protected function RenderContent() { ?> <form method="POST" id="frmMain"> <?php $tbs = new TabContainer("tbs"); $tbs->TabPages[] = new TabPage("tabInformation", "Information", null, null, null, function () { ?> <table style="width: 100%;"> <tr> <td style="width: 100px;">Title: </td> <td><input name="organization_Title" type="text" value="<?php echo $this->CurrentObject->Title; ?> " /></td> </tr> </table> <?php }); $tbs->TabPages[] = new TabPage("tabUsers", "Users", null, null, null, function () { }); $tbs->CurrentTab = $tbs->TabPages[0]; $tbs->Render(); ?> <div class="Buttons"> <input class="Button Default" type="submit" value="Save Changes" /> <a class="Button" href="<?php echo System::ExpandRelativePath("~/organizations"); ?> ">Discard Changes</a> </div> </form> <?php }
protected function RenderContent() { ?> <form method="POST" id="frmMain"> <?php $tbs = new TabContainer("tbs"); $tbs->TabPages[] = new TabPage("tabInformation", "Information", null, null, null, function () { ?> <div class="FormView" style="width: 100%;"> <div class="Field"> <label for="txtTitle" style="width: 100px;">Title:</label> <input id="txtTitle" name="datacenter_Title" type="text" value="<?php echo $this->CurrentObject->Title; ?> " /> </div> <div class="Field"> <label for="txtDescription" style="vertical-align: top;">Description:</label> <textarea id="txtDescription" name="datacenter_Description" style="width: 100%;" rows="5"><?php echo $this->CurrentObject->Description; ?> </textarea> </div> <div class="Field"> <label for="txtHostName">Hostname:</label> <input id="txtHostName" name="datacenter_HostName" type="text" value="<?php echo $this->CurrentObject->HostName; ?> " /> </div> </div> <?php }); $tbs->SelectedTab = $tbs->TabPages[0]; $tbs->Render(); ?> <div class="Buttons"> <input type="submit" class="Button Default" value="Save Changes" /> <a class="Button" href="<?php echo System::ExpandRelativePath("~/data-centers"); ?> ">Discard Changes</a> </div> </form> <?php }
protected function RenderContent() { ?> <form method="POST"> <?php $tc = new TabContainer(); $tc->TabPages[] = new TabPage("tabGeneralInformation", "General Information", null, null, null, function () { ?> <div class="FormView"> <div class="Field"> <label for="txtModuleTitle">Title:</label> <input id="txtModuleTitle" name="module_Title" type="text" value="<?php echo $this->Module->Title; ?> " /> </div> <div class="Field"> <label for="txtModuleDescription" style="vertical-align: top;">Description: </label> <textarea id="txtModuleDescription" name="module_Description" style="width: 100%;" rows="5"><?php echo $this->Module->Description; ?> </textarea> </div> </div> <?php }); $tc->TabPages[] = new TabPage("tabApplicationMenuItems", "Application Menu Items", null, null, null, function () { $lv = new ListView(); $lv->Columns = array(new ListViewColumn("chTitle", "Title"), new ListViewColumn("chDescription", "Description"), new ListViewColumn("chTarget", "Target")); $menuitems = $this->Module->GetMainMenuItems(); foreach ($menuitems as $menuitem) { $lv->Items[] = new ListViewItem(array(new ListViewItemColumn("chTitle", $menuitem->Title), new ListViewItemColumn("chDescription", $menuitem->Description), new ListViewItemColumn("chTarget", $menuitem->TargetURL))); } $lv->Render(); }); $tc->TabPages[] = new TabPage("tabModulePages", "Module Pages", null, null, null, function () { $lv = new ListView(); $lv->Columns = array(new ListViewColumn("chURL", "URL")); $pages = $this->Module->GetPages(); foreach ($pages as $modulePage) { $lv->Items[] = new ListViewItem(array(new ListViewItemColumn("chURL", "<a href=\"" . System::ExpandRelativePath("~/modules/modify/" . $this->Module->ID . "/pages/" . $modulePage->ID) . "\">" . $modulePage->URL . "</a>", $modulePage->URL))); } $lv->Render(); }); $tc->Render(); ?> <div class="Buttons" style="text-align: right;"> <input class="Button Default" type="submit" value="Save Changes" /> <a class="Button" href="<?php echo System::ExpandRelativePath("~/modules"); ?> ">Discard Changes</a> </div> </form> <?php }
