Example #1
 public function init(array $params = array())
     // Save dbQuery instance
     $this->query = dbQuery('structure');
     // Fire new event after creating form tabs
     Event::subscribe('samsoncms.material.form.created', array($this, 'renderMaterialTab'));
Example #2
  * Module initialization stage.
  * @see ModuleConnector::init()
  * @param array $params Initialization parameters
  * @return bool True if resource successfully initialized
 public function init(array $params = array())
     // Subscribe to core template rendering event
     Event::subscribe('core.rendered', [$this, 'renderTemplate']);
     Event::subscribe(Compressor::E_CREATE_RESOURCE_LIST, [$this, 'getResources']);
     // Set default dependency as local file manager
     $this->fileManager = $this->fileManager ?: new LocalFileManager();
     $this->resourceManager = new ResourceManager($this->fileManager);
     ResourceManager::$cacheRoot = $this->cache_path;
     ResourceManager::$webRoot = getcwd();
     ResourceManager::$projectRoot = dirname(ResourceManager::$webRoot) . '/';
     // Get loaded modules
     $moduleList = $this->system->getContainer()->getServices('module');
     // Event for modification of resource list
     Event::fire(self::E_MODULES, [&$moduleList]);
     $appResourcePaths = $this->getAssets($moduleList);
     // Get assets
     $this->resources = $this->resourceManager->manage($appResourcePaths);
     // Fire completion event
     Event::fire(self::E_FINISHED, [&$this->resources]);
     // Get asset URLs
     $this->resourceUrls = array_map([$this, 'getAssetCachedUrl'], $this->resources);
     // Continue parent initialization
     return parent::init($params);
Example #3
  * Module initialization.
  * @param array $params Initialization parameters collection
  * @return bool Initialization result
 public function init(array $params = array())
     // Create SamsonPHP routing table from loaded modules
     $rg = new GenericRouteGenerator($this->system->module_stack);
     // Generate web-application routes
     $routes = $rg->generate();
     // Create cache marker
     $this->cacheFile = $routes->hash() . '.php';
     // If we need to refresh cache
     if ($this->cache_refresh($this->cacheFile)) {
         $generator = new Structure($routes, new \samsonphp\generator\Generator());
         // Generate routing logic function
         $routerLogic = $generator->generate();
         // Store router logic in cache
         file_put_contents($this->cacheFile, '<?php ' . "\n" . $routerLogic);
     require $this->cacheFile;
     // This should be change to receive path as a parameter on initialization
     $pathParts = explode(Route::DELIMITER, $_SERVER['REQUEST_URI']);
     $this->requestURI = implode(Route::DELIMITER, $pathParts);
     // Subscribe to samsonphp\core routing event
     \samsonphp\event\Event::subscribe('core.routing', array($this, 'router'));
     // Continue initialization
     return parent::init($params);
Example #4
 /** Module initialization logic */
 public function init(array $params = array())
     $this->enabled = true;
     // Subscribe to resourcer event
     \samsonphp\event\Event::subscribe('resourcer.updated', array($this, 'enable'));
     \samsonphp\event\Event::subscribe('core.rendered', array($this, 'renderToken'));
Example #5
 /** Module preparation stage handler */
 public function prepare(array $params = [])
     // Subscribe for CSS handling
     Event::subscribe(Router::E_RESOURCE_COMPILE, [$this, 'compile']);
     Event::subscribe(Compressor::E_RESOURCE_COMPRESS, [$this, 'deCompile']);
     return parent::prepare($params);
Example #6
 public function init(array $params = array())
     $this->request = url();
     // Old applications main page rendering
     Event::subscribe(\samsoncms\cms\Application::EVENT_IS_CMS, array($this, 'authorize'));
     // Call parent initialization
     return parent::init($params);
Example #7
 public function init(array $params = array())
     $this->request = url();
     // Old applications main page rendering
     Event::subscribe(\samsoncms\cms\Application::EVENT_IS_CMS, array($this, 'authorize'));
     Event::subscribe(Compressor::E_CREATE_MODULE_LIST, array($this, 'getModuleList'));
     // Call parent initialization
     return parent::init($params);
Example #8
 /** Universal controller action */
 public function __handler()
     // Render menu
     \samsonphp\event\Event::subscribe('template.menu.rendered', array($this, 'subMenuHandler'));
     $html = '';
     // Fire event when application help is rendered
     \samsonphp\event\Event::fire('help.content.rendered', array(&$html, $this));
     // Prepare view
     $this->view('index')->title(t($this->name, true))->set('content', $html);
Example #9
 /** Universal controller action */
 public function __handler($category = null, $subCategory = null, $subSubCategory = null)
     // Render menu and current controller parameters
     \samsonphp\event\Event::subscribe('template.menu.rendered', array($this, 'subMenuHandler'), array($category, $subCategory, $subSubCategory));
     $html = '';
     // Fire event when application help is rendered
     \samsonphp\event\Event::fire('help.content.rendered', array(&$html, $category, $subCategory, $subSubCategory, $this));
     // Prepare view
     $this->view('index')->title(t($this->name, true))->set('content', $html);
Example #10
  * Initialize module
  * @param array $params Collection of parameters
  * @return bool True if success
 public function init(array $params = array())
     // TODO: Should be change to DI in future
     // Set pointer to file service
     $this->fs = $this->system->module('fs');
     // Subscribe to material form created event for custom tab rendering
     Event::subscribe('samsoncms.material.form.created', array($this, 'tabBuilder'));
     // Subscribe to event - add gallery field additional field type
     Event::subscribe('cms_field.select_create', array($this, 'fieldSelectCreate'));
     return parent::init($params);
Example #11
  * ExternalModule constructor.
