Example #1
  * @test
 public function setDateTimeAllowsForMockingTheCurrentTime()
     $simulatedCurrentTime = new \DateTime();
     date_add($simulatedCurrentTime, new \DateInterval('P1D'));
     $context = $this->contextFactory->create(array('currentDateTime' => $simulatedCurrentTime));
     $this->assertEquals($simulatedCurrentTime, $context->getCurrentDateTime());
  * @param string $event
  * @param string $person
  * @return void
 public function removeAttendeeAction($event, $person = '')
     try {
         $context = $this->contextFactory->create([]);
         $person = $this->getPersonProfile($person, $context);
         $event = $context->getNodeByIdentifier($event);
         $this->eventService->removeAttendeeFromEvent($event, $person);
     } catch (\Exception $exception) {
         $this->systemLogger->log($exception->getMessage(), LOG_ALERT);
     $this->addFlashMessage('Je bent afgemeld');
  * @param string $nodeIdentifier
  * @return NodeInterface
 protected function getNodeByIdentifier($nodeIdentifier)
     $context = $this->contextFactory->create();
     $node = null;
     $this->securityContext->withoutAuthorizationChecks(function () use($nodeIdentifier, $context, &$node) {
         $node = $context->getNodeByIdentifier($nodeIdentifier);
     $context->getFirstLevelNodeCache()->setByIdentifier($nodeIdentifier, null);
     return $node;
  * Creates missing child nodes for the given node.
  * @param NodeInterface $node
  * @return void
 public function createChildNodes(NodeInterface $node)
     $nodeType = $node->getNodeType();
     foreach ($nodeType->getAutoCreatedChildNodes() as $childNodeName => $childNodeType) {
         try {
             $node->createNode($childNodeName, $childNodeType);
         } catch (NodeExistsException $exception) {
             // If you have a node that has been marked as removed, but is needed again
             // the old node is recovered
             $childNodePath = NodePaths::addNodePathSegment($node->getPath(), $childNodeName);
             $contextProperties = $node->getContext()->getProperties();
             $contextProperties['removedContentShown'] = true;
             $context = $this->contextFactory->create($contextProperties);
             $childNode = $context->getNode($childNodePath);
             if ($childNode->isRemoved()) {
  * @param string $workspaceName
  * @param array $dimensions
  * @param integer $limit
  * @param callable $callback
  * @return integer
 protected function indexWorkspaceWithDimensions($workspaceName, array $dimensions = [], $limit = null, callable $callback = null)
     $context = $this->contextFactory->create(['workspaceName' => $workspaceName, 'dimensions' => $dimensions]);
     $rootNode = $context->getRootNode();
     $indexedNodes = 0;
     $traverseNodes = function (NodeInterface $currentNode, &$indexedNodes) use($limit, &$indexedNodes, &$traverseNodes) {
         if ($limit !== null && $indexedNodes > $limit) {
         array_map(function (NodeInterface $childNode) use($traverseNodes, &$indexedNodes) {
             $traverseNodes($childNode, $indexedNodes);
         }, $currentNode->getChildNodes());
     $traverseNodes($rootNode, $indexedNodes);
     if ($callback !== null) {
         $callback($workspaceName, $indexedNodes, $dimensions);
     return $indexedNodes;
  * @param string $workspaceName
  * @param array $dimensions
  * @return void
 protected function indexWorkspaceWithDimensions($workspaceName, array $dimensions = array())
     $context = $this->contextFactory->create(array('workspaceName' => $workspaceName, 'dimensions' => $dimensions));
     $rootNode = $context->getRootNode();
     if ($dimensions === array()) {
         $this->outputLine('Workspace "' . $workspaceName . '" without dimensions done. (Indexed ' . $this->indexedNodes . ' nodes)');
     } else {
         $this->outputLine('Workspace "' . $workspaceName . '" and dimensions "' . json_encode($dimensions) . '" done. (Indexed ' . $this->indexedNodes . ' nodes)');
     $this->countedIndexedNodes = $this->countedIndexedNodes + $this->indexedNodes;
     $this->indexedNodes = 0;
  * index this node, and add it to the current bulk request.
  * @param NodeInterface $node
  * @param string $targetWorkspaceName In case this is triggered during publishing, a workspace name will be passed in
  * @return void
  * @throws \TYPO3\TYPO3CR\Search\Exception\IndexingException
 public function indexNode(NodeInterface $node, $targetWorkspaceName = null)
     $indexer = function (NodeInterface $node, $targetWorkspaceName = null) {
         $contextPath = $node->getContextPath();
         if ($this->settings['indexAllWorkspaces'] === false) {
             // we are only supposed to index the live workspace.
