public function render() { View::addCoreLib(array('style.css', 'view:alert.js')); $params = array('title' => $this->_obj->getTitle(), 'level' => 'error', 'buttons' => array('confirm' => true), 'labels' => array('confirm' => "Afficher mes livraisons"), 'callbacks' => array('confirm' => "document.location.replace('/livraisons/livraison/validation')")); $event = sprintf('new t41.view.alert("%s",%s)', implode('<br/>', $this->_obj->getContent()), \Zend_Json::encode($params)); View::addEvent($event, 'js'); }
protected function _render() { $content = null; $elems = View::getObjects(View::PH_DEFAULT); if (is_array($elems)) { foreach ($elems as $elem) { $object = $elem[0]; $params = $elem[1]; if (!is_object($object)) { continue; } /* @var $object t41\View\ViewObject */ switch (get_class($object)) { case 't41\\View\\ListComponent': case 't41\\View\\TableComponent': $object->setDecorator(); $decorator = Decorator::factory($object); $content .= $decorator->render(); break; default: break; } } } return $content; }
protected function _renderField($name, $value = null, $prefix = null, $boundaries = true) { $id = str_replace(array('[', ']'), array('_', ''), $name); $dispField = 'disp_' . $id; $pickerArgs = array('dateFormat' => 'dd/mm/yy', 'firstDay' => 1, 'changeYear' => true, 'changeMonth' => true, 'altField' => '#' . $id, 'altFormat' => 'yy-mm-dd', 'monthNames' => array('Janvier', 'Février', 'Mars', 'Avril', 'Mai', 'Juin', 'Juillet', 'Août', 'Septembre', 'Octobre', 'Novembre', 'Décembre'), 'monthNamesShort' => array('Jan', 'Fév', 'Mar', 'Avr', 'Mai', 'Juin', 'Juil', 'Aoû', 'Sept', 'Oct', 'Nov', 'Déc'), 'dayNames' => array('Dimanche', 'Lundi', 'Mardi', 'Mercredi', 'Jeudi', 'Vendredi', 'Samedi'), 'dayNamesMin' => array('Dim', 'Lun', 'Mar', 'Mer', 'Jeu', 'Ven', 'Sam')); if ($boundaries) { if (is_numeric($this->_obj->getConstraint(Property::CONSTRAINT_DATEMIN))) { $pickerArgs['minDate'] = $this->_obj->getConstraint(Property::CONSTRAINT_DATEMIN); } if (is_numeric($this->_obj->getConstraint(Property::CONSTRAINT_DATEMAX))) { $pickerArgs['maxDate'] = (string) $this->_obj->getConstraint(Property::CONSTRAINT_DATEMAX); } } View::addEvent(sprintf('jQuery(function() { jQuery("#%s").datepicker(%s); });', $dispField, \Zend_Json::encode($pickerArgs)), 'js'); $html = sprintf('%s<input type="hidden" name="%s" id="%s" value="%s"/>', $prefix ? htmlspecialchars($prefix) . ' ' : null, $name, $id, $value); $dispValue = $value ? $this->_obj->formatValue($value, (bool) $this->getParameter(Property::CONSTRAINT_PROTECTED)) : null; $html .= sprintf('<input type="text" id="%s" value="%s" size="10" maxlength="10" readonly="readonly" style="color:grey;"/>', $dispField, $dispValue); if ($this->_obj->getParameter('enable_quickset') && $this->getParameter('mode') != View\FormComponent::SEARCH_MODE) { $buttons = array(array('title' => 'Hier', 'value' => '-1', 'icon' => 'left-arrow'), array('title' => 'Aujourd\'hui', 'value' => '+0d', 'icon' => 'valid'), array('title' => 'Demain', 'value' => '+1', 'icon' => 'right-arrow')); foreach ($buttons as $k => $v) { $html .= sprintf('<a class="element small icon" title="%s" href="javascript:" onclick="jQuery(\'#%s\').datepicker(\'setDate\', \'%s\'); return false;"><span class="%s"></span></a>', $v['title'], $dispField, $v['value'], $v['icon']); } } return $html; }
/** * Factory pattern used to instanciate a proper decorator for the given object extended from t41\View\ViewObject * * @param t41\View\ViewObject $object disabled for now because of legacy problems * @param array $params * @return t41\View\AbstractDecorator */ public static function factory($object, array $params = null) { $decoratorData = $object->getDecorator(); if (is_null($params) && isset($decoratorData['params'])) { $params = $decoratorData['params']; } elseif (!is_null($params) && isset($decoratorData['params'])) { $params = array_merge($params, $decoratorData['params']); } // class name without the first component of the namespace $class = substr(get_class($object), strpos(get_class($object), '\\') + 1); if (View::getViewType() != Adapter\WebAdapter::ID) { $decoratorData['name'] = 'Default'; } if (!isset($decoratorData['name']) || trim($decoratorData['name']) == '') { $decoratorData['name'] = 'Default'; } // decorator name $deconame = View::getContext() . ucfirst($decoratorData['name']); foreach (self::$_paths as $library) { $file = $library['path'] . str_replace('\\', '/', $class) . '/' . $deconame . '.php'; if (file_exists($file)) { require_once $file; $fullclassname = '\\' . $library['ns'] . '\\' . $class . '\\' . $deconame; if (class_exists($fullclassname)) { try { $decorator = new $fullclassname($object, $params); } catch (Exception $e) { throw new Exception("Error instanciating '{$fullclassname}' decorator.", $e->getCode(), $e); } return $decorator; } } } throw new Exception("The decorator class '{$class}' doesn't exist or was not found"); }
