getName() final public method

Returns the bundle name (the class short name).
final public getName ( ) : string
return string The Bundle name
Example #1
  * Register an installer service
  * @param BaseBundle $bundleInfos
  * @param string $type Type (install, update or uninstall)
  * @param string $class Class (Install, Update or Uninstall)
 protected function registerInstallerService(BaseBundle $bundleInfos, $type, $class)
     $serviceId = strtolower($bundleInfos->getName()) . '.installer.' . $type;
     $fullyQualifiedClass = $bundleInfos->getNamespace() . '\\Service\\Install\\' . $class;
     $serviceOptions = array('calls' => array(array('setContainer' => array('@service_container'))), 'tags' => array(array('name' => 'bundle.' . $type)));
     $this->registerService($bundleInfos->getName(), $serviceId, $fullyQualifiedClass, $serviceOptions);
Example #2
  * Add
  * Add a FrameworkBundle
  * to the collection
  * @param FrameworkBundle $bundle - the FrameworkBundle to add
  * @return BundleCollection - the current instance
 public function add(Bundle $bundle)
     if (!$this->has($bundle->getName())) {
         $this->bundles[] = $bundle;
     return $this;
  * @param Bundle          $bundle     The bundle
  * @param array           $parameters The template parameters
  * @param string          $rootDir    The root directory
  * @param OutputInterface $output
 public function generateTemplates(Bundle $bundle, array $parameters, $rootDir, OutputInterface $output)
     $dirPath = $bundle->getPath();
     $fullSkeletonDir = $this->skeletonDir . '/Resources/views';
     $this->filesystem->copy(__DIR__ . '/../Resources/SensioGeneratorBundle/skeleton' . $fullSkeletonDir . '/Pages/Search/SearchPage/view.html.twig', $dirPath . '/Resources/views/Pages/Search/SearchPage/view.html.twig', true);
     GeneratorUtils::prepend("{% extends '" . $bundle->getName() . ":Page:layout.html.twig' %}\n", $dirPath . '/Resources/views/Pages/Search/SearchPage/view.html.twig');
     $output->writeln('Generating Twig Templates : <info>OK</info>');
Example #4
 private function doMigrate(Bundle $bundle, $version, $direction)
     $action = $direction === Migrator::DIRECTION_UP ? 'Ugprading' : 'Downgrading';
     $this->log("{$action} bundle '{$bundle->getName()}'...");
     $queries = $this->migrator->migrate($bundle, $version, $direction);
     $currentVersion = $this->migrator->getCurrentVersion($bundle);
     $this->log(count($queries) === 0 ? "Nothing to execute: bundle is already at version {$currentVersion}" : "Done: bundle is now at version {$currentVersion}");
  * @param Bundle          $bundle     The bundle
  * @param string          $entity     The name of the entity
  * @param array           $parameters The template parameters
  * @param OutputInterface $output
 public function generateTemplates(Bundle $bundle, $entity, array $parameters, OutputInterface $output)
     $dirPath = sprintf("%s/Resources/views", $bundle->getPath());
     $skeletonDir = sprintf("%s/Resources/views", $this->skeletonDir);
     $fullSkeletonDir = sprintf("%s/Resources/views", $this->fullSkeletonDir);
     $this->filesystem->copy($fullSkeletonDir . '/OverviewPage/view.html.twig', $dirPath . '/Pages/' . $entity . 'OverviewPage/view.html.twig', true);
     GeneratorUtils::prepend("{% extends '" . $bundle->getName() . ":Layout:layout.html.twig' %}\n", $dirPath . '/Pages/' . $entity . 'OverviewPage/view.html.twig');
     $this->filesystem->copy($fullSkeletonDir . '/OverviewPage/pagetemplate.html.twig', $dirPath . '/Pages/' . $entity . 'OverviewPage/pagetemplate.html.twig', true);
     $this->filesystem->copy($fullSkeletonDir . '/Page/view.html.twig', $dirPath . '/Pages/' . $entity . 'Page/view.html.twig', true);
     GeneratorUtils::prepend("{% extends '" . $bundle->getName() . ":Layout:layout.html.twig' %}\n", $dirPath . '/Pages/' . $entity . 'Page/view.html.twig');
     $this->filesystem->copy($fullSkeletonDir . '/Page/pagetemplate.html.twig', $dirPath . '/Pages/' . $entity . 'Page/pagetemplate.html.twig', true);
     $this->renderFile($skeletonDir . '/PageAdminList/list.html.twig', $dirPath . '/AdminList/' . '/' . $entity . 'PageAdminList/list.html.twig', $parameters);
     $output->writeln('Generating twig templates : <info>OK</info>');
  * addBundle.
