Example #1
 public function testCheckPass()
     $supplied = array('and-id-eq-value-12');
     $criterion = new Criterion();
     $filter = new Filter();
     $expected = $filter;
     $requirements = array('fields' => array('id'));
     $actual = FilterType::check($supplied, $requirements);
     // Compare actual and existing params
     $this->assertInstanceOf(get_class($filter), $actual);
     $this->assertEquals($expected, $actual);
Example #2
 public function testCheckFiltersWithOneFilterPass()
     $supplied = array('and-id-eq-value-12');
     $criterion = new Criterion();
     $filterA = new Filter();
     $expected = array($filterA);
     $requirements = array('fields' => array('id'));
     $actual = PseudoTypes::checkFilters($supplied, $requirements);
     // Compare actual and existing params
     $this->assertInternalType('array', $actual);
     $this->assertInstanceOf(get_class($filterA), $actual[0]);
     $this->assertEquals($expected, $actual);
Example #3
 public function testGetRegexOperands()
     $criterion = new Criterion();
     $expected = array(Criterion::CRITERION_OP_RE);
     $this->assertEquals($expected, $criterion->getRegexOperands());
Example #4
  * Gets Criterion logic and returns it in CAPITALIZED string
  * @param   Criterion
  * @return  string      Criterion logic
 public static function addLogic(Criterion $criterion)
     return strtoupper($criterion->logic());
Example #5
 public function inNiniCriterionsProvider()
     $inNiniValueAndCriterion = new Criterion();
     $inNiniValueAndClause = new Clause();
     $inNiniValueAndClause->setStatement('AND `foo` NOT IN (:filter_0_0 COLLATE utf8_general_ci, :filter_0_1 COLLATE utf8_general_ci, :filter_0_2 COLLATE utf8_general_ci, :filter_0_3 COLLATE utf8_general_ci)')->setParameters(array('filter_0_0' => 'abc', 'filter_0_1' => 'def', 'filter_0_2' => 'xyz', 'filter_0_3' => '123'));
     $inNiniValueOrCriterion = new Criterion();
     $inNiniValueOrClause = new Clause();
     $inNiniValueOrClause->setStatement('OR `foo` NOT IN (:filter_0_0 COLLATE utf8_general_ci, :filter_0_1 COLLATE utf8_general_ci, :filter_0_2 COLLATE utf8_general_ci, :filter_0_3 COLLATE utf8_general_ci)')->setParameters(array('filter_0_0' => 'abc', 'filter_0_1' => 'def', 'filter_0_2' => 'xyz', 'filter_0_3' => '123'));
     $inNiniTypeAndCriterion = new Criterion();
     $inNiniTypeAndClause = new Clause();
     $inNiniTypeAndClause->setStatement('AND `foo` NOT IN (`bar` COLLATE utf8_general_ci, `loo` COLLATE utf8_general_ci, `foo` COLLATE utf8_general_ci)');
     $inNiniTypeOrCriterion = new Criterion();
     $inNiniTypeOrClause = new Clause();
     $inNiniTypeOrClause->setStatement('OR `foo` NOT IN (`bar` COLLATE utf8_general_ci, `loo` COLLATE utf8_general_ci, `foo` COLLATE utf8_general_ci)');
     return array(array($inNiniValueAndCriterion, $inNiniValueAndClause), array($inNiniValueOrCriterion, $inNiniValueOrClause), array($inNiniTypeAndCriterion, $inNiniTypeAndClause), array($inNiniTypeOrCriterion, $inNiniTypeOrClause));
Example #6
  * Decides which transformation method use for given operand
  * @param   Criterion   $criterion
  * @return  string | false      Return method name or false if method can not be determined
 public static function criterionOperandToMethod(Criterion $criterion)
     switch ($criterion->op()) {
         // Boolean check to see if the value is set or not.
         case 'bool':
             $method = 'criterionToBool';
             // Direct comparison checks.
         // Direct comparison checks.
         case 'eq':
             // equals
         // equals
         case 'ne':
             // does not equal
         // does not equal
         case 'eqi':
             // equals (case insensitive)
         // equals (case insensitive)
         case 'nei':
             // does not equal (case insensitive)
             $method = 'criterionToDirect';
             // Relative comparison checks.
