setMimetype() public method

public setMimetype ( string $mimetype )
$mimetype string
Example #1
  * Fetch content using graby and hydrate given entry with results information.
  * In case we couldn't find content, we'll try to use Open Graph data.
  * We can also force the content, in case of an import from the v1 for example, so the function won't
  * fetch the content from the website but rather use information given with the $content parameter.
  * @param Entry  $entry   Entry to update
  * @param string $url     Url to grab content for
  * @param array  $content An array with AT LEAST keys title, html, url, language & content_type to skip the fetchContent from the url
  * @return Entry
 public function updateEntry(Entry $entry, $url, array $content = [])
     // do we have to fetch the content or the provided one is ok?
     if (empty($content) || false === $this->validateContent($content)) {
         $content = $this->graby->fetchContent($url);
     $title = $content['title'];
     if (!$title && isset($content['open_graph']['og_title'])) {
         $title = $content['open_graph']['og_title'];
     $html = $content['html'];
     if (false === $html) {
         $html = '<p>Unable to retrieve readable content.</p>';
         if (isset($content['open_graph']['og_description'])) {
             $html .= '<p><i>But we found a short description: </i></p>';
             $html .= $content['open_graph']['og_description'];
     $entry->setUrl($content['url'] ?: $url);
     $domainName = parse_url($entry->getUrl(), PHP_URL_HOST);
     if (false !== $domainName) {
     if (isset($content['open_graph']['og_image'])) {
     // if content is an image define as a preview too
     if (in_array($this->mimeGuesser->guess($content['content_type']), ['jpeg', 'jpg', 'gif', 'png'], true)) {
     try {
     } catch (\Exception $e) {
         $this->logger->error('Error while trying to automatically tag an entry.', ['entry_url' => $url, 'error_msg' => $e->getMessage()]);
     return $entry;
Example #2
  * {@inheritdoc}
 public function load(ObjectManager $manager)
     $entry1 = new Entry($this->getReference('admin-user'));
     $entry1->setTitle('test title entry1');
     $entry1->setContent('This is my content /o/');
     $this->addReference('entry1', $entry1);
     $entry2 = new Entry($this->getReference('admin-user'));
     $entry2->setTitle('test title entry2');
     $entry2->setContent('This is my content /o/');
     $this->addReference('entry2', $entry2);
     $entry3 = new Entry($this->getReference('bob-user'));
     $entry3->setTitle('test title entry3');
     $entry3->setContent('This is my content /o/');
     $this->addReference('entry3', $entry3);
     $entry4 = new Entry($this->getReference('admin-user'));
     $entry4->setTitle('test title entry4');
     $entry4->setContent('This is my content /o/');
     $this->addReference('entry4', $entry4);
     $entry5 = new Entry($this->getReference('admin-user'));
     $entry5->setTitle('test title entry5');
     $entry5->setContent('This is my content /o/');
     $this->addReference('entry5', $entry5);
     $entry6 = new Entry($this->getReference('admin-user'));
     $entry6->setTitle('test title entry6');
     $entry6->setContent('This is my content /o/');
     $this->addReference('entry6', $entry6);
  * It will create a new entry.
  * Browse to it.
  * Then remove it.
  * And it'll check that user won't be redirected to the view page of the content when it had been removed
 public function testViewAndDelete()
     $client = $this->getClient();
     $em = $client->getContainer()->get('doctrine.orm.entity_manager');
     // add a new content to be removed later
     $user = $em->getRepository('WallabagUserBundle:User')->findOneByUserName('admin');
     $content = new Entry($user);
     $content->setTitle('test title entry');
     $content->setContent('This is my content /o/');
     $client->request('GET', '/view/' . $content->getId());
     $this->assertEquals(200, $client->getResponse()->getStatusCode());
     $client->request('GET', '/delete/' . $content->getId());
     $this->assertEquals(302, $client->getResponse()->getStatusCode());
     $this->assertEquals(200, $client->getResponse()->getStatusCode());