protected function RenderContent() { if ($this->CurrentObject != null) { ?> <form method="POST"> <?php $tbs = new TabContainer("tbsObject"); // ID title imageurl targeturl script contentfunc $tbs->TabPages[] = new TabPage("tabGeneralInformation", "General Information", null, null, null, function () { ?> <div class="FormView"> <div class="Field"> <label for="txtObjectName">Object <u>n</u>ame:</label> <input type="text" name="object_Name" id="txtObjectName" accesskey="n" value="<?php echo $this->CurrentObject->Name; ?> " /> </div> <div class="Field"> <label for="cboModuleID">Parent <u>m</u>odule:</label> <select id="cboModuleID" name="object_ModuleID" accesskey="m"> </select> </div> <div class="Field"> <label for="cboParentObjectID">Parent <u>o</u>bject:</label> <select id="cboParentObjectID" name="object_ParentObjectID" accesskey="o"> </select> </div> </div> <?php }); $tbs->TabPages[] = new TabPage("tabStaticProperties", "Static Properties", null, null, null, function () { ?> <table class="ListView" style="width: 100%;"> <tr id="Property_Header"> <th style="width: 32px;"><a href="#" onclick="AddPropertyBelow('Header');" title="Add Below">[+]</a></th> <th style="width: 256px;">Property</th> <th style="width: 128px;">Data Type</th> <th>Default Value</th> </tr> <?php $properties = $this->CurrentObject->GetProperties(); foreach ($properties as $property) { ?> <tr id="StaticProperty_<?php echo $property->ID; ?> "> <td style="width: 32px;"><a href="#" onclick="AddStaticPropertyBelow('<?php echo $property->ID; ?> ');" title="Add Below">[+]</a></td> <td><?php echo $property->Name; ?> </td> <td><?php echo $property->DataType == null ? "(undefined)" : "<a href=\"" . System::ExpandRelativePath("~/datatype/modify/" . $property->DataType->ID) . "\">" . $property->DataType->Name . "</a>"; ?> </td> <td> <?php if ($property->DataType == null || $property->DataType->ColumnRendererCodeBlob == null) { ?> <input style="width: 100%;" type="text" id="txtStaticProperty_<?php echo $property->ID; ?> " name="StaticProperty_<?php echo $property->ID; ?> " value="<?php echo $property->DefaultValue; ?> " /> <?php } else { call_user_func($property->DataType->ColumnRendererCodeBlob, $property->Value); } ?> </td> </tr> <?php } ?> </table> <?php }); $tbs->TabPages[] = new TabPage("tabInstanceProperties", "Instance Properties", null, null, null, function () { ?> <script type="text/javascript"> function AddInstancePropertyBelow(id) { var hdnNewPropertyCount = document.getElementById("hdnNewPropertyCount"); hdnNewPropertyCount.value = parseInt(hdnNewPropertyCount.value) + 1; var parentRow = document.getElementById("InstanceProperty_" + id); var table = parentRow.parentElement; var tr = table.insertRow(parentRow.sectionRowIndex + 1); var tdAdd = tr.insertCell(-1); tdAdd.innerHTML = "<a href=\"#\" onclick=\"AddInstancePropertyBelow('');\" title=\"Add Below\">[+]</a>"; var tdProperty = tr.insertCell(-1); tdProperty.innerHTML = "<input type=\"text\" name=\"InstanceProperty_" + hdnNewPropertyCount.value + "_Name\" />"; var tdDataType = tr.insertCell(-1); tdDataType.innerHTML = "<input type=\"text\" name=\"InstanceProperty_" + hdnNewPropertyCount.value + "_DataTypeID\" />"; var tdDefaultValue = tr.insertCell(-1); tdDefaultValue.innerHTML = "<input type=\"text\" name=\"InstanceProperty_" + hdnNewPropertyCount.value + "_DefaultValue\" />"; } </script> <input type="hidden" id="hdnNewPropertyCount" name="InstanceProperty_NewPropertyCount" value="0" /> <table class="ListView" style="width: 100%;"> <tr id="InstanceProperty_Header"> <th style="width: 32px;"><a href="#" onclick="AddInstancePropertyBelow('Header'); return false;" title="Add Below">[+]</a></th> <th style="width: 256px;">Property</th> <th style="width: 128px;">Data Type</th> <th>Default Value</th> </tr> <?php $properties = $this->CurrentObject->GetInstanceProperties(); foreach ($properties as $property) { ?