             // We need to check the workspace at two occasions; checking the
             // $targetWorkspaceName and the workspace name of the node's context as fallback
             if ($targetWorkspaceName !== null && $targetWorkspaceName !== 'live') {
             if ($targetWorkspaceName === null && $node->getContext()->getWorkspaceName() !== 'live') {
         if ($targetWorkspaceName !== null) {
             $contextPath = str_replace($node->getContext()->getWorkspace()->getName(), $targetWorkspaceName, $contextPath);
         $contextPathHash = sha1($contextPath);
         $nodeType = $node->getNodeType();
         $mappingType = $this->getIndex()->findType(NodeTypeMappingBuilder::convertNodeTypeNameToMappingName($nodeType));
         // Remove document with the same contextPathHash but different NodeType, required after NodeType change
         $this->logger->log(sprintf('NodeIndexer: Removing node %s from index (if node type changed from %s). ID: %s', $contextPath, $node->getNodeType()->getName(), $contextPathHash), LOG_DEBUG, null, 'ElasticSearch (CR)');
         $this->getIndex()->request('DELETE', '/_query', [], json_encode(['query' => ['bool' => ['must' => ['ids' => ['values' => [$contextPathHash]]], 'must_not' => ['term' => ['_type' => NodeTypeMappingBuilder::convertNodeTypeNameToMappingName($node->getNodeType()->getName())]]]]]));
         if ($node->isRemoved()) {
             // TODO: handle deletion from the fulltext index as well
             $this->logger->log(sprintf('NodeIndexer: Removed node %s from index (node flagged as removed). ID: %s', $contextPath, $contextPathHash), LOG_DEBUG, null, 'ElasticSearch (CR)');
         $logger = $this->logger;
         $fulltextIndexOfNode = [];
         $nodePropertiesToBeStoredInIndex = $this->extractPropertiesAndFulltext($node, $fulltextIndexOfNode, function ($propertyName) use($logger, $contextPathHash) {
             $logger->log(sprintf('NodeIndexer (%s) - Property "%s" not indexed because no configuration found.', $contextPathHash, $propertyName), LOG_DEBUG, null, 'ElasticSearch (CR)');
         $document = new ElasticSearchDocument($mappingType, $nodePropertiesToBeStoredInIndex, $contextPathHash);
         $documentData = $document->getData();
         if ($targetWorkspaceName !== null) {
             $documentData['__workspace'] = $targetWorkspaceName;
         $dimensionCombinations = $node->getContext()->getDimensions();
         if (is_array($dimensionCombinations)) {
             $documentData['__dimensionCombinations'] = $dimensionCombinations;
             $documentData['__dimensionCombinationHash'] = md5(json_encode($dimensionCombinations));
         if ($this->isFulltextEnabled($node)) {
             if ($this->isFulltextRoot($node)) {
                 // for fulltext root documents, we need to preserve the "__fulltext" field. That's why we use the
                 // "update" API instead of the "index" API, with a custom script internally; as we
                 // shall not delete the "__fulltext" part of the document if it has any.
                 $this->currentBulkRequest[] = [['update' => ['_type' => $document->getType()->getName(), '_id' => $document->getId()]], ['script' => '
                         fulltext = (ctx._source.containsKey("__fulltext") ? ctx._source.__fulltext : new LinkedHashMap());
                         fulltextParts = (ctx._source.containsKey("__fulltextParts") ? ctx._source.__fulltextParts : new LinkedHashMap());
                         ctx._source = newData;
                         ctx._source.__fulltext = fulltext;
                         ctx._source.__fulltextParts = fulltextParts
                         ', 'params' => ['newData' => $documentData], 'upsert' => $documentData, 'lang' => 'groovy']];
             } else {
                 // non-fulltext-root documents can be indexed as-they-are
                 $this->currentBulkRequest[] = [['index' => ['_type' => $document->getType()->getName(), '_id' => $document->getId()]], $documentData];
             $this->updateFulltext($node, $fulltextIndexOfNode, $targetWorkspaceName);
         $this->logger->log(sprintf('NodeIndexer: Added / updated node %s. ID: %s Context: %s', $contextPath, $contextPathHash, json_encode($node->getContext()->getProperties())), LOG_DEBUG, null, 'ElasticSearch (CR)');
     $dimensionCombinations = $this->contentDimensionCombinator->getAllAllowedCombinations();
     $workspaceName = $targetWorkspaceName ?: 'live';
     $nodeIdentifier = $node->getIdentifier();
     if ($dimensionCombinations !== []) {
         foreach ($dimensionCombinations as $combination) {
             $context = $this->contextFactory->create(['workspaceName' => $workspaceName, 'dimensions' => $combination]);
             $node = $context->getNodeByIdentifier($nodeIdentifier);
             if ($node !== null) {
                 $indexer($node, $targetWorkspaceName);
     } else {
         $context = $this->contextFactory->create(['workspaceName' => $workspaceName]);
         $node = $context->getNodeByIdentifier($nodeIdentifier);
         if ($node !== null) {
             $indexer($node, $targetWorkspaceName);
  * Returns the form post values
  * @param string $path Absolute path of the node
  * @return void
 public function listFormPostsAction($path)
     $context = $this->contextFactory->create(array('workspaceName' => 'live'));
     $formNode = $this->nodeDataRepository->findOneByPath($path, $context->getWorkspace());
     $this->view->assignMultiple(array('formIdentifier' => $formNode->getProperty('formIdentifier'), 'formPosts' => $this->nodeDataRepository->findByParentAndNodeTypeRecursively($formNode->getParentPath(), 'Lelesys.Plugin.ContactForm:FormPost', $context->getWorkspace())));