Example #1
  * cuts the given png or jpeg picture with coordination and its full path on host server
  * @param object $img
  * $img->name contains name of resource/image
  * $img->mimeType contains mime type of resource/image
  * $img->coords its a object which holds the beginnings of the crop section
  * and height and width of the crop section within itself
  * $img->coords->x1 , $img->coords->y1 , $img->coords->h , $img->coords->w
 public static function cutIt($img)
      * Image::saveImage dependencies
     $img_quality = 90;
      * loads a resource from host
      * @see Image::createImage
     $img_r = Image::createImage($img->mimeType, $img->path);
     $img->quality = $img_quality;
      * creating an image in ram to put our cropped image into it
     $dst_r = ImageCreateTrueColor($img->coords->w, $img->coords->h);
     $img->imgRes = $dst_r;
      * doing crop in here using $coords , $img_r ,$dst_r and ...
     imagecopyresampled($dst_r, $img_r, 0, 0, $img->coords->x1, $img->coords->y1, $img->coords->w, $img->coords->h, $img->coords->w, $img->coords->h);
      * saving the result to the host