  * @param string $path
  * @param ResourcesInterface $resources
  * @param SystemInterface $system
 public function __construct($path, ResourcesInterface $resources, SystemInterface $system)
     // Module identifier not specified - set it to NameSpace\Classname
     if (!isset($this->id[0])) {
         // Generate identifier from module class
         $this->id = strtolower(str_replace(__NS_SEPARATOR__, '_', get_class($this)));
     // Subscribe to an config ready core event
     Event::subscribe('core.started', array(&$this, 'init'));
     // Call parent constructor
     parent::__construct($this->id, $path, $resources, $system);
Example #12
    public function testInitAndTemplateRender()
        $files = [ResourceManager::T_JS => [__DIR__ . '/test.js'], ResourceManager::T_CSS => [__DIR__ . '/test.css']];
        Event::subscribe(Router::E_FINISHED, function (&$resources) use($files) {
            $resources = $files;
        $view = '<body><head></head></body>';
        $this->assertEquals('<body><head><link type="text/css" rel="stylesheet" property="stylesheet" href="/tests/test.css">
</head><script type="text/javascript" src="/tests/test.js"></script>
</body>', $view);
Example #13
File: Core.php Project: onysko/seo
 public function init(array $params = array())
     // Save dbQuery instance
     $this->query = dbQuery('structure');
     // Fire new event after creating form tabs
     Event::subscribe('samsoncms.material.form.created', array($this, 'renderMaterialTab'));
     // Subscribe for render index file and include seo tags to it
     Event::subscribe('core.rendered', array($this, 'templateRenderer'));
     // Subscribe for
     Event::subscribe('samson.cms.web.materialtable.add', array($this, 'addDynamicTags'));
     // Subscribe for
     Event::subscribe('samson.cms.web.materialtable.get.table', array($this, 'renderContentElement'));
Example #14
 /** SamsonFramework load preparation stage handler */
 public function prepare(array $params = [])
     $moduleCachePath = array_key_exists('cachePath', $params) ? $params['cachePath'] : $this->cache_path;
     $this->dependencyCache = $moduleCachePath . self::DEPENDENCY_CACHE;
     // Load file manager
     $this->fileManager = array_key_exists('fileManager', $params) ? $params['fileManager'] : new LocalFileManager();
     // Read previous cache file
     if ($this->fileManager->exists($this->dependencyCache)) {
         $this->dependencies = unserialize($this->fileManager->read($this->dependencyCache));
     $this->less = new \lessc();
     Event::subscribe(Router::E_RESOURCE_COMPILE, [$this, 'compiler']);
     Event::subscribe(Router::E_FINISHED, [$this, 'cacheDependencies']);
     return parent::prepare();
Example #15
 public function init(array $params = array())
     // Old applications main page rendering
     Event::subscribe('template.main.rendered', array($this, 'oldMainRenderer'));
     // Old applications menu rendering
     Event::subscribe('template.menu.rendered', array($this, 'oldMenuRenderer'));
     Event::subscribe('samson.url.build', array($this, 'buildUrl'));
     Event::subscribe('samson.url.args.created', array($this, 'parseUrl'));
     Event::subscribe(Module::EVENT_ROUTE_FOUND, array($this, 'activeModuleHandler'));
     Event::subscribe('samsonphp.router.create.module.routes', array($this, 'updateCMSPrefix'));
     $moduleList = $this->system->module_stack;
     foreach ($this->system->module_stack as $id => $module) {
         if (!$this->isModuleDependent($module) && $id != 'core' && !$this->ifModuleRelated($module)) {
     // Generate resources for new module
     $this->system->module('resourcer')->generateResources($moduleList, $this->path() . 'app/view/index.php');
     // Call parent initialization
     return parent::init($params);
