Example #1
 public function setUp()
     $this->queryObject = new Query();
     $this->queryObject->setQuery(new AndNode([new AndNode([new EqNode('q', null), new NeNode('q', null), new LeNode('q', 'r'), new GeNode('q', 'u')]), new OrNode([new LtNode('q', 't'), new GtNode('q', 'y'), new InNode('q', ['a', 's', 'd', 'f', 'g'])])]));
     $this->queryObject->setSelect(new XSelectNode(['q', new AggregateFunctionNode('max', 'q'), new AggregateFunctionNode('min', 'q'), new AggregateFunctionNode('count', 'q')]));
     $this->queryObject->setSort(new SortNode(['q' => -1, 'w' => 1, 'e' => 1]));
     $this->queryObject->setLimit(new LimitNode(20, 30));
     $this->rqlString = "and(and(eq(q,null()),ne(q,null()),le(q,r),ge(q,u)),or(lt(q,t),gt(q,y),in(q,(a,s,d,f,g))))";
     $this->rqlString .= "&limit(20,30)";
     $this->rqlString .= "&sort(-q,+w,e)";
     $this->rqlString .= "&select(q,max(q),min(q),count(q))";
  * @return void
 public function testOnKernelResponseProcessed()
     $query = new Query();
     $query->setSelect(new SelectNode(['a', 'b']));
     $request = new Request();
     $request->attributes->set('rqlQuery', $query);
     $response = new Response();
     $this->handleValidEvent($request, $response, [__METHOD__, __METHOD__]);
     $this->assertEquals(json_encode([__METHOD__, __METHOD__]), $response->getContent());
Example #3
 public function provider_query()
     $emptyQuery = new Query();
     $queryWithAndNode = new Query();
     $queryWithAndNode->setQuery(new AndNode([new LtNode('price', 23), new NeNode('icon', 'icon1.jpg')]));
     $queryWithSelect = new Query();
     $queryWithSelect->setSelect(new SelectNode(['price', 'icon']));
     $queryWithSort = new Query();
     $queryWithSort->setSort(new SortNode(['price' => -1, 'icon' => +1]));
     $queryWithSelectProps = new Query();
     $queryWithSelectProps->setSelect(new SelectNode([StoreCatalog::PROP_LINKED_URL_TABLE_NAME]));
     return array(array($emptyQuery, array(['title' => 'Plate41-mainicon', 'price' => '21', 'icon' => 'icon1.jpg'], ['title' => 'Plate42-mainicon', 'price' => '22', 'icon' => 'icon2.jpg'], ['title' => 'Plate43-mainicon', 'price' => '23', 'icon' => 'icon3.jpg']), array(['title' => 'Plate41-mainicon', 'price' => '21', 'icon' => 'icon1.jpg'], ['title' => 'Plate42-mainicon', 'price' => '22', 'icon' => 'icon2.jpg'], ['title' => 'Plate43-mainicon', 'price' => '23', 'icon' => 'icon3.jpg'])), array($queryWithAndNode, array(['title' => 'Plate41-mainicon', 'price' => '21', 'icon' => 'icon1.jpg'], ['title' => 'Plate42-mainicon', 'price' => '22', 'icon' => 'icon2.jpg'], ['title' => 'Plate43-mainicon', 'price' => '23', 'icon' => 'icon3.jpg']), array(['title' => 'Plate42-mainicon', 'price' => '22', 'icon' => 'icon2.jpg'])), array($queryWithSelect, array(['title' => 'Plate41-mainicon', 'price' => '21', 'icon' => 'icon1.jpg'], ['title' => 'Plate42-mainicon', 'price' => '22', 'icon' => 'icon2.jpg'], ['title' => 'Plate43-mainicon', 'price' => '23', 'icon' => 'icon3.jpg']), array(['price' => '21', 'icon' => 'icon1.jpg'], ['price' => '22', 'icon' => 'icon2.jpg'], ['price' => '23', 'icon' => 'icon3.jpg'])), array($queryWithSort, array(['title' => 'Plate43-mainicon', 'price' => '23', 'icon' => 'icon6.jpg'], ['title' => 'Plate41-mainicon', 'price' => '21', 'icon' => 'icon1.jpg'], ['title' => 'Plate42-mainicon', 'price' => '22', 'icon' => 'icon2.jpg'], ['title' => 'Plate43-mainicon', 'price' => '22', 'icon' => 'icon3.jpg'], ['title' => 'Plate43-mainicon', 'price' => '23', 'icon' => 'icon5.jpg']), array(['title' => 'Plate43-mainicon', 'price' => '23', 'icon' => 'icon5.jpg'], ['title' => 