS;
        $block['lang_category'] = _MB_PUBLISHER_CATEGORY;
        $block['lang_poster'] = _MB_PUBLISHER_POSTEDBY;
        $block['lang_date'] = _MB_PUBLISHER_DATE;
        $modulename = $myts->displayTarea($publisher->getModule()->getVar('name'));
        $block['lang_visitItem'] = _MB_PUBLISHER_VISITITEM . " " . $modulename;
        $block['lang_articles_from_to'] = sprintf(_MB_PUBLISHER_ARTICLES_FROM_TO, $options[0], $options[1]);
    return $block;
function smarty_outputfilter_shortcodes($output, Smarty_Internal_Template $template)
    $shortcodes = \Xoops\Core\Text\Sanitizer::getInstance()->getShortCodes();
    $shortcodes->addShortcode('nosc42', function ($attributes, $content, $tagName) {
        return $content;
    // break out the body content
    $bodyPattern = '/<body[^>]*>(.*?)<\\/body>/is';
    // breaks out form elements
    $scPattern = '/((<textarea[\\S\\s]*\\/textarea>)|(<input[\\S\\s]*>)|(<select[\\S\\s]*\\/select>)|(<script[\\S\\s]*\\/script>)|(<style[\\S\\s]*\\/style>))/U';
    $text = preg_replace_callback($bodyPattern, function ($matches) use($scPattern, $shortcodes) {
        $element = preg_replace_callback($scPattern, function ($innerMatches) {
            return '[nosc42]' . $innerMatches[0] . '[/nosc42]';
        }, $matches[1]);
        if ($element === null) {
            trigger_error('preg_last_error=' . preg_last_error(), E_USER_WARNING);
            return $matches[1];
        return $element;
    }, $output);
    if ($text === null) {
        trigger_error('preg_last_error=' . preg_last_error(), E_USER_WARNING);
        return $output;
    $text = $shortcodes->process($text);
    return $text;
Example #3
  * purifyText
  * @param string  $text    text to clean
  * @param boolean $keyword replace some punctuation with white space
  * @return string cleaned text
 public static function purifyText($text, $keyword = false)
     $myts = \Xoops\Core\Text\Sanitizer::getInstance();
     $text = str_replace('&nbsp;', ' ', $text);
     $text = str_replace('<br />', ' ', $text);
     $text = str_replace('<br/>', ' ', $text);
     $text = str_replace('<br', ' ', $text);
     $text = strip_tags($text);
     $text = html_entity_decode($text);
     $text = $myts->undoHtmlSpecialChars($text);
     $text = str_replace(')', ' ', $text);
     $text = str_replace('(', ' ', $text);
     $text = str_replace(':', ' ', $text);
     $text = str_replace('&euro', ' euro ', $text);
     $text = str_replace('&hellip', '...', $text);
     $text = str_replace('&rsquo', ' ', $text);
     $text = str_replace('!', ' ', $text);
     $text = str_replace('?', ' ', $text);
     $text = str_replace('"', ' ', $text);
     $text = str_replace('-', ' ', $text);
     $text = str_replace('\\n', ' ', $text);
     $text = str_replace('&#8213;', ' ', $text);
     if ($keyword) {
         $text = str_replace('.', ' ', $text);
         $text = str_replace(',', ' ', $text);
         $text = str_replace('\'', ' ', $text);
     $text = str_replace(';', ' ', $text);
     return $text;
Example #4
  * search - search
  * @param string[] $queryArray search terms
  * @param string   $andor      and/or how to treat search terms
  * @param integer  $limit      max number to return
  * @param integer  $offset     offset of first row to return
  * @param integer  $userid     a specific user id to limit the query
  * @return array of result items
  *           'title' => the item title
  *           'content' => brief content or summary
  *           'link' => link to visit item
  *           'time' => time modified (unix timestamp)
  *           'uid' => author uid
  *           'image' => icon for search display
 public function search($queryArray, $andor, $limit, $offset, $userid)
     $andor = strtolower($andor) === 'and' ? 'and' : 'or';
     $qb = \Xoops::getInstance()->db()->createXoopsQueryBuilder();
     $eb = $qb->expr();
     $qb->select('DISTINCT *')->fromPrefix('page_content')->where($eb->neq('content_status', '0'))->orderBy('content_create', 'DESC')->setFirstResult($offset)->setMaxResults($limit);
     if (is_array($queryArray) && !empty($queryArray)) {
         $queryParts = array();
         foreach ($queryArray as $i => $q) {
             $qterm = ':qterm' . $i;
             $qb->setParameter($qterm, '%' . $q . '%', \PDO::PARAM_STR);
             $queryParts[] = $eb->orX($eb->like('content_title', $qterm), $eb->like('content_text', $qterm), $eb->like('content_shorttext', $qterm));
         if ($andor === 'and') {
             $qb->andWhere(call_user_func_array(array($eb, "andX"), $queryParts));
         } else {
             $qb->andWhere(call_user_func_array(array($eb, "orX"), $queryParts));
     } else {
         $qb->setParameter(':uid', (int) $userid, \PDO::PARAM_INT);
         $qb->andWhere($eb->eq('content_author', ':uid'));
     $myts = \Xoops\Core\Text\Sanitizer::getInstance();
     $items = array();
     $result = $qb->execute();
     while ($myrow = $result->fetch(\PDO::FETCH_ASSOC)) {
         $content = $myrow["content_shorttext"] . "<br /><br />" . $myrow["content_text"];
         $content = $myts->displayTarea($content);
         $items[] = array('title' => $myrow['content_title'], 'content' => Metagen::getSearchSummary($content, $queryArray), 'link' => "viewpage.php?id=" . $myrow["content_id"], 'time' => $myrow['content_create'], 'uid' => $myrow['content_author'], 'image' => 'images/logo_small.png');
     return $items;
function smarty_block_noshortcodes($params, $content, $template, &$repeat)
    // only output on the closing tag
    if (!$repeat) {
        if (isset($content)) {
            $ts = \Xoops\Core\Text\Sanitizer::getInstance();
            return $ts->escapeShortCodes($content);
Example #6
  * Output a dump of a variable
  * @param mixed $var  variable to dump
  * @param bool  $echo true to echo dump, false to return dump as string
  * @return string
 public static function dumpVar($var, $echo = true)
     $myts = \Xoops\Core\Text\Sanitizer::getInstance();
     $msg = $myts->displayTarea(var_export($var, true));
     $msg = "<div style='padding: 5px; font-weight: bold'>{$msg}</div>";
     if ($echo) {