Example #16
  * Init module
  * @param array $params
 public function init(array $params = array())
     // Call parent handler
     // Subscribe to payment gate init event
     Event::subscribe('commerce.gateinited', array($this, 'addGate'));
     // Subscribe to commerce core initialization
     Event::subscribe('commerce.init.module.commerce.core', array($this, 'initCommerceCore'));
Example #17
  * Switch active environment
  * @param string $environment Configuration environment identifier
 public function change($environment = Scheme::BASE)
     // Switch to configuration environment
     $this->active =& $this->schemes[$environment];
     // Subscribe active configuration scheme to core module configure event
     Event::subscribe('core.module.configure', array($this, 'configure'));
     // If we have successfully changed configuration scheme
     if (!isset($this->active)) {
         // Signal error
         Event::fire('error', array($this, 'Cannot change configuration scheme to [' . $environment . '] - Configuration scheme does not exists'));
         // Set global scheme as active
         $this->active =& $this->schemes[Scheme::BASE];
Example #18
 /** @inheritdoc */
 public function init(array $params = array())
     // Subcribe for
     Event::subscribe('core.rendered', array($this, 'templateRenderer'));
Example #19
 public function testAfterLoadEventChangedValue()
     $moduleAlias = 'alias';
     $loadedAlias = '';
     $afterEventID = Event::subscribe(Core::E_AFTER_LOADED, function (&$core, &$module, &$alias) use(&$loadedAlias) {
         $loadedAlias = $alias;
     $this->core->load(new TestModule(), $moduleAlias);
     $this->assertEquals($moduleAlias, $loadedAlias);
     Event::unsubscribe(Core::E_AFTER_LOADED, $afterEventID);
Example #20
  * Module initialization.
  * @param array $params Initialization parameters collection
  * @return bool Initialization result
 public function init(array $params = array())
     // Create SamsonPHP routing table from loaded modules
     $rg = new GenericRouteGenerator($this->system->module_stack);
     // Generate web-application routes
     $routes = $rg->generate();
     // Create cache marker
     $this->cacheFile = $routes->hash() . '.php';
     // If we need to refresh cache
     if ($this->cache_refresh($this->cacheFile)) {
         $generator = new Structure($routes, new \samsonphp\generator\Generator());
         // Generate routing logic function
         $routerLogic = $generator->generate();
         // Store router logic in cache
         file_put_contents($this->cacheFile, '<?php ' . "\n" . $routerLogic);
     require $this->cacheFile;
     // Set locale resolver mode
     SamsonLocale::$leaveDefaultLocale = $this->browserLocaleRedirect;
     // This should be change to receive path as a parameter on initialization
     $pathParts = array_values(array_filter(explode(Route::DELIMITER, $_SERVER['REQUEST_URI'])));
     // Parse URL and store locale found bug
     $localeFound = SamsonLocale::parseURL($pathParts, $this->browserLocaleRedirect);
     // Gather URL path parts with removed locale placeholder
     $this->requestURI = implode(Route::DELIMITER, $pathParts);
     // Get localization data
     $current = SamsonLocale::current();
     $default = SamsonLocale::$defaultLocale;
     // Browser agent language detection logic
     if ($this->browserLocaleRedirect && !$localeFound) {
         // Redirect to browser language
         $lang = substr($_SERVER['HTTP_ACCEPT_LANGUAGE'], 0, 2);
         // Is browser language supported by application
         $langSupport = in_array($lang, SamsonLocale::get(), true);
          * If browser language header is supported by our web-application and we are already not on that locale
          * and current locale is not default.