'Plate43-mainicon', 'price' => '23', 'icon' => 'icon6.jpg'], ['title' => 'Plate42-mainicon', 'price' => '22', 'icon' => 'icon2.jpg'], ['title' => 'Plate43-mainicon', 'price' => '22', 'icon' => 'icon3.jpg'], ['title' => 'Plate41-mainicon', 'price' => '21', 'icon' => 'icon1.jpg'])), array($queryWithSelectProps, array(['title' => 'Plate41-mainicon', 'price' => '21', 'icon' => 'icon1.jpg', StoreCatalog::PROP_LINKED_URL_TABLE_NAME => [['url' => 'http://google.com', 'alt' => 'Pot1'], ['url' => 'http://google.com1', 'alt' => 'Pot2']]], ['title' => 'Plate42-mainicon', 'price' => '22', 'icon' => 'icon2.jpg', StoreCatalog::PROP_LINKED_URL_TABLE_NAME => [['url' => 'http://google.com2', 'alt' => 'Pot3'], ['url' => 'http://google.com3', 'alt' => 'Pot4']]]), array(['title' => 'Plate41-mainicon', 'price' => '21', 'icon' => 'icon1.jpg', StoreCatalog::PROP_LINKED_URL_TABLE_NAME => [['url' => 'http://google.com', 'alt' => 'Pot1'], ['url' => 'http://google.com1', 'alt' => 'Pot2']]], ['title' => 'Plate42-mainicon', 'price' => '22', 'icon' => 'icon2.jpg', StoreCatalog::PROP_LINKED_URL_TABLE_NAME => [['url' => 'http://google.com2', 'alt' => 'Pot3'], ['url' => 'http://google.com3', 'alt' => 'Pot4']]])));
Example #4
 public function testSelectAggregateFunction_Combo_True()
     $query = new Query();
     $aggregateCount = new AggregateFunctionNode('count', 'id');
     $aggregateMaxId = new AggregateFunctionNode('max', 'id');
     $aggregateMinId = new AggregateFunctionNode('min', 'id');
     $query->setLimit(new Node\LimitNode(2, 1));
     $query->setQuery(new ScalarOperator\EqNode('fString', 'val2'));
     $query->setSelect(new XSelectNode([$aggregateCount, $aggregateMaxId, $aggregateMinId, "anotherId"]));
     $resp = $this->object->query($query);
     $this->assertEquals(1, count($resp));
     $this->assertEquals(2, $resp[0]['id->count']);
     //$this->assertEquals(2, $resp[0]['count(id)']);
     $this->assertEquals(4, $resp[0]['id->max']);
     //$this->assertEquals(4, $resp[0]['max(id)']);
     $this->assertEquals(3, $resp[0]['id->min']);
     //$this->assertEquals(3, $resp[0]['min(id)']);
     $this->assertEquals(40, $resp[0]['anotherId']);
     //$this->assertEquals(40, $resp[0]['anotherId']);
Example #5
  * Return array of keys or empty array
  * @return array array of keys or empty array
 protected function getKeys()
     $identifier = $this->getIdentifier();
     $query = new Query();
     $selectNode = new Node\SelectNode([$identifier]);
     $queryResult = $this->query($query);
     $keysArray = [];
     foreach ($queryResult as $row) {
         $keysArray[] = $row[$identifier];
     return $keysArray;
Example #6
  * @see Iterator
  * @return array
 public function next()
     $identifier = $this->dataStore->getIdentifier();
     $query = new Query();
     $selectNode = new Node\SelectNode([$identifier]);
     $sortNode = new Node\SortNode([$identifier => 1]);
     $limitNode = new Node\LimitNode(1, 0);
     $gtNode = new ScalarOperator\GtNode($identifier, $this->index);
     $queryArray = $this->dataStore->query($query);
     $this->index = $queryArray === [] ? null : $queryArray[0][$identifier];
Example #7
 public function testQuery_limitOffsetCombo()
     $query = new Query();
     $eqNode1 = new ScalarOperator\EqNode('fString', 'val2');
     $sortNode = new Node\SortNode(['id' => '1']);
     $selectNode = new Node\SelectNode(['fFloat']);
     $limitNode = new Node\LimitNode(2, 1);
     $queryArray = $this->object->query($query);
     $this->assertEquals(array('fFloat' => $this->_itemsArrayDelault[3 - 1]['fFloat']), $queryArray[1 - 1]);
