public function filter() { $socialMediaAccounts = SocialMediaAccount::where('account_type', 'twitter')->get()->all(); $crunchAccounts = SocialMediaAccount::where('account_type', 'crunch')->get()->all(); // Calculate how many accounts to grab from the API to filter $count = count($crunchAccounts) / count($socialMediaAccounts) * 180; foreach ($socialMediaAccounts as $socialMediaAccount) { $errorCount = 0; $errorMessage = ""; $connection = new TwitterOAuth($socialMediaAccount->consumer_key, $socialMediaAccount->consumer_secret, $socialMediaAccount->access_token, $socialMediaAccount->access_token_secret); $myScreenName = $socialMediaAccount->screen_name; echo "<h1>{$myScreenName}</h1>"; // GET CURRENT DB Followers $oldFollowers = Follower::where('social_media_account_id', $socialMediaAccount->id)->select('account_id')->get()->all(); $oldFollowers_ids = array(); foreach ($oldFollowers as $account_id) { $oldFollowers_ids[] = $account_id['account_id']; } // GET CURRENT DB FRIENDS $oldFriends = Friend::where('social_media_account_id', $socialMediaAccount->id)->select('account_id')->get()->all(); $oldFriends_ids = array(); foreach ($oldFriends as $account_id) { $oldFriends_ids[] = $account_id['account_id']; } // GET ALL TARGET USERS AND PROCESS INTO ARRAY $targetUsers = TargetUser::where('social_media_account_id', $socialMediaAccount->id)->select('account_id')->get()->all(); $targetUsers_ids = array(); foreach ($targetUsers as $id) { $targetUsers_ids[] = $id['account_id']; } /** * * * GET MODEL ACCOUNTS'S FOLLOWERS, FILTER IF ALREADY FOLLOWING OR FRIEND, ADD TO TARGET USERS TABLE * * */ // GET MODEL ACCOUNT $modelAccount = ModelAccount::where('social_media_account_id', $socialMediaAccount->id)->where('api_cursor', '!=', 0)->where('sort_order', 1)->get()->first(); if (!is_null($modelAccount)) { $cursor = (int) $modelAccount->api_cursor; echo "<h2>@" . $modelAccount->screen_name . "'s ONLINE FOLLOWERS</h2><br>"; $searchFollowersAPI = "{$cursor}&screen_name={$modelAccount->screen_name}&count={$count}"; $followers = $connection->get("{$searchFollowersAPI}"); if (isset($followers->errors)) { $errorCount++; $errorObject = $followers->errors; $error = $errorObject[0]->code; $errorMessage .= "<h2>Error {$errorCount}</h2>"; $errorMessage .= "Model account follower lookup to needs to refresh. " . $errorObject[0]->message; echo "<div class='errorMessage'>{$errorMessage}</div>"; continue; } else { $modelFollowers = $followers->ids; foreach ($modelFollowers as $id) { $modelFollowers_ids[] = $id; } if (isset($modelFollowers_ids)) { $filterFollowers = array_diff($modelFollowers_ids, $oldFollowers_ids); $filterFriends = array_diff($filterFollowers, $oldFriends_ids); $filterTargets = array_diff($filterFriends, $targetUsers_ids); foreach ($filterTargets as $id) { $newTarget = TargetUser::create(['account_id' => $id, 'social_media_account_id' => $socialMediaAccount->id]); } } if (count($modelFollowers) > 0) { $modelAccount->api_cursor = $followers->next_cursor; $modelAccount->save(); if ($modelAccount->api_cursor == 0) { $errorCount++; $errorMessage .= "<h2>Error {$errorCount}</h2>"; $errorMessage .= "Model Account API cursor equals 0.<br>"; $errorMessage .= "{$i} were added to target_users table.<br>"; $data = "You reached the end of {$modelAccount->screen_name}. Please double check to see if you have any other users scheduled so Scavenger can keep working on your account!"; Helper::email_user($data, $socialMediaAccount->user_id); } } echo "<br><br><strong>Next Cursor: </strong>{$followers->next_cursor}"; } } else { echo "<h1>Add a model account that hasn't been finished!</h1>"; } } echo '<hr>'; $now = Carbon::now('America/Denver'); echo "<br>{$now}"; if ($errorCount > 0) { Helper::email_admin($errorMessage, $errorCount, "ModelAccountController", $socialMediaAccount->screen_name); } }
