Example #1
  * @inheritdoc
  * fs <*> xs = [f x | f <- fs, x <- xs]
 public function ap(FantasyLand\Apply $applicative)
     return $this->reduce(function ($accumulator, $value) use($applicative) {
         /** @var $applicative self */
         return f\concatM($accumulator, $applicative->map($value));
     }, self::mempty());
Example #2
 public function test_foldr()
     $list = Listt::of([1, 2, 3, 4]);
     $result = f\foldr(function ($accumulator, $value) {
         return f\concatM($accumulator, Listt::of([$value + 1]));
     }, Listt::of([]), $list);
     $this->assertEquals($result, Listt::of([5, 4, 3, 2]));
Example #3
  * Generic test to verify if a type obey the monodic laws.
  * @param callable $assertEqual Asserting function (Monoid $m1, Monoid $m2, $message)
  * @param Monoid $x
  * @param Monoid $y
  * @param Monoid $z
 public static function test(callable $assertEqual, Monoid $x, Monoid $y, Monoid $z)
     $assertEqual(f\concatM($x, f\emptyM($x)), $x, 'Right identity');
     $assertEqual(f\concatM(f\emptyM($x), $x), $x, 'Left identity');
     $assertEqual(f\concatM($x, f\concatM($y, $z)), f\concatM(f\concatM($x, $y), $z), 'Associativity');