         echo $msg;
     return $msg;
Example #7
  * @param string       $title
  * @param string       $keywords
  * @param string       $description
  * @param bool         $categoryPath
 public function __construct($title, $keywords = '', $description = '', $categoryPath = false)
     $this->publisher = Publisher::getInstance();
     $this->_myts = \Xoops\Core\Text\Sanitizer::getInstance();
     if ($keywords == '') {
         $keywords = $this->createMetaKeywords();
Example #8
  * Get an array with all the options
  * @param integer $encode encode special characters, potential values:
  *                        0 - skip
  *                        1 - only for value
  *                        2 - for both value and name
  * @return array Associative array of value->name pairs
 public function getOptions($encode = 0)
     $options = $this->get('option', []);
     if (!$encode) {
         return $options;
     $myts = Sanitizer::getInstance();
     $value = array();
     foreach ($options as $val => $name) {
         $value[(bool) $encode ? $myts->htmlSpecialChars($val) : $val] = $encode > 1 ? $myts->htmlSpecialChars($name) : $name;
     return $value;
Example #9
function publisher_items_recent_show($options)
    $publisher = Publisher::getInstance();
    $myts = \Xoops\Core\Text\Sanitizer::getInstance();
    $block = array();
    $selectedcatids = explode(',', $options[0]);
    if (in_array(0, $selectedcatids)) {
        $allcats = true;
    } else {
        $allcats = false;
    $sort = $options[1];
    $order = PublisherUtils::getOrderBy($sort);
    $limit = $options[2];
    $start = 0;
    // creating the ITEM objects that belong to the selected category
    if ($allcats) {
        $criteria = null;
    } else {
        $criteria = new CriteriaCompo();
        $criteria->add(new Criteria('categoryid', '(' . $options[0] . ')', 'IN'));
    $itemsObj = $publisher->getItemHandler()->getItems($limit, $start, array(_PUBLISHER_STATUS_PUBLISHED), -1, $sort, $order, '', true, $criteria, true);
    $totalItems = count($itemsObj);
    if ($itemsObj) {
        for ($i = 0; $i < $totalItems; ++$i) {
            $newItems['itemid'] = $itemsObj[$i]->getVar('itemid');
            $newItems['title'] = $itemsObj[$i]->title();
            $newItems['categoryname'] = $itemsObj[$i]->getCategoryName();
            $newItems['categoryid'] = $itemsObj[$i]->getVar('categoryid');
            $newItems['date'] = $itemsObj[$i]->datesub();
            $newItems['poster'] = $itemsObj[$i]->linkedPosterName();
            $newItems['itemlink'] = $itemsObj[$i]->getItemLink(false, isset($options[3]) ? $options[3] : 65);
            $newItems['categorylink'] = $itemsObj[$i]->getCategoryLink();
            $block['items'][] = $newItems;
        $block['lang_title'] = _MB_PUBLISHER_ITEMS;
        $block['lang_category'] = _MB_PUBLISHER_CATEGORY;
        $block['lang_poster'] = _MB_PUBLISHER_POSTEDBY;
        $block['lang_date'] = _MB_PUBLISHER_DATE;
        $modulename = $myts->displayTarea($publisher->getModule()->getVar('name'));
        $block['lang_visitItem'] = _MB_PUBLISHER_VISITITEM . " " . $modulename;
    return $block;
Example #10
 * Blocks functions
 * @copyright   XOOPS Project (http://xoops.org)
 * @license     GNU GPL 2 or later (http://www.gnu.org/licenses/gpl-2.0.html)
 * @author      Kazumi Ono (AKA onokazu)
 * @package     system
 * @version     $Id$
function b_system_info_show($options)
    $xoops = Xoops::getInstance();
    $myts = \Xoops\Core\Text\Sanitizer::getInstance();
    $block = array();
    if (!empty($options[3])) {
        $block['showgroups'] = true;
        $qb = $xoops->db()->createXoopsQueryBuilder();
        $eb = $qb->expr();
        $sql = $qb->select('u.uid')->addSelect('u.uname')->addSelect('u.email')->addSelect('u.user_viewemail')->addSelect('u.user_avatar')->addSelect('g.name AS groupname')->fromPrefix('system_usergroup', 'l')->leftJoinPrefix('l', 'system_user', 'u', 'l.uid=u.uid')->leftJoinPrefix('l', 'system_group', 'g', 'l.groupid=g.groupid')->where($eb->eq('g.group_type', ':gtype'))->orderBy('l.groupid')->addOrderBy('u.uid')->setParameter(':gtype', 'Admin', \PDO::PARAM_STR);
        $result = $sql->execute();
        if ($result->errorCode() < 2000) {
            // return 00000 is ok, 01nnn is warning
            $prev_caption = "";
            $i = 0;
            while ($userinfo = $result->fetch(PDO::FETCH_ASSOC)) {
                $response = $xoops->service("Avatar")->getAvatarUrl($userinfo);
                $avatar = $response->getValue();
                $avatar = empty($avatar) ? \XoopsBaseConfig::get('uploads-url') . '/blank.gif' : $avatar;
                if ($prev_caption != $userinfo['groupname']) {
                    $prev_caption = $userinfo['groupname'];
                    $block['groups'][$i]['name'] = $myts->htmlSpecialChars($userinfo['groupname']);
                if ($xoops->isUser()) {
                    $block['groups'][$i]['users'][] = array('id' => $userinfo['uid'], 'name' => $myts->htmlSpecialChars($userinfo['uname']), 'pm_link' => \XoopsBaseConfig::get('url') . "/pmlite.php?send2=1&amp;to_userid=" . $userinfo['uid'], 'avatar' => $avatar);
                } else {
                    if ($userinfo['user_viewemail']) {
                        $block['groups'][$i]['users'][] = array('id' => $userinfo['uid'], 'name' => $myts->htmlSpecialChars($userinfo['uname']), 'msg_link' => $userinfo['email'], 'avatar' => $avatar);
                    } else {
                        $block['groups'][$i]['users'][] = array('id' => $userinfo['uid'], 'name' => $myts->htmlSpecialChars($userinfo['uname']));
    } else {
        $block['showgroups'] = false;
    $block['logourl'] = \XoopsBaseConfig::get('url') . '/images/' . $options[2];
    $block['recommendlink'] = "<a href=\"javascript:openWithSelfMain('" . \XoopsBaseConfig::get('url') . "/misc.php?action=showpopups&amp;type=friend&amp;op=sendform&amp;t=" . time() . "','friend'," . $options[0] . "," . $options[1] . ")\">" . SystemLocale::RECOMMEND_US . "</a>";
    return $block;
  * Sets up the fixture, for example, opens a network connection.
