public function testNodeConfigurator_LinkingWithButton()
     $newNode = $this->rootCC->createNode(uniqid('node-'), $this->nodeTypeManager->getNodeType('M12.Foundation:RevealModal'));
     $this->assertEquals(2, $newNode->getNumberOfChildNodes());
     $buttonNodes = $this->rootCC->getChildNodes('M12.Foundation:Button');
     /** @var NodeInterface $lastButton */
     $lastButton = array_pop($buttonNodes);
     $this->assertContains('link-node', $lastButton->getProperty('htmlDataRevealId'));
  * Publishes the given node to the specified target workspace. If no workspace is specified, the base workspace
  * is assumed.
  * If the given node is a Document or has ContentCollection child nodes, these nodes are published as well.
  * @param NodeInterface $node
  * @param Workspace $targetWorkspace If not set the base workspace is assumed to be the publishing target
  * @return void
  * @api
 public function publishNode(NodeInterface $node, Workspace $targetWorkspace = null)
     if ($targetWorkspace === null) {
         $targetWorkspace = $node->getWorkspace()->getBaseWorkspace();
     if (!$targetWorkspace instanceof Workspace) {
     $nodes = array($node);
     $nodeType = $node->getNodeType();
     if ($nodeType->isOfType('TYPO3.Neos:Document') || $nodeType->hasConfiguration('childNodes')) {
         foreach ($node->getChildNodes('TYPO3.Neos:ContentCollection') as $contentCollectionNode) {
             array_push($nodes, $contentCollectionNode);
     $sourceWorkspace = $node->getWorkspace();
     $sourceWorkspace->publishNodes($nodes, $targetWorkspace);
     $this->emitNodePublished($node, $targetWorkspace);
  * @param integer $currentPage
  * @return void
  * @throws \TYPO3\TYPO3CR\Exception\PageNotFoundException
 public function indexAction($currentPage = 1)
     $this->currentPage = (int) $currentPage;
     if ($this->currentPage < 1) {
         $this->currentPage = 1;
     } elseif ($this->currentPage > $this->numberOfPages) {
         throw new PageNotFoundException();
     $itemsPerPage = (int) $this->configuration['itemsPerPage'];
     if ($this->maximumNumberOfNodes > 0 && $this->maximumNumberOfNodes < $itemsPerPage) {
         $itemsPerPage = $this->maximumNumberOfNodes;
     $offset = $this->currentPage > 1 ? (int) ($itemsPerPage * ($this->currentPage - 1)) : null;
     if ($this->parentNode === null) {
         $nodes = array_slice($this->nodes, $offset, $itemsPerPage);
     } else {
         $nodes = $this->parentNode->getChildNodes($this->nodeTypeFilter, $itemsPerPage, $offset);
     $this->view->assign('contentArguments', array($this->widgetConfiguration['as'] => $nodes));
     $this->view->assign('configuration', $this->configuration);
     $this->view->assign('pagination', $this->buildPagination());
  * @param NodeInterface $article
  * @return array
 protected function buildSingleItemJson(NodeInterface $article)
     $contentCollection = $article->getChildNodes('TYPO3.Neos:ContentCollection')[0];
     $articleBody = '';
     if ($contentCollection instanceof NodeInterface) {
         $content = $contentCollection->getChildNodes();
         if (is_array($content) && array_key_exists(0, $content)) {
             foreach ($content as $node) {
                 /** @var NodeInterface $node */
                 if ($node->getNodeType()->getName() === 'TYPO3.Neos.NodeTypes:Text' || $node->getNodeType()->getName() === 'TYPO3.Neos.NodeTypes:TextWithImage') {
                     $articleBody .= $node->getProperty('text');
     $thumbnailConfiguration = new ThumbnailConfiguration(125, 125, 125, 125, true, true, false);
     $detailConfiguration = new ThumbnailConfiguration(300, 300, 200, 200, true, true, false);
     /** @var Image $image */
     $image = $article->getProperty('headerImage');
     $properties = ['@context' => '', '@type' => 'Article', '@id' => $article->getIdentifier(), 'id' => $article->getIdentifier(), 'shortIdentifier' => explode('-', $article->getIdentifier())[0], 'title' => $article->getProperty('title'), 'articleBody' => $articleBody, 'publicationDate' => $article->getProperty('publicationDate')->format('D M d Y H:i:s O'), 'teaser' => $article->getProperty('article'), 'listImage' => $this->assetService->getThumbnailUriAndSizeForAsset($image, $thumbnailConfiguration)['src'], 'image' => $this->assetService->getThumbnailUriAndSizeForAsset($image, $detailConfiguration)['src']];
     return $properties;
  * @param array $nodes
  * @param NodeInterface $node
  * @param array $roles
  * @param int $depth
  * @param int $recursionPointer
  * @param string $nodeTypeFilter
 protected function getChildNodeData(array &$nodes, $node, $roles, $depth = 0, $recursionPointer = 1, $nodeTypeFilter = 'TYPO3.Neos:Document')
     foreach ($node->getChildNodes($nodeTypeFilter) as $childNode) {
         /** @var NodeInterface $childNode */
         $expand = $depth === 0 || $recursionPointer < $depth;
         $properties = $this->getACLPropertiesForNode($childNode);
         $properties['acl'] = $this->checkNodeForRoles($node, $roles);
         if ($expand && $childNode->hasChildNodes($nodeTypeFilter)) {
             $properties['childNodes'] = [];
             $this->getChildNodeData($properties['childNodes'], $childNode, $roles, $depth, $recursionPointer + 1, $nodeTypeFilter);
         array_push($nodes, $properties);
  * Traverses through the tree starting at the given root node and sets the uriPathSegment property derived from
  * the node label.
