Example #1
  * @param FileInterface $file
 protected function guardFileExists(FileInterface $file)
     $location = $file->getPath();
     if (!$this->filesystem->exists($location)) {
         throw new \RuntimeException('File does not exist: ' . $location);
  * @override \ComponentManager\Step\Step
  * @param \ComponentManager\Task\InstallTask $task
 public function execute($task, LoggerInterface $logger)
     $resolvedComponentVersions = $task->getResolvedComponentVersions();
     foreach ($resolvedComponentVersions as $resolvedComponentVersion) {
         $logger->info('Installing component', ['component' => $resolvedComponentVersion->getComponent()->getName(), 'packageRepository' => $resolvedComponentVersion->getPackageRepository()->getName(), 'version' => $resolvedComponentVersion->getVersion()->getVersion(), 'release' => $resolvedComponentVersion->getVersion()->getRelease()]);
         $projectLockFile = $this->project->getProjectLockFile();
         $component = $resolvedComponentVersion->getComponent();
         $packageSource = $this->project->getPackageSource($resolvedComponentVersion->getSpecification()->getPackageSource());
         $typeDirectory = $this->moodle->getPluginTypeDirectory($component->getPluginType());
         $targetDirectory = $this->platform->joinPaths([$typeDirectory, $component->getPluginName()]);
         $tempDirectory = $this->platform->createTempDirectory();
         $sourceDirectory = $packageSource->obtainPackage($tempDirectory, $resolvedComponentVersion, $this->filesystem, $logger);
         if ($resolvedComponentVersion->getFinalVersion() === null) {
             $logger->warning('Package source did not indicate final version; defaulting to desired version', ['version' => $resolvedComponentVersion->getVersion()->getVersion()]);
         $logger->debug('Downloaded component source', ['packageSource' => $packageSource->getName(), 'sourceDirectory' => $sourceDirectory]);
         if ($this->filesystem->exists($targetDirectory)) {
             $logger->info('Component directory already exists; removing', ['targetDirectory' => $targetDirectory]);
         $logger->info('Copying component source to Moodle directory', ['sourceDirectory' => $sourceDirectory, 'targetDirectory' => $targetDirectory]);
         $this->filesystem->mirror($sourceDirectory, $targetDirectory);
         $logger->info('Pinning component at installed final version', ['finalVersion' => $resolvedComponentVersion->getFinalVersion()]);
         $logger->info('Cleaning up after component installation', ['tempDirectory' => $tempDirectory]);
         try {
             $this->filesystem->chmod([$tempDirectory], 0750, 00, true);
         } catch (IOException $e) {
             $logger->warning('Unable to clean up temporary directory', ['code' => $e->getCode(), 'message' => $e->getMessage(), 'tempDirectory' => $tempDirectory]);
  * @return void
 public static function prepareSharedFolders(array $paths = array())
     if (empty($paths)) {
         return false;
     $fs = new Filesystem();
     $releaseRoot = dirname(dirname(dirname(dirname(__FILE__)))) . '/';
     // Current version root
     $root = dirname(dirname($releaseRoot));
     $sharedDirectory = $root . '/shared/';
     // Create the shared directory first (if it does not exists)
     if (!$fs->exists($sharedDirectory)) {
         $fs->mkdir($sharedDirectory, 0777);
     foreach ($paths as $path) {
         $pathDirectory = $releaseRoot . $path;
         $sharedPathDirectory = $sharedDirectory . $path;
         if (!$fs->exists($sharedPathDirectory)) {
             $fs->mkdir($sharedPathDirectory, 0777);
         $pathDirectoryTmp = $pathDirectory . '_tmp';
         // Symlink it per hand
         exec("ln -f -s {$sharedPathDirectory} {$pathDirectoryTmp}");
         exec("rm -rf {$pathDirectory}");
         exec("mv -Tf {$pathDirectoryTmp} {$pathDirectory}");
         // $fs->symlink($pathDirectory, $sharedPathDirectory, true);
  * {@inheritdoc}
 protected function execute(InputInterface $input, OutputInterface $output)
     $pathToIlios2 = $input->getArgument('pathToIlios2');
     if (!$this->symfonyFileSystem->exists($pathToIlios2)) {
         throw new \Exception("'{$pathToIlios2}' does not exist.");
     $learningMaterials = $this->learningMaterialManager->findFileLearningMaterials();
