Example #1

| Notice
| This file is unique in that anything in the all or admin section should
| be changed.  Unlike others, change the question as well so it all
| gets translated.  Just leave 'all' and 'admin' as is.
return ['titles' => ['admin' => 'Admin', 'header' => 'FAQ', 'subHeader' => 'You have questions, we have answers.', 'submit' => 'Don\'t see your question?  <a href="https://gitreports.com/issue/HatScrubs/GameAccess" target="_blank">Ask here!</a>'], 'all' => ['What is the home page showing?' => 'The home page is currently showing a timeline for Hat Films.  On the
            left you will see the last 3 days of tweets from ' . \Thujohn\Twitter\Facades\Twitter::linkify('@hat_films') . '
            and on the right is the last and next streams.
            <br /><br />
            The stream box will show one of a few different things.  By default it will show a generic placeholder if the
             site has no details about the stream yet.  If the guys are not going to be on that day, you may see an offline
             notice.  If they will be on and have scheduled something in the site you will see the details of that session.
             Lastly, if there is a poll that is scheduled to end on the same day as a stream, you will see it\'s details.', 'How do I join Hat Films for games?' => 'This is a 2 part process.  First you must be subscribed to them on
            twitch.  If you haven\'t subscribed yet, you can do so by
            <a href="http://www.twitch.tv/hatfilms/subscribe?ref=scrubscribers.com" target="_blank">clicking here</a>.  Once you are a
            subscriber either go to ' . link_to_route('link.index', 'linked accounts') . ' and refresh twitch or simply
            logout and back in.  This will "re-check" your subscriber access and give you access to the site.
            <br /><br />
            Now that the site knows you\'re a subscriber, all you have to do is wait for a game to start.  Trott starts these.
            When he does, you will see the ' . link_to_route('home', 'home page') . '  and ' . link_to_route('stream.index', 'stream page') . '
            come to life alerting you that things will kick off soon.  When they do, if you own the game, can play in the game
            at that time and want to, click ready up.  If you are selected (randomly + a bonus everytime you are not selected) you will
            see the password displayed to you.  If not, you will get a message alerting you to wait for the next attempt.', 'How do I change the timezone?' => 'The timezone for the site, by default, is on GMT.  You can change this once you are
            logged in by clicking your name in the upper right and selecting "Profile".  From there, just select the timezone