  * @param string $name
  * @return array|string|bool|int|float|null
 public function getParameter($name)
     if (!isset($this->parameterMap[$name])) {
         return $this->container->getParameter($name);
     $varName = $this->parameterMap[$name]['variable'];
     $var = getenv($varName);
     if (false === $var) {
         return $this->container->getParameter($name);
     if ($this->parameterMap[$name]['yaml']) {
         return Inline::parse($var);
     return $var;
Example #2
 public function testDump()
     $testsForDump = $this->getTestsForDump();
     foreach ($testsForDump as $yaml => $value) {
         $this->assertEquals($yaml, Inline::dump($value), sprintf('::dump() converts a PHP structure to an inline YAML (%s)', $yaml));
     foreach ($this->getTestsForParse() as $yaml => $value) {
         if ($value == 1230) {
         $this->assertEquals($value, Inline::parse(Inline::dump($value)), 'check consistency');
     foreach ($testsForDump as $yaml => $value) {
         if ($value == 1230) {
         $this->assertEquals($value, Inline::parse(Inline::dump($value)), 'check consistency');
 public function getFunctions()
     return array(new ExpressionFunction('dynamic_parameter', function ($paramName, $envVar) {
         return sprintf('(false === getenv(%s) ? $this->getParameter(%s) : getenv(%s))', $envVar, $paramName, $envVar);
     }, function (array $variables, $paramName, $envVar) {
         $envParam = getenv($envVar);
         if (false !== $envParam) {
             return $envParam;
         return $variables['container']->getParameter($paramName);
     }), new ExpressionFunction('dynamic_yaml_parameter', function ($paramName, $envVar) {
         return sprintf('(false === getenv(%s) ? $this->getParameter(%s) : \\Symfony\\Component\\Yaml\\Inline::parse(getenv(%s)))', $envVar, $paramName, $envVar);
     }, function (array $variables, $paramName, $envVar) {
         $envParam = getenv($envVar);
         if (false !== $envParam) {
             return Inline::parse($envParam);
         return $variables['container']->getParameter($paramName);
Example #4
  * Parses a YAML value.
  * @param string $value   A YAML value
  * @param int    $flags   A bit field of PARSE_* constants to customize the YAML parser behavior
  * @param string $context The parser context (either sequence or mapping)
  * @return mixed A PHP value
  * @throws ParseException When reference does not exist
 private function parseValue($value, $flags, $context)
     if (0 === strpos($value, '*')) {
         if (false !== ($pos = strpos($value, '#'))) {
             $value = substr($value, 1, $pos - 2);
         } else {
             $value = substr($value, 1);
         if (!array_key_exists($value, $this->refs)) {
             throw new ParseException(sprintf('Reference "%s" does not exist.', $value), $this->currentLineNb + 1, $this->currentLine);
         return $this->refs[$value];
     if (preg_match('/^' . self::TAG_PATTERN . self::BLOCK_SCALAR_HEADER_PATTERN . '$/', $value, $matches)) {
         $modifiers = isset($matches['modifiers']) ? $matches['modifiers'] : '';
         $data = $this->parseBlockScalar($matches['separator'], preg_replace('#\\d+#', '', $modifiers), (int) abs($modifiers));
         if (isset($matches['tag']) && '!!binary' === $matches['tag']) {
             return Inline::evaluateBinaryScalar($data);
         return $data;
     try {
         Inline::$parsedLineNumber = $this->getRealCurrentLineNb();
         $parsedValue = Inline::parse($value, $flags, $this->refs);
         if ('mapping' === $context && is_string($parsedValue) && '"' !== $value[0] && "'" !== $value[0] && '[' !== $value[0] && '{' !== $value[0] && '!' !== $value[0] && false !== strpos($parsedValue, ': ')) {
             throw new ParseException('A colon cannot be used in an unquoted mapping value.');
         return $parsedValue;
     } catch (ParseException $e) {
         $e->setParsedLine($this->getRealCurrentLineNb() + 1);
         throw $e;
 private function getParams(array $expectedParams, array $actualParams)
     // Simply use the expectedParams value as default for the missing params.
     if (!$this->io->isInteractive()) {
         return array_replace($expectedParams, $actualParams);
     $isStarted = false;
     foreach ($expectedParams as $key => $message) {
         if (array_key_exists($key, $actualParams)) {
         if (!$isStarted) {
             $isStarted = true;
             $this->io->write('<comment>Some parameters are missing. Please provide them.</comment>');
         $default = Inline::dump($message);
         $value = $this->io->ask(sprintf('<question>%s</question> (<comment>%s</comment>): ', $key, $default), $default);
         $actualParams[$key] = Inline::parse($value);
     return $actualParams;
Example #6
  * @expectedException \Symfony\Component\Yaml\Exception\ParseException
  * @expectedExceptionMessage Malformed inline YAML string: {this, is not, supported}.