     $this->assertEquals(array('fFloat' => $this->_itemsArrayDelault[4 - 1]['fFloat']), $queryArray[2 - 1]);
     $this->assertEquals(2, count($queryArray));
Example #8
  * @param SelectNode $select
  * @return $this
 public function addSelect(SelectNode $select)
     return $this;
 public function test__query_with_select_sys_entities_aggregate()
     $time = (new DateTime())->format("Y-m-d") . " 00:00:00";
     for ($i = 1; $i < 10; $i++) {
         $data = ['title' => 'title_' . $i, 'price' => 100 * $i];
     $query = new Query();
     $query->setSelect(new SelectNode([new AggregateFunctionNode('max', 'sys_entities.add_date')]));
     $result = $this->object->query($query);
     $this->assertEquals(true, $result[0]['sys_entities.add_date->max'] >= $time);
 public function test_query_category_products_SelectProduct_Category()
     $query = new Query();
     $query->setSelect(new SelectNode(['product.', 'category.']));
     $result = $this->object->query($query);
     $result = $this->unsetResultFiled($result, [41, 42, 50, 53, 54]);
     $this->assertEquals([["id" => "41", 'category_id' => '41', 'product_id' => '11', 'product.title' => "Edelweiss", "product.price" => "200", "category.title" => "Miscellaneous"], ["id" => "42", 'category_id' => '42', 'product_id' => '12', 'product.title' => "Rose", "product.price" => "50", "category.title" => "Flower"], ["id" => "50", 'category_id' => '43', 'product_id' => '15', 'product.title' => "King Rose 1", "product.price" => "200", "category.title" => "Roses"], ["id" => "53", 'category_id' => '44', 'product_id' => '16', 'product.title' => "King Rose 2", "product.price" => "250", "category.title" => "King Rose"], ["id" => "54", 'category_id' => '45', 'product_id' => '13', 'product.title' => "Queen Rose 1", "product.price" => "150", "category.title" => "Queen Rose"]], $result);
Example #11
  * @param ServerRequestInterface $request
  * @param ResponseInterface $response
  * @return ResponseInterface
  * @throws \zaboy\rest\RestException
  * @internal param callable|null $next
 public function methodGetWithoutId(ServerRequestInterface $request, ResponseInterface $response)
     /** @var Query $rqlQueryObject */
     $rqlQueryObject = $request->getAttribute('Rql-Query-Object');
     $rqlLimitNode = $rqlQueryObject->getLimit();
     $headerLimit = $request->getAttribute('Limit');
     if (!is_null($rqlLimitNode)) {
         if (isset($headerLimit)) {
             $limit = $rqlLimitNode->getLimit() > $headerLimit['limit'] ? $headerLimit['limit'] : $rqlLimitNode->getLimit();
             if (isset($headerLimit['offset'])) {
                 $offset = $headerLimit['offset'];
                 $rqlOffset = $rqlLimitNode->getOffset();
                 if (!is_null($rqlOffset)) {
                     $offset += $rqlOffset;
                 $newLimitNode = new LimitNode($limit, $offset);
             } else {
                 $newLimitNode = new LimitNode($limit);
     } else {
         if ($headerLimit) {
             $limit = (int) $headerLimit['limit'];
             if (isset($headerLimit['offset'])) {
                 $offset = (int) $headerLimit['offset'];
                 $newLimitNode = new LimitNode($limit, $offset);
             } else {
                 $newLimitNode = new LimitNode($limit);
     $rowCountQuery = new Query();
     $aggregate = new AggregateFunctionNode('count', $this->dataStore->getIdentifier());
     $rowCountQuery->setSelect(new XSelectNode([$aggregate]));
     if ($rqlQueryObject->getQuery()) {
     if ($rqlLimitNode) {
     //TODO: count aggregate fn can't work with limit and offset. Bug!!!
