Example #1
  * Gets specified Version for the Script taking into account both scope and authentication token
  * @param string $scriptId               Numeric identifier of the Script
  * @param int    $versionNumber          Script version number
  * @param bool   $modify        optional Flag checking write permissions
  * @return ScriptVersion Returns the Script Entity on success
  * @throws ApiErrorException
 public function getVersion($scriptId, $versionNumber, $modify = false)
     $version = ScriptVersion::findPk($scriptId, $versionNumber);
     if (!$version) {
         throw new ApiErrorException(404, ErrorMessage::ERR_OBJECT_NOT_FOUND, "Requested Version either does not exist or is not owned by your environment.");
     if (!$this->hasPermissions($version, $modify)) {
         //Checks entity level write access permissions
         throw new ApiErrorException(403, ErrorMessage::ERR_PERMISSION_VIOLATION, "Insufficient permissions");
     return $version;
Example #2
  * Forks specified script into new script
  * @param string             $name  New script name
  * @param Scalr_Account_User $user  User performs a fork
  * @param int                $envId Environment of the new script
  * @return Script Forked script
  * @throws \Exception
 public function fork($name, Scalr_Account_User $user, $envId = null)
     $script = new static();
     $script->name = $name;
     $script->description = $this->description;
     $script->os = $this->os;
     $script->isSync = $this->isSync;
     $script->allowScriptParameters = $this->allowScriptParameters;
     $script->timeout = $this->timeout;
     $script->accountId = $user->getAccountId() ?: NULL;
     $script->envId = $envId ? $envId : $this->envId;
     $script->createdById = $user->getId();
     $script->createdByEmail = $user->getEmail();
     $version = new ScriptVersion();
     $version->scriptId = $script->id;
     $version->changedById = $user->getId();
     $version->changedByEmail = $user->getEmail();
     $version->content = $this->getLatestVersion()->content;
     $version->version = 1;
     return $script;
Example #3
  * @test
  * @throws \Scalr\Exception\ModelException
 public function testComplex()
     $user = $this->getUser();
     $environment = $this->getEnvironment();
     $fictionController = new ApiController();
     /* @var $script Script */
     $script = static::createEntity(new Script(), ['name' => "{$this->uuid}-script", 'description' => "{$this->uuid}-description", 'envId' => $environment->id, 'createdById' => $user->getId()]);
     //post script version
     $data = ['body' => '#!cmd'];
     $response = $this->postVersion($script->id, $data);
     $this->assertEquals(201, $response->status, $this->printResponseError($response));
     $versionNumber = $response->getBody()->data->version;
     /* @var $version ScriptVersion */
     $version = ScriptVersion::findPk($script->id, $versionNumber);
     $this->assertObjectEqualsEntity($data, $version);
     //post script version already existing
     $data = ['version' => $version->version, 'body' => '#!/bin/sh'];
     $response = $this->postVersion($script->id, $data);
     $this->assertEquals(201, $response->status, $this->printResponseError($response));
     $versionNumber = $response->getBody()->data->version;
     $this->assertNotEquals($data['version'], $versionNumber);
     //post script with properties that not existing
     $data = ['foo' => 'bar'];
     $response = $this->postVersion($script->id, $data);
     $this->assertErrorMessageContains($response, 400, ErrorMessage::ERR_INVALID_STRUCTURE);
     //post version to scalr-scoped script
     /* @var $scalrScript Script */
     $scalrScript = static::createEntity(new Script(), ['name' => "{$this->uuid}-script-scalr-scoped", 'description' => "{$this->uuid}-description-scalr-scoped", 'createdById' => $user->getId()]);
     $data = ['body' => '#!/bin/sh'];
     $response = $this->postVersion($scalrScript->id, $data);
     $this->assertErrorMessageContains($response, 403, ErrorMessage::ERR_PERMISSION_VIOLATION);
     //test script fetch
     $response = $this->getVersion($script->id, $version->version);
     $this->assertEquals(200, $response->status, $this->printResponseError($response));
     $this->assertObjectEqualsEntity($response->getBody()->data, $version);