     $helper = $this->getHelper('question');
     $question = new ConfirmationQuestion('<question>Ready to copy ' . count($learningMaterials) . ' learning materials. Shall we continue? </question>' . "\n", true);
     if ($helper->ask($input, $output, $question)) {
         $migrated = 0;
         foreach ($learningMaterials as $lm) {
             $fullPath = $pathToIlios2 . $lm->getRelativePath();
             if (!$this->symfonyFileSystem->exists($fullPath)) {
                 throw new \Exception('Unable to migrated learning material #' . $lm->getId() . ".  No file found at '{$fullPath}'.");
             $file = $this->iliosFileSystem->getSymfonyFileForPath($fullPath);
             $newPath = $this->iliosFileSystem->storeLearningMaterialFile($file);
             $this->learningMaterialManager->updateLearningMaterial($lm, false);
             if ($migrated % 500) {
         $output->writeln("<info>Migrated {$migrated} learning materials successfully!</info>");
     } else {
         $output->writeln('<comment>Migration canceled.</comment>');
Example #5
  * {@inheritdoc}
 public function archive(OutputInterface $output)
     $driver = $this->storageRegistry->getService();
     if (!$this->filesystem->exists($this->archivePath)) {
     $runIds = [];
     foreach ($driver->history() as $entry) {
         $runIds[] = $entry->getRunId();
     $output->writeln(sprintf('Archiving "%s" suites', count($runIds)));
     foreach ($runIds as $index => $runId) {
         $filename = $runId . '.xml';
         $path = sprintf('%s/%s', $this->archivePath, $filename);
         if ($this->filesystem->exists($path)) {
             $this->writeProgress($output, $index, count($runIds), 'S');
         $this->writeProgress($output, $index, count($runIds), '.');
         $collection = $driver->fetch($runId);
         $document = $this->xmlEncoder->encode($collection);
Example #6
  * Creates a Terra instance.
  * @return Terra
  *               A configured Flo instance.
 private function createTerra()
     $terra = new Terra();
     // Get config from env variables or files.
     if ($config_env = getenv('TERRA')) {
         $config_env = Yaml::parse($config_env);
         $config = new Config($config_env);
     } else {
         $fs = new Filesystem();
         $user_config = array();
         $user_config_file = getenv('HOME') . '/.terra/terra';
         if ($fs->exists($user_config_file)) {
             $user_config = Yaml::parse($user_config_file);
         $project_config = array();
         $process = new Process('git rev-parse --show-toplevel');
         if ($process->isSuccessful()) {
             $project_config_file = trim($process->getOutput()) . '/terra.yml';
             if ($fs->exists($project_config_file)) {
                 $project_config = Yaml::parse($project_config_file);
         $config = new Config($user_config, $project_config);
     return $terra;
Example #7
 private function composerUpdate(OutputInterface $output, KernelInterface $kernel)
     $fs = new Filesystem();
     $thirdPartyDir = $kernel->getRootDir() . '/../thirdparty';
     $composerFile = $thirdPartyDir . '/' . str_replace(array('-', '/'), '_', $this->packageData[$this->packageName]['name']) . '.json';
     if (!$fs->exists($composerFile)) {
         if (!$fs->exists($thirdPartyDir)) {
     file_put_contents($composerFile, str_replace('    ', '  ', json_encode($this->packageData[$this->packageName], JSON_PRETTY_PRINT | JSON_UNESCAPED_SLASHES)) . "\n");
     $install = new Process('php composer.phar update', $kernel->getRootDir() . '/..', null, null, 600);
     try {
     } catch (ProcessFailedException $e) {
     if ($install->isSuccessful()) {
         $output->writeln('<info>Packages succesfully installed</info>');
     } else {
         $output->writeln('<error>Packages installation failed</error>');
 public function testDirectoryEmpty()
     $result = $this->runCommand('oro:cron:import-tracking', ['--directory' => $this->directory]);
     $this->assertContains('Logs not found', $result);
  * @return string The string which identifies a given segment of the execution environment
 public function getIdentifier()
     if (!$this->filesystem->exists($this->containerIdPath)) {
         return '';
     return file_get_contents($this->containerIdPath);
  * Copy all existing mocks onto a target directory.