public function render() { /* bind optional action to field */ if ($this->_obj->getAction()) { $this->_bindAction($this->_obj->getAction()); View::addEvent(sprintf("jQuery('#%s').focus()", $this->_id), 'js'); } $name = $this->getId(); if ($this->getParameter('mode') == View\FormComponent::SEARCH_MODE) { $name = ViewUri::getUriAdapter()->getIdentifier('search') . '[' . $this->_nametoDomId($name) . ']'; } $extraArgs = ''; if ($this->getParameter('args')) { foreach ($this->getParameter('args') as $argKey => $argVal) { $extraArgs .= sprintf(' %s="%s"', $argKey, $argVal); } } $size = $this->getParameter('length'); $max = $this->_obj->getConstraint(Property::CONSTRAINT_MAXLENGTH); if ($this->_obj->getValue()) { $html = sprintf('<input type="text" name="%s" id="%s" placeholder="%s" size="%s"%s value="********"%s/>', $name, $this->_obj->getId(), $this->_obj->getHelp(), $max > $size || $max == 0 ? $size : $max, $max ? ' maxlength="' . $max . '"' : null, $extraArgs); $html .= sprintf(' <a href="#" onclick="jQuery(\'#%s\').val(\'%s\').focus();this.remove()">Regénérer</a>', $this->_obj->getId(), self::password()); } else { $html = sprintf('<input type="text" name="%s" id="%s" placeholder="%s" size="%s"%s value="%s"%s/>', $name, $this->_obj->getId(), $this->_obj->getHelp(), $max > $size || $max == 0 ? $size : $max, $max ? ' maxlength="' . $max . '"' : null, $this->_obj->getValue(), $extraArgs); } $this->addConstraintObserver(array(Property::CONSTRAINT_UPPERCASE, Property::CONSTRAINT_LOWERCASE)); return $html; }
/** * Load the template file $filename * * If path is relative (not starting with a "/"), the base path is prefixed * * @param string $filename * @param string $module * @return t41\View\TemplateComponent $this instance */ public function load($filename, $module = null) { $file = View::getAdapter()->loadTemplate($filename, $module); if (($this->_template = file_get_contents($file)) === false) { throw new Exception(array("ERROR_LOADING_FILE", $filename)); } return $this; }
public function render() { View::addCoreLib(array('view:action:upload.js')); $id = $this->_nametoDomId($this->_obj->getId()); $event = sprintf("t41.view.registry['%s'] = new t41.view.action.uploader(%s,'%s')", $this->_obj->getId(), \Zend_Json::encode($this->_obj->reduce(array('params' => array()))), $this->_obj->getObject()->getId()); View::addEvent($event, 'js'); View::addEvent(sprintf("t41.view.registry['%s'].init()", $id), 'js'); }
public function render() { View::addCoreLib(array('view:table2.js', 'view:action:autocomplete.js')); $id = $this->_nametoDomId($this->_obj->getBoundObject()->getId()); $event = sprintf("t41.view.register('%s', new t41.view.action.autocomplete(%s,'%s'))", $id, \Zend_Json::encode($this->_obj->reduce(array('params' => array(), 'collections' => 1))), $id); View::addEvent($event, 'js'); View::addEvent(sprintf("t41.view.get('%s').init()", $id), 'js'); }
public function render() { View::addCoreLib('style.css'); $html = ''; foreach ($this->_obj->getMenu()->getItems() as $moduleKey => $module) { $menu = ''; foreach ($module->getItems() as $item) { $menu .= $this->_renderMenu($item, $moduleKey); } if ($menu) { // top level menu $html .= sprintf('<ul><li class="head" data-help="%s"><a class="head">%s</a><div class="drop">%s</div></li></ul>', $this->_escape($module->getHelp()), $this->_escape($module->getLabel()), $menu); } } return '<div class="t41 component menu">' . "\n" . $html . "</div>\n"; }