 public function testNotSupportedMissingValue()
     Inline::parse('{this, is not, supported}');
Example #7
  * @dataProvider getScalarIndicators
  * @expectedException Symfony\Component\Yaml\Exception\ParseException
  * @expectedExceptionMessage cannot start a plain scalar; you need to quote the scalar.
 public function testParseUnquotedScalarStartingWithScalarIndicator($indicator)
     Inline::parse(sprintf('{ foo: %sfoo }', $indicator));
Example #8
  * Parses a YAML value.
  * @param string  $value                  A YAML value
  * @param bool    $exceptionOnInvalidType True if an exception must be thrown on invalid types false otherwise
  * @param bool    $objectSupport          True if object support is enabled, false otherwise
  * @return mixed  A PHP value
  * @throws ParseException When reference does not exist
 private function parseValue($value, $exceptionOnInvalidType, $objectSupport)
     if (0 === strpos($value, '*')) {
         if (false !== ($pos = strpos($value, '#'))) {
             $value = substr($value, 1, $pos - 2);
         } else {
             $value = substr($value, 1);
         if (!array_key_exists($value, $this->refs)) {
             throw new ParseException(sprintf('Reference "%s" does not exist.', $value), $this->currentLine);
         return $this->refs[$value];
     if (preg_match('/^' . self::FOLDED_SCALAR_PATTERN . '$/', $value, $matches)) {
         $modifiers = isset($matches['modifiers']) ? $matches['modifiers'] : '';
         return $this->parseFoldedScalar($matches['separator'], preg_replace('#\\d+#', '', $modifiers), intval(abs($modifiers)));
     try {
         return Inline::parse($value, $exceptionOnInvalidType, $objectSupport, $this->refs);
     } catch (ParseException $e) {
         $e->setParsedLine($this->getRealCurrentLineNb() + 1);
         throw $e;
Example #9
  * @dataProvider getInvalidBinaryData
 public function testParseInvalidBinaryData($data, $expectedMessage)
     $this->setExpectedExceptionRegExp('\\Symfony\\Component\\Yaml\\Exception\\ParseException', $expectedMessage);
Example #10
  * Parses a YAML value.
  * @param string $value   A YAML value
  * @param int    $flags   A bit field of PARSE_* constants to customize the YAML parser behavior
  * @param string $context The parser context (either sequence or mapping)
  * @return mixed A PHP value
  * @throws ParseException When reference does not exist
 private function parseValue($value, $flags, $context)
     if (0 === strpos($value, '*')) {
         if (false !== ($pos = strpos($value, '#'))) {
             $value = substr($value, 1, $pos - 2);
         } else {
             $value = substr($value, 1);
         if (!array_key_exists($value, $this->refs)) {
             throw new ParseException(sprintf('Reference "%s" does not exist.', $value), $this->currentLineNb + 1, $this->currentLine);
         return $this->refs[$value];
     if (preg_match('/^' . self::TAG_PATTERN . self::BLOCK_SCALAR_HEADER_PATTERN . '$/', $value, $matches)) {
         $modifiers = isset($matches['modifiers']) ? $matches['modifiers'] : '';
         $data = $this->parseBlockScalar($matches['separator'], preg_replace('#\\d+#', '', $modifiers), (int) abs($modifiers));
         if (isset($matches['tag']) && '!!binary' === $matches['tag']) {
             return Inline::evaluateBinaryScalar($data);
         return $data;
     try {
         $quotation = '' !== $value && ('"' === $value[0] || "'" === $value[0]) ? $value[0] : null;
         // do not take following lines into account when the current line is a quoted single line value
         if (null !== $quotation && preg_match('/^' . $quotation . '.*' . $quotation . '(\\s*#.*)?$/', $value)) {
             return Inline::parse($value, $flags, $this->refs);
         while ($this->moveToNextLine()) {
             // unquoted strings end before the first unindented line
             if (null === $quotation && $this->getCurrentLineIndentation() === 0) {
             $value .= ' ' . trim($this->currentLine);
             // quoted string values end with a line that is terminated with the quotation character
             if ('' !== $this->currentLine && substr($this->currentLine, -1) === $quotation) {
         Inline::$parsedLineNumber = $this->getRealCurrentLineNb();
         $parsedValue = Inline::parse($value, $flags, $this->refs);
         if ('mapping' === $context && is_string($parsedValue) && '"' !== $value[0] && "'" !== $value[0] && '[' !== $value[0] && '{' !== $value[0] && '!' !== $value[0] && false !== strpos($parsedValue, ': ')) {
             throw new ParseException('A colon cannot be used in an unquoted mapping value.');
         return $parsedValue;
     } catch (ParseException $e) {
         $e->setParsedLine($this->getRealCurrentLineNb() + 1);
         throw $e;
