Example #1
 protected function _getIssueFromRequest(framework\Request $request)
     $issue = null;
     if ($issue_no = framework\Context::getRequest()->getParameter('issue_no')) {
         $issue = entities\Issue::getIssueFromLink($issue_no);
         if ($issue instanceof entities\Issue) {
             if (!$this->selected_project instanceof entities\Project || $issue->getProjectID() != $this->selected_project->getID()) {
                 $issue = null;
         } else {
             framework\Logging::log("Issue no [{$issue_no}] not a valid issue no", 'main', framework\Logging::LEVEL_WARNING_RISK);
     framework\Logging::log('done (Loading issue)');
     if ($issue instanceof entities\Issue && (!$issue->hasAccess() || $issue->isDeleted())) {
         $issue = null;
     return $issue;
Example #2
 public function hasQuickfoundIssues()
     if ($this->_quickfound_issues === null) {
         $this->_quickfound_issues = array();
         if ($this->getSearchterm()) {
             preg_replace_callback(\thebuggenie\core\helpers\TextParser::getIssueRegex(), array('\\thebuggenie\\core\\entities\\SavedSearch', 'extractIssues'), $this->getSearchterm());
     if (!count($this->_quickfound_issues)) {
         $issue = Issue::getIssueFromLink($this->getSearchterm());
         if ($issue instanceof Issue) {
             $this->_quickfound_issues[] = $issue;
     return (bool) count($this->_quickfound_issues);
 public static function parseIssuelink($matches, $markdown_format = false)
     $theIssue = \thebuggenie\core\entities\Issue::getIssueFromLink($matches[0]);
     $output = '';
     $classname = '';
     if ($theIssue instanceof \thebuggenie\core\entities\Issue && ($theIssue->isClosed() || $theIssue->isDeleted())) {
         $classname = 'closed';
     if ($theIssue instanceof \thebuggenie\core\entities\Issue) {
         $theIssueUrl = make_url('viewissue', array('issue_no' => $theIssue->getFormattedIssueNo(false), 'project_key' => $theIssue->getProject()->getKey()));
         if ($markdown_format) {
             if ($classname != '') {
                 $classname = ' {.' . $classname . '}';
             $output = "[{$matches[0]}]({$theIssueUrl} \"{$theIssue->getFormattedTitle()}\"){$classname}";
         } else {
             $output = ' ' . link_tag($theIssueUrl, $matches[0], array('class' => $classname, 'title' => $theIssue->getFormattedTitle()));
     } else {
         $output = $matches[0];
     return $output;
Example #4
 public function runUpdateIssueDetails(framework\Request $request)
     $this->error = false;
     try {
         $i18n = framework\Context::getI18n();
         $issue = entities\Issue::getIssueFromLink($request['issue_no']);
         if ($issue->getProject()->getID() != $this->selected_project->getID()) {
             throw new \Exception($i18n->__('This issue is not valid for this project'));
         if (!$issue instanceof entities\Issue) {
             throw new \Exception($i18n->__('Cannot find this issue'));
         $workflow_transition = null;
         if ($passed_transition = $request['workflow_transition']) {
             //echo "looking for transition ";
             $key = str_replace(' ', '', mb_strtolower($passed_transition));
             //echo $key . "\n";
             foreach ($issue->getAvailableWorkflowTransitions() as $transition) {
                 //echo str_replace(' ', '', mb_strtolower($transition->getName())) . "?";
                 if (mb_strpos(str_replace(' ', '', mb_strtolower($transition->getName())), $key) !== false) {
                     $workflow_transition = $transition;
                     //echo "found transition " . $transition->getID();
                 //echo "no";
             if (!$workflow_transition instanceof entities\WorkflowTransition) {
                 throw new \Exception("This transition ({$key}) is not valid");
         $fields = $request->getRawParameter('fields', array());
         $return_values = array();
         if ($workflow_transition instanceof entities\WorkflowTransition) {
             foreach ($fields as $field_key => $field_value) {
                 $classname = "\\thebuggenie\\core\\entities\\" . ucfirst($field_key);
                 $method = "set" . ucfirst($field_key);
                 $choices = $classname::getAll();
                 $found = false;
                 foreach ($choices as $choice_key => $choice) {
                     if (mb_strpos(str_replace(' ', '', mb_strtolower($choice->getName())), str_replace(' ', '', mb_strtolower($field_value))) !== false) {
                         $request->setParameter($field_key . '_id', $choice->getId());
             $request->setParameter('comment_body', $request['message']);
             $return_values['applied_transition'] = $workflow_transition->getName();
             if ($workflow_transition->validateFromRequest($request)) {
                 $retval = $workflow_transition->transitionIssueToOutgoingStepFromRequest($issue, $request);
                 $return_values['transition_ok'] = $retval === false ? false : true;
             } else {
                 $return_values['transition_ok'] = false;
                 $return_values['message'] = "Please pass all information required for this transition";
         } elseif ($issue->isUpdateable()) {
             foreach ($fields as $field_key => $field_value) {
                 try {