protected function _contentRendering() { $p = '<fieldset id="form_fields">'; $p .= '<legend></legend>'; $altDecorators = (array) $this->_obj->getParameter('decorators'); /* @var $val t41_View_Element_Abstract */ foreach ($this->_obj->getColumns() as $key => $element) { $field = $element; /* hidden fields treatment */ if ($element->getConstraint(Element\AbstractElement::CONSTRAINT_HIDDEN) === true) { $p .= sprintf('<input type="hidden" name="%s" id="%s" value="%s" />', $field->getAltId(), $field->getAltId(), $field->getValue()); continue; } if (!isset($focus) && $element instanceof Element\FieldElement) { View::addEvent(sprintf("jQuery('#%s').focus()", $element->getAltId()), 'js'); $focus = $element; } $label = ' '; $label = $this->_escape($element->getTitle()); if ($element->getConstraint(Property::CONSTRAINT_MANDATORY) == true) { $class = ' mandatory'; $mandatory = ' mandatory'; } else { $class = ''; $mandatory = ''; } $line = sprintf('<div class="clear"></div><div id="label_%s" class="label%s"><label for="%s" data-help="%s">%s</label></div>', $field->getAltId(), $class, $field->getAltId(), $field->getHelp(), $label); // value is already defined and can't be changed if ($field->getConstraint(Property::CONSTRAINT_PROTECTED) == true && $field->getValue()) { if (!is_object($field->getValue()) || $field->getValue() instanceof BaseObject && $field->getValue()->getUri()) { $p .= $line . '<div class="field">' . $field->formatValue($field->getValue()) . '</div>'; continue; } } /* look for a required decorator */ if (isset($altDecorators[$element->getId()])) { $element->setDecorator($altDecorators[$element->getId()]); } $deco = View\Decorator::factory($element); $line .= sprintf('<div class="field" id="elem_%s">%s</div>', $element->getId(), $deco->render()); $p .= $line . "\n"; } $p .= '</fieldset>'; return $p; }
public function render() { if (($value = $this->_obj->getValue()) !== false) { if (($value instanceof ObjectModel\BaseObject || $value instanceof ObjectModel\DataObject) && $value->getUri()) { $value = $this->_obj->getParameter('altkey') ? $value->getProperty($this->_obj->getParameter('altkey'))->getValue() : $value->getUri()->getIdentifier(); } else { if ($value instanceof ObjectModel\ObjectUri) { $value = $value->getIdentifier(); } else { $value = null; } } } $name = $this->_obj->getId(); // set correct name for field name value depending on 'mode' parameter value if ($this->getParameter('mode') == View\FormComponent::SEARCH_MODE) { $name = ViewUri::getUriAdapter()->getIdentifier('search') . '[' . $name . ']'; } View::addCoreLib(array('core.js', 'locale.js', 'view.js', 'view:table.js', 'view:action:autocomplete.js')); $acfield = new View\FormComponent\Element\FieldElement('_' . $this->_nametoDomId($name)); $acfield->setValue($value); $action = new AutocompleteAction($this->_obj->getCollection()); $objsearchprops = $this->_obj->getParameter('search') ? $this->_obj->getParameter('search') : $this->_obj->getParameter('display'); $action->setParameter('searchprops', explode(',', $this->getParameter('searchprops') ? $this->getParameter('searchprops') : $objsearchprops)); $action->setParameter('searchmode', $this->getParameter('searchmode')); $action->setParameter('display', explode(',', $this->_obj->getParameter('display'))); $action->setParameter('sdisplay', explode(',', $this->_obj->getParameter('sdisplay') ? $this->_obj->getParameter('sdisplay') : $this->_obj->getParameter('display'))); $action->setParameter('event', 'keyup'); // if a list of properties to be returned exists, pass it to the action if ($this->getParameter('retprops')) { $action->setParameter('member_reduce_params', array('props' => explode(',', $this->getParameter('retprops')))); } $action->setContextData('onclick', 't41.view.element.autocomplete.close'); $action->setContextData('target', $this->_nametoDomId($name)); $action->bind($acfield); $deco = View\Decorator::factory($acfield); $html = $deco->render(); $deco = View\Decorator::factory($action); $deco->render(); $html .= sprintf('<input type="hidden" name="%s" id="%s" value="%s"/>', $name, $this->_nametoDomId($name), $value); return $html . "\n"; }
public function render() { /* bind optional action to field */ if ($this->_obj->getAction()) { $this->_bindAction($this->_obj->getAction()); View::addEvent(sprintf("jQuery('#%s').focus()", $this->_id), 'js'); } $name = $this->getId(); if ($this->getParameter('mode') == View\FormComponent::SEARCH_MODE) { $name = ViewUri::getUriAdapter()->getIdentifier('search') . '[' . $this->_nametoDomId($name) . ']'; } $html = sprintf('<input type="hidden" name="%s" id="%s" value="%s"/>', $name, $this->_obj->getId(), $this->_obj->getValue()); $zv = new \Zend_View(); $options = array(null => $this->getParameter('defaultlabel')) + $this->_obj->getEnumValues(TimeProperty::HOUR_PART); $html .= $zv->formSelect($name . '_hour', $this->_obj->getValue(TimeProperty::HOUR_PART), null, $options); $options = array(null => $this->getParameter('defaultlabel')) + $this->_obj->getEnumValues(TimeProperty::MIN_PART); $html .= ' : ' . $zv->formSelect($name . '_minute', $this->_obj->getValue(TimeProperty::MIN_PART), null, $options); View::addCoreLib('view:form.js'); View::addEvent(sprintf("new t41.view.form.timeElement('%s')", $this->_obj->getId()), 'js'); return $html; }