> <tr id="InstanceProperty_<?php echo $property->ID; ?> "> <td style="width: 32px;"><a href="#" onclick="AddInstancePropertyBelow('<?php echo $property->ID; ?> '); return false;" title="Add Below">[+]</a></td> <td><?php echo $property->Name; ?> </td> <td><?php echo $property->DataType == null ? "(undefined)" : "<a href=\"" . System::ExpandRelativePath("~/datatype/modify/" . $property->DataType->ID) . "\">" . $property->DataType->Name . "</a>"; ?> </td> <td> <?php $property->RenderColumn(); ?> </td> </tr> <?php } ?> </table> <?php }); $tbs->TabPages[] = new TabPage("tabStaticMethods", "Static Methods", null, null, null, function () { ?> <table class="ListView" style="width: 100%;"> <tr id="StaticMethod_Header"> <th style="width: 32px;"><a href="#" onclick="AddStaticMethodBelow('Header');" title="Add Below">[+]</a></th> <th style="width: 256px;">Method</th> <th>Description</th> <th style="width: 128px;">Return Data Type</th> </tr> <?php $methods = $this->CurrentObject->GetMethods(); foreach ($methods as $method) { ?> <tr id="StaticMethod_<?php echo $method->ID; ?> "> <td style="width: 32px;"><a href="#" onclick="AddStaticMethodBelow('<?php echo $method->ID; ?> ');" title="Add Below">[+]</a></td> <td><a href="<?php echo System::ExpandRelativePath("~/tenant/modify/" . $this->CurrentTenant->URL . "/objects/" . $this->CurrentObject->ID . "/methods/static/" . $method->ID); ?> "><?php echo $method->Name; ?> </a></td> <td><?php echo $method->Description; ?> </td> <td><?php /* echo($method->DataType == null ? "(undefined)" : "<a href=\"#\">" . $method->DataType->Name . "</a>"); */ ?> </td> </tr> <?php } ?> </table> <?php }); $tbs->TabPages[] = new TabPage("tabInstances", "Instances", null, "~/tenant/modify/" . $this->CurrentTenant->URL . "/objects/" . $this->CurrentObject->ID . "/instances", null, function () { $listview = new ListView("lvInstances"); $listview->Width = "100%"; $properties = $this->CurrentObject->GetInstanceProperties(); foreach ($properties as $property) { if ($property->ColumnVisible) { $listview->Columns[] = new ListViewColumn("P" . $property->ID, $property->Name); } } $instances = $this->CurrentObject->GetInstances(); foreach ($instances as $instance) { $cols = array(); foreach ($properties as $property) { if ($property->ColumnVisible) { $cols[] = new ListViewItemColumn("P" . $property->ID, "", "", function ($vals) { $inst = $vals[0]; $prop = $vals[1]; $prop->RenderColumn($inst->GetPropertyValue($prop)); }, array($instance, $property)); } } $lvi = new ListViewItem($cols); $listview->Items[] = $lvi; } $listview->Render(); }); $tbs->SelectedTab = $tbs->TabPages[0]; $tbs->Render(); ?> <div class="Buttons"> <input type="submit" class="Button Default" value="Save Changes" /> <a class="Button" href="<?php echo System::ExpandRelativePath("~/tenant/modify/" . $this->CurrentTenant->URL); ?> ">Discard Changes</a> </div> </form> <?php } }
protected function RenderContent() { ?> <style type="text/css"> .CodeMirror { border: dotted 1px #AAAAAA; line-height: 18px; } .CodeMirror .CodeMirror-linenumbers { width: 48px; } </style> <script type="text/javascript"> // TODO: make this work with AJAX var CodeMirrorDefaultParameters = { lineNumbers: true, matchBrackets: true, mode: "text/x-php", indentUnit: 4, indentWithTabs: true }; function InitializeCodeMirror(id) { var txt = document.getElementById(id); if (txt.CodeMirrorInitialized) return; var edt = CodeMirror.fromTextArea(txt, CodeMirrorDefaultParameters); txt.CodeMirrorInitialized = true; } function tbs_OnClientTabChanged() { switch (tbs.GetSelectedTabID()) { case "tabEncoder": { InitializeCodeMirror("txtEncoderCodeBlob"); break; } case "tabDecoder": { InitializeCodeMirror("txtDecoderCodeBlob"); break; } case "tabColumnRenderer": { InitializeCodeMirror("txtColumnRendererCodeBlob"); break; } case "tabEditorRenderer": { InitializeCodeMirror("txtEditorRendererCodeBlob"); break; } } } </script> <form method="POST"> <?php if ($this->CurrentDataType != null) { echo "<input type=\"hidden\" name=\"datatype_ID\" value=\"" . $this->CurrentDataType->ID . "\" />"; } $tbs = new TabContainer("tbs"); $tbs->OnClientTabChanged = "tbs_OnClientTabChanged();"; $tbs->TabPages[] = new TabPage("tabGeneral", "General Information", null, null, null, function () { $fv = new FormView("fv"); $fv->Width = "100%"; $fv->Items[] = new FormViewItemText("txtDataTypeName", "datatype_Name", "Name", $this->CurrentDataType->Name); $fv->Items[0]->Required = true; $fv->Items[] = new FormViewItemMemo("txtDataTypeDescription", "datatype_Description", "Description", $this->CurrentDataType->Description); $fv->Render(); }); $tbs->TabPages[] = new TabPage("tabEncoder", "Encoder", null, null, null, function () { $ds = new Disclosure(); $ds->Title = "Code"; $ds->BeginContent(); ?> <textarea id="txtEncoderCodeBlob" name="datatype_EncoderCodeBlob" style="width: 100%;" rows="20"><?php echo $this->CurrentDataType->EncoderCodeBlob; ?> </textarea> <?php $ds->EndContent(); /* $ds = new Disclosure(); $ds->Title = "Preview"; $ds->BeginContent(); ?> <div class="FormView"> <div class="Field"> <label id="lblEncoderCodeBlobValue" for="txtEncoderCodeBlobValue">Value</label> <input type="text" onchange="__EncoderCodeBlob_RefreshResult();" /> </div> <div class="Field"> <label id="lblEncoderCodeBlobResult" for="txtEncoderCodeBlobResult">Result</label> <span id="txtEncoderCodeBlobResult"> </span> </div> </div> <?php $ds->EndContent(); */ }); $tbs->TabPages[] = new TabPage("tabDecoder", "Decoder", null, null, null, function () { $ds = new Disclosure(); $ds->Title = "Code"; $ds->BeginContent(); ?> <textarea id="txtDecoderCodeBlob" name="datatype_DecoderCodeBlob" style="width: 100%;" rows="20"><?php echo $this->CurrentDataType->DecoderCodeBlob; ?> </textarea> <?php $ds->EndContent(); }); $tbs->TabPages[] = new TabPage("tabColumnRenderer", "Column Renderer", null, null, null, function () { $ds = new Disclosure(); $ds->Title = "Code"; $ds->BeginContent(); ?> <textarea id="txtColumnRendererCodeBlob" name="datatype_ColumnRendererCodeBlob" style="width: 100%;" rows="20"><?php echo $this->CurrentDataType->ColumnRendererCodeBlob; ?> </textarea> <?php $ds->EndContent(); $ds = new Disclosure(); $ds->Title = "Preview"; $ds->BeginContent(); $ds->EndContent(); }); $tbs->TabPages[] = new TabPage("tabEditorRenderer", "Editor Renderer", null, null, null, function () { $ds = new Disclosure(); $ds->Title = "Code"; $ds->BeginContent(); ?> <textarea id="txtEditorRendererCodeBlob" name="datatype_EditorRendererCodeBlob" style="width: 100%;" rows="20"><?php echo $this->CurrentDataType->EditorRendererCodeBlob; ?> </textarea> <?php $ds->EndContent(); $ds = new Disclosure(); $ds->Title = "Preview"; $ds->BeginContent(); $ds->EndContent(); }); $tbs->SelectedTab = $tbs->TabPages[0]; $tbs->Render(); ?> <div class="Buttons"> <input class="Button Default" type="submit" value="Save Changes" /> <a class="Button" href="<?php echo System::ExpandRelativePath("~/data-types"); ?> ">Cancel</a> </div> </form> <?php }
