Example #1
 public function createForm($course_id)
     $create_table = new Model();
     $check_name_table = "check_name_" . $course_id;
     $str = "create table {$check_name_table}(\n                student_id VARCHAR (32) NOT NULL ,\n                student_name VARCHAR (32) ,\n                attend_stage VARCHAR (32) ,\n                primary key(student_id)\n                )ENGINE=InnoDB DEFAULT CHARSET=utf8 ";
     $select_course = $course_id . "_course";
     $student_string = $create_table->query("select {$select_course} from course_student ");
     $student_string = $student_string[0][$select_course];
     $student_id_sum = explode(',', $student_string);
     for ($index = 0; $index < count($student_id_sum); $index++) {
         $student_id = $student_id_sum[$index];
         $student_name = $create_table->query("select student_name from student_information where student_id='{$student_id}' ");
         $student_name = $student_name[0]['student_name'];
         $create_table->execute("insert into {$check_name_table} VALUES('{$student_id}','{$student_name}','absent')");
Example #2
 public function saveUser()
     $data = null;
     $name = $_POST['name'];
     $truename = $_POST['truename'];
     $deptId = $_POST['deptId'];
     $adminFlag = $_POST['adminFlag'];
     $delFlag = $_POST['delFlag'];
     $model = new Model();
     if ($_POST['addFlag'] == 1) {
         $sql = "insert into user (name,truename,pwd,dept_id,admin_flag,del_flag) values('" . $name . "','" . $truename . "',md5(123456),'" . $deptId . "','" . $adminFlag . "','" . $delFlag . "')";
     } else {
         $sql = "update user set name = '" . $name . "'\n\t\t\t,truename = '" . $truename . "'\n\t\t\t,dept_id = '" . $deptId . "'\n\t\t\t,admin_flag = '" . $adminFlag . "'\n\t\t\t,del_flag = '" . $delFlag . "'\n\t\t\twhere uid = '" . $_POST['uid'] . "'\n\t\t\t";
     $userTreeHtml = $this->createUserTree();
     $data["userTree"] = $userTreeHtml;
     $data["status"] = 1;
     $this->ajaxReturn($data, 'JSON');
Example #3
 public function adminUpdate()
     if (session('?userid') && session('?usertype') && $_SESSION['usertype'] == 1) {
         $Form = new Model();
         //$exist = $Form->query('select admin_id from admin_personal where admin_id = "%s"',$_POST['id']);
         $result = $Form->execute('replace into admin_personal (admin_id,admin_pwd,admin_type) 
             values ("%s","%s",%d)', $_POST['id'], $_POST['key1'], $_POST['key3']);
         if ($result) {
             echo 2;
         } else {
             echo -1;
     } else {
Example #4
 public function changePassword()
     $status = 1;
     $model = new Model();
     if (md5($_POST['oldpwd']) != $_SESSION['pwd']) {
         $msg = "输入密码不对";
         $status = 0;
     if ($status == 1) {
         //$sql="update user set pwd=".md5($_POST['newpwd1'])." where uid ='".$_SESSION['uid']."'";
         //$model->execute("insert into tmp(col1) values('".$sql."')");
         $model->execute("update user set pwd='" . md5($_POST['newpwd1']) . "' where uid ='" . $_SESSION['uid'] . "'");
     $returnData['status'] = $status;
     $returnData['msg'] = $msg;
     $this->ajaxReturn($returnData, 'JSON');
Example #5
 public function index()
     $key1 = $_GET['key1'];
     $key2 = $_GET['key2'];
     $key3 = $_GET['key3'];
     $Form = new Model();
     $r = $Form->query('select * from email_active where user_id = "%s"', $key1);
     if ($r) {
         $record = $r[0];
         if ($record[mail_address] != $key2) {
             $mesg = "请使用注册邮箱激活!";
         } else {
             if ($record[active_code] != $key3) {
                 $mesg = "激活码错误!";
             } else {
                 if (intval($record[over_time]) < time()) {
                     $mesg = "激活码过期!";
                 } else {
                     $res = $Form->execute('update email_active set active_status="1" where user_id="%s"', $key1);
                     if ($res) {
                         $mesg = " 激活成功!";
     } else {
         $mesg = "激活失败!";
     $this->tip = $mesg;
Example #6
 function getMyPlanList()
     $param = json_decode(file_get_contents('php://input'), true);
     $token = $param['xtoken'];
     $uid = $param['uid'];
     //$uid = 1584;
     if (empty($uid)) {
         err_ret(-205, 'lack of param', '缺少参数');
     $model = new Model();
     $time = time();
     $sql = "UPDATE my_plan SET status=4 WHERE uid={$uid} AND end_time<{$time}";
     $sql = "SELECT t.*, user_info.header,user_info.name,user_info.nicker FROM\n            (\n                SELECT DISTINCT pid,title,coverimg,type AS isfree,peoplenumber,coachid,status,begin_time,end_time from my_plan,plan where my_plan.pid = plan.id and uid={$uid} ORDER BY isfree desc\n            ) AS t,user_info \n            WHERE t.coachid=user_info.id";
     $result = $model->query($sql);
     $data['errno'] = 0;
     $data['plan_list'] = $result;
