public function actionGenerateSitemap() { $sitemap = new Sitemap(Yii::getAlias('@app/web') . '/sitemap.xml'); $posts = Post::findAll(['status' => 1]); foreach ($posts as $post) { $sitemap->addItem(Url::to(['/blog/post/view', 'slug' => $post->slug], true), time(), Sitemap::DAILY); } $sitemap->write(); }
public function testFrequencyValidation() { $this->setExpectedException('InvalidArgumentException'); $fileName = __DIR__ . '/sitemap.xml'; $sitemap = new Sitemap($fileName); $sitemap->addItem(''); $sitemap->addItem('', time(), 'invalid'); unlink($fileName); }
/** * @param $sitemapFile */ public function generate($sitemapFile, array $data) { if (!empty($data)) { $this->data = array_merge($this->data, $data); } $sitemap = new Sitemap($sitemapFile); Yii::app()->eventManager->fire(SiteMapEvents::BEFORE_GENERATE, new SiteMapBeforeGenerateEvent($this)); foreach ($this->data as $item) { $sitemap->addItem($item['location'], $item['lastModified'], $item['changeFrequency'], $item['priority']); } $sitemap->write(); }
public function testLocationValidation() { $fileName = __DIR__ . '/sitemap.xml'; $sitemap = new Sitemap($fileName); $exceptionCaught = false; try { $sitemap->addItem(''); $sitemap->addItem('notlink', time()); } catch (\InvalidArgumentException $e) { $exceptionCaught = true; } unlink($fileName); $this->assertTrue($exceptionCaught, 'Expected InvalidArgumentException wasn\'t thrown.'); }
public function actionGenerate() { $webUrl = Yii::getAlias('@frontendUrl'); // проверка наличия слеша в конце ссылки if (!StringHelper::endsWith($webUrl, '/', false)) { $webUrl .= '/'; } $webPath = Yii::getAlias('@frontend/web/'); // create sitemap $sitemap = new Sitemap($webPath . 'sitemap.xml'); // add some URLs foreach (Article::find()->published()->all() as $item) { $sitemap->addItem($webUrl . 'article/' . $item->slug, time(), Sitemap::DAILY); } // write it $sitemap->write(); // get URLs of sitemaps written $sitemapFileUrls = $sitemap->getSitemapUrls($webUrl); // create sitemap for static files $staticSitemap = new Sitemap($webPath . 'sitemap_static.xml'); // add some URLs $staticSitemap->addItem($webUrl . 'article/index'); $staticSitemap->addItem($webUrl . 'site/contact'); // write it $staticSitemap->write(); // get URLs of sitemaps written $staticSitemapUrls = $staticSitemap->getSitemapUrls($webUrl); // create sitemap index file $index = new Index($webPath . 'sitemap_index.xml'); // add URLs foreach ($sitemapFileUrls as $sitemapUrl) { $index->addSitemap($sitemapUrl); } // add more URLs foreach ($staticSitemapUrls as $sitemapUrl) { $index->addSitemap($sitemapUrl); } // write it $index->write(); Console::output('The sitemap generated successfully.'); }
/** * Execute the console command. * * @return mixed */ public function handle() { $posts = $this->getPosts(); $sitemap = new Sitemap(public_path('sitemap.xml')); $sitemap->addItem(config('app.url') . '/', time(), Sitemap::DAILY, 0.9); $sitemap->addItem(config('app.url') . '/resume', time(), Sitemap::DAILY, 0.8); $sitemap->addItem(config('app.url') . '/blog', time(), Sitemap::DAILY, 0.8); $sitemap->addItem(config('app.url') . '/works', time(), Sitemap::DAILY, 0.8); // @codeCoverageIgnoreStart foreach ($posts as $post) { $sitemap->addItem(config('app.url') . '/' . $post->type . '/' . $post->slug, $post->updated_at->timestamp, Sitemap::DAILY, 0.7); } // @codeCoverageIgnoreEnd $sitemap->write(); $this->comment('Sitemap generated successfully!'); }
protected function generate($language) { $directory = public_path() . "/{$language}"; if (!file_exists($directory)) { $this->fs->makeDirectory($directory); } $xml = $directory . "/sitemap.xml"; $sitemap = new Sitemap($xml); $sitemap->addItem(url('/'), time(), Sitemap::DAILY); $sitemap->addItem(url('about'), time(), Sitemap::MONTHLY); $sitemap->addItem(url('ambassador'), time(), Sitemap::MONTHLY); $sitemap->addItem(route('blog'), time(), Sitemap::DAILY); $loader = new PostLoader($language); $posts = $loader->loadList(); foreach ($posts as $post) { $sitemap->addItem(route('post', $post['slug']), time(), Sitemap::DAILY); } $tags = (new Tag($language))->all(1000); foreach ($tags as $tag => $count) { $sitemap->addItem(route('tag', $tag), time(), Sitemap::DAILY); } $sitemap->write(); $this->info("Sitemap for site language {$language} was generated and saved to {$xml}"); }
public function actionSitemap() { if (Yii::$app->request->isPost) { $sitemap = new Sitemap(Yii::getAlias('@webroot/sitemap.xml')); $sitemap->addItem(Url::to(['/main/default/index'], true), time(), Sitemap::WEEKLY, 1); $sitemap->addItem(Url::to(['/main/contact/index'], true), time(), Sitemap::MONTHLY, 1); $pages = Page::findAll(['status' => 1]); foreach ($pages as $page) { $sitemap->addItem(Url::to(['/page/node/view', 'slug' => $page->slug], true), $page->updated_at, Sitemap::MONTHLY, 1); } $posts = Post::findAll(['status' => 1]); foreach ($posts as $post) { $sitemap->addItem(Url::to(['/post/node/view', 'slug' => $post->slug], true), $post->updated_at, Sitemap::NEVER, 0.8); } $sitemap->write(); Yii::$app->session->setFlash('success', "Файл sitemap.xml успешно обновлен."); Yii::$app->request->referrer ? $this->redirect(Yii::$app->request->referrer) : $this->goHome(); } else { throw new NotFoundHttpException('Страница не найдена'); } }
/** * @param Sitemap $sitemap * @param array $options * * @return Index */ protected function generateSitemapsIndex(Sitemap $sitemap, array $options) { $sitemapIndex = new Index($options['index']['path']); $sitemapFileUrls = $sitemap->getSitemapUrls($this->getBaseUrl($options)); foreach ($sitemapFileUrls as $sitemapUrl) { $sitemapIndex->addSitemap($sitemapUrl); } return $sitemapIndex; }
protected function addItem($url, $strength) { $this->sitemap->addItem($url, time(), Sitemap::DAILY, $strength); $this->info('"' . $url . '/" added to the sitemap!'); }