Author: Mateusz Zalewski (
Inheritance: extends Sylius\Behat\Page\SymfonyPageInterface
Example #1
  * @Then I should not be able to complete the shipping step
 public function iShouldNotBeAbleToCompleteTheShippingStep()
     Assert::true($this->selectShippingPage->isNextStepButtonUnavailable(), 'The next step button should be disabled, but it does not.');
Example #2
  * @Given I should see shipping method :shippingMethodName with fee :fee
 public function iShouldSeeShippingFee($shippingMethodName, $fee)
     Assert::true($this->selectShippingPage->hasShippingMethodFee($shippingMethodName, $fee), sprintf('The shipping fee should be %s, but it does not.', $fee));
Example #3
  * @Then I should not see :shippingMethodName shipping method
 public function iShouldNotSeeShippingMethod($shippingMethodName)
     Assert::false($this->selectShippingPage->hasShippingMethod($shippingMethodName), sprintf('There should not be %s shipping method, but it is.', $shippingMethodName));
Example #4
  * @Then I should be checking out as :email
 public function iShouldBeCheckingOutAs($email)
     Assert::same('Checking out as ' . $email . '.', $this->selectShippingPage->getPurchaserEmail());