     echo json_encode($data);
Example #7
 public function messageDetail()
     if (session('?userid') && session('?usertype') && ($_SESSION['usertype'] == 1 || $_SESSION['usertype'] == 3)) {
         $id = $_GET['key'];
         $Form = new Model();
         $Form->execute("update messagebox set adminread=1 where id='%s'", $id);
         $msg = $Form->query("select * from messagebox where id = '%s'", $id);
         if ($msg) {
             $this->msg = $msg[0];
             $type = $msg[0]['msg_type'];
             if ($type == '1') {
                 $innovator = $Form->query('select user_id,name,email,phone from entrepreneur_personal where user_id="%s"', $msg[0]['from_id']);
                 $this->from = $innovator[0];
                 $this->from_page = U('Home/User/innovator/val/' . $msg[0]['from_id']);
                 $investor = $Form->query('select user_id,name,email,mobile as phone from investor_personal where user_id="%s"', $msg[0]['to_id']);
                 $this->to_page = U('Home/User/investor/val/' . $msg[0]['to_id']);
                 $this->to = $investor[0];
             } else {
                 if ($type == '2') {
                     $innovator = $Form->query('select user_id,name,email,phone from entrepreneur_personal where user_id="%s"', $msg[0]['to_id']);
                     $this->to = $innovator[0];
                     $this->to_page = U('Home/User/innovator/val/' . $msg[0]['to_id']);
                     $investor = $Form->query('select user_id,name,email,mobile as phone from investor_personal where user_id="%s"', $msg[0]['from_id']);
                     $this->from_page = U('Home/User/investor/val/' . $msg[0]['from_id']);
                     $this->from = $investor[0];
                 } else {
                     $innovator = $Form->query('select user_id,name,email,phone from entrepreneur_personal where user_id="%s"', $msg[0]['from_id']);
                     $this->from = $innovator[0];
                     $this->from_page = U('Home/User/innovator/val/' . $msg[0]['from_id']);
                     $innovator = $Form->query('select user_id,name,email,phone from entrepreneur_personal where user_id="%s"', $msg[0]['to_id']);
                     $this->to = $innovator[0];
                     $this->to_page = U('Home/User/innovator/val/' . $msg[0]['to_id']);
     } else {
Example #8
 function docancle()
     $pid = I('pid');
     $leader_id = I('leader_id');
     $uid = is_login();
     $countP = M('ProjLeader')->where(array('pid' => $pid, 'uid' => $uid))->count();
     if (!$countP) {
         $retData['message'] = "你还没有投资该项目,因此你不能取消!";
         $retData['status'] = false;
     $uid = is_login();
     $touziCount = $this->touziCount($pid, $uid);
     $Projectvote = M('ProjectVote');
     $deleteVote = $Projectvote->where(array('project_id' => $pid, 'investor_id' => $uid))->save(array('marks' => 1));
     $sqlstr = "UPDATE jm_proj_leader SET voit_count=voit_count-" . $touziCount . " WHERE pid=" . $pid . " AND uid=" . $leader_id . " ";
     $model = new Model();
     $update = $model->execute($sqlstr);
     if ($update) {
         $retData['message'] = "取消成功!";
         $retData['status'] = true;
     $jsonstr = json_encode($retData);
     echo $jsonstr;
 public function import()
     if (!IS_AJAX) {
     if (I('get.file')) {
         $filename = base64_decode(I('get.file'));
         $file = C('BACKUP_PATH') . $filename;
         $sql = read_file($file);
         $db = new Model();
         $res = $db->execute($sql);
         if ($res === FALSE) {
         } else {
             $this->success(L('IMPORT_OK'), U('Database/recover', $this->vl));
     } else {
Example #10
 public function userSave()
     $Form = new Model();
     if (I('post.value') === 'investor') {
         $seed = rand(C(RANDOM_USER_MIN), C(RANDOM_USER_MAX));
         $id = '1' . substr(date('Y'), 2) . $seed;
         $regTime = date('Y-m-d');
         $exist = $Form->query('select user_id from investor_personal where user_id = "%s"', $id);
         while ($exist) {
             $seed = rand(C(RANDOM_USER_MIN), C(RANDOM_USER_MAX));
             $id = '1' . substr(date('Y'), 2) . $seed;
             $exist = $Form->query('select user_id from investor_personal where user_id = "%s"', $id);
         $result = $Form->execute('insert into investor_personal 
             values ("%s","%s","%s","%s","%s","%s",%d,
             "%s",%d)', $id, $_POST['key1'], encode($_POST['key2']), encode($_POST['key3']), $_POST['key4'], $_POST['key5'], $_POST['key6'], $regTime, 0);
         $interests = $_POST['key9'];
         $interests = explode(',', $interests);
         for ($i = 0; $i < count($interests) - 1; $i++) {
             $temp = $Form->execute('replace into interest_investor (id, interest_field) values ("%s",%d)', $id, $interests[$i]);
         if ($_POST['key6'] == 1) {