public function render() { /* bind optional action to field */ if ($this->_obj->getAction()) { $this->_bindAction($this->_obj->getAction()); View::addEvent(sprintf("jQuery('#%s').focus()", $this->_id), 'js'); } $name = $this->getId(); $value = explode('.', $this->_obj->getValue()); if ($this->getParameter('mode') == View\FormComponent::SEARCH_MODE) { $name = ViewUri::getUriAdapter()->getIdentifier('search') . '[' . $this->_nametoDomId($name) . ']'; } $html = sprintf('<input type="hidden" name="%s" id="%s" value="%s"/>', $name, $this->_obj->getId(), $this->_obj->getValue()); $html .= sprintf('<input type="text" id="%s_number" size="3" maxlength="4"/>', $this->_obj->getId()); $options = array('2' => 'Bis', '3' => 'Ter', '4' => 'Quater', 'A' => 'A', 'B' => 'B', 'C' => 'C', 'D' => 'D'); $options = array(null => $this->getParameter('defaultlabel')) + $options; $zv = new \Zend_View(); $html .= $zv->formSelect(null, null, array('id' => $this->_obj->getId() . '_ext'), $options); View::addCoreLib('view:form.js'); View::addEvent(sprintf("new t41.view.form.streetNumber('%s')", $this->_obj->getId()), 'js'); return $html; }
public function init() { // Just in cas something goes wrong before the end // @todo replace with a setTemplate() in t41\Exception View::setTemplate('default.html'); // get page identifiers (module, controller and action) Layout::$module = $this->_getParam('module'); Layout::$controller = $this->_getParam('controller'); Layout::$action = $this->_getParam('action'); // provide controller with basic information about the current module foreach (Module::getConfig() as $vendor => $modules) { foreach ($modules as $key => $module) { if (isset($module['controller']) && Layout::$module == $module['controller']['base']) { $this->_module = 'app/' . $vendor . '/' . $key; Layout::$vendor = $vendor; Layout::$moduleKey = $key; $resource = Layout::$controller; if (Layout::$action) { $resource .= '/' . Layout::$action; } if (isset($module['controller']['items'])) { foreach ($module['controller']['items'] as $controller) { if ($this->_getCurrentItem($resource, $controller) == true) { break; } } } if (isset($module['controllers_extends'])) { foreach ($module['controllers_extends'] as $controller) { if ($this->_getCurrentItem($resource, $controller['items']) == true) { break; } } } break; } } } }
public function render() { // set correct name for field name value depending on 'mode' parameter value $name = $this->_obj->getId(); $prefix = Core::getController('medias'); if (!$prefix) { $prefix = '/t41/medias/'; } $uri = $prefix . 'upload'; View::addCoreLib(array('core.js', 'locale.js', 'view.js', 'uploader.css', 'view:action:upload.js')); View::addEvent(sprintf("t41.view.register('%s_ul', new t41.view.action.upload(jQuery('#%s_ul'),'%s'))", $name, $name, $uri), 'js'); $html = ''; // @todo code media deletion JS if ($this->_obj->getValue() != null) { $html .= sprintf('<span><a href="%s" target="_blank">%s %s</a> | <a href="#" onclick="t41.view.get(\'%s_ul\').reset(this)">%s</a></span>', MediaElement::getDownloadUrl($this->_obj->getValue()->getUri()), 'Télécharger', $this->_obj->getValue()->getLabel(), $name, 'Supprimer'); } $html .= sprintf('<div id="%s_ul" class="qq-upload-list"></div>', $this->_nametoDomId($name)); $html .= sprintf('<input type="hidden" name="%s" id="%s" value="%s" class="hiddenfilename"/>', $name, $this->_nametoDomId($name), $this->_obj->getValue() ? $this->_obj->getValue()->getIdentifier() : null); return $html; $action = new UploadAction($this->_obj); $deco = View\Decorator::factory($action); $deco->render(); return $html . "\n"; }
