  * Add an item to the backlog of a milestone
  * Add an item to the backlog of a milestone
  * The item must  be of the allowed types (defined in the planning configuration).
  * The body of the request should be of the form :
  * {
  *      "artifact" : {
  *          "id" : 458
  *      }
  * }
  * @url POST {id}/backlog
  * @param int                  $id   Id of the milestone
  * @param BacklogItemReference $item Reference of the Backlog Item {@from body} {@type BacklogItemReference}
  * @throw 400
  * @throw 403
  * @throw 404
 protected function postBacklog($id, BacklogItemReference $item)
     $user = $this->getCurrentUser();
     $milestone = $this->getMilestoneById($user, $id);
     $this->checkIfUserCanChangePrioritiesInMilestone($milestone, $user);
     $item_id = $item->getArtifactId();
     $artifact = $this->getBacklogItemAsArtifact($user, $item_id);
     $allowed_trackers = $this->backlog_strategy_factory->getBacklogStrategy($milestone)->getDescendantTrackers();
     if (!$this->milestone_validator->canBacklogItemBeAddedToMilestone($artifact, $allowed_trackers)) {
         throw new RestException(400, "Item of type '" . $artifact->getTracker()->getName() . "' cannot be added.");
     try {
         $this->milestone_content_updater->appendElementToMilestoneBacklog($item_id, $user, $milestone);
     } catch (Tracker_NoChangeException $e) {