/** * Display a listing of the resource. * * @return \Illuminate\Http\Response */ public function index() { $count = 5000; $socialMediaAccounts = SocialMediaAccount::where('account_type', 'twitter')->get()->all(); foreach ($socialMediaAccounts as $socialMediaAccount) { /* $targetUsers = TargetUser::where('social_media_account_id', $socialMediaAccount->id)->select('account_id')->get()->all(); dd($targetUsers); */ $errorCount = 0; $errorMessage = ""; // $socialMediaAccount = SocialMediaAccount::find(5); /* if ($socialMediaAccount->id == 3) { continue; } */ $api_requests = 15; $connection = new TwitterOAuth($socialMediaAccount->consumer_key, $socialMediaAccount->consumer_secret, $socialMediaAccount->access_token, $socialMediaAccount->access_token_secret); if (!is_null($connection->http_code)) { $errorCount++; $connection->http_code ? '' : "<h1>HTTP code: {$connection->http_code}</h1>"; echo "<h3>Error establishing initial connection. If no HTTP code is provided it is NULL.</h3>"; $errorMessage .= "<h2>Error {$errorCount}</h2>"; $errorMessage .= "<h3>Error establishing initial connection. If no HTTP code is provided it is NULL.</h3>"; $errorMessage .= "Error code: {$connection->http_code}"; if ($connection->http_code == '401') { return view('errors.401')->with(compact('http_code')); } continue; } $myScreenName = $socialMediaAccount->screen_name; echo "<h1>{$myScreenName}</h1>"; /** * * * Who am I following? / FRIENDS * * */ echo '<h2>ONLINE FRIENDS</h2><br>'; echo "<h4>API requests left: {$api_requests}</h4>"; $cursor = "-1"; $i = 0; // GET CURRENT DB FRIENDS $oldFriends = Friend::where('social_media_account_id', $socialMediaAccount->id)->select('account_id')->get()->all(); // PROCESS THEM INTO AN ARRAY $oldFriends_ids = array(); foreach ($oldFriends as $account_id) { $oldFriends_ids[] = $account_id['account_id']; } // ARRAY FOR ONLINE FRIENDS $onlineFriends_ids = array(); // PROCESS ONLINE FRIENDS do { $searchFriendsAPI = "{$cursor}&screen_name={$myScreenName}&skip_status=true&include_user_entities=false&count={$count}"; $friends = $connection->get("{$searchFriendsAPI}"); if (isset($friends->errors)) { $errorCount++; $errorObject = $friends->errors; $error = $errorObject[0]->code; $errorMessage .= "<h2>Error {$errorCount}</h2>"; $errorMessage .= "Friend lookup needs to refresh. " . $errorObject[0]->message; echo "<div class='errorMessage'>{$errorMessage}</div>"; break; } else { // print_r(json_encode($friends));echo '<br>'; $cursor = $friends->next_cursor; // ADD ONLINE FRIENDS INTO ARRAY foreach ($friends->ids as $friend) { $onlineFriends_ids[] = $friend; } } echo "<br><br><strong>Next Cursor: </strong>{$cursor}"; $api_requests--; } while ($cursor > 0); if (!isset($friends->errors)) { if (!empty($oldFriends_ids)) { // FIND FRIENDS THAT ARE NOT IN THE DATABASE BUT ARE ONLINE AND ADD THEM $friendsToAdd_ids = array_diff($onlineFriends_ids, $oldFriends_ids); foreach ($friendsToAdd_ids as $friend_id) { $newFriend = Friend::create(['account_id' => $friend_id, 'social_media_account_id' => $socialMediaAccount->id]); } // FIND FRIENDS THAT ARE IN THE DATABASE BUT NOT ONLINE AND DELETE THEM $friendsToDelete_ids = array_diff($oldFriends_ids, $onlineFriends_ids); foreach ($friendsToDelete_ids as $friend_id) { $friendToDelete = Friend::where('social_media_account_id', $socialMediaAccount->id)->where('account_id', $friend_id)->get()->first(); $friendToDelete->unfollowed = 1; $friendToDelete->unfollowed_timestamp = Carbon::now('America/Denver'); $friendToDelete->save(); } } else { echo "<h3>Adding all friends</h3>"; foreach ($onlineFriends_ids as $friend_id) { // IF THIS IS THE FIRST TIME YOU SIGN UP YOUR ACCOUNT, ADD EVERYONE $newFriend = Friend::create(['account_id' => $friend_id, 'social_media_account_id' => $socialMediaAccount->id]); } } } else { echo "<h3>Friend api error</h3>"; } /** * * * Who is following me? / FOLLOWERS * * */ echo '<h2>ONLINE FOLLOWERS</h2><br>'; echo "<h4>API requests left: {$api_requests}</h4>"; $cursor = "-1"; $i = 0; // GET CURRENT DB Followers $oldFollowers = Follower::where('social_media_account_id', $socialMediaAccount->id)->select('account_id')->get()->all(); $oldFollowers_ids = array(); foreach ($oldFollowers as $account_id) { $oldFollowers_ids[] = $account_id['account_id']; } $i = 0; // ARRAY FOR ONLINE Followers $onlineFollowers_ids = array(); do { $searchFollowersAPI = "{$cursor}&screen_name={$myScreenName}&skip_status=true&include_user_entities=false&count={$count}"; $followers = $connection->get("{$searchFollowersAPI}"); if (isset($followers->errors)) { $errorCount++; $errorObject = $followers->errors; $error = $errorObject[0]->code; $errorMessage .= "<h2>Error {$errorCount}</h2>"; $errorMessage .= "Follower lookup needs to refresh. " . $errorObject[0]->message; echo "<div class='errorMessage'>{$errorMessage}</div>"; break; } else { // print_r(json_encode($followers));echo '<br>'; $cursor = $followers->next_cursor; foreach ($followers->ids as $follower) { $onlineFollowers_ids[] = $follower; } } echo "<br><br><strong>Next Cursor: </strong>{$cursor}"; $api_requests--; } while ($cursor > 0); if (!isset($followers->errors)) { if (!empty($oldFollowers_ids)) { // FIND followers THAT ARE NOT IN THE DATABASE BUT ARE ONLINE AND ADD THEM $followersToAdd_ids = array_diff($onlineFollowers_ids, $oldFollowers_ids); foreach ($followersToAdd_ids as $follower_id) { $newFollower = Follower::create(['account_id' => $follower_id, 'social_media_account_id' => $socialMediaAccount->id]); } // FIND followers THAT ARE IN THE DATABASE BUT NOT ONLINE AND DELETE THEM $followersToDelete_ids = array_diff($oldFollowers_ids, $onlineFollowers_ids); foreach ($followersToDelete_ids as $follower_id) { $followerToDelete = Follower::where('social_media_account_id', $socialMediaAccount->id)->where('account_id', $follower_id)->get()->first(); if (isset($followerToDelete)) { Follower::find($followerToDelete['id'])->delete(); } } } else { // IF THIS IS THE FIRST TIME YOU SIGN UP YOUR ACCOUNT, ADD EVERYONE foreach ($onlineFollowers_ids as $follower_id) { $newFollower = Follower::create(['account_id' => $follower_id, 'social_media_account_id' => $socialMediaAccount->id]); } } } /** * * * COMPARE DATABASE TO ONLINE * * */ // Find number of followers for user echo "<h4>API requests left: {$api_requests}</h4>"; $numberOfFollowersURL = "{$myScreenName}"; $numberOfFollowersURL_json = $connection->get("{$numberOfFollowersURL}"); $api_requests--; if (isset($numberOfFollowersURL_json->errors)) { $errorCount++; $errorObject = $numberOfFollowersURL_json->errors; $ErrorCode = $errorObject[0]->code; $errorMessage .= "<h2>Error {$errorCount}</h2>"; $errorMessage .= "Could not look up your user information to compare online to database records. " . $errorObject[0]->message; echo "<div class='errorMessage'>{$errorMessage}</div>"; continue; } $dbFriends = Friend::where('social_media_account_id', $socialMediaAccount->id)->where('unfollowed', 0)->get(); $dbFollowers = Follower::where('social_media_account_id', $socialMediaAccount->id)->get(); echo "<br>{$myScreenName} online followers count: " . $numberOfFollowersURL_json[0]->followers_count; echo "<br>{$myScreenName} db followers count: " . count($dbFollowers); echo "<br>{$myScreenName} online friends count: " . $numberOfFollowersURL_json[0]->friends_count; echo "<br>{$myScreenName} db friends count: " . count($dbFriends); /** * * * AUTO-WHITELIST * TODO: REMOVE SCREEN_NAME PROCESSING * * * */ // FIND VALID DMs SENT echo "<h2>VALID DMs</h2>"; echo "<h4>API requests left: {$api_requests}</h4>"; $directMessagesAPI = ""; /** * * * TODO: SET FLAG THAT DROPS COUNT DOWN TO 50 * * * */ $directMessagesAPI = $connection->get("{$directMessagesAPI}"); if (isset($directMessagesAPI->errors)) { $errorCount++; $errorObject = $directMessagesAPI->errors; $error = $errorObject[0]->code; $errorMessage .= "<h2>Error {$errorCount}</h2>"; $errorMessage .