  * @param string $targetDir
 public function dumpMocksTo($targetDir)
     if (!$this->filesystem->exists($this->mocksDir)) {
     $this->filesystem->mirror($this->mocksDir, $targetDir, null, ['override' => true, 'delete' => true]);
 public static function createRequiredFiles(Event $event)
     $fs = new Filesystem();
     $root = static::getDrupalRoot(getcwd());
     $dirs = ['modules', 'profiles', 'themes'];
     // Required for unit testing
     foreach ($dirs as $dir) {
         if (!$fs->exists($root . '/' . $dir)) {
             $fs->mkdir($root . '/' . $dir);
             $fs->touch($root . '/' . $dir . '/.gitkeep');
     // Prepare the settings file for installation
     if (!$fs->exists($root . '/sites/default/settings.php')) {
         $fs->copy($root . '/sites/default/default.settings.php', $root . '/sites/default/settings.php');
         $fs->chmod($root . '/sites/default/settings.php', 0666);
         $event->getIO()->write("Create a sites/default/settings.php file with chmod 0666");
     // Prepare the services file for installation
     if (!$fs->exists($root . '/sites/default/services.yml')) {
         $fs->copy($root . '/sites/default/default.services.yml', $root . '/sites/default/services.yml');
         $fs->chmod($root . '/sites/default/services.yml', 0666);
         $event->getIO()->write("Create a sites/default/services.yml file with chmod 0666");
     // Create the files directory with chmod 0777
     if (!$fs->exists($root . '/sites/default/files')) {
         $oldmask = umask(0);
         $fs->mkdir($root . '/sites/default/files', 0777);
         $event->getIO()->write("Create a sites/default/files directory with chmod 0777");
Example #12
  * Deploy build.
  * @throws runtime_exception If deployment failed
  * @return $this
 public function deploy_build()
     if (!$this->fs->exists($this->build_dir)) {
         return $this;
     $current_build = false;
     if ($this->fs->exists($this->production_link)) {
         if (is_link($this->production_link)) {
             $current_build = readlink($this->production_link);
     try {
         $new_build = $this->repo_dir . 'prod_' . time();
         $this->fs->rename($this->build_dir, $new_build);
         $this->fs->symlink($new_build, $this->production_link);
     } catch (\Exception $e) {
         if ($current_build) {
             $this->fs->symlink($current_build, $this->production_link);
         throw new runtime_exception('PACKAGES_BUILD_DEPLOYMENT_FAILED');
     if ($current_build) {
     return $this;
Example #13
  * {@inheritdoc}
 public function launch(Payload $payload, Iteration $iteration, Config $config)
     $name = XDebugUtil::filenameFromIteration($iteration);
     $dir = $config['output_dir'];
     $phpConfig = ['xdebug.trace_output_name' => $name, 'xdebug.trace_output_dir' => $dir, 'xdebug.trace_format' => '1', 'xdebug.auto_trace' => '1', 'xdebug.coverage_enable' => '0', 'xdebug.collect_params' => '3'];
     $path = $dir . DIRECTORY_SEPARATOR . $name . '.xt';
     // if the file exists, remove it. XDebug might not be installed
     // on the PHP binary and the file may not be generated. We should
     // fail in such a case and not use the file from a previous run.
     if ($this->filesystem->exists($path)) {
     $result = $payload->launch();
     if (false === $this->filesystem->exists($path)) {
         throw new \RuntimeException(sprintf('Trace file at "%s" was not generated.', $path));
     $dom = $this->converter->convert($path);
     $subject = $iteration->getVariant()->getSubject();
     $class = $subject->getBenchmark()->getClass();
     // remove leading slash from class name for matching
     // the class in the trace.