     //test fetch script that doe not exists
     $response = $this->getVersion($script->id, $script->getLatestVersion()->version + 1);
     $this->assertErrorMessageContains($response, 404, ErrorMessage::ERR_OBJECT_NOT_FOUND);
     //modify script version
     $data = ['body' => '#!/bin/bash'];
     $response = $this->modifyVersion($script->id, $version->version, $data);
     $this->assertEquals(200, $response->status, $this->printResponseError($response));
     $this->assertObjectEqualsEntity($response->getBody()->data, ScriptVersion::findPk($script->id, $version->version));
     //modify property that does not exists
     $data = ['foo' => 'bar'];
     $response = $this->modifyVersion($script->id, $version->version, $data);
     $this->assertErrorMessageContains($response, 400, ErrorMessage::ERR_INVALID_STRUCTURE);
     //modify properties that not alterable
     $scriptVersionAdapter = new ScriptVersionAdapter($fictionController);
     $adapterRules = $scriptVersionAdapter->getRules();
     $publicProperties = $adapterRules[BaseAdapter::RULE_TYPE_TO_DATA];
     $alterableProperties = $adapterRules[ApiEntityAdapter::RULE_TYPE_ALTERABLE];
     $nonAlterableProperties = array_diff(array_values($publicProperties), $alterableProperties);
     foreach ($nonAlterableProperties as $property) {
         if (in_array($property, ['id', 'version'])) {
         $data = [$property => 'foo'];
         $response = $this->modifyVersion($script->id, $version->version, $data);
         $this->assertErrorMessageContains($response, 400, ErrorMessage::ERR_INVALID_STRUCTURE);
     //modify script that does not exists
     $data = ['body' => '#!powershell'];
     $response = $this->modifyVersion($script->id, $script->getLatestVersion()->version + 1, $data);
     $this->assertErrorMessageContains($response, 404, ErrorMessage::ERR_OBJECT_NOT_FOUND);
     //modify Scalr-scoped script version
     /* @var $scalrVersion ScriptVersion */
     $scalrVersion = static::createEntity(new ScriptVersion(), ['scriptId' => $scalrScript->id, 'version' => 2, 'content' => '#!/bin/sh']);
     //modify Scalr-scoped script version
     $data = ['body' => '#!cmd'];
     $response = $this->modifyVersion($scalrScript->id, $scalrVersion->version, $data);
     $this->assertErrorMessageContains($response, 403, ErrorMessage::ERR_PERMISSION_VIOLATION, 'Insufficient permissions');
     /* @var $version ScriptVersion */
     $version = static::createEntity(new ScriptVersion(), ['scriptId' => $script->id, 'version' => $script->getLatestVersion()->version + 1, 'content' => '#!foobar']);
     //test have access to all listed scripts versions
     $versions = $this->listVersions($script->id);
     foreach ($versions as $version) {
         $this->assertTrue(ScriptVersion::findPk($script->id, $version->version)->hasAccessPermissions($user));
     $listUri = static::getUserApiUrl("/scripts/{$script->id}/script-versions/");
     //test list script versions filters
     $filterable = $scriptVersionAdapter->getRules()[ApiEntityAdapter::RULE_TYPE_FILTERABLE];
     /* @var $version ScriptVersion */
     foreach ($versions as $version) {
         foreach ($filterable as $property) {
             $filterValue = $version->{$property};
             $listResult = $this->listVersions($script->id, [$property => $filterValue]);
             if (!static::isRecursivelyEmpty($filterValue)) {
                 foreach ($listResult as $filtered) {
                     $this->assertEquals($filterValue, $filtered->{$property}, "Property '{$property}' mismatch");
         $response = $this->getVersion($script->id, $version->version);
         $this->assertEquals(200, $response->status, $this->printResponseError($response));
         $dbScriptVersions = ScriptVersion::findPk($script->id, $version->version);
         $this->assertObjectEqualsEntity($response->getBody()->data, $dbScriptVersions, $scriptVersionAdapter);
     //test invalid filters
     $response = $this->request($listUri, Request::METHOD_GET, ['foo' => 'bar']);
     $this->assertErrorMessageContains($response, 400, ErrorMessage::ERR_INVALID_STRUCTURE);
     //delete script version
     /* @var $version ScriptVersion */
     $version = static::createEntity(new ScriptVersion(), ['scriptId' => $script->id, 'version' => $script->getLatestVersion()->version + 1, 'content' => '#!/bin/sh foobar']);
