protected function buildForm($change_mode = false)
     $this->formBuilder->add("id", "hidden", array("required" => true, "constraints" => array(new Constraints\NotBlank(), new Constraints\Callback(array("methods" => array(array($this, "verifyProfileId")))))));
     foreach (ResourceQuery::create()->find() as $resource) {
         $this->formBuilder->add(self::RESOURCE_ACCESS_FIELD_PREFIX . ':' . str_replace(".", ":", $resource->getCode()), "choice", array("choices" => array(AccessManager::VIEW => AccessManager::VIEW, AccessManager::CREATE => AccessManager::CREATE, AccessManager::UPDATE => AccessManager::UPDATE, AccessManager::DELETE => AccessManager::DELETE), "attr" => array("tag" => "resources", "resource_code" => $resource->getCode()), "multiple" => true, "constraints" => array()));
Example #2
 protected function addResource($code)
     if (null === ResourceQuery::create()->findOneByCode($code)) {
         $resource = new Resource();
Example #3
  * @param ProfileEvent $event
 public function updateResourceAccess(ProfileEvent $event)
     if (null !== ($profile = ProfileQuery::create()->findPk($event->getId()))) {
         foreach ($event->getResourceAccess() as $resourceCode => $accesses) {
             $manager = new AccessManager(0);
             $profileResource = new ProfileResource();
Example #4
 public function buildModelCriteria()
     $search = ResourceQuery::create();
     /* manage translations */
     $profile = $this->getProfile();
     if (null !== $profile) {
         $search->leftJoinProfileResource('profile_resource')->addJoinCondition('profile_resource', 'profile_resource.PROFILE_ID=?', $profile, null, \PDO::PARAM_INT)->withColumn('profile_resource.access', 'access');
     $code = $this->getCode();
     if (null !== $code) {
         $search->filterByCode($code, Criteria::IN);
     return $search;
Example #5
  * Removes this object from datastore and sets delete attribute.
  * @param      ConnectionInterface $con
  * @return void
  * @throws PropelException
  * @see Resource::setDeleted()
  * @see Resource::isDeleted()
 public function delete(ConnectionInterface $con = null)
     if ($this->isDeleted()) {
         throw new PropelException("This object has already been deleted.");
     if ($con === null) {
         $con = Propel::getServiceContainer()->getWriteConnection(ResourceTableMap::DATABASE_NAME);
     try {
         $deleteQuery = ChildResourceQuery::create()->filterByPrimaryKey($this->getPrimaryKey());
         $ret = $this->preDelete($con);
         if ($ret) {
         } else {
     } catch (Exception $e) {
         throw $e;
Example #6
  * Get the associated ChildResource object
  * @param      ConnectionInterface $con Optional Connection object.
  * @return                 ChildResource The associated ChildResource object.
  * @throws PropelException
 public function getResource(ConnectionInterface $con = null)
     if ($this->aResource === null && $this->resource_id !== null) {
         $this->aResource = ChildResourceQuery::create()->findPk($this->resource_id, $con);
         /* The following can be used additionally to
               guarantee the related object contains a reference
               to this object.  This level of coupling may, however, be
               undesirable since it could result in an only partially populated collection
               in the referenced object.
     return $this->aResource;
Example #7
  * Performs an INSERT on the database, given a Resource or Criteria object.
  * @param mixed               $criteria Criteria or Resource object containing data that is used to create the INSERT statement.
  * @param ConnectionInterface $con the ConnectionInterface connection to use
  * @return mixed           The new primary key.
  * @throws PropelException Any exceptions caught during processing will be
  *         rethrown wrapped into a PropelException.
 public static function doInsert($criteria, ConnectionInterface $con = null)
     if (null === $con) {
         $con = Propel::getServiceContainer()->getWriteConnection(ResourceTableMap::DATABASE_NAME);
     if ($criteria instanceof Criteria) {
         $criteria = clone $criteria;
         // rename for clarity
     } else {
         $criteria = $criteria->buildCriteria();
         // build Criteria from Resource object
     if ($criteria->containsKey(ResourceTableMap::ID) && $criteria->keyContainsValue(ResourceTableMap::ID)) {
         throw new PropelException('Cannot insert a value for auto-increment primary key (' . ResourceTableMap::ID . ')');
     // Set the correct dbName
     $query = ResourceQuery::create()->mergeWith($criteria);
     try {
         // use transaction because $criteria could contain info
         // for more than one table (I guess, conceivably)
         $pk = $query->doInsert($con);
     } catch (PropelException $e) {
         throw $e;
     return $pk;
Example #8
  * Gets the number of ChildResource objects related by a many-to-many relationship
  * to the current object by way of the profile_resource cross-reference table.
  * @param      Criteria $criteria Optional query object to filter the query
  * @param      boolean $distinct Set to true to force count distinct
  * @param      ConnectionInterface $con Optional connection object
  * @return int the number of related ChildResource objects
 public function countResources($criteria = null, $distinct = false, ConnectionInterface $con = null)
     if (null === $this->collResources || null !== $criteria) {
         if ($this->isNew() && null === $this->collResources) {
             return 0;
         } else {
             $query = ChildResourceQuery::create(null, $criteria);
             if ($distinct) {
             return $query->filterByProfile($this)->count($con);
     } else {
         return count($this->collResources);