Example #1
  * Add EditList to site
  * @param XmlBlockCollection $this->_mainBlock
  * @param string $site
  * @param AnyDataset $dataset
 protected function AddEditListToSite($block, $site, $dataset)
     $para = new XmlParagraphCollection();
     $this->url->addParam("editsite", $site);
     $editList = new XmlEditList($this->_context, $this->myWords->Value("EDITLIST_TITLE", $site), $this->url->getUrl(), true, false, true, true);
     $listField = new EditListField();
     $listField->editlistName = "";
     $listField->fieldData = "role";
     $listField = new EditListField();
     $listField->editlistName = $this->myWords->Value("EDITLIST_ROLES");
     $listField->fieldData = $this->user->getRolesTable()->Role;
     $listField = new EditListField();
     $listField->editlistName = $this->myWords->Value("EDITLIST_SITES");
     $listField->fieldData = $this->user->getRolesTable()->Site;
Example #2
  *@desc Build URL link based on xmlnuke model.
  *@desc Note: target must be the follow values:
  *@desc  - site if URLTYPE is equal to ENGINE or ADMIN
  *@desc  - module is URLTYPE is equal to MODULE
  *@desc  - Full URL (without protocol) if any other.
  *@return string
 public function getUrl()
     if ($this->_urltype == URLTYPE::ENGINE || $this->_urltype == URLTYPE::ADMINENGINE) {
         $url = $this->_urltype;
     } else {
         $url = $this->_target;
         if ($this->_urltype == URLTYPE::MODULE || $this->_urltype == URLTYPE::JAVASCRIPT || $this->_urltype == URLTYPE::ADMIN) {
             if (strpos($this->_target, $this->_urltype) === false) {
                 $url = $this->_urltype . $url;
     $separator = strpos($this->_target, "?") === false ? '?' : "&";
     $count = 0;
     foreach ($this->_parameters as $param => $value) {
         if ($count > 0) {
             $separator = '&';
         $url .= $separator . $param . '=' . XmlnukeManageUrl::encodeParam($value);
     //return $url;
     return str_replace('&', '&', $url);
Example #3
 protected function redirProcessPage($full)
     $url = new XmlnukeManageUrl(URLTYPE::MODULE, $this->_module);
     $url->addParam("acao", self::ACTION_MSG);
     $url->addParam(self::PARAM_MSG, $this->_currentAction);
     //$url->addParam("filter", $this->_filter);
     //$url->addParam("sort", $this->_sort);
     $url->addParam("curpage", $this->_curPage);
     $url->addParam("offset", $this->_qtdRows);
     foreach ($this->_parameter as $key => $value) {
         $url->addParam($key, $value);
     //if ($full)
     return $url->getUrlFull();
     //	return $url->getUrl();
Example #4
  * Update Info
  * @param String $usernamevalid
  * @param String $id
 protected function updateInfo($usernamevalid, $id)
     $this->_context->MakeLogin($usernamevalid, $id);
     $url = XmlnukeManageUrl::decodeParam($this->_urlReturn);
Example #5
  *@desc Generate page, processing yours childs.
  *@param DOMNode $current
  *@return function
 public function generateObject($current)
     if ($this->_readonly) {
         $deliLeft = strlen($this->_readOnlyDeli) != 0 ? $this->_readOnlyDeli[0] : "";
         $deliRight = strlen($this->_readOnlyDeli) != 0 ? $this->_readOnlyDeli[1] : "";
         // XmlInputLabelField $ic;
         if ($this->_inputextboxtype == InputTextBoxType::TEXT) {
             $ic = new XmlInputLabelField($this->_caption, $deliLeft . $this->_value . $deliRight);
         } else {
             $ic = new XmlInputLabelField($this->_caption, $deliLeft . "**********" . $deliRight);
         // XmlInputHidden $ih
         $ih = new XmlInputHidden($this->_name, $this->_value);
     } else {
         if ($this->_inputextboxtype == InputTextBoxType::TEXT) {
             $nodeWorking = XmlUtil::CreateChild($current, "textbox", "");
         } else {
             $nodeWorking = XmlUtil::CreateChild($current, "password", "");
         if (intval($this->_maxlength) != 0) {
             XmlUtil::AddAttribute($nodeWorking, "maxlength", $this->_maxlength);
         XmlUtil::AddAttribute($nodeWorking, "caption", $this->_caption);
         XmlUtil::AddAttribute($nodeWorking, "name", $this->_name);
         XmlUtil::AddAttribute($nodeWorking, "value", $this->_value);