     $response = $this->deleteVersion($script->id, $version->version);
     $this->assertEquals(200, $response->status, $this->printResponseError($response));
     //delete scalr-scoped script version
     $response = $this->deleteVersion($scalrVersion->scriptId, $scalrVersion->version);
     $this->assertErrorMessageContains($response, 403, ErrorMessage::ERR_PERMISSION_VIOLATION);
     //delete script version that does not exists
     $response = $this->deleteVersion($script->id, $script->getLatestVersion()->version + 1);
     $this->assertErrorMessageContains($response, 404, ErrorMessage::ERR_OBJECT_NOT_FOUND);
     $scripts = Script::find([['$or' => [['accountId' => $user->accountId], ['accountId' => null]]], ['$or' => [['envId' => $environment->id], ['envId' => null]]]]);
     foreach ($scripts as $script) {
         //test have access to all listed scripts versions
         $versions = $this->listVersions($script->id);
         foreach ($versions as $version) {
             $version = ScriptVersion::findPk($script->id, $version->version);
         if ($version->getScope() !== ScopeInterface::SCOPE_ENVIRONMENT) {
             $response = $this->postVersion($version->scriptId, ['body' => '#!/bin/sh' . $this->getTestName()]);
             $this->assertErrorMessageContains($response, 403, ErrorMessage::ERR_PERMISSION_VIOLATION);
Example #4
  * @param int $id
  * @param string $name
  * @param string $description
  * @param int $isSync
  * @param bool $allowScriptParameters
  * @param int $envId optional
  * @param int $timeout optional
  * @param int $version
  * @param RawData $content
  * @param string $tags
  * @param string $uploadType optional
  * @param string $uploadUrl optional
  * @param FileUploadData $uploadFile optional
  * @param bool $checkScriptParameters optional
  * @throws Scalr_UI_Exception_NotFound
  * @throws Scalr_Exception_InsufficientPermissions
  * @throws Exception
 public function xSaveAction($id, $name, $description, $isSync = 0, $allowScriptParameters = false, $envId = NULL, $timeout = NULL, $version, RawData $content, $tags, $uploadType = NULL, $uploadUrl = NULL, FileUploadData $uploadFile = NULL, $checkScriptParameters = false)
     $this->request->restrictAccess('SCRIPTS', 'MANAGE');
     $validator = new Validator();
     $validator->validate($name, 'name', Validator::NOEMPTY);
     if ($uploadType && $uploadType == 'URL') {
         $validator->validate($uploadUrl, 'uploadUrl', Validator::URL);
         if (!$validator->isValid($this->response)) {
     if ($uploadType) {
         $content = false;
         if ($uploadType == 'URL') {
             $content = @file_get_contents($uploadUrl);
             $validator->validate($content, 'uploadUrl', Validator::NOEMPTY, [], 'Invalid source');
         } else {
             if ($uploadType == 'File') {
                 $content = $uploadFile;
                 $validator->validate($content, 'uploadFile', Validator::NOEMPTY, [], 'Invalid source');
             } else {
                 $validator->addError('uploadType', 'Invalid source for script');
     $envId = $this->getEnvironmentId(true);
     $content = str_replace("\r\n", "\n", $content);
     $tagsResult = [];
     foreach (explode(',', $tags) as $t) {
         $t = trim($t);
         if ($t) {
             if (!preg_match('/^[a-zA-Z0-9-]{3,10}$/', $t)) {
                 $validator->addError('tags', sprintf('Invalid name for tag: %s', $t));
             $tagsResult[] = $t;
     $tags = $tagsResult;
     $criteria = [];
     $criteria[] = ['name' => $name];
     if ($id) {
         $criteria[] = ['id' => ['$ne' => $id]];
     switch ($this->request->getScope()) {
         case Script::SCOPE_ENVIRONMENT:
             $criteria[] = ['envId' => $envId];
             $criteria[] = ['accountId' => $this->user->getAccountId()];
         case Script::SCOPE_ACCOUNT:
             $criteria[] = ['envId' => null];
             $criteria[] = ['accountId' => $this->user->getAccountId()];
         case Script::SCOPE_SCALR:
             $criteria[] = ['envId' => null];
             $criteria[] = ['accountId' => null];
     if (Script::findOne($criteria)) {
         $validator->addError('name', 'Script name must be unique within current scope');
     if (!$validator->isValid($this->response)) {