protected function _headlineRendering() { $sort = null; // build header line $line = '<tr>'; $sortIdentifiers = isset($this->_env[$this->_sortIdentifier]) && is_array($this->_env[$this->_sortIdentifier]) ? $this->_env[$this->_sortIdentifier] : array(); if ($this->_obj->getParameter('selectable') !== false) { $cbid = 'toggler_' . $this->_id; $line .= sprintf('<td><input type="checkbox" id="%s"/></td>', $cbid); View::addEvent(sprintf('t41.view.bindLocal(jQuery("#%s"), "change", function() { t=jQuery("#%s").attr("checked");jQuery("#%s").find(\':checkbox[id=""]\').each(function(i,o){o.checked=t});})', $cbid, $cbid, $this->_id), 'js'); } foreach ($this->_obj->getColumns() as $val) { $line .= sprintf('<th class="tb-%s"><strong>', $val->getId()); if ($val->getParameter('sortable') == false) { $line .= $this->_escape($val->getTitle()) . '</strong></th>'; continue; } if (is_object($val) && array_key_exists($val->getId(), $sortIdentifiers)) { $by = $sortIdentifiers[$val->getId()] == 'ASC' ? 'DESC' : 'ASC'; // save correct sorting field reference to re-inject in uri after column construction // @todo think twice ! this is crappy as hell! $sort = array($val->getId(), $sortIdentifiers[$val->getId()]); } else { $by = 'ASC'; } if (is_object($val)) { $this->_uriAdapter->setArgument($val->getId(), $by, $this->_sortIdentifier); } $line .= sprintf('<a href="%s">%s</a></strong></th>', $this->_uriAdapter->makeUri(), $this->_escape($val->getTitle())); $this->_uriAdapter->unsetArgument(null, $this->_sortIdentifier); } if (is_array($sort)) { $this->_uriAdapter->setArgument($sort[0], $sort[1], $this->_sortIdentifier); } if (count($this->_obj->getEvents('row')) > 0) { $line .= '<th class="tb-actions"> </th>'; } else { $line .= '<th class="tb-actions"> </th>'; } return $line . "</tr>\n"; }
public function _contentRendering() { $p = '<fieldset>'; foreach ($this->_obj->getColumns() as $key => $element) { $field = $element; $p .= '<span class="field">'; $p .= sprintf('<span class="label"><label for="%s[%s]">%s</label></span>', $this->_searchIdentifier, $field->getId(), $field->getTitle() ? $field->getTitle() : 'ID'); // get current field value from env if (isset($this->_env[$this->_searchIdentifier][$field->getId()])) { $field->setValue($this->_env[$this->_searchIdentifier][$field->getId()]); } // Reset default value to empty $field->setDefaultValue(''); $data = isset($this->_env[$this->_searchIdentifier]) ? $this->_env[$this->_searchIdentifier] : null; $deco = Decorator::factory($field, array('mode' => FormComponent::SEARCH_MODE, 'data' => $data)); $p .= ' ' . $deco->render(); $p .= '</span>'; } if ($this->_obj->getParameter('buttons') != false) { View::addCoreLib(array('buttons.css', 'sprites.css')); $p .= sprintf('<div class="clear"><a class="element button medium icon" onclick="jQuery(\'#t41sf\').submit()"><span class="search-blue"></span>Rechercher</a>' . '<a class="element button medium icon" onclick="jQuery(\'#t41sf\').find(\':input\').each(function() {jQuery(this).val(null)})"><span class="refresh"></span>RAZ</a></div>', $this->_obj->getParameter('baseurl')); } $p .= '</fieldset></form>'; return $p; }
/** * * Register the object in the view with the given placeholder and optional decorator parameters * * @param string $placeHolder * @param array $params * @param boolean $clone * @return boolean */ public function register($placeHolder = View::PH_DEFAULT, array $params = null, $clone = false) { $obj = $clone ? clone $this : $this; return View::addObject($obj, $placeHolder, $params); }
public function render() { // add CSS libraries View::addCoreLib(array('sprites.css', 'buttons.css')); $extraHtml = array(); $class = explode(' ', $this->getParameter('css')); if ($this->getParameter('nolabel') != true) { $class[] = 'button'; } if ($this->getParameter('size')) { $class[] = $this->getParameter('size'); } if ($this->getParameter('color')) { $class[] = $this->getParameter('color'); } /* bind optional action to button */ if ($this->_obj->getAction()) { $this->_bindAction($this->_obj->getAction()); } else { if ($this->_obj->getLink()) { $link = $this->_obj->getLink(); $uri = $this->_obj->getParameter('uri'); if ($uri instanceof ObjectUri && substr($link, 0, 1) == '/') { $link .= '/id/' . rawurlencode($uri->getIdentifier()); } if (substr($link, 0, 4) == 't41.') { $extraHtml[] = sprintf("onclick=\"%s\"", $link); } else { $extraHtml[] = sprintf("onclick=\"'%s', jQuery('#%s'))\"", $link, $this->getId()); } } else { $data = $this->getParameter('data'); $adapter = ViewUri::getUriAdapter(); $args = array(); foreach ((array) $this->_obj->getParameter('identifiers') as $key => $identifier) { $identifierKey = is_numeric($key) ? $identifier : $key; $args[$identifierKey] = $data[$identifier]; } $onclick = "document.location='" . "/"; //$this->_obj->getUri(); $onclick .