Example #1
  * Test calculating the pitstop times based on laps
  * Pit time is calculated using 2 sectors that were part of the pitstop
  * (e.g. L1S3->L2S1) MINUS the averages of all non pitstop sectors.
  * For inner understanding how these values are calculated, please see
  * the document `docs/RfactorReaderTest_testReadingPitTimes.ods`
 public function testCalculatingPitTimes()
     // Init participant
     $participant = new Participant();
     // Init new laps
     $laps = array();
     // Normal lap
     $lap1 = new Lap();
     $lap1->setSectorTimes(array(42.9237, 42.9237, 44.9237))->setParticipant($participant);
     $laps[] = $lap1;
     // Pit lap
     $lap2 = new Lap();
     $lap2->setSectorTimes($lap2_sectors = array(41.9237, 42.9237, 53.9237))->setParticipant($participant)->setPitLap(true);
     $laps[] = $lap2;
     // Normal lap
     $lap3 = new Lap();
     $lap3->setSectorTimes(array(51.9237, 42.9237, 56.9237))->setParticipant($participant);
     $laps[] = $lap3;
     // Set laps to participant
     //---- Validate pit times
     $this->assertSame(0, $lap1->getPitTime());
     $this->assertSame(53.9237 - (44.9237 + 56.9237) / 2 + (51.9237 - (42.9237 + 41.9237) / 2), $lap2->getPitTime());
     $this->assertSame(0, $lap3->getPitTime());
     //---- Validate special cases
     // Invalidate participant cache
     // Validate that when sector 3 is missing no calculation is done on that
     $lap2->setSectorTimes(array(41.9237, 42.9237, null));
     $this->assertSame(51.9237 - (42.9237 + 41.9237) / 2, $lap2->getPitTime());
     // Restore lap 2 sectors
     // Validate that when sector 1 of next lap is missing, any calculation
     // on that sector is ignored, thus pit time is only based on sector 3
     // of this pit lap. This also validates ignoring multipe pit sectors
     // that should be ignored in the averages as we're now marking a
     // second lap as pit lap
     // Invalidate participant cache
     // Set lap3 as pit lap
     // Invalidate participant cache
     // Check time
     $this->assertSame(56.9237 - 44.9237, $lap3->getPitTime());
     // Validate that calculation is done when hard pit time is available
     $this->assertSame(21, $lap2->getPitTime());