= "Direct message request needs to refresh. " . $errorObject[0]->message; echo "<div class='errorMessage'>{$errorMessage}</div>"; break; } $api_requests--; $dmArray_ScreenNames = array(); $dmArray_IDs = array(); //print_r($directMessagesAPI); $i = 0; foreach ($directMessagesAPI as $dm) { $userID = $dm->recipient->id; $screenName = $dm->recipient->screen_name; $text = $dm->text; $containsGeneric = preg_match("/^Hey, thanks so much for following/", $text); $containsGeneric2 = preg_match("/^Hey thanks so much for following/", $text); $containsGeneric3 = preg_match("/^Hey thank you so much for following/", $text); $containsGeneric4 = preg_match("/^Thank you so much for following/", $text); $containsGeneric5 = preg_match("/^Thanks for following/", $text); $containsGeneric6 = preg_match("/^Thank you for following/", $text); //echo $containsGeneric; if (!$containsGeneric && !$containsGeneric2 && !$containsGeneric3 && !$containsGeneric4 && !$containsGeneric5 && !$containsGeneric6) { if (!in_array($userID, $dmArray_IDs)) { echo "{$screenName} was messaged: {$text}<br>"; $dmArray_IDs[] = $userID; } } } /** * * * TODO: FIND VALID DMs RECEIVED * * * */ // FIND VALID MENTIONS echo "<h2>VALID MENTIONS</h2>"; echo "<h3>" . Carbon::now() . "</h3>"; echo "<h4>API requests left: {$api_requests}</h4>"; $searchMentionsAPI = ""; $mentionsJSON = $connection->get("{$searchMentionsAPI}"); $api_requests--; //print_r($mentionsJSON); $goodMentionsArray_IDs = array(); $goodMentionsArray_ScreenNames = array(); $i = 0; foreach ($mentionsJSON as $mentions) { $fullMention = $mentions->text; $userID = $mentions->user->id; $screenName = $mentions->user->screen_name; // TODO: IMPROVE FILTER $atSymbol = strpos($fullMention, '@'); $lastAtSymbol = strrpos($fullMention, '@'); $genericFollow = strpos($fullMention, 'follow'); if ($atSymbol == $lastAtSymbol) { if (!$genericFollow) { if (!in_array($userID, $goodMentionsArray_IDs)) { echo "<br>{$screenName} mentioned: {$fullMention}"; $goodMentionsArray_IDs[] = $userID; } } } } echo "<h3>before target " . Carbon::now() . "</h3>"; // GET ALL TARGET USERS AND PROCESS INTO ARRAY $targetUsers = TargetUser::where('social_media_account_id', $socialMediaAccount->id)->select('account_id')->get()->all(); echo "<h3>after target " . Carbon::now() . "</h3>"; $targetUsers_ids = array(); foreach ($targetUsers as $id) { $targetUsers_ids[] = $id->account_id; } echo "<h3>after array processing " . Carbon::now() . "</h3>"; // WHITELIST ACTIVE MENTIONS and DMs if (!empty($goodMentionsArray_IDs) && !empty($dmArray_IDs) && !empty($targetUsers_ids)) { // FIND MENTIONS TARGET USERS THAT ARE NOT IN THE DATABASE $targetUsersToAdd_ids = array_diff($goodMentionsArray_IDs, $targetUsers_ids); // FIND DMs THAT ARE NOT IN THE DATABASE AND ADD THEM $targetUsersToAdd_ids = array_diff($dmArray_IDs, $targetUsers_ids); // FILTER OUT FRIENDS $targetUsersToAdd_ids = array_diff($targetUsersToAdd_ids, $oldFriends_ids); foreach ($targetUsersToAdd_ids as $id) { $newFriend = Friend::create(['account_id' => $id, 'social_media_account_id' => $socialMediaAccount->id, 'to_follow' => 1, 'whitelist' => 1]); echo "<br>{$id} - Whitelisted"; $follow = $connection->post("{$id}&follow=true"); if (isset($follow->errors)) { $errorCount++; $errorObject = $follow->errors; $error = $errorObject[0]->code; $errorMessage .= "<h2>Error {$errorCount}</h2>"; $errorMessage .= "Friendship creator to needs to refresh. " . $errorObject[0]->message; echo "<div class='errorMessage'>{$errorMessage}</div>"; break; } else { echo " and followed!"; $target = TargetUser::where('social_media_account_id', $socialMediaAccount->id)->where('account_id', $id)->get()->first(); if (isset($target)) { TargetUser::find($target['id'])->delete(); } } } } echo '<hr>'; $now = Carbon::now('America/Denver'); echo "<br>{$now}"; if ($errorCount > 0) { Helper::email_admin($errorMessage, $errorCount, "AutomationController", $socialMediaAccount->screen_name); } } // main foreach that goes through $socialMediaAccounts }