     if (substr($class, 0, 1) == '\\') {
         $class = substr($class, 1);
     // extract only the timings for the benchmark class, ignore the bootstrapping
     $selector = '//entry[@function="' . $class . '->' . $subject->getName() . '"]';
     // calculate stats from the trace
     $time = (int) ($dom->evaluate(sprintf('number(%s/@end-time) - number(%s/@start-time)', $selector, $selector)) * 1000000.0);
     $memory = (int) $dom->evaluate(sprintf('number(%s/@end-memory) - number(%s/@start-memory)', $selector, $selector));
     $funcCalls = (int) $dom->evaluate('count(' . $selector . '//*)');
     $iteration->setResult(new TimeResult($result['time']));
     $iteration->setResult(new XDebugTraceResult($time, $memory, $funcCalls, $dom));
 protected function execute(InputInterface $input, OutputInterface $output)
     $drop = false;
     if ($input->getOption('drop') !== false) {
         $drop = true;
     $path = getcwd();
     if ($input->getArgument('path') !== null) {
         $path = $input->getArgument('path');
     $pathExtracted = $path;
     if ($input->getArgument('path-extracted') !== null) {
         $pathExtracted = $input->getArgument('path-extracted');
     $fs = new Filesystem();
     if (!$fs->exists($path)) {
         throw new \Exception('Directory doesn\'t exist');
     if (!$fs->exists($pathExtracted)) {
         throw new \Exception('Extracted directory does\'t exist');
     $finder = new Finder();
     foreach ($finder as $file) {
         $checker = AlreadyExtractFactory::create($file->getRealPath(), $file->getExtension());
         $result = $checker->isAlreadyExtracted($pathExtracted);
         if ($result === 0 && $drop === true) {
         $this->writeOutput($file->getRealPath(), $output, $result);
     $output->writeln("Warnings: " . $this->countWarning . " Errors: " . $this->countError);
Example #15
  * Break the execution of the command when file exists
  * @param $destPath
 protected function breakIfFileExists($destPath)
     if ($this->filesystem->exists($destPath)) {
         echo 'File already exists at ' . $destPath . PHP_EOL;
 public function testSavingFile()
     $this->dumpEntity->saveFile($this->filePath, 'test');
     $this->assertEquals('test', file_get_contents($this->filePath));
Example #17
  * Normalize a source (string or SplInfo) into an instance of SplInfo.
  * @param mixed $source
  * @return SplFileInfo
  * @throws Exception
 public function normalize($source)
     $fileSystem = new Filesystem();
     // if the source is a file info, it must exists and be readable
     if ($source instanceof SplFileInfo) {
         if (!$fileSystem->exists($source->getRealPath())) {
             throw new Exception('Unable to find ' . $source . ' during normalization process');
         // the source is already normalized
         return $source;
     // if the source is not an instance of SplInfo, it should be a string
     if (!is_string($source)) {
         throw new Exception('The source should be a string if it is not an instance of SplInfo (instead of ' . gettype($source) . ')');
     $path = $source;
     // if the file does not exists, try to add the application path before
     if (!$fileSystem->exists($source)) {
         if (!$fileSystem->exists($this->applicationPath . '/' . $source)) {
             throw new Exception('File ' . $source . ' not found, searched in ' . implode(', ', [$source, $this->applicationPath . '/' . $source]));
         $path = $this->applicationPath . '/' . $source;
     // normalize source using SplInfo
     $source = new SplFileInfo($path);
     return $source;
Example #18
  * @param $path
  * @throws \Exception
 public function generate($path)
     if ($this->filesystem->exists($path)) {
         throw new \Exception("Error module already exists");
     $this->filesystem->mkdir($path, 0700);
  * @param Bundle          $bundle
  * @param OutputInterface $output
  * @param array           $parameters
 public function generateBehatTests(Bundle $bundle, OutputInterface $output, array $parameters)
     $dirPath = sprintf("%s/Features", $bundle->getPath());
     $skeletonDir = sprintf("%s/Features", $this->fullSkeletonDir);
     // First copy all the content
     $this->filesystem->mirror($this->fullSkeletonDir, $bundle->getPath());
     // Now render the Context files to replace the namespace etc.