= count($args) > 0 ? $adapter->makeUri($args, true) . "'" : "'"; } } if ($this->_obj->getParameter('disabled')) { $class[] = 'disabled'; } if ($this->getParameter('pairs')) { foreach ($this->getParameter('pairs') as $key => $val) { $extraHtml[] = sprintf('%s="%s"', $key, $val); } } if ($this->getParameter('icon')) { $class[] = 'icon'; } $value = $this->getParameter('nolabel') ? '' : $this->_escape($this->_obj->getTitle()); foreach ((array) $this->getParameter('data') as $key => $val) { $extraHtml[] = sprintf('data-%s="%s"', $key, $val); } $html = sprintf('<a class="%s" id="%s" data-help="%s" %s><span class="%s"></span>%s</a>', implode(' ', $class), $this->_id, '', implode(' ', $extraHtml), $this->getParameter('icon') ? $this->getParameter('icon') : null, $value); return $html; }
/** * Add a Javascript observer and a callback function to the element if the given constraint is setted * @param string $constraints */ protected function addConstraintObserver($constraints) { $constraints = (array) $constraints; foreach ($constraints as $constraint) { if (!$this->_obj->getConstraint($constraint)) { continue; } switch ($constraint) { case Property::CONSTRAINT_UPPERCASE: View::addEvent(sprintf("t41.view.bindLocal('%s','blur', function() { var f = jQuery('#%s'); f.val(f.val().toUpperCase())})", $this->getId(), $this->getId()), 'js'); break; case Property::CONSTRAINT_LOWERCASE: View::addEvent(sprintf("t41.view.bindLocal('%s','blur', function() { var f = jQuery('#%s'); f.val(f.val().toLowerCase())})", $this->getId(), $this->getId()), 'js'); break; case Property::CONSTRAINT_URLSCHEME: break; case Property::CONSTRAINT_EMAILADDRESS: break; } } }
/** * Returns current color from decorator parameter or * the one defined by the view, and requires that file * to be called in the rendered view * * @param string $view * @return string */ protected function _getColor($view = 'all') { if ($this->_obj->getParameter('color')) { View::addRequiredLib($this->_obj->getParameter('color'), 'css', 't41'); return $this->_obj->getParameter('color'); } else { return View::getColor($view); } }
public function init() { parent::init(); View::addRequiredLib('', 'js'); View::addCoreLib('core.js'); }
public function render() { View::addCoreLib(array('style.css')); return $this->_headerRendering() . $this->_contentRendering() . $this->_footerRendering(); }
/** * Parse given tags against current template * * @param array $tags */ protected function _parseTags($tags) { foreach ($tags as $tag) { $value = null; switch ($tag[1]) { case 'var': $keys = explode('.', $tag[2]); $value = $this->_obj->getVariable($keys[0]); if (count($keys) > 1) { $value = $value[$keys[1]]; } break; case 'env': $value = View::getEnvData($tag[2]); break; case 'container': if (($templates = $this->_obj->getSubtemplates($tag[2])) !== false) { $value = ''; foreach ($templates as $template) { $deco = Decorator::factory($template); $value .= $deco->render(); } } break; default: // obj: $tmp = explode('.', $tag[2]); $obj = $this->_obj->getVariable($tmp[0]); if ($obj instanceof MediaObject && isset($tmp[1])) { // meta properties handling switch ($tmp[1]) { case '_base64': $value = sprintf('data:%s;base64,%s', $obj->getMime(), base64_encode($obj->loadBlob('media'))); break; case '_icon': $value = 'file-' . $obj->getExtension(); break; case '_size': $value = MediaElement::getDisplaySize($obj->getSize()); break; case '_url': $value = MediaElement::getDownloadUrl($obj->getUri()); default: break; } } if (!$value) { if ($obj instanceof BaseObject) { $value = isset($tmp[1]) && $tmp[1] == ObjectUri::IDENTIFIER ? $obj->getIdentifier() : $obj->getProperty($tmp[1]); $value = $value instanceof AbstractProperty ? $value->getDisplayValue() : $value; } else { $value = Core::$env == Core::ENV_DEV ? sprintf("Can't substitute any value to '%s'", $tag[0]) : null; } } break; } if ($value instanceof ViewObject) { $deco = Decorator::factory($value); $value = $deco->render(); } else { //$value = $this->_escape($value); } $this->_template = str_replace($tag[0], $value, $this->_template); } }