             $result1 = $Form->execute('insert into investor_company (user_id, company_name) values ("%s","%s")', $id, $_POST['key4']);
         } else {
             if ($_POST['key6'] == 2) {
                 $result1 = $Form->execute('insert into investor_fi (user_id) values ("%s")', $id);
         if ($result) {
             $safety = $Form->execute('insert into investor_security (user_id,user_pwd) 
                 values ("%s","%s")', $id, $_POST['key7']);
             if ($safety) {
                 echo 200;
             } else {
                 echo 400;
         } else {
             echo 400;
     } else {
         if (I('post.value') === 'innovator') {
             $seed = rand(C(RANDOM_USER_MIN), C(RANDOM_USER_MAX));
             $id = '2' . substr(date('Y'), 2) . $seed;
             $regTime = date('Y-m-d');
             $exist = $Form->query('select user_id from entrepreneur_personal where user_id = "%s"', $id);
             while ($exist) {
                 $seed = rand(C(RANDOM_USER_MIN), C(RANDOM_USER_MAX));
                 $id = '1' . substr(date('Y'), 2) . $seed;
                 $exist = $Form->query('select user_id from entrepreneur_personal where user_id = "%s"', $id);
             $result = $Form->execute('insert into entrepreneur_personal 
             values ("%s","%s","%s","%s","%s",%d,"%s",%d,
             "%s",%d)', $id, $_POST['key1'], encode($_POST['key2']), encode($_POST['key3']), $_POST['key4'], $_POST['key5'], $_POST['key6'], $_POST['key7'], $regTime, 0);
             $interests = $_POST['key9'];
             $temp = $Form->execute('replace into interest_entrepreneur (id, interest_field) values ("%s",%d)', $id, $interests);
             if ($result) {
                 $safety = $Form->execute('insert into entrepreneur_security (user_id,user_pwd) 
                 values ("%s","%s")', $id, $_POST['key11']);
                 if ($safety) {
                     echo 200;
                 } else {
                     echo 400;
             } else {
                 echo 400;
         } else {
             echo 400;
Example #11
function send_find_mail($user_id, $objectid, $to_address)
    $Form = new Model();
    $name = '';
    $pwd = '';
    $active_code = '';
    if ($objectid == 2) {
        $names = $Form->query('select name from investor_personal where user_id="%s"', $user_id);
        $pwds = $Form->query('select user_pwd from investor_security where user_id="%s"', $user_id);
        $name = $names[0][name];
        $pwd = $pwds[0][user_pwd];
    } else {
        $names = $Form->query('select name from entrepreneur_personal where user_id="%s"', $user_id);
        $pwds = $Form->query('select user_pwd from entrepreneur_security where user_id="%s"', $user_id);
        $name = $names[0][name];
        $pwd = $pwds[0][user_pwd];
    $active_time = time();
    $over_time = $active_time + 24 * 60 * 60;
    $active_code = md5($user_id . $name . $pwd . $active_time);
    $sqlstr = sprintf("replace into email_find_pwd (user_id,active_code,mail_address,over_time,active_status)\n             values ('%s','%s','%s','%d','%d')", $user_id, $active_code, $to_address, $over_time, 0);
    $res = $Form->execute($sqlstr);
    if ($res) {
        $url = sprintf("http://localhost:8888/lcb/index.php/Home/Account/setting?key1=%s&key2=%s&key3=%s", $user_id, $to_address, $active_code);
        $body = sprintf("尊敬的用户 %s:请点击以下链接重置密码,如不能点击请将地址拷贝至浏览器栏。<br><a>%s</a>", $name, $url);
        return think_send_mail($to_address, $name, $subject = '来创科技重置密码', $body);
    return 400;
Example #12
 public function newAnswer()
     $json = json_decode($GLOBALS['HTTP_RAW_POST_DATA']);
     $key = "access_token";
     $jwt = $json->access_token;
     if ($json->access_token == null) {
         $log = "无access_token";
     } else {
         $jwt = JWT::decode($jwt, $key, array('HS256'));
         $timenow = date("YmdHis", strtotime('now'));
         if (!($jwt->aud == $json->username && $timenow < $jwt->exp && $timenow > $jwt->iat)) {
             $log = "超时或名称不对称";
     $arr = $json;
     $answer = $arr->answer;
     $id = $arr->id;
     $Model = new Model();
     $adate = date("YmdHis", strtotime('now'));
     $sql = "select name from " . __PREFIX__ . "user where id=" . $json->username;
     $res = $Model->query($sql);
     $aname = $res[0]['name'];
     $sql = "update " . __PREFIX__ . "qa set aid={$json->username}, aname='{$aname}', answer='{$answer}', adate='{$adate}' where id=" . $id;
     /*  echo $sql;
         die; */
     if ($Model->execute($sql)) {
         $suc = 1;
     } else {
         $suc = 0;
     $resjson = json_encode($res);
     $jsonsend = array("username" => $json->username, "suc" => $suc, "access_token" => $json->access_token);
      * IMPORTANT:
      * You must specify supported algorithms for your application. See
      * https://tools.ietf.org/html/draft-ietf-jose-json-web-algorithms-40
      * for a list of spec-compliant algorithms.
