public function testBaseTagGeneration()
        // XHTML wil have a closed base tag
        $tmpl1 = '<?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8"?>
			<!DOCTYPE html PUBLIC "-//W3C//DTD XHTML 1.0 Transitional//EN"' . ' "">
				<head><% base_tag %></head>
        $this->assertRegExp('/<head><base href=".*" \\/><\\/head>/', $this->render($tmpl1));
        // HTML4 and 5 will only have it for IE
        $tmpl2 = '<!DOCTYPE html>
				<head><% base_tag %></head>
        $this->assertRegExp('/<head><base href=".*"><!--\\[if lte IE 6\\]><\\/base><!\\[endif\\]--><\\/head>/', $this->render($tmpl2));
        $tmpl3 = '<!DOCTYPE HTML PUBLIC "-//W3C//DTD HTML 4.01//EN" "">
				<head><% base_tag %></head>
        $this->assertRegExp('/<head><base href=".*"><!--\\[if lte IE 6\\]><\\/base><!\\[endif\\]--><\\/head>/', $this->render($tmpl3));
        // Check that the content negotiator converts to the equally legal formats
        $negotiator = new ContentNegotiator();
        $response = new HTTPResponse($this->render($tmpl1));
        $this->assertRegExp('/<head><base href=".*"><!--\\[if lte IE 6\\]><\\/base><!\\[endif\\]--><\\/head>/', $response->getBody());
        $response = new HTTPResponse($this->render($tmpl1));
        $this->assertRegExp('/<head><base href=".*" \\/><\\/head>/', $response->getBody());