     if ($handle = opendir($skeletonDir . "/Context")) {
         while (false !== ($entry = readdir($handle))) {
             // Check to make sure we skip hidden folders
             // And we render the files ending in .php
             if (substr($entry, 0, 1) != '.' && substr($entry, -strlen(".php")) === ".php") {
                 $this->renderFile("/Features/Context/" . $entry, $dirPath . "/Context/" . $entry, $parameters);
     $featureContext = $dirPath . "/Context/FeatureContext.php";
     if ($this->filesystem->exists($featureContext)) {
         $contents = file_get_contents($featureContext);
         $contents = str_replace('-adminpwd-', $this->container->getParameter('kunstmaan_admin.admin_password'), $contents);
         file_put_contents($featureContext, $contents);
     $output->writeln('Generating Behat Tests : <info>OK</info>');
 public function load(array $configs, ContainerBuilder $container)
     $configuration = new Configuration();
     $config = $this->processConfiguration($configuration, $configs);
     $fileSystem = new Filesystem();
     $container->setParameter('symfonian_id.gammu.smsd_inject_path', $config['smsd_inject_path']);
     $container->setParameter('symfonian_id.gammu.gammu_path', $config['gammu_path']);
     foreach ($config['gammurc_path'] as $key => $gammurc) {
         if ($fileSystem->exists($gammurc['path'])) {
             throw new FileNotFoundException(sprintf('%s not found.'));
         if (!$container->hasParameter('symfonian_id.gammu.gammurc.default')) {
             $container->setParameter('symfonian_id.gammu.gammurc.default', $gammurc['path']);
         $container->setParameter('symfonian_id.gammu.gammurc.' . $key, $gammurc['path']);
     foreach ($config['smsdrc_path'] as $key => $smsdrc) {
         if (!$fileSystem->exists($smsdrc['path'])) {
             throw new FileNotFoundException(sprintf('%s not found.', $smsdrc['path']));
         if (!$container->hasParameter('symfonian_id.gammu.smsdrc.default')) {
             $container->setParameter('symfonian_id.gammu.smsdrc.default', $smsdrc['path']);
         $container->setParameter('symfonian_id.gammu.smsdrc.' . $key, $smsdrc['path']);
     $loader = new Loader\YamlFileLoader($container, new FileLocator(__DIR__ . '/../Resources/config'));
Example #21
 protected function execute(InputInterface $input, OutputInterface $output)
     $class = $input->getArgument('class');
     $loader = new \Twig_Loader_Filesystem(__DIR__ . '/../Templates/');
     $twig = new \Twig_Environment($loader);
     $fs = new Filesystem();
     $output = Output::style($output);
     $dir = getcwd() . '/database/seeds';
     $file = $dir . '/' . ucfirst($class) . '.php';
     $helper = $this->getHelper('question');
     if (!$fs->exists($dir)) {
         $output->writeln('<error>The seeder directory does not exist. Make sure you run groovey seed:init first.</error>');
     $output->writeln('<highlight>Creating seeder file:</highlight>');
     $output->writeln("<info>- {$file}</info>");
     if ($fs->exists($file)) {
         $question = new ConfirmationQuestion('<question>The seeder file already exist. Are you sure you want to replace it? (Y/N):</question> ', false);
         if (!$helper->ask($input, $output, $question)) {
     } else {
         $question = new ConfirmationQuestion('<question>Are you sure you want to proceed? (Y/n):</question> ', false);
         if (!$helper->ask($input, $output, $question)) {
     $contents = $twig->render('seeder.twig', ['class' => ucfirst($class), 'table' => strtolower($class)]);
     file_put_contents($file, $contents);
     $output->writeln('<info>Sucessfully created seed file.</info>');
Example #22
  * Creates a Flo instance.
  * @return Flo
  *   A configured Flo instance.
 private function createFlo()
     $flo = new Flo();
     // Get config from env variables or files.