     $json = json_encode($jsonsend);
     //echo $json;
     echo $json;
     // $this->display("./Background/Home/phyman-1/index.html");
     // $this->assign($json);
Example #13
 public function requestAuth()
     $Form = new Model();
     $id = I('post.p', 0);
     $result = $Form->execute('update project_info set status = 1 where project_id = "%s"', $id);
     if ($result) {
         echo 200;
     } else {
         echo 400;
Example #14
 public function saveIntro()
     if (session('?userid') && session('?usertype') && ($_SESSION['usertype'] == 1 || $_SESSION['usertype'] == 3)) {
         $Form = new Model();
         if (count($_POST['c']) > 0 && count($_POST['p']) > 0) {
             $result = $Form->execute('update project_info set project_intro="%s" where project_id="%s"', $_POST['c'], $_POST['p']);
             if ($result) {
                 echo 200;
             } else {
                 echo 400;
Example #15
    public function testDelete()
        $config = $this->getConfig();
        $order_model = new Model('order', $config);
        $order_model->id = 2;
        $flag = $order_model->delete();
        $this->assertEquals(1, $flag);
        $flag = $order_model->delete('1');
        $this->assertEquals(1, $flag);
        $address_model = new Model('user_address', $config);
        $flag = $address_model->delete(['1', '2']);
        $this->assertEquals(2, $flag);
        $user_model = new Model('user', $config);
        $flag = $user_model->using([''])->where('1=1')->delete();
        $this->assertEquals(2, $flag);
        $ru_model = new Model('role_user', $config);
        $flag = $ru_model->delete(['1', '1']);
        $this->assertEquals(1, $flag);
        $sql = <<<EOF
DROP TABLE IF EXISTS `tp_user_address`;
DROP TABLE IF EXISTS `tp_role_user`;
        $model = new Model('', $this->getConfig());
        $flag = $model->db(0, null);
 public function testoprions()
     $key = "123";
     $Model = new Model();
     $voteid = 1;
     $sql = "select count(*) from __PREFIX__vote_options where vid=" . $voteid;
     $res = $Model->query($sql);
     $resultofvote = array('sum' => $res[0]['count(*)'], 'options' => array());
     for ($i = 1; $i < 3; $i++) {
         $sql = "select id,content from __PREFIX__vote_options where vid=" . $voteid;
         $res = $Model->query($sql);
         $num = $temp[0]['count(*)'];
         $s = array('opt' => $res[$i]['id'], 'conten' => $res[$i]['content']);
         array_push($resultofvote['options'], $s);
     $resss = json_encode($resultofvote);
     echo "<br>";
     $token = array('result' => $resss);
     // echo 'success';
      * IMPORTANT:
      * You must specify supported algorithms for your application. See
      * https://tools.ietf.org/html/draft-ietf-jose-json-web-algorithms-40
      * for a list of spec-compliant algorithms.
     $token = json_encode($token);
     $jwt = JWT::encode($token, $key);
     echo $jwt;
     $decoded = JWT::decode($jwt, $key, array('HS256'));
     // echo $resultofvote['sum'];
     /*  $sql="select uuid_short() Length=15;";
         print_r($Model->query($sql)); */
     /*     $date=date("Ymd",strtotime('now'));
            echo $date;
            $datetime=date("Y-m-d H:i:s",strtotime($date));
            echo $datetime; */
     // print_r($res);
     $sql = "select uuid_short();";
     $uuid = $Model->query($sql);
     //   print_r( $uuid);
     $id = $uuid[0]['uuid_short()'];
     $title = 'wwwww';
     $uid = 201522040840;
     $datesql = '';
     $tid = 1;
     $body = 'dddddd.html';
     $grade = 1;
     echo $id;
     $sql = "insert into __PREFIX__article(id,title,uid,date,tid,body,grade)\r\n        values ({$id},'{$title}','{$uid}','{$datesql}','{$tid}','{$body}','{$grade}')";
     // $sql='insert into __PREFIX__authority (id,name) values (uuid_short(),\'测试\')';
     if ($id = $Model->execute($sql)) {
         echo '111';
     } else {
         echo '33';
             $sql="select * from __PREFIX__authority LIMIT 1,10";
             $datetime= date("YmdHis",strtotime('now'));
             echo $optionids;
     /* $Model=new Model();
        $sql="select options from __PREFIX__vote where id=123";
        echo $sql;
        $optionid=explode(";", $res[0]['options']);
        $sql="select content from ".__PREFIX__."vote_options where id=$optionid[0]";
        echo $sql;
        echo $res2;
        print_r($res2); */
Example #17
 public function helpDB()
     $User = M('User');
     // 动态的切换数据库,支持切换到相同和不同的数据库类型
     $User->db(1, "mysql://*****:*****@localhost:3306/test")->query("查询SQL");
     // select
     $User->select(array('order' => 'create_time', 'where' => 'status=1', 'limit' => '10'));
     // find and delete a record
     $User->where('status=1 and id=1')->delete();
     // 配合预处理机制,确保更加安全
     $User->where("id=%d and username='******' and xx='%f'", '$id', '$username', '$xx')->select();
     // 多表进行操作
     $User->field('user.name,role.title')->table('think_user user,think_role role')->limit(10)->select();