  * @param Bundle|BundleReferenceInterface $bundle
  * @param string|array|null               $env
  * @param int                             $priority
  * @return $this
 public function addBundle($bundle, $env = null, $priority = 0)
     if ($this->isCurrentEnvironment($env)) {
         if ($bundle instanceof Bundle || $bundle instanceof BundleReferenceInterface) {
             $this->bundles[$bundle->getName()] = ['name' => $bundle->getName(), 'bundle' => $bundle, 'priority' => $priority];
         } else {
             throw new \InvalidArgumentException('Bundle parameter should be a valid bundle or reference.');
     return $this;
  * @param DialogHelper    $dialog      The dialog helper
  * @param InputInterface  $input       The command input
  * @param OutputInterface $output      The command output
  * @param Bundle          $bundle      The bundle
  * @param string          $entityClass The classname of the entity
  * @return void
 protected function updateRouting(DialogHelper $dialog, InputInterface $input, OutputInterface $output, Bundle $bundle, $entityClass)
     $auto = true;
     $multilang = false;
     if ($input->isInteractive()) {
         $multilang = $dialog->askConfirmation($output, $dialog->getQuestion('Is it a multilanguage site', 'yes', '?'), true);
         $auto = $dialog->askConfirmation($output, $dialog->getQuestion('Do you want to update the routing automatically', 'yes', '?'), true);
     $prefix = $multilang ? '/{_locale}' : '';
     $code = sprintf("%s:\n", strtolower($bundle->getName()) . '_' . strtolower($entityClass) . '_admin_list');
     $code .= sprintf("    resource: @%s/Controller/%sAdminListController.php\n", $bundle->getName(), $entityClass);
     $code .= "    type:     annotation\n";
     $code .= sprintf("    prefix:   %s/admin/%s/\n", $prefix, strtolower($entityClass));
     if ($multilang) {
         $code .= "    requirements:\n";
         $code .= "         _locale: %requiredlocales%\n";
     if ($auto) {
         $file = $bundle->getPath() . '/Resources/config/routing.yml';
         $content = '';
         if (file_exists($file)) {
             $content = file_get_contents($file);
         } elseif (!is_dir($dir = dirname($file))) {
             mkdir($dir, 0777, true);
         $content .= "\n";
         $content .= $code;
         if (false === file_put_contents($file, $content)) {
             $output->writeln($dialog->getHelperSet()->get('formatter')->formatBlock("Failed adding the content automatically", 'error'));
         } else {
     $output->writeln('Add the following to your routing.yml');
Example #8
 private function getConfiguration(Bundle $bundle)
     if (isset($this->cacheConfigs[$bundle->getName()])) {
         return $this->cacheConfigs[$bundle->getName()];
     $driverName = $this->connection->getDriver()->getName();
     $migrationsDir = "{$bundle->getPath()}/Migrations/{$driverName}";
     $migrationsName = "{$bundle->getName()} migration";
     $migrationsNamespace = "{$bundle->getNamespace()}\\Migrations\\{$driverName}";
     $migrationsTableName = 'doctrine_' . strtolower($bundle->getName()) . '_versions';
     $config = new Configuration($this->connection);
     if (is_dir($migrationsDir)) {
     $this->cacheConfigs[$bundle->getName()] = $config;
     return $config;
  * Get bundle asset path relativeo to web dirtectory
  * @param  Symfony\Component\HttpKernel\Bundle\Bundle $bundle
  * @return string
 private function getBundleAssetPath(Bundle $bundle)
     return 'bundles/' . preg_replace('/bundle$/', '', strtolower($bundle->getName()));