  * @param NodeInterface $node The node where the traversal starts
  * @param boolean $dryRun
  * @return void
 protected function generateUriPathSegmentsForNode(NodeInterface $node, $dryRun)
     if ((string) $node->getProperty('uriPathSegment') === '') {
         $name = $node->getLabel() ?: $node->getName();
         $uriPathSegment = Utility::renderValidNodeName($name);
         if ($dryRun === FALSE) {
             $node->setProperty('uriPathSegment', $uriPathSegment);
             $this->output->outputLine('Added missing URI path segment for "%s" (%s) => %s', array($node->getPath(), $name, $uriPathSegment));
         } else {
             $this->output->outputLine('Found missing URI path segment for "%s" (%s) => %s', array($node->getPath(), $name, $uriPathSegment));
     foreach ($node->getChildNodes('TYPO3.Neos:Document') as $childNode) {
         $this->generateUriPathSegmentsForNode($childNode, $dryRun);
  * Removes all auto created child nodes that existed in the previous nodeType.
  * @param NodeInterface $node
  * @param NodeType $oldNodeType
  * @return void
 public function cleanUpAutoCreatedChildNodes(NodeInterface $node, NodeType $oldNodeType)
     $newNodeType = $node->getNodeType();
     $autoCreatedChildNodesForNewNodeType = $newNodeType->getAutoCreatedChildNodes();
     $autoCreatedChildNodesForOldNodeType = $oldNodeType->getAutoCreatedChildNodes();
     $removedChildNodesFromOldNodeType = array_diff(array_keys($autoCreatedChildNodesForOldNodeType), array_keys($autoCreatedChildNodesForNewNodeType));
     /** @var NodeInterface $childNode */
     foreach ($node->getChildNodes() as $childNode) {
         if (in_array($childNode->getName(), $removedChildNodesFromOldNodeType)) {
  * @param \TYPO3\TYPO3CR\Domain\Model\NodeInterface $node
  * @param $targetWorkspaceName
  * @return void
 public function publishNode(\TYPO3\TYPO3CR\Domain\Model\NodeInterface $node, $targetWorkspaceName = 'live')
     $nodes = array($node);
     $contentType = $node->getContentType();
     if ($contentType->isOfType('TYPO3.Phoenix.ContentTypes:Page') || $contentType->hasStructure()) {
         foreach ($node->getChildNodes('TYPO3.Phoenix.ContentTypes:Section') as $sectionNode) {
             array_push($nodes, $sectionNode);
     $sourceWorkspace = $node->getWorkspace();
     $sourceWorkspace->publishNodes($nodes, $targetWorkspaceName);
  * Recursively called method which builds the actual items array.
  * @param \TYPO3\TYPO3CR\Domain\Model\NodeInterface $entryParentNode The parent node whose children should be listed as items
  * @param \TYPO3\TYPO3CR\Domain\Model\NodeInterface $lastParentNode The last parent node whose children should be listed. NULL = no limit defined through lastLevel
  * @param \TYPO3\TYPO3\Domain\Service\ContentContext $contentContext $contentContext The current content context
  * @param integer $currentLevel Level count for the recursion – don't use.
  * @return array A nested array of menu item information
  * @see buildItems()
 private function buildRecursiveItemsArray(\TYPO3\TYPO3CR\Domain\Model\NodeInterface $entryParentNode, $lastParentNode, \TYPO3\TYPO3\Domain\Service\ContentContext $contentContext, $currentLevel = 1)
     $items = array();
     foreach ($entryParentNode->getChildNodes('TYPO3.Phoenix.ContentTypes:Page,TYPO3.Phoenix.ContentTypes:Shortcut') as $currentNode) {
         if ($currentNode->isVisible() === FALSE || $currentNode->isHiddenInIndex() === TRUE || $currentNode->isAccessible() === FALSE) {
         $item = array('label' => $currentNode->getProperty('title'), 'node' => $currentNode, 'state' => self::STATE_NORMAL);
         if ($currentNode === $contentContext->getCurrentNode()) {
             $item['state'] = self::STATE_CURRENT;
         if ($currentLevel < $this->getMaximumLevels() && $entryParentNode !== $lastParentNode) {
             $subItems = $this->buildRecursiveItemsArray($currentNode, $lastParentNode, $contentContext, $currentLevel + 1);
             if ($subItems !== array()) {
                 $item['subItems'] = $subItems;
                 if ($item['state'] !== self::STATE_CURRENT) {
                     foreach ($subItems as $subItem) {
                         if ($subItem['state'] === self::STATE_CURRENT || $subItem['state'] === self::STATE_ACTIVE) {
                             $item['state'] = self::STATE_ACTIVE;
         $items[] = $item;
     return $items;
  * Collect node data and traverse child nodes
  * @param array &$nodes
  * @param NodeInterface $node
  * @param string $nodeTypeFilter
  * @param integer $depth levels of child nodes to fetch. 0 = unlimited
  * @param \TYPO3\TYPO3CR\Domain\Model\NodeInterface $untilNode if given, expand all nodes on the rootline towards $untilNode, no matter what is defined with $depth.