     if ($config_env = getenv('FLO')) {
         $config_env = Yaml::parse($config_env);
         $config = new Config($config_env);
     } else {
         $fs = new Filesystem();
         $user_config = array();
         $user_config_file = getenv("HOME") . '/.config/flo';
         if ($fs->exists($user_config_file)) {
             $user_config = Yaml::parse($user_config_file);
         $project_config = array();
         $process = new Process('git rev-parse --show-toplevel');
         if ($process->isSuccessful()) {
             $project_config_file = trim($process->getOutput()) . '/flo.yml';
             if ($fs->exists($project_config_file)) {
                 $project_config = Yaml::parse($project_config_file);
         $config = new Config($user_config, $project_config);
     return $flo;
 protected function execute(InputInterface $input, OutputInterface $output)
     if (1 === $this->getApplication()->find('doctrine:database:create')->run(new ArrayInput(['command' => 'doctrine:database:create', '--connection' => 'wordpress']), $output)) {
         return 1;
     $fs = new Filesystem();
     $fs->mkdir($this->getWordpressRoot(), 0755);
     if (false === $fs->exists($this->getWordpressRoot() . DIRECTORY_SEPARATOR . 'wp-cli.phar')) {
         $this->runCommand('curl -O https://raw.githubusercontent.com/wp-cli/builds/gh-pages/phar/wp-cli.phar');
         $this->runCommand('php wp-cli.phar core download');
     if ($fs->exists($this->getWordpressRoot() . DIRECTORY_SEPARATOR . 'wp-config.php')) {
         $fs->remove($this->getWordpressRoot() . DIRECTORY_SEPARATOR . 'wp-config.php');
     $this->runCommand(sprintf('php wp-cli.phar core config --dbname=%s --dbuser=%s', $this->getContainer()->getParameter('wordpress_database_name'), $this->getContainer()->getParameter('wordpress_database_user')));
     $this->runCommand(sprintf('php wp-cli.phar core install --url=%s --title=Demo --admin_user=admin --admin_password=admin --admin_email=admin@example.com', $this->getContainer()->getParameter('wordpress_url')));
     $this->runCommand('php wp-cli.phar plugin install wordpress-importer --activate');
     if (false === $fs->exists($this->getWordpressRoot() . DIRECTORY_SEPARATOR . 'wptest.xml')) {
         $this->runCommand('curl -OL https://raw.githubusercontent.com/manovotny/wptest/master/wptest.xml');
     $this->runCommand('php wp-cli.phar import wptest.xml --authors=create --skip=attachment');
     $this->runCommand('php wp-cli.phar core multisite-convert');
     $this->runCommand('php wp-cli.phar site create --slug=foo');
     $this->runCommand('php wp-cli.phar site create --slug=bar');
     return 0;
 public function test exists asserts every file exists()
     $dummySuccess = rand(0, 1) === 1;
     $this->mockFilesystem->exists([$this->dummyStoragePath . '/public.pem', $this->dummyStoragePath . '/private.pem'])->willReturn($dummySuccess);
     $result = $this->service->exists();
     $this->assertSame($dummySuccess, $result);
Example #25
 public function testInvalidate()
     $this->addCacheFile('test', 'test');
     $this->assertTrue($this->filesystem->exists($this->tmpHttpCacheDir . '/test'));
  * @param string $currentRevision
  * @param string $distantRevision
 protected function upgrade($currentRevision, $distantRevision)
     $fs = new Filesystem();
     $versionDir = sprintf('%s/versions', $this->config->get('twgit.protected.global.root_dir'));
     if (!is_dir($versionDir)) {
         mkdir($versionDir, 0755);
     $newPharFile = sprintf('%s/twgit-%s.phar', $versionDir, $distantRevision);
     $oldPharFile = sprintf('%s/twgit-%s.phar-old', $versionDir, $currentRevision);
     $currentPharFile = realpath(str_replace(['phar://', '/src/NMR/Command'], ['', ''], __DIR__));
     $this->getLogger()->info('Download new version...');
     $this->getClient()->get(self::REMOTE_URL_PHAR, ['save_to' => $newPharFile]);
     if ($fs->exists($newPharFile)) {
         $this->getLogger()->info('Backup current version...');
         if ($fs->exists($oldPharFile)) {
         $fs->rename($currentPharFile, $oldPharFile);
         $this->getLogger()->info('Install new version...');
         $fs->rename($newPharFile, $currentPharFile);
         $fs->chmod($currentPharFile, 0777);
     } else {
         $this->getLogger()->error('Failed to download new version.');
  * {@inheritdoc}
 public function execute(InputInterface $input, OutputInterface $output)
     $ext = pathinfo($input->getArgument('destination'), PATHINFO_EXTENSION);
     if (!in_array($ext, array('zip', 'gz'))) {
         throw new \RuntimeException(sprintf('Invalid filename: %s', $input->getArgument('destination')));
     $fs = new Filesystem();
     if ($fs->exists($input->getArgument('destination'))) {
     $tmpFile = sprintf("%s/composer_archive_%s.%s", sys_get_temp_dir(), sha1($input->getArgument('destination')), $ext);
     if ($fs->exists($tmpFile)) {
     if ($ext == 'gz') {
         $cmd = sprintf("cd %s && tar czf %s . %s", $input->getArgument('folder'), $tmpFile, $input->getOption('vcs') ? '' : '--exclude-vcs');
     } elseif ($ext == 'zip') {
         $cmd = sprintf("cd %s && zip -r -q %s . %s", $input->getArgument('folder'), $tmpFile, $input->getOption('vcs') ? '' : '-x *.git* *.svn*');
     $output->writeln(sprintf("Creating temporary file: <info>%s</info>", $tmpFile));
     $output->writeln(sprintf("Starting command %s", $cmd));
     $process = new Process($cmd);
     $process->run(function ($type, $data) use($output) {
         $output->write($data, false, OutputInterface::OUTPUT_PLAIN);
     $fs->rename($tmpFile, $input->getArgument('destination'));
Example #28
  * Test if entity persistence and removal is handled correctly.