protected function RenderContent() { ?> <form method="POST" id="frmMain"> <?php $tbs = new TabContainer("tbs"); $tbs->TabPages[] = new TabPage("tabInformation", "Information", null, null, null, function () { ?> <div class="FormView"> <div class="Field"> <label for="txtLoginID">Login ID</label> <input id="txtLoginID" name="user_LoginID" type="text" value="<?php echo $this->CurrentObject->UserName; ?> " /> <span class="HelpText">The name used to log this user into the system</span> </div> <div class="Field"> <label for="txtDisplayName">Display name</label> <input id="txtDisplayName" name="user_DisplayName" type="text" value="<?php echo $this->CurrentObject->DisplayName; ?> " /> <span class="HelpText">The friendly name for this user</span> </div> <div class="Field"> <label for="chkAccountLocked">Lock account</label> <input id="chkAccountLocked" name="user_AccountLocked" type="checkbox"<?php echo $this->CurrentObject->AccountLocked ? " checked=\"checked\"" : ""; ?> /> <span class="HelpText">Check if this user should be prohibited from logging in</span> </div> <div class="Field"> <label for="chkForcePasswordChange">Require password reset on next logon</label> <input id="chkForcePasswordChange" name="user_ForcePasswordChange" type="checkbox"<?php echo $this->CurrentObject->ForcePasswordChange ? " checked=\"checked\"" : ""; ?> /> <span class="HelpText">Check if this user must change their password the next time they log in</span> </div> </div> <?php }); $tbs->TabPages[] = new TabPage("tabPrivileges", "Privileges", null, null, null, function () { $lv = new ListView(); $lv->EnableRowCheckBoxes = true; $lv->Columns = array(new ListViewColumn("lvcPrivilege", "Privilege")); $lv->Items[] = new ListViewItem(array(new ListViewItemColumn("lvcPrivilege", "Administrator"))); $lv->Items[] = new ListViewItem(array(new ListViewItemColumn("lvcPrivilege", "Moderator"))); $lv->Items[] = new ListViewItem(array(new ListViewItemColumn("lvcPrivilege", "User"))); $lv->Render(); }); $tbs->SelectedTab = $tbs->TabPages[0]; $tbs->Render(); ?> <div class="Buttons"> <input class="Button Default" type="submit" value="Save Changes" /> <a class="Button" href="<?php echo System::ExpandRelativePath("~/users"); ?> ">Discard Changes</a> </div> </form> <?php }
protected function RenderContent() { ?> <form method="POST" onsubmit="return form_OnSubmit();"> <?php $tbs = new TabContainer("tbsTabs"); $tbs->TabPages[] = new TabPage("tabGeneralInformation", "General Information", null, null, null, function () { $fv = new FormView(); $fv->Items[] = new FormViewItemText("txtTenantURL", "tenant_URL", "Name", $this->Tenant->URL); $fvTenantTypes = array(); $tenanttypes = TenantType::Get(); foreach ($tenanttypes as $tenanttype) { $fvTenantType = new FormViewItemChoiceValue($tenanttype->Title, $tenanttype->ID); $fvTenantType->Selected = $this->Tenant != null && $this->Tenant->Type != null && $tenanttype->ID == $this->Tenant->Type->ID; $fvTenantTypes[] = $fvTenantType; } $fv->Items[] = new FormViewItemChoice("cboTenantType", "tenant_TypeID", "Type", null, $fvTenantTypes); $fv->Items[] = new FormViewItemBoolean("chkStatus", "tenant_Status", "Status", $this->Tenant->Status == TenantStatus::Enabled); $fvDataCenters = array(); $datacenters = DataCenter::Get(); foreach ($datacenters as $datacenter) { $fvDataCenter = new FormViewItemChoiceValue($datacenter->Title, $datacenter->ID); $fvDataCenter->Selected = $this->Tenant != null && $this->Tenant->DataCenters->Contains($datacenter); $fvDataCenters[] = $fvDataCenter; } $fv->Items[] = new FormViewItemChoice("cboDataCenter", "tenant_DataCenterIDs", "Data centers", null, $fvDataCenters, true); $fvPaymentPlans = array(); $paymentplans = PaymentPlan::Get(); foreach ($paymentplans as $paymentplan) { $fvPaymentPlan = new FormViewItemChoiceValue($paymentplan->Title, $paymentplan->ID); $fvPaymentPlan->Selected = $this->Tenant != null && $this->Tenant->PaymentPlan != null && $paymentplan->ID == $this->Tenant->PaymentPlan->ID; $fvPaymentPlans[] = $fvPaymentPlan; } $fv->Items[] = new FormViewItemChoice("cboPaymentPlan", "tenant_PaymentPlanID", "Payment plan", null, $fvPaymentPlans); $fv->Items[] = new FormViewItemDateTime("txtActivationDate", "tenant_BeginTimestamp", "Activation date", $this->Tenant != null ? $this->Tenant->BeginTimestamp : null, true); $fv->Items[] = new FormViewItemDateTime("txtTerminationDate", "tenant_EndTimestamp", "Termination