Example #1
  * PropFind
  * This method handler is invoked before any after properties for a
  * resource are fetched. This allows us to add in any CalDAV specific
  * properties.
  * @param DAV\PropFind $propFind
  * @param DAV\INode $node
  * @return void
 function propFind(DAV\PropFind $propFind, DAV\INode $node)
     $ns = '{' . self::NS_CALDAV . '}';
     if ($node instanceof ICalendarObjectContainer) {
         $propFind->handle($ns . 'max-resource-size', $this->maxResourceSize);
         $propFind->handle($ns . 'supported-calendar-data', function () {
             return new Xml\Property\SupportedCalendarData();
         $propFind->handle($ns . 'supported-collation-set', function () {
             return new Xml\Property\SupportedCollationSet();
     if ($node instanceof DAVACL\IPrincipal) {
         $principalUrl = $node->getPrincipalUrl();
         $propFind->handle('{' . self::NS_CALDAV . '}calendar-home-set', function () use($principalUrl) {
             $calendarHomePath = $this->getCalendarHomeForPrincipal($principalUrl) . '/';
             return new Href($calendarHomePath);
         // The calendar-user-address-set property is basically mapped to
         // the {DAV:}alternate-URI-set property.
         $propFind->handle('{' . self::NS_CALDAV . '}calendar-user-address-set', function () use($node) {
             $addresses = $node->getAlternateUriSet();
             $addresses[] = $this->server->getBaseUri() . $node->getPrincipalUrl() . '/';
             return new Href($addresses, false);
         // For some reason somebody thought it was a good idea to add
         // another one of these properties. We're supporting it too.
         $propFind->handle('{' . self::NS_CALENDARSERVER . '}email-address-set', function () use($node) {
             $addresses = $node->getAlternateUriSet();
             $emails = [];
             foreach ($addresses as $address) {
                 if (substr($address, 0, 7) === 'mailto:') {
                     $emails[] = substr($address, 7);
             return new Xml\Property\EmailAddressSet($emails);
         // These two properties are shortcuts for ical to easily find
         // other principals this principal has access to.
         $propRead = '{' . self::NS_CALENDARSERVER . '}calendar-proxy-read-for';
         $propWrite = '{' . self::NS_CALENDARSERVER . '}calendar-proxy-write-for';
         if ($propFind->getStatus($propRead) === 404 || $propFind->getStatus($propWrite) === 404) {
             $aclPlugin = $this->server->getPlugin('acl');
             $membership = $aclPlugin->getPrincipalMembership($propFind->getPath());
             $readList = [];
             $writeList = [];
             foreach ($membership as $group) {
                 $groupNode = $this->server->tree->getNodeForPath($group);
                 $listItem = Uri\split($group)[0] . '/';
                 // If the node is either ap proxy-read or proxy-write
                 // group, we grab the parent principal and add it to the
                 // list.
                 if ($groupNode instanceof Principal\IProxyRead) {
                     $readList[] = $listItem;
                 if ($groupNode instanceof Principal\IProxyWrite) {
                     $writeList[] = $listItem;
             $propFind->set($propRead, new Href($readList));
             $propFind->set($propWrite, new Href($writeList));
     // instanceof IPrincipal
     if ($node instanceof ICalendarObject) {
         // The calendar-data property is not supposed to be a 'real'
         // property, but in large chunks of the spec it does act as such.
         // Therefore we simply expose it as a property.
         $propFind->handle('{' . self::NS_CALDAV . '}calendar-data', function () use($node) {
             $val = $node->get();
             if (is_resource($val)) {
                 $val = stream_get_contents($val);
             // Taking out \r to not screw up the xml output
             return str_replace("\r", "", $val);
Example #2
  * Adds all ownCloud-specific properties
  * @param string $path
  * @param \Sabre\DAV\INode $node
  * @param array $requestedProperties
  * @param array $returnedProperties
  * @return void
 public function beforeGetProperties($path, \Sabre\DAV\INode $node, array &$requestedProperties, array &$returnedProperties)
     if ($node instanceof OC_Connector_Sabre_Node) {
         $fileIdPropertyName = '{' . self::NS_OWNCLOUD . '}id';
         $permissionsPropertyName = '{' . self::NS_OWNCLOUD . '}permissions';
         if (array_search($fileIdPropertyName, $requestedProperties)) {
             unset($requestedProperties[array_search($fileIdPropertyName, $requestedProperties)]);
         if (array_search($permissionsPropertyName, $requestedProperties)) {
             unset($requestedProperties[array_search($permissionsPropertyName, $requestedProperties)]);
         /** @var $node OC_Connector_Sabre_Node */
         $fileId = $node->getFileId();
         if (!is_null($fileId)) {
             $returnedProperties[200][$fileIdPropertyName] = $fileId;
         $permissions = $node->getDavPermissions();
         if (!is_null($permissions)) {
             $returnedProperties[200][$permissionsPropertyName] = $permissions;
     if ($node instanceof OC_Connector_Sabre_Directory) {
         $sizePropertyName = '{' . self::NS_OWNCLOUD . '}size';
         /** @var $node OC_Connector_Sabre_Directory */
         $returnedProperties[200][$sizePropertyName] = $node->getSize();
Example #3
  * Adds all CardDAV-specific properties
  * @param PropFind $propFind
  * @param INode $node
  * @return void
 function propFind(PropFind $propFind, INode $node)
     $ns = '{http://owncloud.org/ns}';
     if ($node instanceof AddressBook) {
         $propFind->handle($ns . 'groups', function () use($node) {
             return new Groups($node->getContactsGroups());
  * beforeGetProperties
  * This method handler is invoked before any after properties for a
  * resource are fetched. This allows us to add in any CalDAV specific
  * properties.
