Example #1
 public function test()
     $jsonString = '{}';
     $jsonStringString = '{"a": "a"}';
     $jsonStringInteger = '{"b": 1}';
     $jsonStringBool = '{"c": true}';
     $jsonStringNull = '{"d": null}';
     $jsonStringObject = '{"e": {}}';
     $jsonStringArray = '{"f": []}';
     // serialization // creation from string
     $this->assertEquals($jsonString, (new JSONObject())->__toString());
     $this->assertEquals(json_decode($jsonString), (new JSONObject())->toStdClass());
     $this->assertEquals(json_decode($jsonStringString), (new JSONObject($jsonStringString))->toStdClass());
     $this->assertEquals(json_decode($jsonStringInteger), (new JSONObject($jsonStringInteger))->toStdClass());
     $this->assertEquals(json_decode($jsonStringBool), (new JSONObject($jsonStringBool))->toStdClass());
     $this->assertEquals(json_decode($jsonStringNull), (new JSONObject($jsonStringNull))->toStdClass());
     $this->assertEquals(json_decode($jsonStringObject), (new JSONObject($jsonStringObject))->toStdClass());
     $this->assertEquals(json_decode($jsonStringArray), (new JSONObject($jsonStringArray))->toStdClass());
     // escaping / quoting
     $this->assertEquals('\\\\n', JSONObject::quote('\\n'));
     $this->assertEquals('\\/', JSONObject::quote('/'));
     $this->assertEquals('\\\\', JSONObject::quote('\\'));
     // building objects
     $a = new JSONObject();
     $a->put('arr', new JSONArray());
     $a1 = '{"arr":["value"]}';
     $this->assertEquals($a1, $a->write());
     $b = (new JSONObject())->put('obj', new JSONObject('{"a": "1"}'));
     $b->put("b", 2);
     $b1 = '{"obj":{"a":"1"},"b":2}';
     $this->assertEquals($b1, $b->write());
     // accessing parameters
     $this->assertEquals("1", $b->get('obj')->get("a"));
     $this->assertEquals(2, $b->get('b'));
Example #2
  * Exports a SocialRecord object to a serialized JSONObject
  * @param SocialRecord The SocialRecord to export
  * @param KeyPair account key pair to export
  * @param KeyPair personal key pair to export
  * @return string The exported SocialRecord
 public static function exportSocialRecord(SocialRecord $socialRecord, KeyPair $accountKeyPair = NULL, KeyPair $personalKeyPair = NULL)
     $json = new JSONObject();
     $json->put('socialRecord', $socialRecord->getJSONObject());
     if ($accountKeyPair != NULL) {
         $json->put('accountPrivateKey', PrivateKey::exportKey($accountKeyPair->getPrivateKey()));
     if ($personalKeyPair != NULL) {
         $json->put('personalPrivateKey', PrivateKey::exportKey($personalKeyPair->getPrivateKey()));
     return $json->write();
Example #3
  * Produces a JSONObject from the JSONArray
  * @param names An array containing a list of key strings. These will be paired with the values. If $names contains
  * less values than the source JSONArray, remaining values will be ommitted.
  * @return A JSONObject, or null if there are no names or if this JSONArray has no values.
 public function toJSONObject($names)
     if (!is_array($names)) {
         throw new JSONException('Provided value must be an array');
     if ($names == NULL || count($names) == 0 || $this->length() == 0) {
         return NULL;
     $jsonObject = new JSONObject();
     foreach ($this->map as $index => $value) {
         $jsonObject->put($value, $names[$index]);
     return $jsonObject;