/** * Class constructor * * @access public */ public function __construct() { parent::__construct(); $this->_title = 'Links'; $this->_menu = array('External sources you should take a look to'); $this->get_content(); }
/** * Class constructor * * @access public */ public function __construct() { parent::__construct(); parent::build_title(); $this->_menu = array('Description of website author(s)'); $this->get_content(); }
/** * Class constructor * * @access public */ public function __construct() { parent::__construct(); parent::build_title(); $this->_menu = array('You can use this form to contact an author'); $this->get_users(); $this->send(); }
/** * Class constructor * * @access public */ public function __construct() { parent::__construct(); Helper\Helper::get_categories($this->_menu, 'video'); $this->build_menu(); //If try to select an inexistant category, redirect to 404 if (VGet::cat() && !isset($this->_menu[VGet::cat()])) { header('Location: 404.php'); } $this->get_content(); $this->_title = 'Videos'; }
/** * Class constructor * * @access public * @param integer [$id] Element id */ public function __construct($id) { if (empty($id)) { throw new Exception('Element id missing'); } parent::__construct(); $this->_id = $id; $this->get_content(); $this->_comment = new Comment(); if (VSession::visitor_name(false) && VSession::visitor_email(false)) { $this->_comment->_name = VSession::visitor_name(); $this->_comment->_email = VSession::visitor_email(); } $this->question(); if (VGet::respond_to()) { $this->_comment->_content = '@' . VGet::respond_to(); } if (VPost::submit_comment(false)) { $this->create(); } }
/** * Redefine master method for the title * * @access protected */ protected function build_title() { parent::build_title(); if (VGet::album() && !empty($this->_album)) { $this->_title = ucwords($this->_album->_name); } }
/** * Display the posts listing * * @access private */ private function display_listing() { if (!VSession::html5() || VSession::renderer() == 'mobile') { echo '<ul id="listing_articles">'; } if (!empty($this->_content)) { foreach ($this->_content as $article) { $crop_length = Helper\Posts::crop_length($article->_content); $cats = explode(',', $article->_category); try { foreach ($cats as &$cat) { $id = $cat; $infos = new Category($id); $cat = Helper\Posts::make_category_link($id, $infos->_name); } } catch (Exception $e) { @error_log($e->getMessage() . ' file: ' . __FILE__ . '; line: ' . __LINE__, 1, WS_EMAIL); } $content = nl2br(substr($article->_content, 0, $crop_length)); Html::listing_article($article->_title, $article->_permalink, $cats, $article->_date, $article->_author_name, $content); } } else { Html::no_content('There\'s no post right now.'); } if (!VSession::html5() || VSession::renderer() == 'mobile') { echo '</ul>'; } if (VSession::renderer() != 'mobile' && !empty($this->_content)) { Html::navigation($this->_page, $this->_nb_pages, parent::link_navigation()); } }