Example #11
 public function testHashStringsResemblingExponentialNumericsShouldNotBeChangedToINF()
     $value = '686e444';
     $this->assertSame($value, Inline::parse(Inline::dump($value)));
Example #12
  * Present a node question to the user
  * @param  NodeInterface $node The node in question
  * @param  string $name The name of the node
  * @return mixed The new value of the node
 private function writeNodeQuestion($node, $name)
     if (!$this->questionInfoShown) {
         $this->io->write(array("<comment> ! [NOTE] You can change all the configuration options later", " ! on the config.yml file in the app folder</>\n"));
         $this->questionInfoShown = true;
     if (!$node->getAttribute('asked')) {
         return $node->getDefaultValue();
     if ($info = $node->getInfo()) {
         $this->io->write(" {$info}");
     if ($example = $node->getExample()) {
         // We use Inline::dump() to convert the value to the YAML
         // format so that it is readable by the user (as an example,
         // false values are converted to 'false' instead of an empty
         // string)
         $example = Inline::dump($example);
         $this->io->write(" Example: <comment>{$example}</comment>");
     $question = " <fg=green>{$name}";
     if ($node instanceof EnumNode) {
         // Create list of possible values for enum configuration parameters
         $values = $node->getValues();
         foreach ($values as &$value) {
             $value = Inline::dump($value);
         $question .= ' (' . implode(', ', $values) . ')';
     $question .= "</fg=green>";
     if ($node->hasDefaultValue()) {
         // Show the default value of the parameter
         $default = Inline::dump($node->getDefaultValue());
         $question .= " [<comment>{$default}</comment>]";
     } else {
         $default = null;
     // Show a user-friendly prompt
     $question .= ":\n > ";
     $value = $this->io->askAndValidate($question, function ($value) use($node) {
         $value = Inline::parse($value);
         // Make sure that there are no errors
         return $value;
     }, null, $default);
     return $value;
Example #13
  * Parses a YAML value.
  * @param string $value                  A YAML value
  * @param bool   $exceptionOnInvalidType True if an exception must be thrown on invalid types false otherwise
  * @param bool   $objectSupport          True if object support is enabled, false otherwise
  * @param bool   $objectForMap           true if maps should return a stdClass instead of array()
  * @param string $context                The parser context (either sequence or mapping)
  * @return mixed A PHP value
  * @throws ParseException When reference does not exist
 private function parseValue($value, $exceptionOnInvalidType, $objectSupport, $objectForMap, $context)
     if (0 === strpos($value, '*')) {
         if (false !== ($pos = strpos($value, '#'))) {
             $value = substr($value, 1, $pos - 2);
         } else {
             $value = substr($value, 1);
         if (!array_key_exists($value, $this->refs)) {
             throw new ParseException(sprintf('Reference "%s" does not exist.', $value), $this->currentLine);
         return $this->refs[$value];
     if (preg_match('/^' . Inline::REGEX_TAG_PATTERN . self::BLOCK_SCALAR_HEADER_PATTERN . '$/', $value, $matches)) {
         $modifiers = isset($matches['modifiers']) ? $matches['modifiers'] : '';
         $output = $this->parseBlockScalar($matches['separator'], preg_replace('#\\d+#', '', $modifiers), (int) abs($modifiers));
         if (isset($matches['tag']) && $matches['tag'] == '!!binary') {
             $output = base64_decode($output);
         return $output;
     try {
         $parsedValue = Inline::parse($value, $exceptionOnInvalidType, $objectSupport, $objectForMap, $this->refs);
         if ('mapping' === $context && '"' !== $value[0] && "'" !== $value[0] && '[' !== $value[0] && '{' !== $value[0] && '!' !== $value[0] && false !== strpos($parsedValue, ': ')) {
             throw new ParseException('A colon cannot be used in an unquoted mapping value.');
         return $parsedValue;
     } catch (ParseException $e) {
         $e->setParsedLine($this->getRealCurrentLineNb() + 1);
         throw $e;
 private function checkPermissionToInstall()
     $value = $this->io->ask("<question>Would you like connect OrangeGate with solr ?</question> [<comment>yes</comment>] ", 'yes');
     return Inline::parse($value) === "yes" ? true : false;
Example #15
  * @expectedException \Symfony\Component\Yaml\Exception\ParseException
  * @expectedExceptionMessage A reference must contain at least one character.
 public function testParseUnquotedAsteriskFollowedByAComment()
     Inline::parse('{ foo: * #foo }');
  * Parses a YAML value.