         XmlUtil::AddAttribute($nodeWorking, "size", $this->_size);
         if ($this->_autosuggestUrl != "") {
             $url = new XmlnukeManageUrl(URLTYPE::MODULE, $this->_autosuggestUrl);
             $urlStr = $url->getUrlFull();
             if (strpos($urlStr, "?") === false) {
                 $urlStr .= "?";
             } else {
                 $urlStr .= "&";
             XmlUtil::AddAttribute($nodeWorking, "autosuggesturl", str_replace("&", "&", $urlStr));
             XmlUtil::AddAttribute($nodeWorking, "autosuggestparamreq", $this->_autosuggestParamReq);
             if ($this->_autosuggestCallback) {
                 XmlUtil::AddAttribute($nodeWorking, "autosuggestcallback", $this->_autosuggestCallback);
             XmlUtil::AddAttribute($nodeWorking, "autosuggest_array", $this->_autosuggestJsonArray);
             XmlUtil::AddAttribute($nodeWorking, "autosuggest_objid", $this->_autosuggestJsonObjKey);
             XmlUtil::AddAttribute($nodeWorking, "autosuggest_objvalue", $this->_autosuggestJsonObjValue);
             XmlUtil::AddAttribute($nodeWorking, "autosuggest_objinfo", $this->_autosuggestJsonObjInfo);
         if ($this->getMask() == "") {
             if ($this->getDataType() == INPUTTYPE::DATE) {
             } elseif ($this->getDataType() == INPUTTYPE::DATETIME) {
                 $this->setMask("99/99/9999 99:99:99");
         if ($this->getMask() != "") {
             XmlUtil::AddAttribute($nodeWorking, "mask", $this->_maskText);
         if ($this->_disableAutoComplete) {
             XmlUtil::AddAttribute($nodeWorking, "autocomplete", "off");
Example #6
 function processModule()
     $context = Context::getInstance();
     $module = null;
     $moduleName = $context->getModule();
     if ($moduleName == "") {
         // Experimental... Not finished...
         $moduleName = $context->getVirtualCommand();
         if ($moduleName == 'admin') {
             $moduleName = 'Xmlnuke.Admin.ControlPanel';
     $firstError = null;
     $debug = $context->getDebugStatus();
     // Try load modules
     // Catch errors from permissions and so on.
     $writeResult = $this->getProcessResult();
     try {
         $module = ModuleFactory::GetModule($moduleName);
         $engine = $this->createXmlnukeEngine();
     } catch (ModuleNotFoundException $ex) {
         $module = ModuleFactory::GetModule('Xmlnuke.HandleException', array('TYPE' => 'NOTFOUND', 'MESSAGE' => 'The module "' . $moduleName . '" was not found.', 'OBJECT' => $moduleName));
         $engine = $this->createXmlnukeEngine();
     } catch (NotAuthenticatedException $ex) {
         $s = XmlnukeManageUrl::encodeParam($_SERVER["REQUEST_URI"]);
         $url = $context->bindModuleUrl($context->get("xmlnuke.LOGINMODULE")) . "&ReturnUrl=" . $s;
         // Do not leave empty spaces at begin or end of modules
         // Não deixe espaços em branco no início ou fim dos módulos
Example #7
  * Action Upload
 protected function actionUpload()
     $blockCenter = new XmlBlockCollection($this->_myWords->Value("UPLOAD"), BlockPosition::Center);
     $paragraph = new XmlParagraphCollection();
     switch ($this->_action) {
         case 'add':
             $fileProcessor = new UploadFilenameProcessor('*.*');
             $fileProcessor->setFilenameLocation(ForceFilenameLocation::DefinePath, "diretorio/subdir/");
             $result = $this->_context->processUpload($fileProcessor, false, 'form_file');
             $paragraph->addXmlnukeObject(new XmlnukeText("Arquivo " . $result[0] . " enviado com sucesso ao servidor!"));
             $paragraph->addXmlnukeObject(new XmlnukeText($this->_myWords->Value("DESCUPLOADTEXT2")));
             $url = new XmlnukeManageUrl(URLTYPE::MODULE, $this->_url);
             $url->addParam('op', '6');
             $url->addParam('action', 'add');
             $form = new XmlFormCollection($this->_context, $url->getUrl(), $this->_myWords->Value("MAKEUPLOAD"));
             $paragraph = new XmlParagraphCollection();
             $fileField = new XmlInputFile($this->_myWords->Value("FILE"), 'form_file');
             $button = new XmlInputButtons();
             $button->addSubmit($this->_myWords->Value("ADD"), "");