Example #1
  * Route the current URI
  * @param string|Tamed\HTTP\Request $_request Request
  * @return Route matched route
 public function route($_request)
     if ($this->hasStarted()) {
         return $this->_matchedRoute;
     if ($_request instanceof Request) {
         $_request = $_request->getRequestUri();
      * Verifies for each route if it can be determined. If it can't, the default
      * will then be used.
      * @var &$route Route
     foreach ($this->_routes as $name => &$route) {
         if ($route->match($_request)) {
             Debug::info('Route %s matched', $name);
             $this->_matchedRoute = $route;
     if ($this->_matchedRoute === null) {
         if (!isset($this->_routes['404'])) {
             throw new \Exception('No route to match');
         Debug::info('No route found : using 404');
         $this->_matchedRoute = $this->_routes['404'];
     return $this->_matchedRoute;
Example #2
  * Sends the header
  * @param bool $force forces the header to be sent... even if it was already sent
 public function send($force = false)
     if ($this->_sent === false || $force === true) {
         $header = $this->_header . ': ' . $this->_value;
         if ($this->_value === null) {
             $header = $this->_header;
         Debug::info('Sending header (%1$s, code %2$d)', $header, $this->_status);
         \header($header, $this->_replace, $this->_status);
         $this->_sent = true;
Example #3
        case E_USER_NOTICE:
        case E_DEPRECATED:
        case E_NOTICE:
        case E_STRICT:
            $err = Debug::LEVEL_INFO;
    $e = new \ErrorException($errstr, 0, $errno, $errfile, $errline);
    Debug::log('An error occurred (' . $e->__toString() . ')', $err);
    throw $e;
Obj::$config = new Configuration_Loader(__DIR__ . '/../conf/');
Obj::$router = new Router();
$routes = Obj::$config->get('routes', function (&$v, $k) {
    // -- if a 'app' part is not set, it has to be constructed
    if (!isset($v['app'])) {
        if (!isset($v['controller'], $v['action'])) {
            throw new \Exception('The route does not have the required arguments');
        $v['app'] = $v['controller'] . ':' . $v['action'];
    $v = new Route($v['app'], $v['pattern']);
foreach ($routes as $name => &$route) {
    Debug::info('Adding route %s', (string) $name);
    Obj::$router->addRoute($name, $route);
 * EOF
Example #4
  * Forwards to a new controller and a new action
  * Note : the controller should be in in full qualified form (namespaces included)
  * @param string $_controller Controller's name
  * @param string $_action Action's name
 protected final function _forward($_controller, $_action)
     Debug::info('Forwarding to "%1$s->%2$s"', $_controller, $_action);
      * @var Front
     $controller = new $_controller($this->_request, $this->_response, $this->_view);
     $controller->_isForwarded = true;