  * @param string $path
  * @param \Sabre\DAV\INode $node
  * @param array $requestedProperties
  * @param array $returnedProperties
  * @return void
 public function beforeGetProperties($path, \Sabre\DAV\INode $node, &$requestedProperties, &$returnedProperties)
     if ($node instanceof \Sabre\DAVACL\IPrincipal) {
         // dropbox-home-URL property
         $scheduleProp = '{' . \Sabre\CalDAV\Plugin::NS_CALENDARSERVER . '}dropbox-home-URL';
         if (in_array($scheduleProp, $requestedProperties)) {
             $principalId = $node->getName();
             $dropboxPath = \Sabre\CalDAV\Plugin::CALENDAR_ROOT . '/' . $principalId . '/dropbox';
             unset($requestedProperties[array_search($scheduleProp, $requestedProperties)]);
             $returnedProperties[200][$scheduleProp] = new \Sabre\DAV\Property\Href($dropboxPath);
  * Adds tags and favorites properties to the response,
  * if requested.
  * @param PropFind $propFind
  * @param \Sabre\DAV\INode $node
  * @return void
 public function handleGetProperties(PropFind $propFind, \Sabre\DAV\INode $node)
     if (!$node instanceof File && !$node instanceof Directory) {
     $propFind->handle(self::PROPERTY_NAME_COUNT, function () use($node) {
         return $this->commentsManager->getNumberOfCommentsForObject('files', strval($node->getId()));
     $propFind->handle(self::PROPERTY_NAME_HREF, function () use($node) {
         return $this->getCommentsLink($node);
     $propFind->handle(self::PROPERTY_NAME_UNREAD, function () use($node) {
         return $this->getUnreadCount($node);
Example #6
  * PropFind
  * @param PropFind $propFind
  * @param BaseINode $node
  * @return void
 function propFind(PropFind $propFind, BaseINode $node)
     $caldavPlugin = $this->server->getPlugin('caldav');
     if ($node instanceof DAVACL\IPrincipal) {
         $principalUrl = $node->getPrincipalUrl();
         // notification-URL property
         $propFind->handle('{' . self::NS_CALENDARSERVER . '}notification-URL', function () use($principalUrl, $caldavPlugin) {
             $notificationPath = $caldavPlugin->getCalendarHomeForPrincipal($principalUrl) . '/notifications/';
             return new DAV\Xml\Property\Href($notificationPath);
     if ($node instanceof INode) {
         $propFind->handle('{' . self::NS_CALENDARSERVER . '}notificationtype', [$node, 'getNotificationType']);
Example #7
  * Triggered before properties are looked up in specific nodes.
  * @param DAV\PropFind $propFind
  * @param DAV\INode $node
  * @param array $requestedProperties
  * @param array $returnedProperties
  * @TODO really should be broken into multiple methods, or even a class.
