<td colspan="2"> <input type="checkbox" id="chkGroupRequireAuthorization" name="group_require_auth" /> <label for="chkGroupRequireAuthorization">Require authorization to join group</label> </td> </tr> <tr> <td colspan="2"> <input type="checkbox" id="chkGroupInvisible" name="group_invisible" /> <label for="chkGroupInvisible">Make group invisible to non-members (invite only)</label> </td> </tr> <tr> <td>Invite friends to group:</td> <td> <?php $ttx = new TextBox("txtPromoteToFriends"); $ttx->RequireSelectionFromChoices = true; $ttx->EnableMultipleSelection = true; $ttx->Name = "txtPromoteToFriends"; $ttx->PlaceholderText = "Enter a friend's name..."; $ttx->SuggestionURL = System::ExpandRelativePath("~/API/Search.php?format=json&query=%1&include=Users"); $ttx->Render(); ?> <script type="text/javascript"> txtPromoteToFriends.FormatStart = function() { var html = ""; // html += "<img src=\"/images/logowntr.png\" style=\"width: 320px; display: block;\" />"; html += "<div class=\"Menu\" style=\"max-height: 300px;\">"; return html; };
</div> <div class="FormItem"> <label for="Textbox_cboDefaultPage_textbox">When I log in, take me to:</label> <?php /* <noscript> <select id="cboDefaultPage" name="member_default_page_url"> <option value="~/account">Account</option> <option value="~/dashboard" selected="selected">Dashboard</option> <option value="~/market">Market</option> <option value="~/community/members/<?php echo($CurrentUser->ShortName); ?>">Profile</option> <option value="~/world">World</option> </select> </noscript> */ $textbox = new TextBox("cboDefaultPage"); $textbox->EnableMultipleSelection = false; $textbox->RequireSelectionFromChoices = true; $textbox->SuggestionURL = System::ExpandRelativePath("~/API/Search.php?format=json&query=%1&include=StartPages"); $textbox->Render(); ?> <script type="text/javascript"> cboDefaultPage.FormatStart = function() { var html = ""; // html += "<img src=\"/images/logowntr.png\" style=\"width: 320px; display: block;\" />"; html += "<div class=\"Menu\" style=\"max-height: 300px;\">"; return html; }; var lastItemCategory = "";
<a href="<?php echo System::ExpandRelativePath("~/account/messages/outbox"); ?> ">Sent Messages</a> <span class="Selected">Create Message</span> </div> </td> <td style="vertical-align: top;"> <form name="MessageCreateForm" method="POST" style="display: block;"> <input type="hidden" name="attempt" value="1" /> <table style="width: 100%"> <tr> <td style="width: 100px; padding-top: 4px;"><label for="txtReceiver">Receiver(s):</label></td> <td> <?php $txtReceiver = new TextBox("txtReceiver"); $txtReceiver->RequireSelectionFromChoices = true; $txtReceiver->SuggestionURL = "~/API/Search.php?format=json&include=members&query=%1"; $txtReceiver->EnableMultipleSelection = true; $txtReceiver->Render(); /* if ($_POST["message_receivers"] != null) { // $_POST["message_receivers"] stores receiver ID's as comma-separated lists of ID numbers $receivers = explode(",", $_POST["message_receivers"]); foreach ($receivers as $receiver) { $user = User::GetByID($receiver); if ($user != null) { $txtReceiver->Items[] = new TypeaheadTextboxItem($user->LongName, $user);
protected function BeforeFullContent() { ?> <div class="Page<?php if (!$this->RenderHeader) { echo " HideHeader"; } if (!$this->RenderSidebar) { echo " HideSidebar"; } ?> "> <nav class="Top"> <a class="MenuButton" onclick="toggleSidebarExpanded(); return false;" href="#"><i class="fa fa-bars"> </i></a> <img class="Logo" src="<?php echo System::ExpandRelativePath("~/Images/Logo.png"); ?> " alt="<?php echo System::GetConfigurationValue("Application.Name"); ?> " /> <?php $txtSearch = new TextBox(); $txtSearch->ClassList[] = "SearchBar"; $txtSearch->PlaceholderText = "Type to search for tasks"; $txtSearch->SuggestionURL = "~/API/Search.php?q=%1"; $txtSearch->Render(); ?