  * @param Snak $snak
 private function processSnak(Snak $snak)
     $propertyId = $snak->getPropertyId();
     $this->entityIds[$propertyId->getSerialization()] = $propertyId;
     if ($snak instanceof PropertyValueSnak) {
Example #2
 private function getSerialized(Snak $snak)
     $serialization = array('snaktype' => $snak->getType(), 'property' => $snak->getPropertyId()->getSerialization());
     if ($this->serializeWithHash) {
         $serialization['hash'] = $snak->getHash();
     if ($snak instanceof PropertyValueSnak) {
         $serialization['datavalue'] = $this->dataValueSerializer->serialize($snak->getDataValue());
     return $serialization;
  * @param Snak $snak
 private function processSnak(Snak $snak)
     if ($snak instanceof PropertyValueSnak) {
         $id = $snak->getPropertyId();
         $value = $snak->getDataValue();
         if ($value instanceof StringValue && $this->propertyDataTypeMatcher->isMatchingDataType($id, 'commonsMedia')) {
             $fileName = str_replace(' ', '_', $value->getValue());
             if ($fileName !== '') {
                 $this->fileNames[$fileName] = null;
  * @param Snak $snak
 private function processSnak(Snak $snak)
     if ($snak instanceof PropertyValueSnak) {
         $id = $snak->getPropertyId();
         $value = $snak->getDataValue();
         if ($value instanceof StringValue && $this->propertyDataTypeMatcher->isMatchingDataType($id, 'url')) {
             $url = $value->getValue();
             if ($url !== '') {
                 $this->urls[$url] = null;
  * @since 0.2
  * @param Snak $mainSnak
  * @param EntityId|Item|Property|string $target
  * @param EditInfo|null $editInfo
  * @return string the GUID of the claim
  * @throws UnexpectedValueException
 public function create(Snak $mainSnak, $target, EditInfo $editInfo = null)
     if (is_string($target)) {
         $entityId = $target;
     } elseif ($target instanceof EntityId) {
         $entityId = $target->getSerialization();
     } elseif ($target instanceof Item || $target instanceof Property) {
         $entityId = $target->getId()->getSerialization();
     } else {
         throw new UnexpectedValueException('$target needs to be an EntityId, Entity or string');
     $params = array('entity' => $entityId, 'snaktype' => $mainSnak->getType(), 'property' => $mainSnak->getPropertyId()->getSerialization());
     if ($mainSnak instanceof PropertyValueSnak) {
         $serializedDataValue = $this->dataValueSerializer->serialize($mainSnak->getDataValue());
         $params['value'] = json_encode($serializedDataValue['value']);
     $result = $this->api->postRequest('wbcreateclaim', $params, $editInfo);
     return $result['claims']['id'];
 private function copySnak(Snak $mainSnak)
     $newPropertyId = $this->entityMappingStore->getLocalId($mainSnak->getPropertyId()->getSerialization());
     switch ($mainSnak->getType()) {
         case 'somevalue':
             return new PropertySomeValueSnak(new PropertyId($newPropertyId));
         case 'novalue':
             return new PropertyNoValueSnak(new PropertyId($newPropertyId));
             $value = $mainSnak->getDataValue();
             if ($value instanceof EntityIdValue) {
                 $localId = $this->entityMappingStore->getLocalId($value->getEntityId()->getSerialization());
                 if (!$localId) {
                     $this->logger->error("Entity not found for {$localId}.");
                 $value = new EntityIdValue($this->idParser->parse($localId));
             return new PropertyValueSnak(new PropertyId($newPropertyId), $value);
  * Adds the given Statement's main Snak to the RDF graph.