     $Model = M('Model');
     $Model->field('user.name,role.title')->table(array('think_user' => 'user', 'think_role' => 'role'))->limit(10)->select();
     $Model = M('User');
     $Model->alias('a')->join('__DEPT __ b ON b.user_id= a.id')->select();
     // SELECT * FROM think_user a INNER JOIN think_dept b ON b.user_id= a.id
     // 调用save方法更新数据的时候 会自动判断当前的数据对象里面是否有主键值存在,如果有的话会自动作为更新条件
     $Model = M('User');
     $data['id'] = 8;
     $data['name'] = '流年';
     $data['email'] = '*****@*****.**';
     // 等效 $Model->data($data)->where('id=8')->save();
     $Model->field('id,title,content as name')->select();
     // SELECT id,title,content as name FROM table
     // SELECT id,SUM(score) FROM table
     $Model->field(array('id', 'concat(name,' - ',id)' => 'truename', 'LEFT (title,7)' => 'sub_title'))->select();
     // SELECT id,concat(name,'-',id) as truename,LEFT (title,7) as sub_title FROM table
     $Model->field('user_id,content', true)->select();
     // 获取除了user_id, content之外的所有字段
     $Article = M('Article');
     // 查询第一页数据
     // 查询第二页数据
     // group方法只有一个参数,并且只能使用字符串
     // SELECT username,max(score) FROM think_score GROUP BY user_id
     $Model = M('Artist');
     $Model->join('think_work ON think_artist.id = think_work.artist_id')->join('think_card ON think_artist.card_id = think_card.id')->select();
     // UNION操作用于合并两个或多个 SELECT 语句的结果集。
     $Model->field('name')->table('think_user_0')->union('SELECT name FROM think_user_1')->union('SELECT name FROM think_user_2')->select();
     // SELECT DIST INCT name FROM think_user
     // Lock方法是用于数据库的锁机制,如果在查询或者执行操作的时候使用:自动在生成的SQL语句最后加上 FOR UPDATE 或者FOR UPDATE NOWAIT (Oracle数据库)。
     $Model->distinct(true)->field('name')->select() . lock(true);
     // cache方法用于查询缓存操作 cache 可以用于select 、find 和getField 在缓存有效期之内不会再次进行数据库查询操作
     $Model = M('User');
     $Model->cache(true, 60, 'xcache')->find();
     // 对查询结果使用xcache缓存,缓存有效期60秒
     // COMMENT方法 用于在生成的SQL语句中添加注释内容
     $this->comment('查询考试前十名分数')->field('username,score')->limit(10)->order('score desc')->select();
     // SELECT username,score FROM think_score ORDER BY score desc LIMIT 10 /* 查询考试前十名分数 */
     // fetchSql用于直接返回SQL而不是执行查询,适用于任何的CURD操作方法
     $result = M('User')->fetchSql(true)->find(1);
     // 输出result结果为: SELECT * FROM think_user where id = 1
     // token方法可用于临时关闭令牌验证 即可在提交表单的时候临时关闭令牌验证(即使开启了T OKEN_ON参数)
     //读取数据是指读取数据表中的一行数据(或者关联数据),主要通过find 方法完成;  多行记录 用select
     $User = M("User");
     // 实例化User对象
     // 查找status值为1name值为think的用户数据
     $data = $User->where('status=1 AND name="thinkphp"')->find();
     $this->getField('id,name', 5);
     // 限制返回5条记录
     // 3.2.3版本开始,setInc和setDec方法支持延迟更新
     $Article->where('id=5')->setInc('view', 1, 60);
     // 文章阅读数加1,并且延迟60秒更新(写入)
     $User = M("User");
     // 实例化User对象
     // 要修改的数据对象属性赋值
     $data['name'] = 'ThinkPHP';
     $data['score'] = array('exp', 'score+1');
     // 用户的积分加1
     // 根据条件保存修改的数据
     //execute用于更新和写入数据的sql操作,如果数据非法或者查询错误则返回false ,否则返回影响的记录数。
     $Model = new \Think\Model();
     // 实例化一个model对象 没有对应任何数据表
     $Model->execute("update think_user set name='thinkPHP' wherestatus=1");
     // 如果你当前采用了分布式数据库,并且设置了读写分离的话,execute方法始终是在写服务器执行,因此execute方法对应的都是写操作,而不管你的SQL语句是什么。
Example #18
 public function helpDBOperation()
     $User = M('User');
     // 获取记录数
     // 获取用户的最大积分
     $User->min('score', 'score>0');
     // 获取积分大于 0 的用户的最小积分
     // 获取所有记录的字段值的平均值
     // 统计字段值
     $User->getN(2, 'score>80', 'score desc');
     // 返回符合条件的第 2 条记录
     $User->getN(2, 'score>80', 'score desc');
     $User->first('score>80', 'score desc');
     $User->last('score>80', 'score desc');
     // 获取最后一条记录
     $User->top(5, '', 'score desc');
     // 获取积分最高的前 5 条记录
     $User->getBy('name', 'liu21st');
     $Model = new Model();
     // 实例化一个 model 对象 没有对应任何数据表
     $Model->query("select * from think_user where status=1");
     $objrs = $Model->query("select * from think_user where status=1");
     $Model->execute("update think_user set name='thinkPHP' where status=1");
     //用于更新和写入数据的 sql 操作,返回影响的记录数
     // 启动事务
     // 提交事务
     // 事务回滚
Example #19
 public function delFloor()
     $floorId = $_POST['floorId'];
     $model = new Model();
     $model->execute("update floor set del_flag=1 where floor_id ='" . $floorId . "'");
     $this->ajaxReturn($data, 'JSON');
Example #20
 function addOneDayCourse()
     header("Content-type: text/html; charset=utf-8");
         "xtoken": "35dsakfsdjfcvjdsajfkdsf234",
         "coachid": 23,
         "uid": 333,
         "pid": 11,
         "time": "3825843",
         "action_list": [
                 "actionid": 34,
                 "group": 3,
                 "count": 20,
                 "order": 1,
                 "type": 1,
                 "duration": 34
                 "actionid": 34,
                 "group": 3,
                 "count": 20,
                 "order": 1,
                 "type": 2,
                 "duration": 54
     $param = json_decode(file_get_contents('php://input'), true);
