  * This is div with <tabview> tabs (ajax tabs).
  * It has following structure:
  * <div id="flytabs_0">
  *      <ul>
  *          <li class="selected" data-tab="flytabs_00">
  *              <a href="/wiki/New_Moon?action=render">
  *                  <span>New Moon</span>
  *              </a>
  *          </li>
  *          <li class="" data-tab="flytabs_01">
  *              <a href="/wiki/Eclipse?action=render">
  *                  <span>Eclipse</span>
  *              </a>
  *          </li>
  *      </ul>
  * </div>
  * This structure is the same for all wikia pages, which loading tabs by ajax.
  * So, this method is iterating over all links inside this list and parsing
  * content of corresponding articles (preventing from circular references).
  * @param DOMNode $currentNode
 protected function parseTabview(DOMNode $currentNode)
     $xpath = new DOMXPath($currentNode->ownerDocument);
     $tabs = $xpath->query(".//a", $currentNode);
     $htmlParser = new Wikia\JsonFormat\HtmlParser();
     foreach ($tabs as $tab) {
         $url = $xpath->query('./@href', $tab)->item(0);
         $tabTitle = $this->getTabTitle($xpath, $tab);
         $article = $this->getArticleByUrl($url);
         if (empty($article)) {
         $title = $article->getTitle()->getText();
         // Prevent from cyclic references
         if (\Wikia\JsonFormat\HtmlParser::isVisited($title)) {
         $tabSection = $this->parseArticleToSection($article, $htmlParser, $tabTitle);