  * @param RdfWriter $writer
  * @param Snak $snak
  * @param string $propertyNamespace
  * @throws InvalidArgumentException
 public function addSnak(RdfWriter $writer, Snak $snak, $propertyNamespace)
     $propertyId = $snak->getPropertyId();
     switch ($snak->getType()) {
         case 'value':
             /** @var PropertyValueSnak $snak */
             $this->addSnakValue($writer, $snak, $propertyNamespace);
         case 'somevalue':
             $propertyValueLName = $this->vocabulary->getEntityLName($propertyId);
             $writer->say($propertyNamespace, $propertyValueLName)->is('_', $writer->blank());
         case 'novalue':
             $propertyValueLName = $this->vocabulary->getEntityLName($propertyId);
             $writer->say('a')->is(RdfVocabulary::NSP_NOVALUE, $propertyValueLName);
             throw new InvalidArgumentException('Unknown snak type: ' . $snak->getType());
  * @since 0.4
  * @param Snak $snak
  * @return array
 protected function getSnakSummaryArgs(Snak $snak)
     $propertyId = $snak->getPropertyId();
     return array(array($propertyId->getSerialization() => $snak));
  * @dataProvider provideAddSnakValue
 public function testAddSnakValue(Snak $snak, $dataType)
     $writer = $this->getTestData()->getNTriplesWriter();
     $writer->about(RdfVocabulary::NS_ENTITY, 'Q11');
     $propertyId = $snak->getPropertyId();
     $builder = $this->newBuilder(RdfVocabulary::NSP_DIRECT_CLAIM, $propertyId->getSerialization(), $dataType, $snak);
     // assertions are done by the mocks
     $builder->addSnak($writer, $snak, RdfVocabulary::NSP_DIRECT_CLAIM);
  * @param Snak $snak
  * @return string
 private function makePropertyLink(Snak $snak)
     $propertyId = $snak->getPropertyId();
     $propertyLink = $this->propertyIdFormatter->formatEntityId($propertyId);
     return $propertyLink;
 private function isSnakMorePrecise(Snak $a, Snak $b)
     if ($a instanceof PropertyValueSnak && $b instanceof PropertyValueSnak) {
         return $a->getPropertyId()->equals($b->getPropertyId()) && $this->isDataValueMorePrecise($a->getDataValue(), $b->getDataValue());
     return $a->equals($b);
  * @param Snak $mainSnak
  * @return array
 private function getSummaryArgs(Snak $mainSnak)
     $propertyId = $mainSnak->getPropertyId();
     return array(array($propertyId->getSerialization() => $mainSnak));
Example #13
  * Validates a Snak.
  * For a PropertyValueSnak, this is done using the validators from the DataType
  * that is associated with the Snak's property.
  * Other Snak types are currently not validated.
  * @see ValueValidator::validate()
  * @param Snak $snak The value to validate
  * @throws InvalidArgumentException
  * @return Result
 public function validate($snak)
     if (!$snak instanceof Snak) {
         throw new InvalidArgumentException('Snak expected');
     // XXX: instead of an instanceof check, we could have multiple validators
     //      with a canValidate() method, to determine which validator to use
     //      for a given snak.
     $propertyId = $snak->getPropertyId();
     try {
         $typeId = $this->propertyDataTypeLookup->getDataTypeIdForProperty($propertyId);
         if ($snak instanceof PropertyValueSnak) {
             $dataValue = $snak->getDataValue();
             $result = $this->validateDataValue($dataValue, $typeId);
         } else {
             $result = Result::newSuccess();
     } catch (PropertyDataTypeLookupException $ex) {
         $result = Result::newError(array(Error::newError("Property {$propertyId} not found!", null, 'no-such-property', array($propertyId))));
     return $result;
  * Get a detailed formatted snak, including the snak's property label and value.
  * @param Snak $snak
  * @return string HTML
 public function getPropertyAndDetailedValue(Snak $snak)
     return $this->getColonSeparatedHtml($this->formatPropertyId($snak->getPropertyId()), $this->getDetailedValue($snak));
Example #15
  * @dataProvider snakProvider
  * @param Snak $snak
 public function testGetPropertyId(Snak $snak)
     $this->assertInstanceOf('Wikibase\\DataModel\\Entity\\EntityId', $snak->getPropertyId());
 protected function makeSetQualifierRequest($statementGuid, $snakhash, Snak $qualifier, EntityId $entityId)
     $params = array('action' => 'wbsetqualifier', 'claim' => $statementGuid, 'snakhash' => $snakhash, 'snaktype' => $qualifier->getType(), 'property' => $qualifier->getPropertyId()->getSerialization());
     if ($qualifier instanceof PropertyValueSnak) {
         $dataValue = $qualifier->getDataValue();
         $params['value'] = FormatJson::encode($dataValue->getArrayValue());
     /** @var StatementListProvider $entity */
     $entity = WikibaseRepo::getDefaultInstance()->getEntityLookup()->getEntity($entityId);
     $statements = $entity->getStatements();
     $statement = $statements->getFirstStatementWithGuid($params['claim']);
     $this->assertTrue($statement->getQualifiers()->hasSnak($qualifier), 'The qualifier should exist in the qualifier list after making the request');
  * @param Snak $snak
  * @throws PropertyDataTypeLookupException
  * @return string The Snak's data type
 private function getSnakDataType(Snak $snak)
     return $this->dataTypeLookup->getDataTypeIdForProperty($snak->getPropertyId());
     // @todo: wrap the PropertyDataTypeLookupException, but make sure ErrorHandlingSnakFormatter still handles it.