Example #1
 public function xSaveAction()
     $this->request->defineParams(array('name' => array('type' => 'string', 'validator' => array(Scalr_Validator::NOEMPTY => true)), 'billingCode' => array('type' => 'string', 'validator' => array(Scalr_Validator::NOEMPTY => true, Scalr_Validator::ALPHANUM => true)), 'leadEmail' => array('type' => 'string', 'validator' => array(Scalr_Validator::NOEMPTY => true, Scalr_Validator::EMAIL => true))));
     if ($this->getParam('ccId')) {
         $cc = $this->getContainer()->analytics->ccs->get($this->getParam('ccId'));
         if (!$cc) {
             throw new Scalr_UI_Exception_NotFound();
     } else {
         $cc = new CostCentreEntity();
     if (!$this->request->validate()->isValid()) {
     $cc->name = $this->getParam('name');
     //Checks whether billing code specified in the request is already used in another Cost Centre
     $criteria = [['name' => CostCentrePropertyEntity::NAME_BILLING_CODE], ['value' => $this->getParam('billingCode')]];
     if ($cc->ccId !== null) {
         $criteria[] = ['ccId' => ['$ne' => $cc->ccId]];
     } else {
         //This is a new cost center.
         //We should set the email address and identifier of the user who creates the record.
         $cc->createdById = $this->user->id;
         $cc->createdByEmail = $this->user->getEmail();
     $ccPropertyEntity = new CostCentrePropertyEntity();
     $record = $this->db->GetRow("\n            SELECT " . $cc->fields('c') . "\n            FROM " . $cc->table('c') . "\n            JOIN " . $ccPropertyEntity->table('cp') . " ON cp.cc_id = c.cc_id\n            WHERE " . $ccPropertyEntity->_buildQuery($criteria, 'AND', 'cp')['where'] . "\n            LIMIT 1\n        ");
     if ($record) {
         $found = new CostCentreEntity();
     if (!empty($found)) {
         throw new AnalyticsException(sprintf('Billing code "%s" is already used in Cost center "%s"', strip_tags($this->getParam('billingCode')), $found->name));
     try {
         $cc->saveProperty(CostCentrePropertyEntity::NAME_BILLING_CODE, $this->getParam('billingCode'));
         $cc->saveProperty(CostCentrePropertyEntity::NAME_DESCRIPTION, $this->getParam('description'));
         $cc->saveProperty(CostCentrePropertyEntity::NAME_LEAD_EMAIL, $this->getParam('leadEmail'));
     } catch (Exception $e) {
         throw $e;
     $this->response->data(array('cc' => $this->getCostCenterData($cc, true)));
     $this->response->success('Cost center has been successfully saved');
Example #2
  * Creates default Cost Center for the Hosted Scalr new account
  * @param    Scalr_Account      $account  The account object
  * @param    Scalr_Account_User $user     optional The account owner user
  * @return   CostCentreEntity   Returns a new Cost Center
 public function createHostedScalrAccountCostCenter(Scalr_Account $account, Scalr_Account_User $user = null)
     if (!$user instanceof Scalr_Account_User) {
         $user = $account->getOwner();
     //New Cost Center should be created in account share mode
     $cc = new CostCentreEntity();
     $cc->ccId = \Scalr::GenerateUID();
     $cc->accountId = $account->id;
     $cc->createdByEmail = $user->getEmail();
     $cc->name = "Cost Center " . $account->name . " (" . $account->id . ")";
     $cc->createdById = $user->id;
     $cc->saveProperty(CostCentrePropertyEntity::NAME_BILLING_CODE, "CC-" . $account->name);
     $cc->saveProperty(CostCentrePropertyEntity::NAME_DESCRIPTION, "This Cost Center was added automatically.");
     $cc->saveProperty(CostCentrePropertyEntity::NAME_LEAD_EMAIL, $user->getEmail());
     $cc->saveProperty(CostCentrePropertyEntity::NAME_LOCKED, false);
     //A new Project which corresponds to Cost Center (in account share mode as well)
     $project = new ProjectEntity();
     $project->projectId = \Scalr::GenerateUID();
     $project->ccId = $cc->ccId;
     $project->name = "Project " . $account->name . " (" . $account->id . ")";
     $project->accountId = $account->id;
     $project->createdByEmail = $user->getEmail();
     $project->shared = ProjectEntity::SHARED_WITHIN_ACCOUNT;
     $project->createdById = $user->id;
     $project->saveProperty(ProjectPropertyEntity::NAME_BILLING_CODE, "PR-" . $account->name);
     $project->saveProperty(ProjectPropertyEntity::NAME_DESCRIPTION, "This Project was added automatically.");
     $project->saveProperty(ProjectPropertyEntity::NAME_LEAD_EMAIL, $user->getEmail());