                     if (in_array($field_key, array_merge(array('title', 'state'), entities\Datatype::getAvailableFields(true)))) {
                         switch ($field_key) {
                             case 'state':
                                 $issue->setState($field_value == 'open' ? entities\Issue::STATE_OPEN : entities\Issue::STATE_CLOSED);
                             case 'title':
                                 if ($field_value != '') {
                                 } else {
                                     throw new \Exception($i18n->__('Invalid title'));
                             case 'shortname':
                             case 'description':
                             case 'reproduction_steps':
                                 $method = "set" . ucfirst($field_key);
                             case 'status':
                             case 'resolution':
                             case 'reproducability':
                             case 'priority':
                             case 'severity':
                             case 'category':
                                 $classname = "\\thebuggenie\\core\\entities\\" . ucfirst($field_key);
                                 $method = "set" . ucfirst($field_key);
                                 $choices = $classname::getAll();
                                 $found = false;
                                 foreach ($choices as $choice_key => $choice) {
                                     if (str_replace(' ', '', mb_strtolower($choice->getName())) == str_replace(' ', '', mb_strtolower($field_value))) {
                                         $found = true;
                                 if (!$found) {
                                     throw new \Exception('Could not find this value');
                             case 'percent_complete':
                             case 'owner':
                             case 'assignee':
                                 $set_method = "set" . ucfirst($field_key);
                                 $unset_method = "un{$set_method}";
                                 switch (mb_strtolower($field_value)) {
                                     case 'me':
                                     case 'none':
                                         try {
                                             $user = entities\User::findUser(mb_strtolower($field_value));
                                             if ($user instanceof entities\User) {
                                         } catch (\Exception $e) {
                                             throw new \Exception('No such user found');
                             case 'estimated_time':
                             case 'spent_time':
                                 $set_method = "set" . ucfirst(str_replace('_', '', $field_key));
                             case 'milestone':
                                 $found = false;
                                 foreach ($this->selected_project->getMilestones() as $milestone) {
                                     if (str_replace(' ', '', mb_strtolower($milestone->getName())) == str_replace(' ', '', mb_strtolower($field_value))) {
                                         $found = true;
                                 if (!$found) {
                                     throw new \Exception('Could not find this milestone');
                                 throw new \Exception($i18n->__('Invalid field'));
                     $return_values[$field_key] = array('success' => true);
                 } catch (\Exception $e) {
                     $return_values[$field_key] = array('success' => false, 'error' => $e->getMessage());
         if (!$workflow_transition instanceof entities\WorkflowTransition) {
         if (!array_key_exists('transition_ok', $return_values) || $return_values['transition_ok']) {
             $comment = new entities\Comment();
             $comment->setContent($request->getParameter('message', null, false));
         $this->return_values = $return_values;
     } catch (\Exception $e) {
         return $this->renderJSON(array('failed' => true, 'error' => $e->getMessage()));
Example #5
  * Runs one or more regular expressions against a supplied text, extracts
  * issue numbers from it, and then obtains corresponding issues. The
  * function will also obtain information about transitions (if this was
  * specified in the text). This data can be used for transitioning the
  * issues through a workflow.
  * Once the function finishes processing, it will return an array of format:
  * array('issues' => tbg_issues, 'transitions' => transitions).
  * tbgissues is an array consisting of \thebuggenie\core\entities\Issue instances.
  * transitions is an array containing transition arrays. The transition
  * arrays are accessed with issue numbers as keys (e.g. 'PREFIX-1',
  * 'PREFIX-5' or '2', '3' etc). Each transition array has the following
  * format:
  * array(0 => command, 1 => parameters)
  * command is a string representing the transision command (for example
  * 'Resolve issue') from the workflow definition. parameters is an array
  * that contains parameters and their values that should be passed to the
  * transition step:
  * array( 'PARAM1' => 'VALUE1', 'PARAM2' => 'VALUE2', ...)
  * @param string $text Text that should be parsed for issue numbers and transitions.
