Example #1
  * @return string Full filesystem path to resulting temporary file.
 public function export()
     $columns = array();
     $columnHeaders = array();
     $join_clause = '';
     foreach ($this->columns as $col_name => $col) {
         if ($col->isForeignKey()) {
             $colJoin = $this->joinOn($col);
             $columnName = $colJoin['column_alias'];
             $join_clause .= $colJoin['join_clause'];
         } elseif ($col->getType() === 'point') {
             $columns[] = "IF(`{$this->name}`.`{$col_name}` IS NOT NULL, AsText(`{$this->name}`.`{$col_name}`), '') AS `{$col_name}`";
         } else {
             $columnName = "`{$this->name}`.`{$col_name}`";
         if ($col->getType() !== 'point' && isset($columnName)) {
             $columns[] = "REPLACE(IFNULL({$columnName}, ''),CONCAT(CHAR(13),CHAR(10)),CHAR(10))";
             // 13 = \r and 10 = \n
         $columnHeaders[] = $col->getTitle();
     // Build basic SELECT statement
     $sql = 'SELECT ' . join(',', $columns) . ' FROM `' . $this->getName() . '` ' . $join_clause;
     $params = $this->applyFilters($sql);
     $tmpDir = Config::storageDirExport();
     $filename = $tmpDir . '/' . uniqid() . '.csv';
     if (DIRECTORY_SEPARATOR == '\\') {
         // Clean Windows slashes, for MySQL's benefit.
         $filename = str_replace('\\', '/', $filename);
     // Clear out any old copy.
     if (file_exists($filename)) {
     // Build the final SQL, appending the column headers in a UNION.
     $sql = 'SELECT "' . join('", "', $columnHeaders) . '"' . ' UNION ' . $sql . ' INTO OUTFILE "' . $filename . '" ' . ' FIELDS TERMINATED BY ","' . ' ENCLOSED BY \'"\'' . ' ESCAPED BY \'"\'' . ' LINES TERMINATED BY "\\r\\n"';
     // Execute the SQL.
     $this->database->query($sql, $params);
     // Make sure it exported.
     if (!file_exists($filename)) {
         $msg = "Unable to create temporary export file:<br /><code>{$filename}</code>";
         throw new \Exception($msg);
     // Give the filename back to the controller, to send to the client.
     return $filename;