  * This method is called before a test is executed.
 protected function setUp()
     $this->sanitizer = Sanitizer::getInstance();
     $this->object = new SyntaxHighlight($this->sanitizer);
Example #12
  * Sets database and sanitizer for easy access
 public function __construct()
     //$this->db = \Xoops::getInstance()->db();
     $this->ts = Sanitizer::getInstance();
Example #13
  * return the content of the block for output
  * @param string $format Dtype::FORMAT_xxxx constant
  * @param string $c_type type of content, possible values
  *                            H : custom HTML block
  *                            P : custom PHP block
  *                            S : use text sanitizer (smilies enabled)
  *                            T : use text sanitizer (smilies disabled)
  * @return string content for output
 public function getContent($format = 's', $c_type = 'T')
     $format = strtolower($format);
     $c_type = strtoupper($c_type);
     switch ($format) {
         case 's':
             // check the type of content
             // H : custom HTML block
             // P : custom PHP block
             // S : use text sanitizer (smilies enabled)
             // T : use text sanitizer (smilies disabled)
             if ($c_type === 'H') {
                 return str_replace('{X_SITEURL}', $this->xoops_url . '/', $this->getVar('content', 'n'));
             } else {
                 if ($c_type === 'P') {
                     echo eval($this->getVar('content', 'n'));
                     $content = ob_get_contents();
                     return str_replace('{X_SITEURL}', $this->xoops_url . '/', $content);
                 } else {
                     if ($c_type === 'S') {
                         $myts = \Xoops\Core\Text\Sanitizer::getInstance();
                         $content = str_replace('{X_SITEURL}', $this->xoops_url . '/', $this->getVar('content', 'n'));
                         return $myts->displayTarea($content, 1, 1);
                     } else {
                         $myts = \Xoops\Core\Text\Sanitizer::getInstance();
                         $content = str_replace('{X_SITEURL}', \XoopsBaseConfig::get('url') . '/', $this->getVar('content', 'n'));
                         return $myts->displayTarea($content, 1, 0);
         case 'e':
             return $this->getVar('content', 'e');
             return $this->getVar('content', 'n');
Example #14
  * codeIcon
  * @return string
 public function codeIcon()
     $textarea_id = $this->getName();
     $xoops = \Xoops::getInstance();
     $myts = \Xoops\Core\Text\Sanitizer::getInstance();
     $code = '';
     $code .= '<img src="' . $xoops->url('images/form/url.gif') . '" alt="' . \XoopsLocale::URL . '" title="' . \XoopsLocale::URL . '" onclick="xoopsCodeUrl(\'' . $textarea_id . '\', \'' . $myts->escapeForJavascript(\XoopsLocale::ENTER_LINK_URL) . '\', \'' . $myts->escapeForJavascript(\XoopsLocale::ENTER_WEBSITE_TITLE) . '\')" onmouseover="style.cursor=\'hand\'" />&nbsp;';
     $code .= '<img src="' . $xoops->url('images/form/email.gif') . '" alt="' . \XoopsLocale::EMAIL . '" title="' . \XoopsLocale::EMAIL . '" onclick="xoopsCodeEmail(\'' . $textarea_id . '\', \'' . $myts->escapeForJavascript(\XoopsLocale::ENTER_EMAIL) . '\');"  onmouseover="style.cursor=\'hand\'" />&nbsp;';
     $code .= '<img src="' . $xoops->url('images/form/imgsrc.gif') . '" alt="' . \XoopsLocale::IMAGES . '" title="' . \XoopsLocale::IMAGES . '" onclick="xoopsCodeImg(\'' . $textarea_id . '\', \'' . $myts->escapeForJavascript(\XoopsLocale::ENTER_IMAGE_URL) . '\', \'' . $myts->escapeForJavascript(\XoopsLocale::ENTER_IMAGE_POSITION) . '\', \'' . $myts->escapeForJavascript(\XoopsLocale::IMAGE_POSITION_DESCRIPTION) . '\', \'' . $myts->escapeForJavascript(\XoopsLocale::E_ENTER_IMAGE_POSITION) . '\', \'' . $myts->escapeForJavascript(\XoopsLocale::WIDTH) . '\');" onmouseover="style.cursor=\'hand\'" />&nbsp;';
     $extensions = array_filter($myts->listExtensions());
     foreach ($extensions as $extension) {
         list($button, $js) = $myts->getDhtmlEditorSupport($extension, $textarea_id);
         if (!empty($button)) {
             $code .= $button;
         if (!empty($js)) {
             $this->js .= $js;
     $code .= '<img src="' . $xoops->url('images/form/code.gif') . '" alt="' . \XoopsLocale::SOURCE_CODE . '" title="' . \XoopsLocale::SOURCE_CODE . '" onclick="xoopsCodeCode(\'' . $textarea_id . '\', \'' . $myts->escapeForJavascript(\XoopsLocale::ENTER_CODE) . '\');" onmouseover="style.cursor=\'hand\'" />&nbsp;';
     $code .= '<img src="' . $xoops->url('images/form/quote.gif') . '" alt="' . \XoopsLocale::QUOTE . '" title="' . \XoopsLocale::QUOTE . '" onclick="xoopsCodeQuote(\'' . $textarea_id . '\', \'' . $myts->escapeForJavascript(\XoopsLocale::ENTER_QUOTE) . '\');" onmouseover="style.cursor=\'hand\'" />&nbsp;';
     $response = \Xoops::getInstance()->service('emoji')->renderEmojiSelector($this->getName());
     if ($response->isSuccess()) {
         $emojiSelector = $response->getValue();
         $code .= $emojiSelector;
     return $code;
Example #15
 public static function seoTitle($title = '', $withExt = true)
      * if XOOPS ML is present, let's sanitize the title with the current language
     $myts = \Xoops\Core\Text\Sanitizer::getInstance();
     if (method_exists($myts, 'formatForML')) {
         $title = $myts->formatForML($title);
     // Transformation de la chaine en minuscule
     // Codage de la chaine afin d'éviter les erreurs 500 en cas de caractères imprévus
     $title = rawurlencode(strtolower($title));
     // Transformation des ponctuations
     //                 Tab     Space      !        "        #        %        &        '        (        )        ,        /        :        ;        <        =        >        ?        @        [        \        ]        ^        {        |        }        ~       .