  * @param string $value                  A YAML value
  * @param bool   $exceptionOnInvalidType True if an exception must be thrown on invalid types false otherwise
  * @param bool   $objectSupport          True if object support is enabled, false otherwise
  * @param bool   $objectForMap           true if maps should return a stdClass instead of array()
  * @param string $context                The parser context (either sequence or mapping)
  * @return mixed A PHP value
  * @throws ParseException When reference does not exist
 private function parseValue($value, $exceptionOnInvalidType, $objectSupport, $objectForMap, $context)
     if (0 === strpos($value, '*')) {
         if (false !== ($pos = strpos($value, '#'))) {
             $value = substr($value, 1, $pos - 2);
         } else {
             $value = substr($value, 1);
         if (!array_key_exists($value, $this->refs)) {
             throw new ParseException(sprintf('Reference "%s" does not exist.', $value), $this->currentLine);
         return $this->refs[$value];
     if (preg_match('/^' . self::BLOCK_SCALAR_HEADER_PATTERN . '$/', $value, $matches)) {
         $modifiers = isset($matches['modifiers']) ? $matches['modifiers'] : '';
         return $this->parseBlockScalar($matches['separator'], preg_replace('#\\d+#', '', $modifiers), (int) abs($modifiers));
     if ('mapping' === $context && '"' !== $value[0] && "'" !== $value[0] && '[' !== $value[0] && '{' !== $value[0] && '!' !== $value[0] && false !== strpos($value, ': ')) {
         @trigger_error(sprintf('Using a colon in an unquoted mapping value in line %d is deprecated since Symfony 2.8 and will throw a ParseException in 3.0.', $this->getRealCurrentLineNb() + 1), E_USER_DEPRECATED);
         // to be thrown in 3.0
         // throw new ParseException('A colon cannot be used in an unquoted mapping value.');
     try {
         return Inline::parse($value, $exceptionOnInvalidType, $objectSupport, $objectForMap, $this->refs);
     } catch (ParseException $e) {
         $e->setParsedLine($this->getRealCurrentLineNb() + 1);
         throw $e;
Example #17
  * @expectedException \Symfony\Component\Yaml\Exception\ParseException
 public function testParseInvalidMappingKeyShouldThrowException()
     $value = '{ "foo " bar": "bar" }';
  * @expectedException \Symfony\Component\Yaml\Exception\ParseException
 public function testParseInvalidSequenceShouldThrowException()
     Inline::parse('{ foo: bar } bar');
Example #19
 public function testParseMapReferenceInSequence()
     $foo = array('a' => 'Steve', 'b' => 'Clark', 'c' => 'Brian');
     $this->assertSame(array($foo), Inline::parse('[*foo]', false, false, false, array('foo' => $foo)));
Example #20
  * Parses a YAML value.
  * @param string $value A YAML value
  * @return mixed  A PHP value
  * @throws ParseException When reference does not exist
 private function parseValue($value)
     if (0 === strpos($value, '*')) {
         if (false !== ($pos = strpos($value, '#'))) {
             $value = substr($value, 1, $pos - 2);
         } else {
             $value = substr($value, 1);
         if (!array_key_exists($value, $this->refs)) {
             throw new ParseException(sprintf('Reference "%s" does not exist.', $value), $this->currentLine);
         return $this->refs[$value];
     if (preg_match('/^(?P<separator>\\||>)(?P<modifiers>\\+|\\-|\\d+|\\+\\d+|\\-\\d+|\\d+\\+|\\d+\\-)?(?P<comments> +#.*)?$/', $value, $matches)) {
         $modifiers = isset($matches['modifiers']) ? $matches['modifiers'] : '';
         return $this->parseFoldedScalar($matches['separator'], preg_replace('#\\d+#', '', $modifiers), intval(abs($modifiers)));
     try {
         return Inline::parse($value);
     } catch (ParseException $e) {
         $e->setParsedLine($this->getRealCurrentLineNb() + 1);
         throw $e;
Example #21
  * @dataProvider getTimestampTests
 public function testParseTimestampAsDateTimeObject($yaml, $year, $month, $day, $hour, $minute, $second)
     $expected = new \DateTime('now', new \DateTimeZone('UTC'));
     $expected->setDate($year, $month, $day);
     $expected->setTime($hour, $minute, $second);
     $this->assertEquals($expected, Inline::parse($yaml, Yaml::PARSE_DATETIME));