  * Given a successful login, tell the parent frame to close the dialog
  * @return HTTPResponse|DBField
 public function success()
     // Ensure member is properly logged in
     if (!Member::currentUserID()) {
         return $this->redirectToExternalLogin();
     // Get redirect url
     $controller = $this->getResponseController(_t('CMSSecurity.SUCCESS', 'Success'));
     $backURLs = array($this->getRequest()->requestVar('BackURL'), Session::get('BackURL'), Director::absoluteURL(AdminRootController::config()->url_base, true));
     $backURL = null;
     foreach ($backURLs as $backURL) {
         if ($backURL && Director::is_site_url($backURL)) {
     // Show login
     $controller = $controller->customise(array('Content' => _t('CMSSecurity.SUCCESSCONTENT', '<p>Login success. If you are not automatically redirected ' . '<a target="_top" href="{link}">click here</a></p>', 'Login message displayed in the cms popup once a user has re-authenticated themselves', array('link' => $backURL))));
     return $controller->renderWith($this->getTemplatesFor('success'));