     /* @var $script Script */
     if ($id) {
         $script = Script::findPk($id);
         if (!$script) {
             throw new Scalr_UI_Exception_NotFound();
         $script->checkPermission($this->user, $envId);
         if (!$script->accountId && $this->user->getType() != Scalr_Account_User::TYPE_SCALR_ADMIN) {
             throw new Scalr_Exception_InsufficientPermissions();
         if (!$script->envId && $this->request->getScope() == ScopeInterface::SCOPE_ENVIRONMENT) {
             throw new Scalr_Exception_InsufficientPermissions();
     } else {
         $script = new Script();
         $script->accountId = $this->user->getAccountId() ?: NULL;
         $script->createdById = $this->user->getId();
         $script->createdByEmail = $this->user->getEmail();
         $script->envId = $envId;
         $version = 1;
     //check variables in script content
     if (!$id && $checkScriptParameters && !$allowScriptParameters) {
         $scriptHasParameters = Script::hasVariables($content);
         if (!$scriptHasParameters) {
             /* @var $scriptVersion ScriptVersion */
             foreach ($script->getVersions() as $scriptVersion) {
                 if ($scriptVersion->version != $version) {
                     $scriptHasParameters = Script::hasVariables($scriptVersion->content);
                     if ($scriptHasParameters) {
         if ($scriptHasParameters) {
             $this->response->data(['showScriptParametersConfirmation' => true]);
     $script->name = $name;
     $script->description = $description;
     $script->timeout = $timeout ? $timeout : NULL;
     $script->isSync = $isSync == 1 ? 1 : 0;
     $script->allowScriptParameters = $allowScriptParameters ? 1 : 0;
     $script->os = !strncmp($content, '#!cmd', strlen('#!cmd')) || !strncmp($content, '#!powershell', strlen('#!powershell')) ? Script::OS_WINDOWS : Script::OS_LINUX;
     $scriptVersion = NULL;
     if ($version) {
         $scriptVersion = $script->getVersion($version);
     if (!$scriptVersion && $script->getLatestVersion()->content !== $content) {
         $scriptVersion = new ScriptVersion();
         $scriptVersion->scriptId = $script->id;
         $scriptVersion->version = $script->getLatestVersion()->version + 1;
     if ($scriptVersion) {
         $scriptVersion->changedById = $this->user->getId();
         $scriptVersion->changedByEmail = $this->user->getEmail();
         $scriptVersion->content = $content;
     if ($this->user->getAccountId()) {
         Tag::setTags($tags, $this->user->getAccountId(), Tag::RESOURCE_SCRIPT, $script->id);
     $this->response->success('Script successfully saved');
     $this->response->data(['script' => array_merge($this->getScript($script), $this->getScriptInfo($script))]);
Example #5
  * Gets ScriptVersion entity
  * @param string $criteria search criteria
  * @param array $params query params
  * @return ScriptVersion
 protected function getScriptVersion($criteria, $params)
     /* @var  $sv ScriptVersion */
     $sv = ScriptVersion::findOne([['scriptId' => $params['scriptId']], ['version' => $criteria]]);
     static::toDelete(ScriptVersion::class, [$sv->scriptId, $sv->version]);
     return $sv;
Example #6
  * {@inheritdoc}
  * @see \Scalr\Api\DataType\ApiEntityAdapter::validateEntity()
 public function validateEntity($entity)
     if (!$entity instanceof RoleScript) {
         throw new InvalidArgumentException(sprintf("First argument must be instance of Scalr\\Model\\Entity\\RoleScript class"));
     if ($entity->id !== null) {
         if (!RoleScript::findPk($entity->id)) {
             throw new ApiErrorException(404, ErrorMessage::ERR_OBJECT_NOT_FOUND, sprintf("Could not find out the rule with ID: %d", $entity->id));
     //Getting the role initiates check permissions
     $role = $this->controller->getRole($entity->roleId);
     if (!empty($entity->scriptId)) {
         if ($entity->version == ScriptVersion::LATEST_SCRIPT_VERSION) {
             $found = ScriptVersion::findOne([['scriptId' => $entity->scriptId]], null, ['version' => false]);
         } else {
             $found = ScriptVersion::findPk($entity->scriptId, $entity->version);
         if (empty($found)) {
             throw new ApiErrorException(404, ErrorMessage::ERR_OBJECT_NOT_FOUND, sprintf("Could not find version %d of the script with ID: %d", $entity->version, $entity->scriptId));