     //         $str = '{
     //     "xtoken": "35dsakfsdjfcvjdsajfkdsf234",
     //     "coachid": 34,
     //     "uid": 76,
     //     "pid": 2,
     //     "time": "1448255875",
     //     "action_list": [
     //         {
     //             "actionid": 34,
     //             "group": 3,
     //             "count": 200,
     //             "order": 1,
     //             "type": 1,
     //             "duration": 20
     //         },
     //         {
     //             "actionid": 44,
     //             "group": 3,
     //             "count": 150,
     //             "order": 1,
     //             "type": 1,
     //             "duration": 30
     //         }
     //     ]
     // }';
     // $param = json_decode($str, true);
     $token = $param['xtoken'];
     $coachid = $param['coachid'];
     // $coachid = 34;
     if (!isset($coachid)) {
         err_ret(-205, 'lack of param', '缺少参数');
     $uid = $param['uid'];
     // $uid = 42;
     if (!isset($uid)) {
         err_ret(-205, 'lack of param', '缺少参数');
     $pid = $param['pid'];
     // $pid = 1;
     if (!isset($pid)) {
         err_ret(-205, 'lack of param', '缺少参数');
     $time = $param['time'];
     // $time = 1447257600;
     if (!isset($time)) {
         err_ret(-205, 'lack of param', '缺少参数');
     $model_my_plan = new Model('my_plan');
     $condition['uid'] = $uid;
     $condition['pid'] = $pid;
     $condition['coachid'] = $coachid;
     $result = $model_my_plan->where($condition)->select();
     if (count($result) <= 0) {
         err_ret(-206, 'user has no buy plan', '客户没有购买计划');
     $model_course_record = new Model('course_record');
     $next_courseid = $model_course_record->max('courseid') + 1;
     $sql = "SELECT * FROM my_plan WHERE FROM_UNIXTIME(course_time,'%Y-%m-%d')=FROM_UNIXTIME({$time},'%Y-%m-%d') AND uid={$uid} AND pid={$pid} AND coachid={$coachid}";
     $model = new Model();
     $result = $model->query($sql);
     if (count($result) > 0) {
         $cur_courseid = $result[0]['courseid'];
         $delete_course_sql = "DELETE FROM course_record WHERE courseid=" . $cur_courseid;
         $action_list = $param['action_list'];
         for ($i = 0; $i < count($action_list); $i++) {
             $action_list[$i]['courseid'] = $cur_courseid;
         $save_data['status'] = 3;
         $save_data['iscontacted'] = 1;
         $save_data['isfinished'] = 0;
         $save_data['tips'] = '';
         $save_data['pay_time'] = $result[0]['pay_time'];
         $save_data['course_time'] = $time;
         $save_data['begin_time'] = $result[0]['begin_time'];
         $save_data['end_time'] = $result[0]['end_time'];
         $model_my_plan->where('id=' . $result[0]['id'])->save($save_data);
         $data['errno'] = 0;
         $data['courseid'] = $cur_courseid;
         echo json_encode($data);
     } else {
         $action_list = $param['action_list'];
         for ($i = 0; $i < count($action_list); $i++) {
             $action_list[$i]['courseid'] = $next_courseid;
         $result_my_plan = $model_my_plan->where($condition)->select();
         $begin_time = $result_my_plan[0]['begin_time'];
         $end_time = $result_my_plan[0]['end_time'];
         $pay_time = $result_my_plan[0]['pay_time'];
         $course_time = $result_my_plan[0]['course_time'];
         if ($course_time == 1 || $course_time == 0) {
             $begin_time = time();
             $end_time = $begin_time + 30 * 86400;
         $condition['uid'] = $uid;
         $condition['pid'] = $pid;
         $condition['coachid'] = $coachid;
         $condition['courseid'] = 0;
         $result_my_plan = $model_my_plan->where($condition)->select();
         if (count($result_my_plan) > 0) {
             $id = $result_my_plan[0]['id'];
             $save_data['uid'] = $uid;
             $save_data['pid'] = $pid;
             $save_data['coachid'] = $coachid;
             $save_data['courseid'] = $next_courseid;
             $save_data['status'] = 3;
             $save_data['iscontacted'] = 1;
             $save_data['isfinished'] = 0;
             $save_data['tips'] = '';
             $save_data['pay_time'] = $pay_time;
             $save_data['course_time'] = $time;
             $save_data['begin_time'] = $begin_time;
             $save_data['end_time'] = $end_time;
             $model_my_plan->where('id=' . $id)->save($save_data);
         } else {
             $add_data['uid'] = $uid;
             $add_data['pid'] = $pid;
             $add_data['coachid'] = $coachid;
             $add_data['courseid'] = $next_courseid;
             $add_data['status'] = 3;
             $add_data['iscontacted'] = 1;
             $add_data['isfinished'] = 0;
             $add_data['tips'] = '';
             $add_data['pay_time'] = $pay_time;
             $add_data['course_time'] = $time;
             $add_data['begin_time'] = $begin_time;
             $add_data['end_time'] = $end_time;
         $data['errno'] = 0;
         $data['courseid'] = $next_courseid;
         echo json_encode($data);