         if ($current === $default && $current !== $lang && $langSupport) {
             header('Location: http://' . $_SERVER['HTTP_HOST'] . '/' . $lang . '/' . $this->requestURI);
         } elseif (!$langSupport || $lang === $current) {
             SamsonLocale::$leaveDefaultLocale = false;
     // Subscribe to samsonphp\core routing event
     \samsonphp\event\Event::subscribe('core.routing', array($this, 'router'));
     // Continue initialization
     return parent::init($params);
Example #21
 /** Module initialization */
 public function init(array $params = array())
     \samsonphp\event\Event::subscribe('help.content.rendered', array($this, 'help'));
     \samsonphp\event\Event::subscribe('help.submenu.rendered', array($this, 'helpMenu'));
Example #22
 /** Application initialization */
 public function init(array $params = array())
     // Find all applications that needs access rights to it
     $accessibleApplications = array('template' => t('Главная страница', true), Right::APPLICATION_ACCESS_ALL => Right::APPLICATION_ACCESS_ALL);
     // Iterate all loaded applications
     foreach (self::$loaded as $application) {
         // Iterate only applications with names
         $accessibleApplications[$application->id] = $application->name;
     // Iterate all applications that needs access rights
     foreach ($accessibleApplications as $accessibleApplicationID => $accessibleApplicationName) {
         // Try to find this right in db
         if (!$this->query->className('right')->cond('Name', Right::APPLICATION_ACCESS_TEMPLATE . $accessibleApplicationID)->first() && isset($accessibleApplicationName[0])) {
             $right = new Right();
             $right->Name = Right::APPLICATION_ACCESS_TEMPLATE . strtoupper($accessibleApplicationID);
             $right->Description = $accessibleApplicationID != Right::APPLICATION_ACCESS_ALL ? t('Доступ к приложению', true) . ' "' . $accessibleApplicationName . '"' : t('Полный доступ ко всем приложениям', true);
             $right->Active = 1;
     // Subscribe to core security event
     \samsonphp\event\Event::subscribe('core.security', array($this, 'handle'));
Example #23
 /** Module initialization */
 public function init(array $params = array())
     \samsonphp\event\Event::subscribe('help.content.rendered', array($this, 'help'));
     \samsonphp\event\Event::subscribe('help.submenu.rendered', array($this, 'helpMenu'));
     // Check if it is main application class
     if (get_class($this) === __CLASS__) {
         // TODO db()
         $cacheGenerator = new CacheGenerate(db());
         // Load generated modules
         $cacheGenerator->loadModules($this->system, $this->cache_path);
Example #24
  * SamsonCMS initialization stage handler
  * @param array $params Initialization parameters
  * @return bool Initialization stage result
 public function init(array $params = array())
     // Old applications main page rendering
     Event::subscribe('template.main.rendered', array($this, 'oldMainRenderer'));
     // Old applications menu rendering
     Event::subscribe('template.menu.rendered', array($this, 'oldMenuRenderer'));
     Event::subscribe('samson.url.build', array($this, 'buildUrl'));
     Event::subscribe('samson.url.args.created', array($this, 'parseUrl'));
     Event::subscribe(Module::EVENT_ROUTE_FOUND, array($this, 'activeModuleHandler'));
     Event::subscribe('samsonphp.router.create.module.routes', array($this, 'updateCMSPrefix'));
     Event::subscribe(Compressor::E_CREATE_MODULE_LIST, array($this, 'getModuleList'));
     $this->template = $this->path() . 'app/view/index.php';
     // Generate resources for new module
     //$this->system->module('resourcer')->generateResources($this->cmsModuleList, $this->path() . 'app/view/index.php');
 public function init(array $params = array())
     \samsonphp\event\Event::subscribe('samson.cms.input.table.render', array($this, 'renderForTable'));
Example #26
 /** Module initialization */
 public function init(array $params = array())
     // Subscribe to input change event
     \samsonphp\event\Event::subscribe('samson.cms.input.change', array($this, 'inputUpdateHandler'));
Example #27
  * Generic wrap for Event system subscription.
  * @see \samson\core\\samsonphp\event\Event::subscribe()
  * @param string   $key     Event identifier
  * @param callable $handler Event handler
  * @param array    $params  Event parameters
  * @return $this Chaining
 public function subscribe($key, $handler, $params = array())
     Event::subscribe($key, $handler, $params);
     return $this;
Example #28
 /** SamsonFramework load preparation stage handler */
 public function prepare()
     Event::subscribe(ResourceRouter::EVENT_CREATED, array($this, 'renderer'));
     $this->less = new \lessc();
     return true;
Example #29
  * Module preparation stage.
  * @return bool Preparation stage result
 public function prepare()
     // TODO: Should be binded to compressor events instead of resource events
     // Bind resource router static resource creation event
     Event::subscribe(Router::E_RESOURCE_COMPILE, array($this, 'renderer'));
Example #30
 public function init(array $params = array())
     Event::subscribe('samson.cms.input.change', array($this, 'saveFieldHandler'));
     return parent::init($params);