     $pattern = array("/%09/", "/%20/", "/%21/", "/%22/", "/%23/", "/%25/", "/%26/", "/%27/", "/%28/", "/%29/", "/%2C/", "/%2F/", "/%3A/", "/%3B/", "/%3C/", "/%3D/", "/%3E/", "/%3F/", "/%40/", "/%5B/", "/%5C/", "/%5D/", "/%5E/", "/%7B/", "/%7C/", "/%7D/", "/%7E/", "/\\./");
     $rep_pat = array("-", "-", "", "", "", "-100", "", "-", "", "", "", "-", "", "", "", "-", "", "", "-at-", "", "-", "", "-", "", "-", "", "-", "");
     $title = preg_replace($pattern, $rep_pat, $title);
     // Transformation des caractères accentués
     //                  è        é        ê        ë        ç        à        â        ä        î        ï        ù        ü        û        ô        ö
     $pattern = array("/%B0/", "/%E8/", "/%E9/", "/%EA/", "/%EB/", "/%E7/", "/%E0/", "/%E2/", "/%E4/", "/%EE/", "/%EF/", "/%F9/", "/%FC/", "/%FB/", "/%F4/", "/%F6/");
     $rep_pat = array("-", "e", "e", "e", "e", "c", "a", "a", "a", "i", "i", "u", "u", "u", "o", "o");
     $title = preg_replace($pattern, $rep_pat, $title);
     if (sizeof($title) > 0) {
         if ($withExt) {
             $title .= '.html';
         return $title;
     return '';
Example #16
  * Sets up the fixture, for example, opens a network connection.
  * This method is called before a test is executed.
 protected function setUp()
     $this->sanitizer = Sanitizer::getInstance();
     $this->object = new TextFilter($this->sanitizer);
Example #17
  * Retrieve a list of objects data
  * @param CriteriaElement|null $criteria criteria to match
  * @param int                  $limit    Max number of objects to fetch
  * @param int                  $start    Which record to start at
  * @return array
 public function getList(CriteriaElement $criteria = null, $limit = 0, $start = 0)
     //$qb = Xoops::getInstance()->db()->createXoopsQueryBuilder();
     $qb = $this->handler->db2->createXoopsQueryBuilder();
     $ret = array();
     if (!empty($this->handler->identifierName)) {
     $qb->from($this->handler->table, null);
     if ($limit != 0 || $start != 0) {
     // any criteria order will override
     if (!empty($criteria)) {
         $qb = $criteria->renderQb($qb);
     $result = $qb->execute();
     if (!$result) {
         return $ret;
     $myts = \Xoops\Core\Text\Sanitizer::getInstance();
     while ($myrow = $result->fetch(\PDO::FETCH_ASSOC)) {
         // identifiers should be textboxes, so sanitize them like that
         $ret[$myrow[$this->handler->keyName]] = empty($this->handler->identifierName) ? 1 : $myts->htmlSpecialChars($myrow[$this->handler->identifierName]);
     return $ret;
Example #18
  * Sets up the fixture, for example, opens a network connection.
  * This method is called before a test is executed.
 protected function setUp()
     $this->sanitizer = Sanitizer::getInstance();
     $this->object = new UnorderedList($this->sanitizer);
Example #19
  * Updated by Catzwolf 11 Jan 2004
  * find the username for a given ID
  * @param int $userid  ID of the user to find
  * @param int $usereal switch for usename or realname
  * @return string name of the user. name for 'anonymous' if not found.