date", $this->Tenant != null ? $this->Tenant->EndTimestamp : null, true); $fv->Items[] = new FormViewItemMemo("txtDescription", "tenant_Description", "Description", $this->Tenant->Description); $fv->Render(); }); $path = System::GetVirtualPath(); if ($path[1] != "clone") { $tbs->TabPages[] = new TabPage("tabCustomProperties", "Custom Properties", null, null, null, function () { $lv = new ListView(); $lv->Width = "100%"; $lv->EnableAddRemoveRows = true; $lv->Columns = array(new ListViewColumn("lvcProperty", "Property"), new ListViewColumn("lvcDescription", "Description"), new ListViewColumn("lvcValue", "Value")); $properties = $this->Tenant->GetProperties(); foreach ($properties as $property) { $lv->Items[] = new ListViewItem(array(new ListViewItemColumn("lvcProperty", $property->Name), new ListViewItemColumn("lvcDescription", $property->Description), new ListViewItemColumn("lvcValue", null, null, function ($property) { $property->DataType->RenderEditor($this->Tenant->GetPropertyValue($property), "Property_" . $property->ID); }, $property))); } $lv->Render(); }); $tbs->TabPages[] = new TabPage("tabEnabledModules", "Enabled Modules", null, null, null, function () { $lv = new ListView(); $lv->Width = "100%"; $lv->EnableRowCheckBoxes = true; $lv->Columns = array(new ListViewColumn("lvcModule", "Module"), new ListViewColumn("lvcDescription", "Description")); $modules = Module::Get(null); foreach ($modules as $module) { $item = new ListViewItem(array(new ListViewItemColumn("lvcModule", "<a href=\"" . System::ExpandRelativePath("~/tenant/modify/" . $this->Tenant->URL . "/modules/" . $module->ID . "\">" . $module->Title . "</a>", $module->Title)), new ListViewItemColumn("lvcDescription", $module->Description))); $item->Checked = $this->Tenant->HasModule($module); $lv->Items[] = $item; } $lv->Render(); }); $tbs->TabPages[] = new TabPage("tabGlobalObjects", "Global Objects", null, null, null, function () { $lv = new ListView(); $lv->Width = "100%"; $lv->EnableAddRemoveRows = true; $lv->Columns = array(new ListViewColumn("lvcObject", "Object"), new ListViewColumn("lvcDescription", "Description"), new ListViewColumn("lvcInstances", "Instances")); $objects = TenantObject::Get(null, $this->Tenant); foreach ($objects as $object) { $lv->Items[] = new ListViewItem(array(new ListViewItemColumn("lvcObject", $object->Name), new ListViewItemColumn("lvcDescription", $object->Description), new ListViewItemColumn("lvcInstances", "<a href=\"" . System::ExpandRelativePath("~/tenant/modify/" . $this->Tenant->URL . "/objects/" . $object->ID . "/instances") . "\">" . $object->CountInstances() . "</a>"))); } $lv->Render(); }); } $tbs->SelectedTab = $tbs->TabPages[0]; $tbs->Render(); ?> <div class="Buttons"> <input class="Button Default" type="submit" value="Save Changes" /> <a class="Button" onclick="return nav('/tenant');" href="<?php echo System::ExpandRelativePath("~/tenant"); ?> ">Cancel</a> </div> </form> <script type="text/javascript"> var TenantManagementPageMode = { "Create": 1, "Modify": 2 } <?php if ($this->Mode == TenantManagementPageMode::Create) { echo "var Mode = TenantManagementPageMode.Create;"; } else { if ($this->Mode == TenantManagementPageMode::Modify) { echo "var Mode = TenantManagementPageMode.Modify;"; } } ?> function form_OnSubmit() { if (Mode == TenantManagementPageMode.Create) { var xhr = new XMLHttpRequest(); var tenantName = document.getElementById('txtTenantURL').value;"GET", "/API/Tenant.php?action=exists&q=" + tenantName, false); xhr.send(null); var obj = JSON.parse(xhr.responseText); if (obj.result == "success" && obj.exists) { Notification.Show("Tenant '" + tenantName + "' already exists", "Please specify a unique tenant name", "Error"); return false; } } Notification.Show("Changes were saved successfully", "Taking you back to the Tenant Management page", "Success"); return true; } </script> <?php }