/** * Display a listing of the resource. * * @return \Illuminate\Http\Response */ public function index() { $count = 5000; $socialMediaAccounts = SocialMediaAccount::where('account_type', 'twitter')->get()->all(); foreach ($socialMediaAccounts as $socialMediaAccount) { $errorCount = 0; $errorMessage = ""; // $socialMediaAccount = SocialMediaAccount::find(5); /* if ($socialMediaAccount->id == 3) { continue; } */ $api_requests = 15; $connection = new TwitterOAuth($socialMediaAccount->consumer_key, $socialMediaAccount->consumer_secret, $socialMediaAccount->access_token, $socialMediaAccount->access_token_secret); if (!is_null($connection->http_code)) { $errorCount++; $connection->http_code ? '' : "<h1>HTTP code: {$connection->http_code}</h1>"; echo "<h3>Error establishing initial connection. If no HTTP code is provided it is NULL.</h3>"; $errorMessage .= "<h2>Error {$errorCount}</h2>"; $errorMessage .= "<h3>Error establishing initial connection. If no HTTP code is provided it is NULL.</h3>"; $errorMessage .= "Error code: {$connection->http_code}"; if ($connection->http_code == '401') { return view('errors.401')->with(compact('http_code')); } continue; } $myScreenName = $socialMediaAccount->screen_name; echo "<h1>{$myScreenName}</h1>"; /** * * * Who is following me? / FOLLOWERS * * */ echo '<h2>ONLINE FOLLOWERS</h2><br>'; echo "<h4>API requests left: {$api_requests}</h4>"; $cursor = "-1"; $i = 0; // GET CURRENT DB Followers $oldFollowers = Follower::where('social_media_account_id', $socialMediaAccount->id)->select('account_id')->get()->all(); $oldFollowers_ids = array(); foreach ($oldFollowers as $account_id) { $oldFollowers_ids[] = $account_id['account_id']; } $i = 0; // ARRAY FOR ONLINE Followers $onlineFollowers_ids = array(); do { $searchFollowersAPI = "{$cursor}&screen_name={$myScreenName}&skip_status=true&include_user_entities=false&count={$count}"; $followers = $connection->get("{$searchFollowersAPI}"); if (isset($followers->errors)) { $errorCount++; $errorObject = $followers->errors; $error = $errorObject[0]->code; $errorMessage .= "<h2>Error {$errorCount}</h2>"; $errorMessage .= "Follower lookup needs to refresh. " . $errorObject[0]->message; echo "<div class='errorMessage'>{$errorMessage}</div>"; break; } else { // print_r(json_encode($followers));echo '<br>'; $cursor = $followers->next_cursor; foreach ($followers->ids as $follower) { $onlineFollowers_ids[] = $follower; } } echo "<br><br><strong>Next Cursor: </strong>{$cursor}"; $api_requests--; } while ($cursor > 0); if (!isset($followers->errors)) { if (!empty($oldFollowers_ids)) { // FIND followers THAT ARE NOT IN THE DATABASE BUT ARE ONLINE AND ADD THEM $followersToAdd_ids = array_diff($onlineFollowers_ids, $oldFollowers_ids); foreach ($followersToAdd_ids as $follower_id) { $newFollower = Follower::create(['account_id' => $follower_id, 'social_media_account_id' => $socialMediaAccount->id]); } // FIND followers THAT ARE IN THE DATABASE BUT NOT ONLINE AND DELETE THEM $followersToDelete_ids = array_diff($oldFollowers_ids, $onlineFollowers_ids); foreach ($followersToDelete_ids as $follower_id) { $followerToDelete = Follower::where('social_media_account_id', $socialMediaAccount->id)->where('account_id', $follower_id)->get()->first(); if (isset($followerToDelete)) { Follower::find($followerToDelete['id'])->delete(); } } } else { // IF THIS IS THE FIRST TIME YOU SIGN UP YOUR ACCOUNT, ADD EVERYONE foreach ($onlineFollowers_ids as $follower_id) { $newFollower = Follower::create(['account_id' => $follower_id, 'social_media_account_id' => $socialMediaAccount->id]); } } } echo '<hr>'; $now = Carbon::now('America/Denver'); echo "<br>{$now}"; if ($errorCount > 0) { Helper::email_admin($errorMessage, $errorCount, "FollowerController", $socialMediaAccount->screen_name); } } // main foreach that goes through $socialMediaAccounts }