> <div class="UserInfo"> <div class="DropDownButton"> <i class="fa fa-user"> </i> <img class="UserIcon" alt="" /> <span class="UserName"><?php $user = User::GetByID($_SESSION["Authentication.UserID"]); if ($user == null) { echo "Not logged in"; } else { if ($user->DisplayName != null) { echo $user->DisplayName; } else { echo $user->UserName; } } ?> </span> <div class="Menu DropDownMenu"> <a href="<?php echo System::ExpandRelativePath("~/account/settings.page"); ?> "> <span class="Icon"><i class="fa fa-cogs"> </i></span> <span class="Text">Change Settings</span> </a> <a href="<?php echo System::ExpandRelativePath("~/account/logout.page"); ?> "> <span class="Icon"><i class="fa fa-sign-out"> </i></span> <span class="Text">Log Out</span> </a> </div> </div> </div> </nav> <nav class="Sidebar" id="__SidebarFrame"> <ul> <?php foreach ($this->SidebarButtons as $button) { $this->RenderSidebarButton($button); } ?> </ul> <div class="BackstageView"> <div class="Content"> <div class="Column" style="width: 25%;"> <div class="Title">Tenants</div> <?php $tenants = Tenant::Get(); foreach ($tenants as $tenant) { echo "<a href=\"" . System::ExpandRelativePath("~/tenant/modify/" . $tenant->URL) . "\">" . $tenant->URL . "</a>"; } ?> <div class="Title">Actions</div> <a href="<?php echo System::ExpandRelativePath("~/account/logout.page"); ?> "><i class="fa fa-sign-out"></i> <span class="Text">Log Out</span></a> </div> <div class="Column"> <div class="Title">About</div> <div><img src="<?php echo System::ExpandRelativePath("~/Images/Billboard.png"); ?> " /></div> <p> PhoenixSNS version 1.0 </p> </div> </div> </div> </nav> <header> <div class="Title" id="__TitleFrame"><?php echo $this->Title; ?> </div> <div class="Subtitle" id="__SubtitleFrame"><?php echo $this->Subtitle; ?> </div> <div class="Buttons"> <?php foreach ($this->HeaderButtons as $button) { echo "<a class=\"Button"; if ($button->CssClass != "") { echo " " . $button->CssClass; } echo "\""; if ($button->TargetURL != "") { echo " href=\"" . System::ExpandRelativePath($button->TargetURL) . "\""; } if ($button->TargetScript != "") { echo " onclick=\"" . $button->TargetScript . "\""; } echo ">"; if ($button->IconName != "") { echo "<i class=\"fa " . $button->IconName . "\"> </i>"; } echo "<span class=\"Text\">"; echo $button->Title; echo "</span>"; echo "</a>"; } ?> </div> </header> <div class="Content" id="__ContentFrame"> <script type="text/javascript"> function nav(url) { // disable AJAX navigation temporarily until it's figured out return true; // Add an item to the history log history.pushState(url, "", url); loadc(url); setSidebarExpanded(false); return false; } function toggleSidebarExpanded() { setSidebarExpanded(!getSidebarExpanded()); } function getSidebarExpanded() { var u = document.getElementById("__SidebarFrame"); return (u.className == "Sidebar Expanded"); } function setSidebarExpanded(value) { var u = document.getElementById("__SidebarFrame"); if (value) { u.className = "Sidebar Expanded"; } else { u.className = "Sidebar"; } } function loadc(url) { if (url == null) url = ""; var contentFrame = document.getElementById("__ContentFrame"); if (url.indexOf('?') != -1) { url += "&partial"; } else { url += "?partial"; } WebFramework.Navigation.LoadPartialContent(url, contentFrame); var event = new Event("load"); window.dispatchEvent(event); } function setTitles(title, subtitle) { if (title) { var titleFrame = document.getElementById("__TitleFrame"); titleFrame.innerHTML = title; } if (subtitle) { var subtitleFrame = document.getElementById("__SubtitleFrame"); subtitleFrame.innerHTML = subtitle; } } // Revert to a previously saved state window.addEventListener('popstate', function(event) { loadc(event.state); }); window.addEventListener("load", function(e) { var url = window.location.pathname.substring(1); var sidebar = document.getElementById("__SidebarFrame"); var navs = sidebar.childNodes; for (var i = 0; i < navs.length; i++) { if (navs[i].tagName != "A") continue; if (navs[i].attributes["data-id"] != null && navs[i].attributes["data-id"].value == url) { navs[i].className = "Selected"; } else { navs[i].className = ""; } } }); </script> <?php }