  * @param integer $recursionPointer current recursion level
  * @return void
 protected function collectChildNodeData(array &$nodes, NodeInterface $node, $nodeTypeFilter, $depth = 0, NodeInterface $untilNode = NULL, $recursionPointer = 1)
     foreach ($node->getChildNodes($nodeTypeFilter) as $childNode) {
         if (!$this->privilegeManager->isGranted(NodeTreePrivilege::class, new NodePrivilegeSubject($childNode))) {
         /** @var NodeInterface $childNode */
         $expand = $depth === 0 || $recursionPointer < $depth;
         if ($expand === FALSE && $untilNode !== NULL && strpos($untilNode->getPath(), $childNode->getPath()) === 0 && $childNode !== $untilNode) {
             // in case $untilNode is set, and the current childNode is on the rootline of $untilNode (and not the node itself), expand the node.
             $expand = TRUE;
         switch ($this->outputStyle) {
             case self::STYLE_LIST:
                 $nodeType = $childNode->getNodeType()->getName();
                 $properties = $childNode->getProperties();
                 $properties['__contextNodePath'] = $childNode->getContextPath();
                 $properties['__workspaceName'] = $childNode->getWorkspace()->getName();
                 $properties['__nodeName'] = $childNode->getName();
                 $properties['__nodeType'] = $nodeType;
                 $properties['__title'] = $nodeType === 'TYPO3.Neos:Document' ? $childNode->getProperty('title') : $childNode->getLabel();
                 array_push($nodes, $properties);
                 if ($expand) {
                     $this->collectChildNodeData($nodes, $childNode, $nodeTypeFilter, $depth, $untilNode, $recursionPointer + 1);
             case self::STYLE_TREE:
                 $children = array();
                 $hasChildNodes = $childNode->hasChildNodes($nodeTypeFilter) === TRUE;
                 if ($expand && $hasChildNodes) {
                     $this->collectChildNodeData($children, $childNode, $nodeTypeFilter, $depth, $untilNode, $recursionPointer + 1);
                 array_push($nodes, $this->collectTreeNodeData($childNode, $expand, $children, $hasChildNodes));
Example #11
  * Collect node data and recurse into child nodes
  * @param array &$nodes
  * @param \TYPO3\TYPO3CR\Domain\Model\NodeInterface $node
  * @param string $contentTypeFilter
  * @param integer $depth levels of child nodes to fetch. 0 = unlimited
  * @param integer $recursionPointer current recursion level
  * @return void
 protected function collectChildNodeData(array &$nodes, \TYPO3\TYPO3CR\Domain\Model\NodeInterface $node, $contentTypeFilter, $depth = 0, $recursionPointer = 1)
     foreach ($node->getChildNodes($contentTypeFilter) as $childNode) {
         $contextNodePath = $childNode->getContextPath();
         $workspaceName = $childNode->getWorkspace()->getName();
         $nodeName = $childNode->getName();
         $contentType = $childNode->getContentType()->getName();
         $title = $childNode->getContentType() === 'TYPO3.Phoenix.ContentTypes:Page' ? $childNode->getProperty('title') : $childNode->getLabel();
         $abstract = $childNode->getAbstract();
         $expand = $depth === 0 || $recursionPointer < $depth;
         switch ($this->outputStyle) {
             case self::STYLE_LIST:
                 $properties = $childNode->getProperties();
                 $properties['__contextNodePath'] = $contextNodePath;
                 $properties['__workspaceName'] = $workspaceName;
                 $properties['__nodeName'] = $nodeName;
                 $properties['__contentType'] = $contentType;
                 $properties['__title'] = $title;
                 $properties['__abstract'] = $abstract;
                 array_push($nodes, $properties);
                 if ($expand) {
                     $this->collectChildNodeData($nodes, $childNode, $contentTypeFilter, $depth, $recursionPointer + 1);
             case self::STYLE_TREE:
                 $children = array();
                 if ($expand && $childNode->hasChildNodes($contentTypeFilter) === TRUE) {
                     $this->collectChildNodeData($children, $childNode, $contentTypeFilter, $depth, $recursionPointer + 1);
                 array_push($nodes, $this->collectTreeNodeData($childNode, $expand, $children, $contentTypeFilter));