 public static function getUnameFromId($userid, $usereal = 0)
     $xoops = \Xoops::getInstance();
     $userid = (int) $userid;
     $usereal = (int) $usereal;
     if ($userid > 0) {
         $member_handler = $xoops->getHandlerMember();
         $user = $member_handler->getUser($userid);
         if (is_object($user)) {
             $ts = \Xoops\Core\Text\Sanitizer::getInstance();
             if ($usereal) {
                 $name = $user->getVar('name');
                 if ($name != '') {
                     return $ts->htmlSpecialChars($name);
                 } else {
                     return $ts->htmlSpecialChars($user->getVar('uname'));
             } else {
                 return $ts->htmlSpecialChars($user->getVar('uname'));
     return $xoops->getConfig('anonymous');
Example #20
 * Get {@link Xoops\Form\ThemeForm} for registering new users
 * @param XoopsUser $user
 * @param $profile
 * @param null $step
 * @return Xoops\Form\ThemeForm
function profile_getRegisterForm(XoopsUser $user, $profile, $step = null)
    $xoops = Xoops::getInstance();
    $action = $_SERVER['REQUEST_URI'];
    $step_no = $step['step_no'];
    $use_token = $step['step_no'] > 0 ? true : false;
    $reg_form = new Xoops\Form\ThemeForm($step['step_name'], 'regform', $action, 'post', $use_token);
    if ($step['step_desc']) {
        $reg_form->addElement(new Xoops\Form\Label('', $step['step_desc']));
    if ($step_no == 1) {
        //$uname_size = $GLOBALS['xoopsConfigUser']['maxuname'] < 35 ? $GLOBALS['xoopsConfigUser']['maxuname'] : 35;
        $elements[0][] = array('element' => new Xoops\Form\Text(XoopsLocale::USERNAME, 'uname', 40, $xoops->getConfig('maxuname'), $user->getVar('uname', 'e')), 'required' => true);
        $weights[0][] = 0;
        $elements[0][] = array('element' => new Xoops\Form\Text(XoopsLocale::EMAIL, 'email', 40, 160, $user->getVar('email', 'e')), 'required' => true);
        $weights[0][] = 0;
        $elements[0][] = array('element' => new Xoops\Form\Password(XoopsLocale::PASSWORD, 'pass'), 'required' => true);
        $weights[0][] = 0;
        $elements[0][] = array('element' => new Xoops\Form\Password(XoopsLocale::VERIFY_PASSWORD, 'vpass'), 'required' => true);
        $weights[0][] = 0;
    // Dynamic fields
    /* @var $profile_handler ProfileProfileHandler */
    $profile_handler = \Xoops::getModuleHelper('profile')->getHandler('profile');
    $fields = $profile_handler->loadFields();
    $_SESSION['profile_required'] = array();
    $weights = array();
    /* @var ProfileField $field */
    foreach ($fields as $field) {
        if ($field->getVar('step_id') == $step['step_id']) {
            $fieldinfo['element'] = $field->getEditElement($user, $profile);
            //assign and check (=)
            if ($fieldinfo['required'] = $field->getVar('field_required')) {
                $_SESSION['profile_required'][$field->getVar('field_name')] = $field->getVar('field_title');
            $key = $field->getVar('cat_id');
            $elements[$key][] = $fieldinfo;
            $weights[$key][] = $field->getVar('field_weight');
    foreach (array_keys($elements) as $k) {
        array_multisort($weights[$k], SORT_ASC, array_keys($elements[$k]), SORT_ASC, $elements[$k]);
        foreach (array_keys($elements[$k]) as $i) {
            $reg_form->addElement($elements[$k][$i]['element'], $elements[$k][$i]['required']);
    //end of Dynamic User fields
    $myts = \Xoops\Core\Text\Sanitizer::getInstance();
    if ($step_no == 1 && $xoops->getConfig('reg_dispdsclmr') != 0 && $xoops->getConfig('reg_disclaimer') != '') {
        $disc_tray = new Xoops\Form\ElementTray(XoopsLocale::DISCLAIMER, '<br />');
        $disc_text = new Xoops\Form\Label("", "<div class=\"pad5\">" . $myts->displayTarea($xoops->getConfig('reg_disclaimer'), 1) . "</div>");
        $agree_chk = new Xoops\Form\Checkbox('', 'agree_disc');
        $agree_chk->addOption(1, XoopsLocale::I_AGREE_TO_THE_ABOVE);
    if ($step_no == 1) {
        $reg_form->addElement(new Xoops\Form\Captcha(), true);
    $reg_form->addElement(new Xoops\Form\Hidden('uid', $user->getVar('uid')));
    $reg_form->addElement(new Xoops\Form\Hidden('step', $step_no));
    $reg_form->addElement(new Xoops\Form\Button('', 'submitButton', XoopsLocale::A_SUBMIT, 'submit'));
    return $reg_form;
Example #21
  * @param string $display
  * @param int    $max_char_title
  * @param int    $max_char_summary
  * @param bool   $full_summary
  * @return array
 public function toArray($display = 'default', $max_char_title = 0, $max_char_summary = 0, $full_summary = false)
     $item_page_id = -1;
     if (is_numeric($display)) {
         $item_page_id = $display;
         $display = 'all';
     $item['itemid'] = $this->getVar('itemid');
     $item['uid'] = $this->getVar('uid');
     $item['titlelink'] = $this->getItemLink(false, $max_char_title);
     $item['subtitle'] = $this->subtitle();
     $item['datesub'] = $this->datesub();
     $item['counter'] = $this->getVar('counter');
     switch ($display) {
         case 'summary':
         case 'list':
         case 'full':
         case 'wfsection':
         case 'default':
             $summary = $this->summary($max_char_summary);
             if (!$summary) {
                 $summary = $this->body($max_char_summary);
             $item['summary'] = $summary;
             $item = $this->toArrayFull($item);
         case 'all':
             $item = $this->toArrayFull($item);
             $item = $this->toArrayAll($item, $item_page_id);
     // Highlighting searched words
     $highlight = true;
     if ($highlight && isset($_GET['keywords'])) {
         $myts = \Xoops\Core\Text\Sanitizer::getInstance();
         $keywords = $myts->htmlSpecialChars(trim(urldecode($_GET['keywords'])));
         $fields = array('title', 'maintext', 'summary');
