Example #1
$pdo = new PDO("mysql:dbname=fazerbrasil", "root", "");
// imac
// $pdo = new PDO("mysql:dbname=test", "root", "");
 * Bootstraping TotalFlex
 * ---------------------------------------------------------
 * This code is needed every initialization of the
 * application. There is, in te future, ideas to make this
 * part of one simple SQLite database that will only need
 * one line to bootstrap it all.
// Initializing Total Flex with callback url/method and the target database connection info
// 'index.php?callback=1', 'POST', 'sqlite:business.db3'
// 10*40*
// $result = $pdo->query("SELECT * FROM business_entity");
$TotalFlex = new TotalFlex();
// tambem pode-se passar o $pdo como parametro para o construtor do TF
// $TotalFlex = new TotalFlex ( $pdo );
// DEFAULT TEMPLATE TO BE COMPATIBLE WITH BOOTSTRAP #################################################################
\TotalFlex\Field\Field::setDefaultEncloseStart("<div class=\"col-md-6 form-group\">\n");
\TotalFlex\Field\Field::setDefaultTemplate("\t<input class=\"form-control\" type=\"__type__\" name=\"__name__\" id=\"__id__\" value=\"__value__\"/><br>\n\n");
\TotalFlex\Field\Select::setDefaultTemplate("\t<select class=\"form-control\" name=\"__name__\" id=\"__id__\" >\n__options__\n</select>\n\n");
// ##################################################################################
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