         // Relative comparison checks.
         case 'gt':
             // greater than
         // greater than
         case 'ge':
             // greater than or equal to
         // greater than or equal to
         case 'lt':
             // less than
         // less than
         case 'le':
             // less than or equal to
             $method = 'criterionToRelative';
             // Wildcard comparison checks (contains/includes)
         // Wildcard comparison checks (contains/includes)
         case 'inc':
             // includes
         // includes
         case 'ninc':
             // does not include
         // does not include
         case 'inci':
             // includes (case insensitive)
         // includes (case insensitive)
         case 'ninci':
             // does not include (case insensitive)
             $method = 'criterionToContains';
             // Wildcard comparison checks (begins with)
         // Wildcard comparison checks (begins with)
         case 'begins':
             // begins with
         // begins with
         case 'nbegins':
             // does not begin with
         // does not begin with
         case 'beginsi':
             // begins with (case insensitive)
         // begins with (case insensitive)
         case 'nbeginsi':
             // does not begin with (case insensitive)
             $method = 'criterionToBegins';
             // Regex match
         // Regex match
         case 're':
             // matches regex string
             $method = 'criterionToRegex';
             // Check for a list of values (match or no match).
         // Check for a list of values (match or no match).
         case 'in':
             // is in the list
         // is in the list
         case 'nin':
             // is not in the list
         // is not in the list
         case 'ini':
             // is in the list (case insensitive)
         // is in the list (case insensitive)
         case 'nini':
             // is not in the list (case insensitive)
             $method = 'criterionToIn';
             $method = false;
     return $method;
Example #7
 public static function criteriaToCriterion($filter, $requirements = array(), $index = 0)
     // Detect filter settings
     if (!is_string($filter)) {
         $error = 'value for index ' . $index . ' must be a string in format of' . ' {logic}-{field}-{operand}-{type}-{value}' . ' Example: and-name-eq-value-smith';
         throw new InvalidDataValueException($error);
     // Get filter setting from string
     // All filters should follow standard pattern:
     // {logic}-{field}-{operand}-{type}-{value}
     // Example: and-id-eq-value-12
     $parts = explode('-', $filter, 5);
     // Reserve space for error message in regards to fields
     $filedsPatternMessage = '';
     // Check for fields prerequisites if defined
     if (isset($requirements['fields'])) {
         $filedsPatternMessage = ', part 2 (field) must be one of ' . '(' . implode(', ', $requirements['fields']) . ')';
         if (!in_array($parts[1], $requirements['fields'])) {
             // Requirements miss match
             $error = 'value for index ' . $index . $filedsPatternMessage;
             throw new InvalidDataValueException($error);
     if (!(count($parts) === 5) || !in_array($parts[0], Criterion::$criterionLogic) || !in_array($parts[2], Criterion::$criterionOperands)) {
         // Filter pattern does not match standard
         $error = 'value for index ' . $index . ', and part 1 (logic) must be one of ' . '(' . implode(', ', Criterion::$criterionLogic) . ')' . $filedsPatternMessage . ', and part 3 (operand) must be one of ' . '(' . implode(', ', Criterion::$criterionOperands) . ')';
         throw new InvalidDataValueException($error);
     // Check value for boolean operand is one of true ore false
     if (in_array($parts[2], Criterion::getBoolOperands())) {
         // Now that we know that this is boolean operand
         // let's check value is one of boolean type
         if (!in_array(strtolower($parts[4]), Criterion::$criterionBooleanValues)) {
             $error = 'value for index ' . $index . ', and part 5 (value) must be one of ' . '(' . implode(', ', Criterion::$criterionBooleanValues) . ')' . ' when using boolean operand';
             throw new InvalidDataValueException($error);
     $criterion = new Criterion();
     try {
     } catch (InvalidArgumentException $e) {
         $error = 'value for filter index ' . $index . ', ' . 'part 4 (type) must be one of (field or value)';
         throw new InvalidDataValueException($error);
     return $criterion;