/** * environment builder * * @var string $env forced env value */ public static function init($envKey = null) { if (!is_null($envKey) && !in_array($envKey, array(self::ENV_DEV, self::ENV_STAGE, self::ENV_PROD))) { throw new \Exception(sprintf("'%s' is not a recognized environment", $envKey)); } // enable garbage collection gc_enable(); // enable t41 error handler (notices are not catched until we get a proper logger) set_error_handler(array('t41\\Core', 'userErrorHandler'), (E_ALL | E_STRICT) ^ E_NOTICE); self::preInit(); // never cached, shall it be ? $config = Config\Loader::loadConfig('application.xml'); self::$_config = $config['application']; if (!is_null($envKey)) { self::$env = $envKey; self::$appId = $envKey; } else { /* CLI Mode */ if (php_sapi_name() == 'cli') { self::$mode = self::$_config['environments']['mode'] = 'cli'; $opts = new \Zend_Console_Getopt(array('env=s' => 'Environment value', 'controller=s' => "Controller", 'module=s' => "Module", 'action=s' => "Action", 'params=s' => "Action parameters", 'simulate' => "Simulate execution")); try { $opts->parse(); } catch (\Zend_Console_GetOpt_Exception $e) { exit($e->getUsageMessage()); } $match = trim($opts->env); /* temporary */ define('CLI_CONTROLLER', trim($opts->controller)); define('CLI_MODULE', trim($opts->module)); define('CLI_ACTION', trim($opts->action)); define('CLI_PARAMS', $opts->params); define('CLI_SIMULATE', (bool) $opts->simulate); } else { View::setDisplay(View\Adapter\WebAdapter::ID); /* array of mode / $_SERVER data key value */ $envMapper = array('hostname' => 'SERVER_NAME'); $match = isset($_SERVER[$envMapper[self::$_config['environments']['mode']]]) ? $_SERVER[$envMapper[self::$_config['environments']['mode']]] : null; } /* define which environment matches current mode value */ if (is_null($match)) { throw new Config\Exception("environment value not detected"); } self::$appId = str_replace(array('.', '-'), '_', $match); $envKey = null; switch (self::$_config['environments']['mode']) { case 'cli': foreach (self::$_config['environments'] as $key => $value) { if (!is_array($value)) { continue; } if ($key == $match) { $envKey = self::$env = $key; break; } } break; case 'hostname': default: foreach (self::$_config['environments'] as $key => $value) { if (!is_array($value)) { continue; } if (isset($value['hostname']) && in_array($match, (array) $value['hostname'])) { $envKey = self::$env = $key; break; } } break; } if (is_null($envKey)) { throw new Config\Exception("No matching environment found"); } } self::$_env += self::$_config['environments'][$envKey]; if (self::getEnvData('cache_backend')) { self::$cache = self::getEnvData('cache_backend'); } self::$_env['version'] = self::$_config['versions'][self::$_config['versions']['default']]; /* define app name */ self::$name = isset(self::$_config['name']) ? self::$_config['name'] : 'Untitled t41-based application'; /* set PHP env */ setlocale(E_ALL, self::$_env['version']['locale']); setlocale(LC_MONETARY, self::$_env['version']['currency']); date_default_timezone_set(isset(self::$_env['version']['timezone']) ? self::$_env['version']['timezone'] : 'Europe/Paris'); if (isset(self::$_env['php'])) { foreach (self::$_env['php'] as $directive => $value) { ini_set($directive, $value); } } // define logger if (isset(self::$_env['log']) && self::$_env['log'] != false) { self::enableLogger(self::$_env['log']); } /* define lang - can be overwritten anywhere */ self::$lang = self::$_config['versions']['default']; // load modules Core\Module::init(self::$basePath); // load ACL Core\Acl::init(self::$basePath); /* load configuration files if lazy mode is off */ if (self::$lazy !== true) { // get backends configuration Backend::loadConfig(); // get mappers configuration Mapper::loadConfig(); // get object model configuration ObjectModel::loadConfig(); } // configure error reporting according to env if (in_array(self::$env, array(self::ENV_STAGE, self::ENV_PROD))) { error_reporting(E_ERROR); //(E_ALL | E_STRICT) ^ E_NOTICE); ini_set('display_errors', 1); } else { error_reporting(E_ERROR); // E_ALL & ~E_STRICT); ini_set('display_errors', 1); } // define some basic view data View::setEnvData('t41.version', self::VERSION); if (class_exists('Zend_Version')) { View::setEnvData('zf.version', \Zend_Version::VERSION); } View::setEnvData('', self::$_config['name']); View::setEnvData('app.version', self::getVersion()); // set a cache adapter if (!isset(self::$_adapters['registry'])) { self::$_adapters['registry'] = new \Zend_Registry(); } // (re-)init data session if (!isset(self::$_adapters['session'])) { self::$_adapters['session'] = new \Zend_Session_Namespace('data'); } // to be done at the very end to avoid empty stack on exception if (self::$_fancyExceptions === true) { //set_exception_handler(array('t41\Core', 'exceptionHandler')); } }