  * @return bool
 function propFind(DAV\PropFind $propFind, DAV\INode $node)
     $path = $propFind->getPath();
     // Checking the read permission
     if (!$this->checkPrivileges($path, '{DAV:}read', self::R_PARENT, false)) {
         // User is not allowed to read properties
         // Returning false causes the property-fetching system to pretend
         // that the node does not exist, and will cause it to be hidden
         // from listings such as PROPFIND or the browser plugin.
         if ($this->hideNodesFromListings) {
             return false;
         // Otherwise we simply mark every property as 403.
         foreach ($propFind->getRequestedProperties() as $requestedProperty) {
             $propFind->set($requestedProperty, null, 403);
     /* Adding principal properties */
     if ($node instanceof IPrincipal) {
         $propFind->handle('{DAV:}alternate-URI-set', function () use($node) {
             return new DAV\Property\HrefList($node->getAlternateUriSet());
         $propFind->handle('{DAV:}principal-URL', function () use($node) {
             return new DAV\Property\Href($node->getPrincipalUrl() . '/');
         $propFind->handle('{DAV:}group-member-set', function () use($node) {
             $members = $node->getGroupMemberSet();
             foreach ($members as $k => $member) {
                 $members[$k] = rtrim($member, '/') . '/';
             return new DAV\Property\HrefList($members);
         $propFind->handle('{DAV:}group-membership', function () use($node) {
             $members = $node->getGroupMembership();
             foreach ($members as $k => $member) {
                 $members[$k] = rtrim($member, '/') . '/';
             return new DAV\Property\HrefList($members);
         $propFind->handle('{DAV:}displayname', [$node, 'getDisplayName']);
     $propFind->handle('{DAV:}principal-collection-set', function () {
         $val = $this->principalCollectionSet;
         // Ensuring all collections end with a slash
         foreach ($val as $k => $v) {
             $val[$k] = $v . '/';
         return new DAV\Property\HrefList($val);
     $propFind->handle('{DAV:}current-user-principal', function () {
         if ($url = $this->getCurrentUserPrincipal()) {
             return new Property\Principal(Property\Principal::HREF, $url . '/');
         } else {
             return new Property\Principal(Property\Principal::UNAUTHENTICATED);
     $propFind->handle('{DAV:}supported-privilege-set', function () use($node) {
         return new Property\SupportedPrivilegeSet($this->getSupportedPrivilegeSet($node));
     $propFind->handle('{DAV:}current-user-privilege-set', function () use($node, $propFind, $path) {
         if (!$this->checkPrivileges($path, '{DAV:}read-current-user-privilege-set', self::R_PARENT, false)) {
             $propFind->set('{DAV:}current-user-privilege-set', null, 403);
         } else {
             $val = $this->getCurrentUserPrivilegeSet($node);
             if (!is_null($val)) {
                 return new Property\CurrentUserPrivilegeSet($val);
     $propFind->handle('{DAV:}acl', function () use($node, $propFind, $path) {
         /* The ACL property contains all the permissions */
         if (!$this->checkPrivileges($path, '{DAV:}read-acl', self::R_PARENT, false)) {
             $propFind->set('{DAV:}acl', null, 403);
         } else {
             $acl = $this->getACL($node);
             if (!is_null($acl)) {
                 return new Property\Acl($this->getACL($node));
     $propFind->handle('{DAV:}acl-restrictions', function () {
         return new Property\AclRestrictions();
     /* Adding ACL properties */
     if ($node instanceof IACL) {
         $propFind->handle('{DAV:}owner', function () use($node) {
             return new DAV\Property\Href($node->getOwner() . '/');
Example #8
  * This method handler is invoked during fetching of properties.
  * We use this event to add calendar-auto-schedule-specific properties.
  * @param PropFind $propFind
  * @param INode $node
  * @return void
 function propFind(PropFind $propFind, INode $node)
     if (!$node instanceof DAVACL\IPrincipal) {
     $caldavPlugin = $this->server->getPlugin('caldav');
     $principalUrl = $node->getPrincipalUrl();
     // schedule-outbox-URL property
     $propFind->handle('{' . self::NS_CALDAV . '}schedule-outbox-URL', function () use($principalUrl, $caldavPlugin) {
         $calendarHomePath = $caldavPlugin->getCalendarHomeForPrincipal($principalUrl);
         $outboxPath = $calendarHomePath . '/outbox/';
         return new Href($outboxPath);
     // schedule-inbox-URL property
     $propFind->handle('{' . self::NS_CALDAV . '}schedule-inbox-URL', function () use($principalUrl, $caldavPlugin) {
         $calendarHomePath = $caldavPlugin->getCalendarHomeForPrincipal($principalUrl);
         $inboxPath = $calendarHomePath . '/inbox/';
         return new Href($inboxPath);
     $propFind->handle('{' . self::NS_CALDAV . '}schedule-default-calendar-URL', function () use($principalUrl, $caldavPlugin) {
         // We don't support customizing this property yet, so in the
         // meantime we just grab the first calendar in the home-set.
