Example #1
  * @expectedException \OutOfBoundsException
 public function testRemoveDoesNotAllowNegativeOffsets()
Example #2
  * Reconstructs a property path from a violation path and a form tree.
  * @param  ViolationPath $violationPath The violation path.
  * @param  FormInterface $origin        The root form of the tree.
  * @return RelativePath The reconstructed path.
 private function reconstructPath(ViolationPath $violationPath, FormInterface $origin)
     $propertyPathBuilder = new PropertyPathBuilder($violationPath);
     $it = $violationPath->getIterator();
     $scope = $origin;
     // Remember the current index in the builder
     $i = 0;
     // Expand elements that map to a form (like "children[address]")
     for ($it->rewind(); $it->valid() && $it->mapsForm(); $it->next()) {
         if (!$scope->has($it->current())) {
             // Scope relates to a form that does not exist
             // Bail out
         // Process child form
         $scope = $scope->get($it->current());
         if ($scope->getConfig()->getInheritData()) {
             // Form inherits its parent data
             // Cut the piece out of the property path and proceed
         } elseif (!$scope->getConfig()->getMapped()) {
             // Form is not mapped
             // Set the form as new origin and strip everything
             // we have so far in the path
             $origin = $scope;
             $propertyPathBuilder->remove(0, $i + 1);
             $i = 0;
         } else {
             /* @var \Symfony\Component\PropertyAccess\PropertyPathInterface $propertyPath */
             $propertyPath = $scope->getPropertyPath();
             if (null === $propertyPath) {
                 // Property path of a mapped form is null
                 // Should not happen, bail out
             $propertyPathBuilder->replace($i, 1, $propertyPath);
             $i += $propertyPath->getLength();
     $finalPath = $propertyPathBuilder->getPropertyPath();
     return null !== $finalPath ? new RelativePath($origin, $finalPath) : null;