Example #1
  * @deprecated Will be removed. Needs refactoring to use Zed getMode().
  * @return string
 public function getMode()
     if (Environment::isNotProduction()) {
         return self::MODE_TEST;
     return self::MODE_LIVE;
Example #2
  * @param string|null $environment
  * @return void
 public static function init($environment = null)
     if ($environment === null) {
         $environment = Environment::getInstance()->getEnvironment();
     $storeName = Store::getInstance()->getStoreName();
     $config = new \ArrayObject();
      * e.g. config_default.php
     self::buildConfig('default', $config);
      * e.g. config_default-production.php
     self::buildConfig('default-' . $environment, $config);
      * e.g. config_default_DE.php
     self::buildConfig('default_' . $storeName, $config);
      * e.g. config_default-production_DE.php
     self::buildConfig('default-' . $environment . '_' . $storeName, $config);
      * e.g. config_local_test.php
     self::buildConfig('local_test', $config);
      * e.g. config_local.php
     self::buildConfig('local', $config);
      * e.g. config_local_DE.php
     self::buildConfig('local_' . $storeName, $config);
      * e.g. config_propel.php
     self::buildConfig('propel', $config);
     self::$config = $config;
  * @param \Generated\Shared\Transfer\InvoiceTransfer $invoiceTransfer
  * @throws \Propel\Runtime\Exception\PropelException
  * @return \Generated\Shared\Transfer\InvoiceTransfer
 public function writeInvoice(InvoiceTransfer $invoiceTransfer)
     $connection = $this->queryContainer->getConnection();
     try {
     } catch (PropelException $exception) {
         if (Environment::isDevelopment()) {
             throw $exception;
     return $invoiceTransfer;
Example #4
  * @return array
 public function indexAction()
     $developmentLinks = [];
     if (APPLICATION_ENV !== 'production') {
         $developmentLinks[] = ['href' => '/setup/transfer/repeat', 'target' => '_blank', 'label' => 'Repeat last Yves-request'];
         $developmentLinks[] = ['href' => '/glossary/dump', 'target' => '_blank', 'label' => 'Dump glossary data to file'];
     $developmentLinks[] = ['href' => '/setup/phpinfo', 'target' => '_blank', 'label' => 'Show PHP-Info'];
     if (Environment::isNotDevelopment()) {
         $developmentLinks[] = ['href' => '#', 'label' => 'Show Elasticsearch' . ' <span class="icon-info"></span>', 'extras' => ['data-toggle' => 'modal', 'data-target' => '#elastic']];
     } else {
         $developmentLinks[] = ['href' => 'http://' . Config::get(ApplicationConstants::HOST_ZED_GUI) . ':9200', 'target' => '_blank', 'label' => 'Show Elasticsearch'];
     if (Environment::isNotDevelopment()) {
         $developmentLinks[] = ['href' => '#', 'label' => 'Show Elasticsearch Head (9200/_plugin/head)' . ' <span class="icon-info"></span>', 'extras' => ['data-toggle' => 'modal', 'data-target' => '#elasticHead']];
     } else {
         $developmentLinks[] = ['href' => 'http://' . Config::get(ApplicationConstants::HOST_ZED_GUI) . ':9200/_plugin/head', 'target' => '_blank', 'label' => 'Show Elasticsearch Head'];
     if (Environment::isNotDevelopment()) {
         $developmentLinks[] = ['href' => '#', 'label' => 'Show Elasticsearch Bigdesk (9200/_plugin/bigdesk)' . ' <span class="icon-info"></span>', 'extras' => ['data-toggle' => 'modal', 'data-target' => '#elasticBigdeskModal']];
     } else {
         $developmentLinks[] = ['href' => 'http://' . Config::get(ApplicationConstants::HOST_ZED_GUI) . ':9200/_plugin/bigdesk', 'target' => '_blank', 'label' => 'Show Elasticsearch Bigdesk'];
     if (Environment::isNotDevelopment()) {
         $developmentLinks[] = ['href' => '#', 'label' => 'Show Couchbase' . ' <span class="icon-info"></span>', 'extras' => ['data-toggle' => 'modal', 'data-target' => '#couchbaseModal']];
     } else {
         $developmentLinks[] = ['href' => 'http://' . Config::get(ApplicationConstants::HOST_ZED_GUI) . ':8091', 'target' => '_blank', 'label' => 'Show Couchbase'];
     if (Environment::isNotDevelopment()) {
         $developmentLinks[] = ['href' => '#', 'label' => 'Show Jenkins' . ' <span class="icon-info"></span>', 'extras' => ['data-toggle' => 'modal', 'data-target' => '#jenkinsModal']];
     } else {
         $developmentLinks[] = ['href' => Config::get(ApplicationConstants::JENKINS_BASE_URL), 'target' => '_blank', 'label' => 'Jenkins'];
     $developmentLinks[] = ['href' => 'URL IS MISSING', 'target' => '_blank', 'label' => 'Install / Update Cronjobs'];
     return $this->viewResponse(['developmentLinks' => $developmentLinks]);
Example #5
  * @param string $command
  * @param string $store
  * @return string
 protected function getCommand($command, $store)
     $environment = Environment::getInstance();
     $environment_name = $environment->getEnvironment();
     if ($environment->isNotDevelopment()) {
         return "<command>[ -f ../../../../../../../current/deploy/vars ] &amp;&amp; . ../../../../../../../current/deploy/vars\n[ -f ../../../../../../current/deploy/vars ] &amp;&amp; . ../../../../../../current/deploy/vars\n[ -f ../../../../../current/deploy/vars ] &amp;&amp; . ../../../../../current/deploy/vars\nexport APPLICATION_ENV={$environment_name}\nexport APPLICATION_STORE={$store}\ncd \$destination_release_dir\n. ./config/Zed/cronjobs/cron.conf\n{$command}</command>";
     return "<command>\nexport APPLICATION_ENV={$environment_name}\nexport APPLICATION_STORE={$store}\ncd /data/shop/development/current\n. ./config/Zed/cronjobs/cron.conf\n{$command}</command>";
Example #6
  * @param string $sessionId
  * @param string $sessionData
  * @return bool
 public function write($sessionId, $sessionData)
     $key = $this->keyPrefix . $sessionId;
     if (strlen($sessionData) < 1) {
         return false;
     $startTime = microtime(true);
     $environment = Environment::getInstance()->getEnvironment();
     $data = json_encode($sessionData);
     $expireTimestamp = time() + $this->lifetime;
     $expires = date('Y-m-d H:i:s', $expireTimestamp);
     $storeName = Store::getInstance()->getStoreName();
     $timestamp = date('Y-m-d H:i:s', time());
     $query = 'REPLACE INTO session (session.key, session.value, session.store, session.environment, session.expires, session.updated_at) VALUES (?,?,?,?,?,?)';
     $statement = $this->connection->prepare($query);
     $result = $statement->execute([$key, $data, $storeName, $environment, $expires, $timestamp]);
     $this->newRelicApi->addCustomMetric(self::METRIC_SESSION_WRITE_TIME, microtime(true) - $startTime);
     return $result;
Example #7
  * @return string
 protected function getBucketName()
     $storeName = Store::getInstance()->getStoreName();
     $environment = Environment::getInstance()->getEnvironment();
     return $storeName . '_' . $environment . '_' . self::BUCKET_NAME_POSTFIX;