         $calendarHomePath = $caldavPlugin->getCalendarHomeForPrincipal($principalUrl);
         $sccs = '{' . self::NS_CALDAV . '}supported-calendar-component-set';
         $result = $this->server->getPropertiesForPath($calendarHomePath, ['{DAV:}resourcetype', $sccs], 1);
         foreach ($result as $child) {
             if (!isset($child[200]['{DAV:}resourcetype']) || !$child[200]['{DAV:}resourcetype']->is('{' . self::NS_CALDAV . '}calendar') || $child[200]['{DAV:}resourcetype']->is('{http://calendarserver.org/ns/}shared')) {
                 // Node is either not a calendar or a shared instance.
             if (!isset($child[200][$sccs]) || in_array('VEVENT', $child[200][$sccs]->getValue())) {
                 // Either there is no supported-calendar-component-set
                 // (which is fine) or we found one that supports VEVENT.
                 return new Href($child['href']);
     // The server currently reports every principal to be of type
     // 'INDIVIDUAL'
     $propFind->handle('{' . self::NS_CALDAV . '}calendar-user-type', function () {
         return 'INDIVIDUAL';
Example #9
  * This method intercepts PROPPATCH methods and make sure the
  * group-member-set is updated correctly.
  * @param array $propertyDelta
  * @param array $result
  * @param DAV\INode $node
  * @return bool
 public function updateProperties(&$propertyDelta, &$result, DAV\INode $node)
     if (!array_key_exists('{DAV:}group-member-set', $propertyDelta)) {
     if (is_null($propertyDelta['{DAV:}group-member-set'])) {
         $memberSet = array();
     } elseif ($propertyDelta['{DAV:}group-member-set'] instanceof DAV\Property\HrefList) {
         $memberSet = array_map(array($this->server, 'calculateUri'), $propertyDelta['{DAV:}group-member-set']->getHrefs());
     } else {
         throw new DAV\Exception('The group-member-set property MUST be an instance of Sabre\\DAV\\Property\\HrefList or null');
     if (!$node instanceof IPrincipal) {
         $result[403]['{DAV:}group-member-set'] = null;
         // Returning false will stop the updateProperties process
         return false;
     // We must also clear our cache, just in case
     $this->principalMembershipCache = array();
     $result[200]['{DAV:}group-member-set'] = null;
Example #10
  * This event is triggered when properties are requested for nodes.
  * This allows us to inject any sharings-specific properties.
  * @param PropFind $propFind
  * @param INode $node
  * @return void
 function propFind(PropFind $propFind, INode $node)
     if ($node instanceof ISharedNode) {
         $propFind->handle('{DAV:}share-access', function () use($node) {
             return new Property\ShareAccess($node->getShareAccess());
         $propFind->handle('{DAV:}invite', function () use($node) {
             return new Property\Invite($node->getInvites());
         $propFind->handle('{DAV:}share-resource-uri', function () use($node) {
             return new Property\Href($node->getShareResourceUri());
Example #11
  * Adds all ownCloud-specific properties
  * @param PropFind $propFind
  * @param \Sabre\DAV\INode $node
  * @return void
 public function handleGetProperties(PropFind $propFind, \Sabre\DAV\INode $node)
     if ($node instanceof \OC\Connector\Sabre\Node) {
         $propFind->handle(self::FILEID_PROPERTYNAME, function () use($node) {
             return $node->getFileId();
         $propFind->handle(self::PERMISSIONS_PROPERTYNAME, function () use($node) {
             return $node->getDavPermissions();
         $propFind->handle(self::GETETAG_PROPERTYNAME, function () use($node) {
             return $node->getEtag();
     if ($node instanceof \OC\Connector\Sabre\File) {
         $propFind->handle(self::DOWNLOADURL_PROPERTYNAME, function () use($node) {
             /** @var $node \OC\Connector\Sabre\File */
             $directDownloadUrl = $node->getDirectDownload();
             if (isset($directDownloadUrl['url'])) {
                 return $directDownloadUrl['url'];
             return false;
     if ($node instanceof \OC\Connector\Sabre\Directory) {
         $propFind->handle(self::SIZE_PROPERTYNAME, function () use($node) {
             return $node->getSize();
  * Fetches properties for a node.
  * This event is called a bit later, so plugins have a chance first to
  * populate the result.
