  * DataRequest constructor.
  * @param Client $client
  * @param string $type
  * @param $region
 public function __construct($client, $type, $region)
     $url = 'https://%s.api.battle.net/sc2/data/%s?locale=%s&apikey=%s';
     if (in_array($type, ['achievements', 'rewards'])) {
         $this->url = sprintf($url, $region, $type, $client->language(), $client->apiToken());
  * ProfileRequest constructor.
  * @param Client $client
  * @param string $type
  * @param int $id
  * @param string $name
  * @param string $region
 public function __construct($client, $type, $id, $name, $region)
     $url = 'https://%s.api.battle.net/sc2/profile/%s/1/%s/%s?locale=%s&apikey=%s';
     if (in_array($type, ['ladders', 'matches'])) {
         $this->url = sprintf($url, $region, $id, $name, $type, $client->language(), $client->apiToken());
     } else {
         $this->url = sprintf($url, $region, $id, $name, null, $client->language(), $client->apiToken());
  * LadderRequest constructor.
  * @param Client $client
  * @param int $id
  * @param string $region
 public function __construct($client, $id, $region)
     $url = 'https://%s.api.battle.net/sc2/ladder/%s?locale=%s&apikey=%s';
     $this->url = sprintf($url, $region, $id, $client->language(), $client->apiToken());
Example #4

 * @author neun
 * @since  2015-10-26
require_once 'vendor/autoload.php';
use StarCraftApiClient\Client;
$apiToken = file_get_contents('conf.txt');
$client = new Client($apiToken);
$client->addAllProfileRequests(2778901, 'Mamba', 'eu');
$client->addAllProfileRequests(1283855, 'PuPu', 'eu');
// ...
// Iterate over all request objects and return the JSON response ...
foreach ($client->getRequests() as $id => $request) {
    echo $request->response();
// Access specific request object
echo $client->getRequests('profile.1283855.matches')[0]->response();
echo $client->getRequests('profile.1283855.matches')[0]->info()['http_code'];
// Directly access a specific profile sub-object (profile.1283855.matches)
echo $client->get('profile.1283855.matches')->matches[0]->map;
// Iterate over all profile-type result objects.
foreach ($client->get('profile') as $playerId => $profile) {
    // ...