  * @param array $options
  * Options accepted in addition to those provided by Text:
  *   - shortcodes: If true, shortcodes will be turned into the appropriate HTML.
  *                 If false, shortcodes will not be processed.
  *   - whitelist: If provided, a comma-separated list of elements that will be allowed to be stored
  *                (be careful on relying on this for XSS protection - some seemingly-safe elements allow
  *                attributes that can be exploited, for instance <img onload="exploiting_code();" src="..." />)
  *                Text nodes outside of HTML tags are filtered out by default, but may be included by adding
  *                the text() directive. E.g. 'link,meta,text()' will allow only <link /> <meta /> and text at
  *                the root level.
  * @return $this
 public function setOptions(array $options = array())
     if (array_key_exists("shortcodes", $options)) {
     return parent::setOptions($options);