     $rowset = $this->dataStore->query($rqlQueryObject);
     $this->request = $request->withAttribute('Response-Body', $rowset);
     $rowCountQuery = new Query();
     $rowCountQuery->setSelect(new XSelectNode([new AggregateFunctionNode('count', $this->dataStore->getIdentifier())]));
     $rowCount = $this->dataStore->query($rowCountQuery);
     if (isset($rowCount[0][$this->dataStore->getIdentifier() . '->count'])) {
         //throw new RestException('Can not make Content-Range header in response');
         $limitObject = $rqlQueryObject->getLimit();
         $offset = !$limitObject ? 0 : $limitObject->getOffset();
         $contentRange = 'items ' . $offset . '-' . ($offset + count($rowset) - 1) . '/' . $rowCount[0][$this->dataStore->getIdentifier() . '->count'];
         $response = $response->withHeader('Content-Range', $contentRange);
     $response = $response->withStatus(200);
     return $response;
Example #12
 protected function setSelectColumns(Select $selectSQL, Query $query)
     $select = $query->getSelect();
     $selectField = !$select ? [] : $select->getFields();
     $fields = [];
     if (!empty($selectField)) {
         $bounds = [];
         $hawAggregate = false;
         $hawBound = false;
         foreach ($selectField as $field) {
             $match = [];
             if ($field instanceof AggregateFunctionNode) {
                 $hawAggregate = true;
                 //todo: create aggregate
             } else {
                 if (preg_match('/([\\w]+)\\./', $field, $match)) {
                     $subMatch = [];
                     $name = $match[1];
                     $boundQuery = new Query();
                     if (preg_match('/([\\w]+)\\.\\#([\\w]+)?/', $field, $subMatch)) {
                         $withOut = $this->dbTable->table;
                         if (isset($subMatch[2])) {
                             $withOut = $subMatch[2];
                         $boundQuery->setSelect(new SelectNode(['#' . $withOut]));
                     } else {
                         if (preg_match('/[\\w]+\\.([\\w\\.\\#]+)/', $field, $subMatch)) {
                             $boundQuery->setSelect(new SelectNode([$subMatch[1]]));
                         } else {
                             $boundQuery->setSelect(new SelectNode());
                     $bounds[] = [$name => $boundQuery];
                 } else {
                     if (preg_match('/^#([\\w]+)?$/', $field, $match)) {
                         $withOut = '';
                         if ($match[1]) {
                             $withOut = $match[1];
                         foreach ($this->getBoundsTableName() as $bound) {
                             if ($bound != $withOut) {
                                 $boundQuery = new Query();
                                 $boundQuery->setSelect(new SelectNode());
                                 $bounds[] = [$bound => $boundQuery];
                     } else {
                         $fields[] = $field;
             if ($hawAggregate && $hawBound) {
                 throw new DataStoreException('Cannot use aggregate function with bounds');
         if (!empty($bounds)) {
             $fields['.bounds.'] = $bounds;
     $selectSQL->columns(empty($fields) ? [Select::SQL_STAR] : $fields);
     return $selectSQL;
Example #13
 protected function updateProps($props, $propsData, &$itemInserted)
     $identifier = $this->getIdentifier();
     if (!empty($itemInserted)) {
          * @var string $key
          * @var  Prop $prop
         foreach ($props as $key => $prop) {
             $propQuery = new Query();
             $propQuery->setQuery(new EqNode($prop->getLinkedColumn($this->getEntityName(), $key), $itemInserted[$identifier]));
             $propQuery->setSelect(new SelectNode([$prop->getIdentifier()]));
             $allEntityProp = $prop->query($propQuery);
             foreach ($allEntityProp as $entityPropItem) {
                 $find = false;
                 foreach ($propsData[$key] as &$propDataItem) {
                     if (isset($propDataItem[$prop->getIdentifier()]) && $entityPropItem[$prop->getIdentifier()] === $propDataItem[$prop->getIdentifier()]) {
                         $find = true;
                         $diff = array_diff_assoc($entityPropItem, $propDataItem);
                         if (empty($diff) || count($propDataItem) == 1) {
                 if (!$find) {
             $prop->updateWithEntity($propsData[$key], $itemInserted[$identifier], $this->getEntityName(), $key);
             $propQuery->setSelect(new SelectNode());
             $allEntityProp = $prop->query($propQuery);
             $itemInserted[$key] = $allEntityProp;