         if (Script::findPk($entity->scriptId)->os == 'windows' && $role->getOs()->family != 'windows') {
             throw new ApiErrorException(409, ErrorMessage::ERR_OS_MISMATCH, "Script OS family does not match role OS family");
     if (empty($entity->eventName)) {
         $entity->eventName = '*';
     } else {
         if ($entity->eventName !== '*') {
             if (array_key_exists($entity->eventName, array_merge(EVENT_TYPE::getScriptingEventsWithScope(), EventDefinition::getList($this->controller->getUser()->id, $this->controller->getEnvironment()->id))) === false) {
                 throw new ApiErrorException(404, ErrorMessage::ERR_OBJECT_NOT_FOUND, "Could not find out the event '{$entity->eventName}'");
             if ($entity->scriptType == OrchestrationRule::ORCHESTRATION_RULE_TYPE_CHEF && in_array($entity->eventName, EVENT_TYPE::getChefRestrictedEvents())) {
                 throw new ApiErrorException(400, ErrorMessage::ERR_INVALID_VALUE, "Chef can't be used with {$entity->eventName}");
     if (!$this->controller->hasPermissions($entity, true)) {
         //Checks entity level write access permissions
         throw new ApiErrorException(403, ErrorMessage::ERR_PERMISSION_VIOLATION, "Insufficient permissions");
Example #7
  * @param $name
  * @param \Scalr_Account_User $user
  * @return Script
 public function fork($name, \Scalr_Account_User $user)
     $script = new self();
     $script->name = $name;
     $script->description = $this->description;
     $script->os = $this->os;
     $script->isSync = $this->isSync;
     $script->timeout = $this->timeout;
     $script->accountId = $user->getAccountId() ? $user->getAccountId() : NULL;
     $script->envId = $this->envId;
     $script->createdById = $user->getId();
     $script->createdByEmail = $user->getEmail();
     $version = new ScriptVersion();
     $version->scriptId = $script->id;
     $version->changedById = $user->getId();
     $version->changedByEmail = $user->getEmail();
     $version->content = $this->getLatestVersion()->content;
     $version->version = 1;
     return $script;
Example #8
  * @param int $id
  * @param string $name
  * @param string $description
  * @param int $isSync
  * @param int $envId optional
  * @param int $timeout optional
  * @param int $version
  * @param RawData $content
  * @param string $tags
  * @param string $uploadType optional
  * @param string $uploadUrl optional
  * @param FileUploadData $uploadFile optional
  * @throws Scalr_UI_Exception_NotFound
  * @throws Scalr_Exception_InsufficientPermissions
  * @throws Exception
 public function xSaveAction($id, $name, $description, $isSync = 0, $envId = 2, $timeout = NULL, $version, RawData $content, $tags, $uploadType = NULL, $uploadUrl = NULL, FileUploadData $uploadFile = NULL)
     $validator = new Validator();
     $validator->validate($name, 'name', Validator::NOEMPTY);
     if ($uploadType) {
         $content = false;
         if ($uploadType == 'URL') {
             $content = @file_get_contents($uploadUrl);
             $validator->validate($content, 'uploadUrl', Validator::NOEMPTY, [], 'Invalid source');
         } else {
             if ($uploadType == 'File') {
                 $content = $uploadFile;
                 $validator->validate($content, 'uploadFile', Validator::NOEMPTY, [], 'Invalid source');
             } else {
                 $validator->addError('uploadType', 'Invalid source for script');
     $content = str_replace("\r\n", "\n", $content);
     $tagsResult = [];
     foreach (explode(',', $tags) as $t) {
         $t = trim($t);
         if ($t) {
             if (!preg_match('/^[a-zA-Z0-9-]{3,10}$/', $t)) {
                 $validator->addError('tags', sprintf('Invalid name for tag: %s', $t));
             $tagsResult[] = $t;
     $tags = $tagsResult;
     if (!$validator->isValid($this->response)) {
     /* @var Script $script */
     if ($id) {
         $script = Script::findPk($id);
         if (!$script) {
             throw new Scalr_UI_Exception_NotFound();
         $script->checkPermission($this->user, $this->getEnvironmentId(true));
         if (!$script->accountId && $this->user->getType() != Scalr_Account_User::TYPE_SCALR_ADMIN) {