         foreach ($fields as $field) {
             if (isset($item[$field])) {
                 $item[$field] = $this->highlight($item[$field], $keywords);
     return $item;
Example #22
  * @param array       $obj
  * @param XoopsModule $mod
 public function getForm(&$obj, XoopsModule $mod)
     $xoops = Xoops::getInstance();
     $helper = Userconfigs::getInstance();
     $config_handler = $helper->getHandlerConfig();
     /* @var $plugin UserconfigsPluginInterface */
     if ($plugin = \Xoops\Module\Plugin::getPlugin($mod->getVar('dirname'), 'userconfigs')) {
         parent::__construct('', 'pref_form', 'index.php', 'post', true);
         if ($mod->getVar('dirname') !== 'system') {
             $xoops->loadLanguage('modinfo', $mod->getVar('dirname'));
         $configs = $plugin->configs();
         $configNames = array();
         foreach (array_keys($configs) as $i) {
             $configNames[$configs[$i]['name']] =& $configs[$i];
         $configCats = $plugin->categories();
         if (!$configCats) {
             $configCats = array('default' => array('name' => _MD_USERCONFIGS_CONFIGS, 'description' => ''));
         if (!in_array('default', array_keys($configCats))) {
             $configCats['default'] = array('name' => _MD_USERCONFIGS_CONFIGS, 'description' => '');
         foreach (array_keys($configNames) as $name) {
             if (!isset($configNames[$name]['category'])) {
                 $configNames[$name]['category'] = 'default';
         $tabTray = new Xoops\Form\TabTray('', 'pref_tabtay');
         $tabs = array();
         foreach ($configCats as $name => $info) {
             $tabs[$name] = new Xoops\Form\Tab($info['name'], 'pref_tab_' . $name);
             if (isset($info['description']) && $info['description'] != '') {
                 $tabs[$name]->addElement(new Xoops\Form\Label('', $info['description']));
         $count = count($obj);
         for ($i = 0; $i < $count; ++$i) {
             $title = \Xoops\Locale::translate($obj[$i]->getVar('conf_title'), $mod->getVar('dirname'));
             $desc = $obj[$i]->getVar('conf_desc') != '' ? \Xoops\Locale::translate($obj[$i]->getVar('conf_desc'), $mod->getVar('dirname')) : '';
             switch ($obj[$i]->getVar('conf_formtype')) {
                 case 'textarea':
                     $myts = \Xoops\Core\Text\Sanitizer::getInstance();
                     if ($obj[$i]->getVar('conf_valuetype') === 'array') {
                         // this is exceptional.. only when value type is arrayneed a smarter way for this
                         $ele = $obj[$i]->getVar('conf_value') != '' ? new Xoops\Form\TextArea($title, $obj[$i]->getVar('conf_name'), $myts->htmlSpecialChars(implode('|', $obj[$i]->getConfValueForOutput())), 5, 5) : new Xoops\Form\TextArea($title, $obj[$i]->getVar('conf_name'), '', 5, 5);
                     } else {
                         $ele = new Xoops\Form\TextArea($title, $obj[$i]->getVar('conf_name'), $myts->htmlSpecialChars($obj[$i]->getConfValueForOutput()), 5, 5);
                 case 'select':
                     $ele = new Xoops\Form\Select($title, $obj[$i]->getVar('conf_name'), $obj[$i]->getConfValueForOutput());
                     $options = $config_handler->getConfigOptions(new Criteria('conf_id', $obj[$i]->getVar('conf_id')));
                     $opcount = count($options);
                     for ($j = 0; $j < $opcount; ++$j) {
                         $optval = \Xoops\Locale::translate($options[$j]->getVar('confop_value'), $mod->getVar('dirname'));
                         $optkey = \Xoops\Locale::translate($options[$j]->getVar('confop_name'), $mod->getVar('dirname'));
                         $ele->addOption($optval, $optkey);
                 case 'select_multi':
                     $ele = new Xoops\Form\Select($title, $obj[$i]->getVar('conf_name'), $obj[$i]->getConfValueForOutput(), 5, true);
                     $options = $config_handler->getConfigOptions(new Criteria('conf_id', $obj[$i]->getVar('conf_id')));
                     $opcount = count($options);
                     for ($j = 0; $j < $opcount; ++$j) {
                         $optval = \Xoops\Locale::translate($options[$j]->getVar('confop_value'), $mod->getVar('dirname'));
                         $optkey = \Xoops\Locale::translate($options[$j]->getVar('confop_name'), $mod->getVar('dirname'));
                         $ele->addOption($optval, $optkey);
                 case 'yesno':
                     $ele = new Xoops\Form\RadioYesNo($title, $obj[$i]->getVar('conf_name'), $obj[$i]->getConfValueForOutput());
                 case 'theme':
                 case 'theme_multi':
                     $ele = $obj[$i]->getVar('conf_formtype') !== 'theme_multi' ? new Xoops\Form\Select($title, $obj[$i]->getVar('conf_name'), $obj[$i]->getConfValueForOutput()) : new Xoops\Form\Select($title, $obj[$i]->getVar('conf_name'), $obj[$i]->getConfValueForOutput(), 5, true);
                     $dirlist = XoopsLists::getThemesList();
                     if (!empty($dirlist)) {
                 case 'tplset':
                     $ele = new Xoops\Form\Select($title, $obj[$i]->getVar('conf_name'), $obj[$i]->getConfValueForOutput());
                     $tplset_handler = $xoops->getHandlerTplSet();
                     $tplsetlist = $tplset_handler->getNameList();
                     foreach ($tplsetlist as $key => $name) {
                         $ele->addOption($key, $name);
                 case 'cpanel':
                     $ele = new Xoops\Form\Hidden($obj[$i]->getVar('conf_name'), $obj[$i]->getConfValueForOutput());
                                             $ele = new Xoops\Form\Select($title, $config[$i]->getVar('conf_name'), $config[$i]->getConfValueForOutput());
                                             XoopsLoad::load("cpanel", "system");
