/** * Returns image with every pixel changed by specififed function * * @param \WideImage\Image $image * @param str $function * @param int $value * @return \WideImage\Image */ public function filter($image, $function, $value) { for ($y = 0; $y < $image->getHeight(); $y++) { for ($x = 0; $x < $image->getWidth(); $x++) { $rgb = imagecolorat($image->getHandle(), $x, $y); $a = $rgb >> 24 & 0xff; $r = $rgb >> 16 & 0xff; $g = $rgb >> 8 & 0xff; $b = $rgb & 0xff; static::$function($r, $g, $b, $value); $color = imagecolorallocatealpha($image->getHandle(), $r, $g, $b, $a); imagesetpixel($image->getHandle(), $x, $y, $color); } } return $image; }
/** * Returns a merged image * * @param \WideImage\Image $base * @param \WideImage\Image $overlay * @param smart_coordinate $left * @param smart_coordinate $top * @param numeric $pct * @return \WideImage\Image */ public function execute($base, $overlay, $left, $top, $pct) { $x = Coordinate::fix($left, $base->getWidth(), $overlay->getWidth()); $y = Coordinate::fix($top, $base->getHeight(), $overlay->getHeight()); $result = $base->asTrueColor(); $result->alphaBlending(true); $result->saveAlpha(true); if ($pct <= 0) { return $result; } if ($pct < 100) { if (!imagecopymerge($result->getHandle(), $overlay->getHandle(), $x, $y, 0, 0, $overlay->getWidth(), $overlay->getHeight(), $pct)) { throw new GDFunctionResultException("imagecopymerge() returned false"); } } else { if (!imagecopy($result->getHandle(), $overlay->getHandle(), $x, $y, 0, 0, $overlay->getWidth(), $overlay->getHeight())) { throw new GDFunctionResultException("imagecopy() returned false"); } } return $result; }
/** * Writes text onto an image * * @param \WideImage\Image $image * @param mixed $x smart coordinate * @param mixed $y smart coordinate * @param string $text * @param int $angle Angle in degrees clockwise */ public function writeText($image, $x, $y, $text, $angle = 0) { if ($image->isTrueColor()) { $image->alphaBlending(true); } $box = imageftbbox($this->size, $angle, $this->face, $text); $obox = array('left' => min($box[0], $box[2], $box[4], $box[6]), 'top' => min($box[1], $box[3], $box[5], $box[7]), 'right' => max($box[0], $box[2], $box[4], $box[6]) - 1, 'bottom' => max($box[1], $box[3], $box[5], $box[7]) - 1); $obox['width'] = abs($obox['left']) + abs($obox['right']); $obox['height'] = abs($obox['top']) + abs($obox['bottom']); $x = Coordinate::fix($x, $image->getWidth(), $obox['width']); $y = Coordinate::fix($y, $image->getHeight(), $obox['height']); $fixed_x = $x - $obox['left']; $fixed_y = $y - $obox['top']; imagettftext($image->getHandle(), $this->size, $angle, $fixed_x, $fixed_y, $this->color, $this->face, $text); }
/** * Returns a mirrored image * * @param \WideImage\Image $image * @return \WideImage\Image */ public function execute($image) { $new = $image->copy(); $width = $image->getWidth(); $height = $image->getHeight(); if ($new->isTransparent()) { imagefilledrectangle($new->getHandle(), 0, 0, $width, $height, $new->getTransparentColor()); } for ($x = 0; $x < $width; $x++) { if (!imagecopy($new->getHandle(), $image->getHandle(), $x, 0, $width - $x - 1, 0, 1, $height)) { throw new GDFunctionResultException("imagecopy() returned false"); } } return $new; }
/** * Returns an image with a resized canvas * * The image is filled with $color. Use $scale to determine, when to resize. * * @param \WideImage\Image $img * @param smart_coordinate $width * @param smart_coordinate $height * @param smart_coordinate $left * @param smart_coordinate $top * @param int $color * @param string $scale 'up', 'down', 'any' * @param boolean $merge * @return \WideImage\Image */ public function execute($img, $width, $height, $left, $top, $color, $scale, $merge) { $new_width = Coordinate::fix($width, $img->getWidth()); $new_height = Coordinate::fix($height, $img->getHeight()); if ($scale == 'down') { $new_width = min($new_width, $img->getWidth()); $new_height = min($new_height, $img->getHeight()); } elseif ($scale == 'up') { $new_width = max($new_width, $img->getWidth()); $new_height = max($new_height, $img->getHeight()); } $new = WideImage::createTrueColorImage($new_width, $new_height); if ($img->isTrueColor()) { if ($color === null) { $color = $new->allocateColorAlpha(0, 0, 0, 127); } } else { imagepalettecopy($new->getHandle(), $img->getHandle()); if ($img->isTransparent()) { $new->copyTransparencyFrom($img); $tc_rgb = $img->getTransparentColorRGB(); $t_color = $new->allocateColorAlpha($tc_rgb); } if ($color === null) { if ($img->isTransparent()) { $color = $t_color; } else { $color = $new->allocateColorAlpha(255, 0, 127, 127); } imagecolortransparent($new->getHandle(), $color); } } $new->fill(0, 0, $color); $x = Coordinate::fix($left, $new->getWidth(), $img->getWidth()); $y = Coordinate::fix($top, $new->getHeight(), $img->getHeight()); // blending for truecolor images if ($img->isTrueColor()) { $new->alphaBlending($merge); } // not-blending for palette images if (!$merge && !$img->isTrueColor() && isset($t_color)) { $new->getCanvas()->filledRectangle($x, $y, $x + $img->getWidth(), $y + $img->getHeight(), $t_color); } $img->copyTo($new, $x, $y); return $new; }
