public function testAddViolationAtUsesPassedNullValue()
     $this->translator->expects($this->once())->method('trans')->with('Error', array('foo' => 'bar'))->will($this->returnValue('Translated error'));
     $this->translator->expects($this->once())->method('transChoice')->with('Choice error', 2, array('foo' => 'bar'))->will($this->returnValue('Translated choice error'));
     // passed null value should override preconfigured value "invalid"
     $this->context->addViolationAt('bam.baz', 'Error', array('foo' => 'bar'), null);
     $this->context->addViolationAt('bam.baz', 'Choice error', array('foo' => 'bar'), null, 2);
     $this->assertEquals(new ConstraintViolationList(array(new ConstraintViolation('Translated error', 'Error', array('foo' => 'bar'), 'Root', '', null), new ConstraintViolation('Translated choice error', 'Choice error', array('foo' => 'bar'), 'Root', '', null, 2))), $this->context->getViolations());
 function it_validates_if_user_with_given_email_is_already_registered(UserRepository $userRepository, TokenStorageInterface $tokenStorage, AuthorizationCheckerInterface $authorizationChecker, ExecutionContext $context, TokenInterface $token, UniqueReviewerEmail $constraint, ReviewInterface $review, CustomerInterface $customer, CustomerInterface $existingUser)
     $constraint->message = 'This email is already registered. Please log in.';
     $context->addViolationAt('author', 'This email is already registered. Please log in.', [], null)->shouldBeCalled();
     $this->validate($review, $constraint);
  * Validates contact method
  * @param ContactRequest   $object
  * @param ExecutionContext $context
 public static function validate(ContactRequest $object, ExecutionContext $context)
     $emailError = $phoneError = false;
     switch ($object->getPreferredContactMethod()) {
         case ContactRequest::CONTACT_METHOD_PHONE:
             $phoneError = !$object->getPhone();
         case ContactRequest::CONTACT_METHOD_EMAIL:
             $emailError = !$object->getEmailAddress();
         case ContactRequest::CONTACT_METHOD_BOTH:
             $phoneError = !$object->getPhone();
             $emailError = !$object->getEmailAddress();
     if ($emailError) {
         $context->addViolationAt('emailAddress', 'This value should not be blank.');
     if ($phoneError) {
         $context->addViolationAt('phone', 'This value should not be blank.');
Example #4
 public function areImagesValid(ExecutionContext $context)
     $captured_ids = array_map(function ($image) {
         return $image->getId();
     }, $this->images->toArray());
     $property_path = $context->getPropertyPath() . '.images';
     if (!count($captured_ids)) {
         $context->addViolationAt($property_path, 'Please select at least one image!', array(), null);
     $count = $this->query_builder->andWhere($this->query_builder->expr()->in('', $captured_ids))->select('COUNT(')->getQuery()->getSingleScalarResult();
     if (!$count) {
         $context->addViolation('Please select images from the list!', array(), null);
Example #5
 public function isRegionValid(ExecutionContext $context)
     if ($this->getCountry() && $this->getCountry()->hasRegions() && !$this->region && !$this->regionText) {
         // do not allow saving text region in case when region was checked from list
         // except when in base data region text existed
         // another way region_text field will be null, logic are placed in form listener
         $propertyPath = $context->getPropertyPath() . '.region';
         $context->addViolationAt($propertyPath, 'Region is required for country %country%', array('%country%' => $this->getCountry()->getName()));
 public function isRegionValid(ExecutionContext $context)
     if ($this->getCountry() && $this->getCountry()->hasRegions() && !$this->state) {
         $propertyPath = $context->getPropertyPath() . '.state';
         $context->addViolationAt($propertyPath, 'State is required for country %country%', array('%country%' => $this->getCountry()->getName()));
  * Custom validation constraint
  * Not valid if no one recipient specified
  * @param ExecutionContext $context
 public function isValid(ExecutionContext $context)
     $notValid = $this->getGroups()->isEmpty() && $this->getUsers()->isEmpty() && $this->getEmail() == null && $this->getOwner() == null;
     if ($notValid) {
         $propertyPath = $context->getPropertyPath() . '.recipientList';
         $context->addViolationAt($propertyPath, 'oro.notification.validators.recipient_list.empty.message');
Example #8
 public function isPackageUnique(ExecutionContext $context)
     try {
         if ($this->entityRepository->findOneByName($this->name)) {
             $context->addViolationAt('repository', 'A package with the name <a href="' . $this->router->generate('view_package', array('name' => $this->name)) . '">' . $this->name . '</a> already exists.', array(), null);
     } catch (\Doctrine\ORM\NoResultException $e) {
  * validate
  * @param type             $data
  * @param ExecutionContext $context
 public function validate($data, ExecutionContext $context)
     if ($data['mode'] === 'add_favorite') {
         if (!$this->security->isGranted('ROLE_USER')) {
             $context->addViolationAt('', 'ログインしてください.');
     } else {
         $context->validateValue($data['product_class_id'], array(new Assert\NotBlank()), '[product_class_id]');
         if ($this->Product->getClassName1()) {
             $context->validateValue($data['classcategory_id1'], array(new Assert\NotBlank(), new Assert\NotEqualTo(array('value' => '__unselected', 'message' => 'This value should be blank.'))), '[classcategory_id1]');
         if ($this->Product->getClassName2()) {
             $context->validateValue($data['classcategory_id2'], array(new Assert\NotBlank(), new Assert\NotEqualTo(array('value' => '__unselected', 'message' => 'This value should be blank.'))), '[classcategory_id2]');
Example #10
 public function isExpireDateValid(ExecutionContext $context)
     $now = new \DateTime();
     $thisYear = (int) $now->format('Y');
     $thisMonth = (int) $now->format('m');
     $expYear = (int) $this->getExpiryDateYear();
     $expMonth = (int) $this->getExpiryDateMonth();
     if ($thisYear > $expYear || $thisYear == $expYear && $thisMonth > $expMonth) {
         $context->addViolationAt('expiry_date_month', 'expired card', array(), null);
 public function isUnderTotalConstraint(ExecutionContext $context)
     $this->getFreeTotal($credit, $debit);
     // compare with an epsilon, we're using floats here!
     if ($credit < -0.001) {
         $context->addViolationAt('credit', 'Le total des factures dépasse le crédit de la ligne de %depassement% €', array('%depassement%' => round($credit, 2) * -1), null);
     if ($debit < -0.001) {
         $context->addViolationAt('debit', 'Le total des factures dépasse le débit de la ligne de %depassement% €', array('%depassement%' => round($debit, 2) * -1), null);
 public function checkPasswordLength(ExecutionContext $context)
     if ($this->can_credentials === true && mb_strlen($this->password, 'UTF-8') < 6) {
         $context->addViolationAt('password', "Le mot de passe doit faire au minimum 6 caractères");
 public function isTvasCorrect(ExecutionContext $context)
     $montant_ht = 0;
     foreach ($this->tvas as $tva) {
         $montant_ht += $tva->getMontantHt();
     if (abs($this->montant - $montant_ht) > 0.001) {
         // floats -> epsilon!
         $context->addViolationAt('tvas', 'La somme des montants HT doit être égale au montant de la facture');
Example #14
File: Call.php Project: dairdr/crm
 public function isPhoneValid(ExecutionContext $context)
     if (!$this->getPhoneNumber() && !$this->getContactPhoneNumber()) {
         $propertyPath = $context->getPropertyPath() . '.contactPhoneNumber';
         $context->addViolationAt($propertyPath, '');