     if (\Scalr::getContainer()->analytics->enabled) {
         \Scalr::getContainer()->analytics->tags->syncValue($account->id, TagEntity::TAG_ID_COST_CENTRE, $cc->ccId, $cc->name);
         \Scalr::getContainer()->analytics->tags->syncValue($account->id, TagEntity::TAG_ID_PROJECT, $project->projectId, $project->name);
     return $cc;
Example #3
  * Initializes default cost centres and projects according to fixtures
  * @return void
 public function initDefault()
     $fixture = $this->fixture();
     foreach ($fixture as $i => $c) {
         $ccId = key($c);
         $cc = CostCentreEntity::findPk($ccId);
         if (!$cc) {
             $cc = new CostCentreEntity();
             $cc->ccId = $ccId;
             $cc->name = sprintf('Cost center %02d', $i + 1);
             $cc->saveProperty(CostCentrePropertyEntity::NAME_DESCRIPTION, 'This is the automatically added cost center');
             $cc->saveProperty(CostCentrePropertyEntity::NAME_BILLING_CODE, sprintf('CC-%02d', $i));
             $cc->saveProperty(CostCentrePropertyEntity::NAME_LEAD_EMAIL, '');
             $this->cadb->Execute("\n                    INSERT IGNORE `account_tag_values` (`account_id`, `tag_id`, `value_id`, `value_name`)\n                    VALUES (0, ?, ?, ?)\n                ", [TagEntity::TAG_ID_COST_CENTRE, $cc->ccId, $cc->name]);
         foreach ($fixture[$i][$ccId] as $j => $projectId) {
             $pr = ProjectEntity::findPk($projectId);
             if (!$pr) {
                 $pr = new ProjectEntity();
                 $pr->projectId = $projectId;
                 $pr->ccId = $ccId;
                 $pr->name = sprintf('Project %d%d', $i, $j + 1);
                 $pr->saveProperty(ProjectPropertyEntity::NAME_DESCRIPTION, 'This is the automatically generated project');
                 $pr->saveProperty(ProjectPropertyEntity::NAME_BILLING_CODE, sprintf('PR-%02d-%02d', $i, $j));
                 $pr->saveProperty(ProjectPropertyEntity::NAME_LEAD_EMAIL, '');
                 $this->cadb->Execute("\n                        INSERT IGNORE `account_tag_values` (`account_id`, `tag_id`, `value_id`, `value_name`)\n                        VALUES (0, ?, ?, ?)\n                    ", [TagEntity::TAG_ID_PROJECT, $pr->projectId, $pr->name]);
     //Assigns cost centre to each environment
     $res = $this->db->Execute("SELECT id FROM client_environments");
     while ($rec = $res->FetchRow()) {
         try {
             $environment = \Scalr_Environment::init()->loadById($rec['id']);
         } catch (Exception $e) {
         $environment->setPlatformConfig(array(\Scalr_Environment::SETTING_CC_ID => $this->autoCostCentre($environment->id)));
     //Assigns project to each farm
     $res = $this->db->Execute("SELECT id, env_id, clientid FROM farms");
     while ($rec = $res->FetchRow()) {
         try {
             $dbFarm = DBFarm::LoadByID($rec['id']);
         } catch (Exception $e) {
         $dbFarm->SetSetting(DBFarm::SETTING_PROJECT_ID, $this->autoProject($dbFarm->EnvID, $dbFarm->ID));
     //Initializes servers properties
     $res = $this->db->Execute("\n            SELECT DISTINCT s.server_id, s.env_id, s.farm_id\n            FROM servers s\n            LEFT JOIN server_properties p ON p.server_id = s.server_id AND p.name = ?\n            LEFT JOIN server_properties p2 ON p2.server_id = s.server_id AND p2.name = ?\n            WHERE p.server_id IS NULL OR p.`value` IS NULL\n            OR (s.farm_id IS NOT NULL AND (p2.server_id IS NULL OR p2.`value` IS NULL))\n        ", [SERVER_PROPERTIES::ENV_CC_ID, SERVER_PROPERTIES::FARM_PROJECT_ID]);
     while ($rec = $res->FetchRow()) {
         $ccid = $this->autoCostCentre($rec['env_id']);
         $this->db->Execute("\n                INSERT `server_properties` (`server_id`, `name`, `value`)\n                VALUE (?, ?, ?)\n                ON DUPLICATE KEY UPDATE `value` = IFNULL(`value`, ?)\n            ", [$rec['server_id'], SERVER_PROPERTIES::ENV_CC_ID, $ccid, $ccid]);
         //Farm may not exist for bundle task servers
         if ($rec['farm_id']) {
             $projectid = $this->autoProject($rec['env_id'], $rec['farm_id']);
             $this->db->Execute("\n                    INSERT `server_properties` (`server_id`, `name`, `value`)\n                    VALUE (?, ?, ?)\n                    ON DUPLICATE KEY UPDATE `value` = IFNULL(`value`, ?)\n                ", [$rec['server_id'], SERVER_PROPERTIES::FARM_PROJECT_ID, $projectid, $projectid]);