/** * Creates a canvas object that writes to the image passed as a parameter * * Shouldn't be used directly, use \WideImage\Image::getCanvas() instead. * * @param \WideImage\Image $img Image object */ public function __construct($img) { $this->handle = $img->getHandle(); $this->image = $img; }
/** * @param \WideImage\Image $image * @param int $radius * @param int $color * @param int $smoothness * @return \WideImage\Image */ public function execute($image, $radius, $color, $smoothness, $corners) { if ($smoothness < 1) { $sample_ratio = 1; } elseif ($smoothness > 16) { $sample_ratio = 16; } else { $sample_ratio = $smoothness; } $corner = WideImage::createTrueColorImage($radius * $sample_ratio, $radius * $sample_ratio); if ($color === null) { imagepalettecopy($corner->getHandle(), $image->getHandle()); $bg_color = $corner->allocateColor(0, 0, 0); $corner->fill(0, 0, $bg_color); $fg_color = $corner->allocateColor(255, 255, 255); $corner->getCanvas()->filledEllipse($radius * $sample_ratio, $radius * $sample_ratio, $radius * 2 * $sample_ratio, $radius * 2 * $sample_ratio, $fg_color); $corner = $corner->resize($radius, $radius); $result = $image->asTrueColor(); $tc = $result->getTransparentColor(); if ($tc == -1) { $tc = $result->allocateColorAlpha(255, 255, 255, 127); imagecolortransparent($result->getHandle(), $tc); $result->setTransparentColor($tc); } if ($corners & WideImage::SIDE_TOP_LEFT || $corners & WideImage::SIDE_LEFT || $corners & WideImage::SIDE_TOP) { $result = $result->applyMask($corner, -1, -1); } $corner = $corner->rotate(90); if ($corners & WideImage::SIDE_TOP_RIGHT || $corners & WideImage::SIDE_TOP || $corners & WideImage::SIDE_RIGHT) { $result = $result->applyMask($corner, $result->getWidth() - $corner->getWidth() + 1, -1, 100); } $corner = $corner->rotate(90); if ($corners & WideImage::SIDE_BOTTOM_RIGHT || $corners & WideImage::SIDE_RIGHT || $corners & WideImage::SIDE_BOTTOM) { $result = $result->applyMask($corner, $result->getWidth() - $corner->getWidth() + 1, $result->getHeight() - $corner->getHeight() + 1, 100); } $corner = $corner->rotate(90); if ($corners & WideImage::SIDE_BOTTOM_LEFT || $corners & WideImage::SIDE_LEFT || $corners & WideImage::SIDE_BOTTOM) { $result = $result->applyMask($corner, -1, $result->getHeight() - $corner->getHeight() + 1, 100); } return $result; } else { $bg_color = $color; $corner->fill(0, 0, $bg_color); $fg_color = $corner->allocateColorAlpha(127, 127, 127, 127); $corner->getCanvas()->filledEllipse($radius * $sample_ratio, $radius * $sample_ratio, $radius * 2 * $sample_ratio, $radius * 2 * $sample_ratio, $fg_color); $corner = $corner->resize($radius, $radius); $result = $image->copy(); if ($corners & WideImage::SIDE_TOP_LEFT || $corners & WideImage::SIDE_LEFT || $corners & WideImage::SIDE_TOP) { $result = $result->merge($corner, -1, -1, 100); } $corner = $corner->rotate(90); if ($corners & WideImage::SIDE_TOP_RIGHT || $corners & WideImage::SIDE_TOP || $corners & WideImage::SIDE_RIGHT) { $result = $result->merge($corner, $result->getWidth() - $corner->getWidth() + 1, -1, 100); } $corner = $corner->rotate(90); if ($corners & WideImage::SIDE_BOTTOM_RIGHT || $corners & WideImage::SIDE_RIGHT || $corners & WideImage::SIDE_BOTTOM) { $result = $result->merge($corner, $result->getWidth() - $corner->getWidth() + 1, $result->getHeight() - $corner->getHeight() + 1, 100); } $corner = $corner->rotate(90); if ($corners & WideImage::SIDE_BOTTOM_LEFT || $corners & WideImage::SIDE_LEFT || $corners & WideImage::SIDE_BOTTOM) { $result = $result->merge($corner, -1, $result->getHeight() - $corner->getHeight() + 1, 100); } return $result; } }
/** * Copies this image onto another image * * @param \WideImage\Image $dest * @param int $left * @param int $top **/ public function copyTo($dest, $left = 0, $top = 0) { if (!imagecopy($dest->getHandle(), $this->handle, $left, $top, 0, 0, $this->getWidth(), $this->getHeight())) { throw new GDFunctionResultException("imagecopy() returned false"); } }