  * @return An array with two elements, one denoting the matched issues, one
  * denoting the transitions for issues. These elements can be accessed using
  * keys 'issues', and 'transitions'. The key 'issues' can be used for
  * accessing an array made-up of \thebuggenie\core\entities\Issue instances. The key 'transitions'
  * can be used for accessing an array containing transition information
  * about each issue. The 'transitions' array uses issue numbers as keys,
  * and contains ordered transition information (see above for detailed
  * description of format).
 public static function getIssuesFromTextByRegex($text)
     $issue_match_regexes = \thebuggenie\core\helpers\TextParser::getIssueRegex();
     $issue_numbers = array();
     // Issue numbers
     $issues = array();
     // Issue objects
     $transitions = array();
     // Transition information
     // Iterate over all regular expressions that should be used for
     // issue/transition matching in commit message.
     foreach ($issue_match_regexes as $issue_match_regex) {
         $matched_issue_data = array();
         // All data from regexp
         // If any match is found using the current regular expression, extract
         // the information.
         if (preg_match_all($issue_match_regex, $text, $matched_issue_data)) {
             // Identified issues are kept inside of named regex group.
             foreach ($matched_issue_data["issues"] as $key => $issue_number) {
                 // Get the matched transitions for the issue.
                 $matched_issue_transitions = $matched_issue_data["transitions"][$key];
                 // Create an empty array to store transitions for an issue. Don't
                 // overwrite it. Use issue number as key for transitions.
                 if (!array_key_exists($issue_number, $transitions)) {
                     $transitions[$issue_number] = array();
                 // Add the transition information (if any) for an issue.
                 if ($matched_issue_transitions) {
                     // Parse the transition information. Each transition string is in
                     // format:
                     // 'TRANSITION1: PARAM1_1=VALUE1_1 PARAM1_2=VALUE1_2; TRANSITION2: PARAM2_1=VALUE2_1 PARAM2_2=VALUE2_2'
                     foreach (explode("; ", $matched_issue_transitions) as $transition) {
                         // Split command from its parameters.
                         $transition_data = explode(": ", $transition);
                         $transition_command = $transition_data[0];
                         // Set-up array that will contain parameters
                         $transition_parameters = array();
                         // Process parameters if they were present.
                         if (count($transition_data) == 2) {
                             // Split into induvidual parameters.
                             foreach (explode(" ", $transition_data[1]) as $parameter) {
                                 // Only process proper parameters (of format 'PARAM=VALUE')
                                 if (mb_strpos($parameter, '=')) {
                                     list($param_key, $param_value) = explode('=', $parameter);
                                     $transition_parameters[$param_key] = $param_value;
                         // Append the transition information for the current issue number.
                         $transitions[$issue_number][] = array($transition_command, $transition_parameters);
                 // Add the issue number to the list.
                 $issue_numbers[] = $issue_number;
     // Make sure that each issue gets procssed only once for a single commit
     // (avoid duplication of commits).
     $unique_issue_numbers = array_unique($issue_numbers);
     // Fetch all issues affected by the commit.
     foreach ($unique_issue_numbers as $issue_no) {
         $issue = Issue::getIssueFromLink($issue_no);
         if ($issue instanceof \thebuggenie\core\entities\Issue) {
             $issues[] = $issue;
     // Return array consisting out of two arrays - one with \thebuggenie\core\entities\Issue
     // instances, and the second one with transition information for those
     // issues.
     return array("issues" => $issues, "transitions" => $transitions);
Example #6
 public function extractIssues($matches)
     $issue = entities\Issue::getIssueFromLink($matches["issues"]);
     if ($issue instanceof entities\Issue) {
         if (!framework\Context::isProjectContext() || framework\Context::isProjectContext() && $issue->getProjectID() == framework\Context::getCurrentProject()->getID()) {
             $this->foundissues[$issue->getID()] = $issue;
Example #7
 public static function parseIssuelink($matches)
     $theIssue = \thebuggenie\core\entities\Issue::getIssueFromLink($matches[0]);
     $output = '';
     $classname = '';
     if ($theIssue instanceof \thebuggenie\core\entities\Issue && ($theIssue->isClosed() || $theIssue->isDeleted())) {
         $classname = 'closed';
     if ($theIssue instanceof \thebuggenie\core\entities\Issue) {
         $output = ' ' . link_tag(make_url('viewissue', array('issue_no' => $theIssue->getFormattedIssueNo(false), 'project_key' => $theIssue->getProject()->getKey())), $matches[0], array('class' => $classname, 'title' => $theIssue->getFormattedTitle()));
     } else {
         $output = $matches[1];
     return $output;