  * Tests also that associated physical file exists/is removed.
 public function testPersistenceAndRemoval()
     $container = static::$kernel->getContainer();
     $filesystem = new Filesystem();
     $repoFile = $this->em->getRepository('ReskumeFileBundle:File');
     $fileFactory = new FileFactory();
     $file = $fileFactory->create();
     // test only one entry in database table
     $result = $repoFile->findAll();
     $this->assertCount(1, $result);
     // @important clear em and refetch entity to suppress foreign key mapping errors
     $result = $repoFile->findAll();
     $result = $result[0];
     // check that associated file exists
     $fileStorageConfig = $container->get('reskume_file.configuration.file_storage_configuration');
     $filePath = sprintf('%s%s', $fileStorageConfig->getFileDir(), $result->getKey());
     // test correct removal
     $result = $repoFile->findAll();
     // test that associated file is deleted from filesystem
  * @param string $source
  * @param string $locale
  * @return MessageCatalogueInterface | null
 public function extract($source, $locale)
     if (!$this->isSourceAvailable($source)) {
     $fs = new Filesystem();
     /* @var Bundle $foundBundle */
     $foundBundle = $this->kernel->getBundle($this->bundle);
     // load any messages from templates
     $extractedCatalogue = new MessageCatalogue($locale);
     $resourcesDir = $this->resolveResourcesDirectory($foundBundle);
     if ($fs->exists($resourcesDir)) {
         $this->extractor->extract($resourcesDir, $extractedCatalogue);
     // load any existing messages from the translation files
     $translationsDir = $foundBundle->getPath() . '/Resources/translations';
     if ($fs->exists($translationsDir)) {
         $currentCatalogue = new MessageCatalogue($locale);
         $this->loader->loadMessages($translationsDir, $currentCatalogue);
         foreach ($extractedCatalogue->getDomains() as $domain) {
             $messages = $currentCatalogue->all($domain);
             if (count($messages)) {
                 $extractedCatalogue->add($messages, $domain);
     return $extractedCatalogue;
Example #30
  * @param InputInterface  $input
  * @param OutputInterface $output
  * @return int|void
 public function execute(InputInterface $input, OutputInterface $output)
     $this->input = $input;
     $gitHooksPath = $this->paths()->getGitHooksDir();
     $resourceHooksPath = $this->paths()->getGitHookTemplatesDir() . $this->grumPHP->getHooksPreset();
     $resourceHooksPath = $this->paths()->getPathWithTrailingSlash($resourceHooksPath);
     $customHooksPath = $this->paths()->getPathWithTrailingSlash($this->grumPHP->getHooksDir());
     // Some git clients to not automatically create a git hooks folder.
     if (!$this->filesystem->exists($gitHooksPath)) {
         $output->writeln(sprintf('<fg=yellow>Created git hooks folder at: %s</fg=yellow>', $gitHooksPath));
     foreach (self::$hooks as $hook) {
         $gitHook = $gitHooksPath . $hook;
         $hookTemplate = $resourceHooksPath . $hook;
         if ($customHooksPath && $this->filesystem->exists($customHooksPath . $hook)) {
             $hookTemplate = $customHooksPath . $hook;
         if (!$this->filesystem->exists($hookTemplate)) {
             throw new \RuntimeException(sprintf('Could not find hook template for %s at %s.', $hook, $hookTemplate));
         $content = $this->parseHookBody($hook, $hookTemplate);
         file_put_contents($gitHook, $content);
         $this->filesystem->chmod($gitHook, 0775);
     $output->writeln('<fg=yellow>Watch out! GrumPHP is sniffing your commits!<fg=yellow>');