Example #1
  * @return Nette\Application\IResponse
 public function run(Nette\Application\Request $request)
     // Save the application request
     $this->appRequest = $request;
     // Setup authorization attempt logger
     $this->attemptLogger->setEvent(self::ATTEMPT_IP_TOKEN, 200, '1 hour', FALSE);
     // Convert trigger_error -> ErrorException (for error payload)
     set_error_handler(function ($severity, $message, $file, $line, $context) {
         if (($severity & error_reporting()) === $severity) {
             throw new \ErrorException($message, 0, $severity, $file, $line);
     // Process the request with option to abort with another response
     try {
         $this->response = $this->process($request);
     } catch (AbortException $e) {
         // Do nothing
     } catch (\Exception $e) {
         // If there is no need to reformat error to the payload
         // I will just throw it right back
         if ($this->outputContentType == 'text/html' && !$this->isInProductionMode()) {
             throw $e;
         Nette\Diagnostics\Debugger::log($e, 'error');
         $payload = new \StdClass();
         $payload->error = self::ERROR_INTERNAL;
         $payload->error_description = 'Error occured while processing your request. Error has been automatically reported. Please try again later.';
         $payload->error_report_id = md5(preg_replace('~(Resource id #)\\d+~', '$1', $e));
         $this->response = $this->createResponse($payload);
     return $this->response;
 public function __construct(DatabaseAttemptLogger $logger, Nette\Http\IRequest $httpRequest)
     $this->logger = $logger;
     $this->httpRequest = $httpRequest;
     /// @todo configurable events
     $logger->setEvent(self::EVENT_IP_LOGIN_ATTEMPT, 80, '2 hours', FALSE);
     $logger->setEvent(self::EVENT_USER_LOGIN_ATTEMPT, 80, '1 hour', TRUE);