                                             $list = XoopsSystemCpanel::getGuis();
                                             $ele->addOptionArray($list);  */
                 case 'timezone':
                     $ele = new Xoops\Form\SelectTimeZone($title, $obj[$i]->getVar('conf_name'), $obj[$i]->getConfValueForOutput());
                 case 'language':
                     $ele = new Xoops\Form\SelectLanguage($title, $obj[$i]->getVar('conf_name'), $obj[$i]->getConfValueForOutput());
                 case 'locale':
                     $ele = new Xoops\Form\SelectLocale($title, $obj[$i]->getVar('conf_name'), $obj[$i]->getConfValueForOutput());
                 case 'startpage':
                     $ele = new Xoops\Form\Select($title, $obj[$i]->getVar('conf_name'), $obj[$i]->getConfValueForOutput());
                     $module_handler = $xoops->getHandlerModule();
                     $criteria = new CriteriaCompo(new Criteria('hasmain', 1));
                     $criteria->add(new Criteria('isactive', 1));
                     $moduleslist = $module_handler->getNameList($criteria, true);
                     $moduleslist['--'] = XoopsLocale::NONE;
                 case 'group':
                     $ele = new Xoops\Form\SelectGroup($title, $obj[$i]->getVar('conf_name'), false, $obj[$i]->getConfValueForOutput(), 1, false);
                 case 'group_multi':
                     $ele = new Xoops\Form\SelectGroup($title, $obj[$i]->getVar('conf_name'), false, $obj[$i]->getConfValueForOutput(), 5, true);
                     // RMV-NOTIFY: added 'user' and 'user_multi'
                 // RMV-NOTIFY: added 'user' and 'user_multi'
                 case 'user':
                     $ele = new Xoops\Form\SelectUser($title, $obj[$i]->getVar('conf_name'), false, $obj[$i]->getConfValueForOutput(), 1, false);
                 case 'user_multi':
                     $ele = new Xoops\Form\SelectUser($title, $obj[$i]->getVar('conf_name'), false, $obj[$i]->getConfValueForOutput(), 5, true);
                 case 'module_cache':
                     $module_handler = $xoops->getHandlerModule();
                     $modules = $module_handler->getObjectsArray(new Criteria('hasmain', 1), true);
                     $currrent_val = $obj[$i]->getConfValueForOutput();
                     $cache_options = array('0' => XoopsLocale::NO_CACHE, '30' => sprintf(XoopsLocale::F_SECONDS, 30), '60' => XoopsLocale::ONE_MINUTE, '300' => sprintf(XoopsLocale::F_MINUTES, 5), '1800' => sprintf(XoopsLocale::F_MINUTES, 30), '3600' => XoopsLocale::ONE_HOUR, '18000' => sprintf(XoopsLocale::F_HOURS, 5), '86400' => XoopsLocale::ONE_DAY, '259200' => sprintf(XoopsLocale::F_DAYS, 3), '604800' => XoopsLocale::ONE_WEEK, '2592000' => XoopsLocale::ONE_MONTH);
                     if (count($modules) > 0) {
                         $ele = new Xoops\Form\ElementTray($title, '<br />');
                         foreach (array_keys($modules) as $mid) {
                             $c_val = isset($currrent_val[$mid]) ? (int) $currrent_val[$mid] : null;
                             $selform = new Xoops\Form\Select($modules[$mid]->getVar('name'), $obj[$i]->getVar('conf_name') . "[{$mid}]", $c_val);
                     } else {
                         $ele = new Xoops\Form\Label($title, SystemLocale::NO_MODULE_TO_CACHE);
                 case 'site_cache':
                     $ele = new Xoops\Form\Select($title, $obj[$i]->getVar('conf_name'), $obj[$i]->getConfValueForOutput());
                     $ele->addOptionArray(array('0' => XoopsLocale::NO_CACHE, '30' => sprintf(XoopsLocale::F_SECONDS, 30), '60' => XoopsLocale::ONE_MINUTE, '300' => sprintf(XoopsLocale::F_MINUTES, 5), '1800' => sprintf(XoopsLocale::F_MINUTES, 30), '3600' => XoopsLocale::ONE_HOUR, '18000' => sprintf(XoopsLocale::F_HOURS, 5), '86400' => XoopsLocale::ONE_DAY, '259200' => sprintf(XoopsLocale::F_DAYS, 3), '604800' => XoopsLocale::ONE_WEEK, '2592000' => XoopsLocale::ONE_MONTH));
                 case 'password':
                     $myts = \Xoops\Core\Text\Sanitizer::getInstance();
                     $ele = new Xoops\Form\Password($title, $obj[$i]->getVar('conf_name'), 32, 255, $myts->htmlSpecialChars($obj[$i]->getConfValueForOutput()));
                 case 'color':
                     $myts = \Xoops\Core\Text\Sanitizer::getInstance();
                     $ele = new Xoops\Form\ColorPicker($title, $obj[$i]->getVar('conf_name'), $myts->htmlSpecialChars($obj[$i]->getConfValueForOutput()));
                 case 'hidden':
                     $myts = \Xoops\Core\Text\Sanitizer::getInstance();
                     $ele = new Xoops\Form\Hidden($obj[$i]->getVar('conf_name'), $myts->htmlSpecialChars($obj[$i]->getConfValueForOutput()));
                 case 'textbox':
                     $myts = \Xoops\Core\Text\Sanitizer::getInstance();
                     $ele = new Xoops\Form\Text($title, $obj[$i]->getVar('conf_name'), 5, 255, $myts->htmlSpecialChars($obj[$i]->getConfValueForOutput()));
             $hidden = new Xoops\Form\Hidden('conf_ids[]', $obj[$i]->getVar('conf_id'));
             if (isset($ele)) {
                 if ($obj[$i]->getVar('conf_formtype') !== 'hidden') {
                     $name = 'default';
                     if (isset($configNames[$obj[$i]->getVar('conf_name')]['category'])) {
                         $name = $configNames[$obj[$i]->getVar('conf_name')]['category'];
                 } else {
         foreach (array_keys($tabs) as $name) {
             if ($tabs[$name]->getElements()) {
         $this->addElement(new Xoops\Form\Hidden('op', 'save'));
         $this->addElement(new Xoops\Form\Hidden('mid', $mod->getVar('mid')));
         $this->addElement(new Xoops\Form\Button('', 'button', XoopsLocale::A_SUBMIT, 'submit'));
Example #23
  * Sets up the fixture, for example, opens a network connection.