         $sql = "SELECT id, name,nicker FROM user_info WHERE id IN({$uid},{$coachid})";
         $model = new Model();
         $result = $model->query($sql);
         foreach ($result as $value) {
             if ($value['id'] == $uid) {
                 $userNicker = $value['nicker'];
             } else {
                 if ($value['id'] == $coachid) {
                     $coachName = $value['name'];
         $strDate = timeToString($time);
         $strTicker = 'Hi,' . $userNicker . ' 你有新的计划啦,快点开看看吧';
         $strTitle = 'Hi,' . $userNicker . ' 你有新的计划啦,快点开看看吧';
         //            $strText = 'Hi,'.$userNicker.' 你的教练'.$coachName.'给你安排了'.$time.'的训练计划啦  记得去查看哦~';
         $strText = 'Hi,' . $userNicker . ' 你的教练' . $coachName . '给你安排了新的训练计划啦  记得去查看哦~';
         //            sendDeviceUnicast($uid,$strTicker,$strTitle,$strText);
         getuiSendDeviceUnicast($uid, $strTitle, $strText);
Example #21
 public function articleUpdate()
     if (session('?userid') && session('?usertype') && ($_SESSION[usertype] == 1 || $_SESSION[usertype] == 2)) {
         $Form = new Model();
         $date = date("Y-m-d H:i:s");
         $id = date("Ymdhis");
         //'update project_info set status=%d where project_id="%s"'
         $info = htmlspecialchars_decode(I('post.key6'));
         $origin = getPic($info, C(EXP_PREFIX));
         if ($origin != null) {
             $thumb = substr($origin, 0, strlen($origin) - 4) . 'thumb.jpg';
             $image = new \Think\Image();
             $unlink = $image->thumb(240, 135, \Think\Image::IMAGE_THUMB_CENTER)->water('./Public/pic/water.png', \Think\Image::IMAGE_WATER_NORTHWEST, 80)->text('   ' . C('MODULE_CODE')[I('post.key2', 0)], './Public/fonts/1.ttf', 12, '#FFFFFF', \Think\Image::IMAGE_WATER_NORTHWEST)->save($thumb);
             if ($unlink !== false) {
                 $thumb = C(PREFIX) . substr($thumb, 1);
             } else {
                 $thumb = '';
         } else {
             $thumb = '';
         $sqlstr = sprintf("update admin_articles set admin_id='%s',article_title='%s',article_type=%d,\n                article_field=%d,article_object=%d,article_about=%d,article_content='%s',article_time='%s',\n                article_abstract='%s', thumb='%s' \n                where article_id='%s'", $_SESSION['userid'], $_POST['key1'], $_POST['key2'], $_POST['key3'], $_POST['key4'], $_POST['key5'], $_POST['key6'], $date, $_POST['key0'], $thumb, $_POST['key7']);
         $result = $Form->execute($sqlstr);
         if ($result) {
             echo $result;
         } else {
             echo $result;
Example #22
    public function detail()
        $Form = new Model();
        $result = $Form->query('select admin_articles.*, admin_nickname from admin_articles 
			inner join admin_personal on admin_articles.admin_id = admin_personal.admin_id
			where article_id="%s"', $_GET['p']);
        if ($result) {
            $result[0]['article_type'] = C('MODULE_CODE')[$result[0]['article_type']];
            if ($result[0]['article_about'] == C(PROJECT_CODE)) {
                $object = $Form->query('select project_name as name, project_logo as portrait from project_info
					where project_id = "%s"', $result[0]['article_object']);
                $this->obj = $object[0];
            } else {
                if ($result[0]['article_about'] == C(INVESTOR_CODE)) {
                    $object = $Form->query('select name, portrait from investor_personal
					where user_id = "%s"', $result[0]['article_object']);
                    $this->obj = $object[0];
                } else {
                    if ($result[0]['article_about'] == C(INNOVATOR_CODE)) {
                        $object = $Form->query('select name, portrait from entrepreneur_personal
					where user_id = "%s"', $result[0]['article_object']);
                        $this->obj = $object[0];
            $this->p = $result[0];
        $update = $Form->execute('update admin_articles set article_visits=%d where article_id="%s"', $result[0]['article_visits'] + 1, $_GET['p']);
Example #23
 public function saveProjects()
     if (session('?userid') && session('?usertype')) {
         $ps = $_POST;
         $Form = new Model();
         $Form->execute("delete from home_show where tag='%d'", C(PROJECT_CODE));
         if ($_POST) {
             for ($i = 1; $i <= 12; $i++) {
                 $tmp = $ps['key' . $i];
                 if ($tmp) {
                     $Form->execute("replace into home_show (content_id,tag) values ('%s','%d')", $tmp, C(PROJECT_CODE));
         echo 200;
Example #24
 public function saveChange()
     $Form = new Model();
     if ($_SESSION['type'] == 1) {
         if (check_mobile(I('post.key5'), I('post.key4')) == 200) {
             $check = $Form->query('select * from investor_security where user_id = "%s"', $_SESSION['id']);
             if ($check[0]['user_pwd'] === I('post.key1')) {
                 $result = $Form->execute('update investor_security set user_pwd = "%s" where user_id = "%s"', I('post.key2'), $_SESSION['id']);