             throw new Scalr_Exception_InsufficientPermissions();
     } else {
         $script = new Script();
         $script->accountId = $this->user->getAccountId() ? $this->user->getAccountId() : NULL;
         $script->createdById = $this->user->getId();
         $script->createdByEmail = $this->user->getEmail();
         $version = 1;
     if ($this->user->isScalrAdmin()) {
         $envId = NULL;
     } else {
         if (!in_array($envId, array_map(function ($e) {
             return $e['id'];
         }, $this->user->getEnvironments()))) {
             $envId = NULL;
     $script->name = $name;
     $script->description = $description;
     $script->timeout = $timeout ? $timeout : NULL;
     $script->isSync = $isSync == 1 ? 1 : 0;
     $script->envId = $envId;
     $script->os = !strncmp($content, '#!cmd', strlen('#!cmd')) || !strncmp($content, '#!powershell', strlen('#!powershell')) ? Script::OS_WINDOWS : Script::OS_LINUX;
     $scriptVersion = NULL;
     if ($version) {
         $scriptVersion = $script->getVersion($version);
     if (!$scriptVersion && $script->getLatestVersion()->content !== $content) {
         $scriptVersion = new ScriptVersion();
         $scriptVersion->scriptId = $script->id;
         $scriptVersion->version = $script->getLatestVersion()->version + 1;
     if ($scriptVersion) {
         $scriptVersion->changedById = $this->user->getId();
         $scriptVersion->changedByEmail = $this->user->getEmail();
         $scriptVersion->content = $content;
     if ($this->user->getAccountId()) {
         Tag::setTags($tags, $this->user->getAccountId(), Tag::RESOURCE_SCRIPT, $script->id);
     $this->response->success('Script successfully saved');
Example #9
  * {@inheritdoc}
  * @see ApiEntityAdapter::validateEntity()
 public function validateEntity($entity)
     /* @var $entity OrchestrationRule */
     $entityClass = $this->entityClass;
     if (!$entity instanceof $entityClass) {
         throw new InvalidArgumentException(sprintf("First argument must be instance of {$entityClass} class"));
     if ($entity->id !== null) {
         if (!$entityClass::findPk($entity->id)) {
             throw new ApiErrorException(404, ErrorMessage::ERR_OBJECT_NOT_FOUND, sprintf("Could not find out the rule with ID: %d", $entity->id));
     if (!empty($entity->scriptId)) {
         if ($entity->version == ScriptVersion::LATEST_SCRIPT_VERSION) {
             $found = ScriptVersion::findOne([['scriptId' => $entity->scriptId]], null, ['version' => false]);
         } else {
             $found = ScriptVersion::findPk($entity->scriptId, $entity->version);
         /* @var $found ScriptVersion */
         if (empty($found) || !$found->hasAccessPermissions($this->controller->getUser(), $this->controller->getEnvironment())) {
             throw new ApiErrorException(404, ErrorMessage::ERR_OBJECT_NOT_FOUND, sprintf("Could not find version %d of the script with ID: %d", $entity->version, $entity->scriptId));
     if (empty($entity->eventName)) {
         $entity->eventName = '*';
     } else {
         if ($entity->eventName !== '*') {
             if (array_key_exists($entity->eventName, array_merge(EVENT_TYPE::getScriptingEventsWithScope(), EventDefinition::getList($this->controller->getUser()->id, $this->controller->getScope() === ScopeInterface::SCOPE_ENVIRONMENT ? $this->controller->getEnvironment()->id : null))) === false) {
                 throw new ApiErrorException(404, ErrorMessage::ERR_OBJECT_NOT_FOUND, "Could not find out the event '{$entity->eventName}'");
             if ($entity->scriptType == OrchestrationRule::ORCHESTRATION_RULE_TYPE_CHEF && in_array($entity->eventName, EVENT_TYPE::getChefRestrictedEvents())) {
                 throw new ApiErrorException(400, ErrorMessage::ERR_INVALID_VALUE, "Chef can't be used with {$entity->eventName}");
             if ($entity->eventName == EVENT_TYPE::BEFORE_INSTANCE_LAUNCH && $entity->target == Script::TARGET_INSTANCE) {
                 throw new ApiErrorException(400, ErrorMessage::ERR_INVALID_VALUE, "Event '{$entity->eventName}' will never be handled by the triggering server");
     if (!$this->controller->hasPermissions($entity, true)) {
         //Checks entity level write access permissions
         throw new ApiErrorException(403, ErrorMessage::ERR_PERMISSION_VIOLATION, "Insufficient permissions");