protected function _render() { $template = file_get_contents($this->_template); $tagPattern = "/%([a-z0-9]+)\\:([a-z0-9.]*)\\{*([a-zA-Z0-9:,\\\"']*)\\}*%/"; $tagPattern = "/%([a-z0-9]+)\\:([a-z0-9_.]*)\\{*([a-zA-Z0-9:_,\\\"']*)\\}*%/"; $tags = array(); preg_match_all($tagPattern, $template, $tags, PREG_SET_ORDER); // PHASE 1: analyse et parsing of content-generating tags foreach ($tags as $tag) { $content = false; switch ($tag[1]) { case 'helper': $tmp = explode('.', $tag[2]); $class = sprintf('%s\\View\\Web\\%s', $tmp[0], ucfirst($tmp[1])); try { $helper = new $class(); $content = $helper->render(); } catch (Exception $e) { if (Core::$env == Core::ENV_DEV) { $content = $e->getMessage(); } } break; case 'container': $elems = View::getObjects($tag[2]); if (is_array($elems)) { foreach ($elems as $elem) { $object = $elem[0]; $params = $elem[1]; if (!is_object($object)) { continue; } // look for a custom decorator $decorator = View\Decorator::factory($object, $params); $content .= $decorator->render(); } } break; } if ($content !== false) { $template = str_replace($tag[0], $content, $template); } } preg_match_all($tagPattern, $template, $tags, PREG_SET_ORDER); // PHASE 2: analyze & parsing of other tags (components linking & env variables) foreach ($tags as $tag) { $content = null; switch ($tag[1]) { case 'components': $content = $this->_renderComponents($tag[2], $tag[3]); break; case 'env': case 'var': $content = View::getEnvData($tag[2]); break; case 'obj': // obj: $tmp = explode('.', $tag[2]); $obj = View::getEnvData($tmp[0]); if ($obj instanceof MediaObject && isset($tmp[1])) { // meta properties handling switch ($tmp[1]) { case '_base64': $content = sprintf('data:%s;base64,%s', $obj->getMime(), base64_encode($obj->loadBlob('media'))); break; case '_icon': $content = 'file-' . $obj->getExtension(); break; case '_size': $content = MediaElement::getDisplaySize($obj->getSize()); break; case '_url': $content = MediaElement::getDownloadUrl($obj->getUri()); break; default: break; } } if (!$content) { if ($obj instanceof BaseObject) { $content = isset($tmp[1]) && $tmp[1] == ObjectUri::IDENTIFIER ? $obj->getIdentifier() : $obj->getProperty($tmp[1]); $content = $content instanceof AbstractProperty ? $content->getDisplayValue() : $content; } else { $content = Core::$env == Core::ENV_DEV ? sprintf("Can't substitute any value to '%s'", $tag[0]) : null; } } break; } $template = str_replace($tag[0], $content, $template); } // PHASE 3: actions attachment $this->actionAttach(); // PHASE 4: events attachment $template = str_replace('</body>', $this->eventAttach() . '</body>', $template); // PHASE 5: display logged errors in dev mode if (Core::$env == Core::ENV_DEV) { $errors = View::getErrors(); if (count($errors) > 0) { $str = "\n"; foreach ($errors as $errorCode => $errorbloc) { $str .= $errorCode . "\n"; foreach ($errorbloc as $error) { $str .= "\t" . $error[0] . "\n"; } } $template = str_replace('</body>', '</body><!--' . $str . ' -->', $template); } } return $template; }
protected function _() { $template = file_get_contents($this->_template); // transform some characters $template = str_replace("\t", str_repeat(" ", 15), $template); $template = str_replace("\n", "<br/>", $template); $tagPattern = "/%([a-z0-9]+)\\:([a-z0-9.]*)\\{*([a-zA-Z0-9:,\\\"']*)\\}*%/"; $tags = array(); preg_match_all($tagPattern, $template, $tags, PREG_SET_ORDER); // PHASE 1 foreach ($tags as $key => $tag) { $content = ''; if ($tag[1] == 'env') { $content = \t41\Core::htmlEncode(\t41\View::getEnvData($tag[2])); unset($tag[$key]); } if (isset($tag[0])) { $template = str_replace($tag[0], $content, $template); } } $this->_document->writeHTML($template); // PHASE 2 - other tags foreach ($tags as $tag) { $content = ''; switch ($tag[1]) { case 'container': $elems = \t41\View::getObjects($tag[2]); if (is_array($elems)) { foreach ($elems as $elem) { $object = $elem[0]; $params = $elem[1]; if (!is_object($object)) { continue; } /* @var $object t41_Form_Abstract */ switch (get_class($object)) { case 't41_Form_List': case 't41_View_Table': case 't41_View_Image': case 't41_View_Component': case 't41_View_Error': case 't41_View_Spacer': $decorator = \t41\View\Decorator::factory($object, $params); $decorator->render($this->_document, $this->_width); break; default: break; } } } break; } } }