Usually, the relative path is appended to the given base path. Dot
segments ("." and "..") are removed/collapsed and all slashes turned
into forward slashes.
echo Path::makeAbsolute("../style.css", "/webmozart/puli/css");
=> /webmozart/puli/style.css
If an absolute path is passed, that path is returned unless its root
directory is different than the one of the base path. In that case, an
exception is thrown.
Path::makeAbsolute("/style.css", "/webmozart/puli/css");
=> /style.css
Path::makeAbsolute("C:/style.css", "C:/webmozart/puli/css");
=> C:/style.css
Path::makeAbsolute("C:/style.css", "/webmozart/puli/css");
If the base path is not an absolute path, an exception is thrown.
The result is a canonical path.