                 if ($result) {
                     echo 200;
                 } else {
                     echo 400;
             } else {
                 echo 404;
         } else {
             echo 409;
     } else {
         if ($_SESSION['type'] == 2) {
             if (check_mobile(I('post.key5'), I('post.key4')) == 200) {
                 $check = $Form->query('select * from entrepreneur_security where user_id = "%s"', $_SESSION['id']);
                 if ($check[0]['user_pwd'] === I('post.key1')) {
                     $result = $Form->execute('update entrepreneur_security set user_pwd = "%s" where user_id = "%s"', I('post.key2'), $_SESSION['id']);
                     if ($result) {
                         echo 200;
                     } else {
                         echo 400;
                 } else {
                     echo 404;
             } else {
                 echo 409;
         } else {
             echo 401;
Example #25
 public function addUser()
     $json = json_decode($GLOBALS['HTTP_RAW_POST_DATA']);
     $key = "access_token";
     $jwt = $json->access_token;
     if ($json->access_token == null) {
         $log = "无access_token";
     } else {
         $jwt = JWT::decode($jwt, $key, array('HS256'));
         $timenow = date("YmdHis", strtotime('now'));
         if (!($jwt->aud == $json->username && $timenow < $jwt->exp && $timenow > $jwt->iat)) {
             $log = "超时或名称不对称";
     $arr = $json;
     $id = $arr->id;
     $name = $arr->name;
     $mailbox = $arr->mailbox;
     $psw = $arr->id;
     $authority = $arr->authority;
     $grade = $arr->grade;
     $art = $arr->id;
     if ($authority == "管理员") {
         $authority = "admin";
     } else {
         $authority = "user";
     $Model = new Model();
     $sql = "insert into " . __PREFIX__ . "user (id,name,mailbox,psw,authority,grade) values ({$id},'{$name}','{$mailbox}',{$psw},'{$authority}','{$grade}');";
     if ($Model->execute($sql)) {
         $suc = 1;
     } else {
         $suc = 0;
     $jsonsend = array("username" => $json->username, "suc" => $suc, "access_token" => $json->access_token);
Example #26
 public function saveChange()
     $Form = new Model();
     $user_id = $_POST['key1'];
     $newpwd = $_POST['key2'];
     $pwds = $Form->query('select user_pwd from investor_security where user_id="%s"', $user_id);
     $pwd = $pwds[0];
     if ($pwd) {
         $result = $Form->execute('update investor_security set user_pwd = "%s" where user_id = "%s"', I('post.key2'), $user_id);
         if ($result) {
             echo 200;
         } else {
             echo 404;
     } else {
         $result = $Form->execute('update entrepreneur_security set user_pwd = "%s" where user_id = "%s"', I('post.key2'), $user_id);
         if ($result) {
             echo 200;
         } else {
             echo 404;
  * 车辆驶离停车场
  * @param unknown $car_no
  *            车牌号
  * @param unknown $berth_no
  *            车位机器编码
  * @param unknown $money
  *            停车费
 public function leave($car_no, $berth_no, $money)
     $Model = new Model();
     $now = time();
     $sql = "select r.berth_id,r.id,r.park_id,u.id as user_id from px_parkrecord as r,px_car as c,px_berth as b,px_user as u,px_user_car as uc\r\n\t\t\t where c.no='" . $car_no . "' and b.no=" . $berth_no . " and r.start_time is not null and r.end_time is null and c.id=r.car_id and\r\n\t\t\t  c.id=uc.car_id and uc.user_id=u.id and r.berth_id=b.id and b.no=" . $berth_no;
     /* /* $sql_id = "select px_parkrecord.berth_id,px_parkrecord.id,px_parkrecord.park_id,px_user.id as user_id,
        max(px_parkrecord.start_time) from px_parkrecord,px_car,px_berth,px_user,px_user_car
        where px_car.no='" . $car_no . "' and px_car.id=px_parkrecord.car_id and px_parkrecord.berth_id=px_berth.id
                and px_parkrecord.start_time is not null
        and px_parkrecord.end_time is null and px_car.id=px_user_car.car_id and px_user_car.user_id=px_user.id"; */
     //var_dump($sql); */
     $id = $Model->query($sql);
     if ($id[0]['id']) {
         $sql_update = "update px_parkrecord set end_time=" . $now . ",money=" . $money . " where id=" . $id[0]['id'];
         $result1 = $Model->execute($sql_update);
         $park_id = $id[0]['park_id'];
         $result2 = M('Park')->where('id=' . $park_id)->setInc('remain_num', 1);
         $berth_id = $id[0]['berth_id'];
         $sql_berth = "update px_berth set is_null=0 where id=" . $berth_id;
         $result3 = $Model->execute($sql_berth);
         $result4 = M('Park')->where('id=' . $park_id)->field('total_num,remain_num')->find();
         $num = ($result4['total_num'] - $result4['remain_num']) / $result4[total_num];
         $Target = A('Target');
         $Target->add($park_id, $num);
         $User = A('User');
         $User->cost($id[0]['user_id'], $money);
         echo "车牌号为" . $car_no . "的车驶离id为" . $park_id . "的停车场,驶离车位的id是" . $berth_id;
     } else {
         echo "车辆全部驶离停车场";