  * This method is called before a test is executed.
 protected function setUp()
     $this->sanitizer = Sanitizer::getInstance();
     $this->object = new NullExtension($this->sanitizer);
  * Sets up the fixture, for example, opens a network connection.
  * This method is called before a test is executed.
 protected function setUp()
     $ts = Sanitizer::getInstance();
     $this->object = $this->getMockForAbstractClass('\\Xoops\\Core\\Text\\Sanitizer\\SanitizerComponent', [$ts]);
     $this->reflectedObject = new \ReflectionClass('\\Xoops\\Core\\Text\\Sanitizer\\SanitizerComponent');
Example #25
  * getAssignableUserRankList - return a list of ranks that can be assigned
  * @param Response $response \Xoops\Core\Service\Response object
  * @return void - response->value set to array of (int) id => (string) rank title
  *                 entries of assignable ranks
 public function getAssignableUserRankList(Response $response)
     $db = \Xoops::getInstance()->db();
     $myts = \Xoops\Core\Text\Sanitizer::getInstance();
     $ret = array();
     $sql = $db->createXoopsQueryBuilder();
     $eb = $sql->expr();
     $sql->select('rank_id')->addSelect('rank_title')->fromPrefix('userrank_rank', 'r')->where($eb->eq('rank_special', ':rankspecial'))->orderBy('rank_title')->setParameter(':rankspecial', 1);
     $result = $sql->execute();
     while ($myrow = $result->fetch(\PDO::FETCH_ASSOC)) {
         $ret[$myrow['rank_id']] = $myts->htmlSpecialChars($myrow['rank_title']);
Example #26
if (!isset($_POST['submit'])) {
    $xoops->theme()->addScript(null, array('type' => 'application/x-javascript'), $zxcvbn);
    //show change password form
    $form = new Xoops\Form\ThemeForm(_PROFILE_MA_CHANGEPASSWORD, 'form', $_SERVER['REQUEST_URI'], 'post', true);
    $form->addElement(new Xoops\Form\Password(_PROFILE_MA_OLDPASSWORD, 'oldpass'), true);
    $password = new Xoops\Form\Password(_PROFILE_MA_NEWPASSWORD, 'newpass', null, null, '', 'off', 'New Password');
    $password->setPattern('^.{8,}$', 'You need at least 8 characters');
    $form->addElement($password, true);
    $form->addElement(new Xoops\Form\Label(XoopsLocale::PASSWORD_STRENGTH, '', 'crack_time'));
    $form->addElement(new Xoops\Form\Password(XoopsLocale::VERIFY_PASSWORD, 'vpass'), true);
    $form->addElement(new Xoops\Form\Button('', 'submit', XoopsLocale::A_SUBMIT, 'submit'));
    $xoops->appendConfig('profile_breadcrumbs', array('caption' => _PROFILE_MA_CHANGEPASSWORD));
} else {
    $myts = \Xoops\Core\Text\Sanitizer::getInstance();
    $oldpass = trim($_POST['oldpass']);
    $password = trim($_POST['newpass']);
    $vpass = trim($_POST['vpass']);
    $errors = array();
    if (!password_verify($oldpass, $xoops->user->getVar('pass', 'n'))) {
        $errors[] = _PROFILE_MA_WRONGPASSWORD;
    if (mb_strlen($password) < $xoops->getConfig('minpass')) {
        $errors[] = sprintf(XoopsLocale::EF_PASSWORD_MUST_BE_GREATER_THAN, $xoops->getConfig('minpass'));
    if ($password != $vpass) {
        $errors[] = XoopsLocale::E_PASSWORDS_MUST_MATCH;
    if ($errors) {
        $msg = implode('<br />', $errors);
Example #27
  * return the content of the block for output
  * @param string $format Dtype::FORMAT_xxxx constant
  * @param string $c_type type of custom content, a XoopsBlock::CUSTOM_xxxx constant
  *                            H : custom HTML block
  *                            P : custom PHP block
  *                            S : use text sanitizer (smilies enabled)
  *                            T : use text sanitizer (smilies disabled)
  * @return string content for output
 public function getContent($format = 's', $c_type = 'T')
     $format = strtolower($format);
     $c_type = strtoupper($c_type);
     switch ($format) {
         case Dtype::FORMAT_SHOW:
         case 's':
             // apply c_type rules for content display
             $content = $this->getVar('content', Dtype::FORMAT_NONE);
             switch ($c_type) {
                 case XoopsBlock::CUSTOM_HTML:
                     return $this->convertSiteURL($content);
                 case XoopsBlock::CUSTOM_PHP:
                     echo eval($content);
                     $content = ob_get_contents();
                     return $this->convertSiteURL($content);
                 case XoopsBlock::CUSTOM_SMILIE:
                     $myts = Sanitizer::getInstance();
                     return $myts->filterForDisplay($this->convertSiteURL($content), 1, 1);
                 case XoopsBlock::CUSTOM_TEXT:
                     $myts = Sanitizer::getInstance();
                     return $myts->filterForDisplay($this->convertSiteURL($content), 1, 0);
         case Dtype::FORMAT_EDIT:
         case 'e':
             return $this->getVar('content', Dtype::FORMAT_EDIT);
             return $this->getVar('content', Dtype::FORMAT_NONE);
Example #28
  * Sets up the fixture, for example, opens a network connection.
  * This method is called before a test is executed.
 protected function setUp()
     $this->sanitizer = Sanitizer::getInstance();
     $this->object = new Embed($this->sanitizer);
Example #29
 * @copyright       XOOPS Project (http://xoops.org)
 * @license     GNU GPL 2 or later (http://www.gnu.org/licenses/gpl-2.0.html)
 * @author          trabis <*****@*****.**>
 * @version         $Id$
function smarty_function_translate($params, &$smarty)
    $key = isset($params['key']) ? $params['key'] : '';
    $dirname = isset($params['dirname']) ? $params['dirname'] : 'xoops';
    return \Xoops\Core\Text\Sanitizer::getInstance()->escapeForJavascript(\Xoops\Locale::translate($key, $dirname));