  * @param PropFind $propFind
  * @param INode $node
  * @return void
 function propFindNode(PropFind $propFind, INode $node)
     if ($node instanceof IProperties && ($propertyNames = $propFind->get404Properties())) {
         $nodeProperties = $node->getProperties($propertyNames);
         foreach ($nodeProperties as $propertyName => $value) {
             $propFind->set($propertyName, $value, 200);
Example #13
  * Adds all ownCloud-specific properties
  * @param PropFind $propFind
  * @param \Sabre\DAV\INode $node
  * @return void
 public function handleGetProperties(PropFind $propFind, \Sabre\DAV\INode $node)
     if ($node instanceof \OC\Connector\Sabre\Node) {
         $propFind->handle(self::FILEID_PROPERTYNAME, function () use($node) {
             return $node->getFileId();
         $propFind->handle(self::PERMISSIONS_PROPERTYNAME, function () use($node) {
             $perms = $node->getDavPermissions();
             if ($this->isPublic) {
                 // remove mount information
                 $perms = str_replace(['S', 'M'], '', $perms);
             return $perms;
         $propFind->handle(self::GETETAG_PROPERTYNAME, function () use($node) {
             return $node->getEtag();
     if ($node instanceof \OC\Connector\Sabre\File) {
         $propFind->handle(self::DOWNLOADURL_PROPERTYNAME, function () use($node) {
             /** @var $node \OC\Connector\Sabre\File */
             try {
                 $directDownloadUrl = $node->getDirectDownload();
                 if (isset($directDownloadUrl['url'])) {
                     return $directDownloadUrl['url'];
             } catch (StorageNotAvailableException $e) {
                 // return empty download link when storage not available
                 return false;
             return false;
     if ($node instanceof \OC\Connector\Sabre\Directory) {
         $propFind->handle(self::SIZE_PROPERTYNAME, function () use($node) {
             return $node->getSize();
Example #14
  * Retrieves system tag properties
  * @param PropFind $propFind
  * @param \Sabre\DAV\INode $node
 public function handleGetProperties(PropFind $propFind, \Sabre\DAV\INode $node)
     if (!$node instanceof SystemTagNode) {
     $propFind->handle(self::ID_PROPERTYNAME, function () use($node) {
         return $node->getSystemTag()->getId();
     $propFind->handle(self::DISPLAYNAME_PROPERTYNAME, function () use($node) {
         return $node->getSystemTag()->getName();
     $propFind->handle(self::USERVISIBLE_PROPERTYNAME, function () use($node) {
         return (int) $node->getSystemTag()->isUserVisible();
     $propFind->handle(self::USERASSIGNABLE_PROPERTYNAME, function () use($node) {
         return (int) $node->getSystemTag()->isUserAssignable();
Example #15
  * This method is trigged when a user attempts to update a node's
  * properties.
  * A previous draft of the sharing spec stated that it was possible to use
  * PROPPATCH to remove 'shared-owner' from the resourcetype, thus unsharing
  * the calendar.
  * Even though this is no longer in the current spec, we keep this around
  * because OS X 10.7 may still make use of this feature.
  * @param array $mutations
  * @param array $result
  * @param DAV\INode $node
  * @return void
 public function updateProperties(array &$mutations, array &$result, DAV\INode $node)
     if (!$node instanceof IShareableCalendar) {
     if (!isset($mutations['{DAV:}resourcetype'])) {
     // Only doing something if shared-owner is indeed not in the list.
     if ($mutations['{DAV:}resourcetype']->is('{' . Plugin::NS_CALENDARSERVER . '}shared-owner')) {
     $shares = $node->getShares();
     $remove = array();
     foreach ($shares as $share) {
         $remove[] = $share['href'];
     $node->updateShares(array(), $remove);
     // We're marking this update as 200 OK
     $result[200]['{DAV:}resourcetype'] = null;
     // Removing it from the mutations list
Example #16
  * This method is triggered *after* all properties have been retrieved.
  * This allows us to inject the correct resourcetype for calendars that
  * have been shared.
  * @param DAV\PropFind $propFind
  * @param DAV\INode $node
  * @return void
 function propFindLate(DAV\PropFind $propFind, DAV\INode $node)
     if ($node instanceof IShareableCalendar) {
         if ($rt = $propFind->get('{DAV:}resourcetype')) {
             if (count($node->getShares()) > 0) {
                 $rt->add('{' . Plugin::NS_CALENDARSERVER . '}shared-owner');
         $propFind->handle('{' . Plugin::NS_CALENDARSERVER . '}allowed-sharing-modes', function () {
             return new Xml\Property\AllowedSharingModes(true, false);
Example #17
  * Adds all ownCloud-specific properties
  * @param PropFind $propFind
  * @param \Sabre\DAV\INode $node
  * @return void
 public function handleGetProperties(PropFind $propFind, \Sabre\DAV\INode $node)
     if ($node instanceof \OCA\DAV\Connector\Sabre\Node) {
         $propFind->handle(self::FILEID_PROPERTYNAME, function () use($node) {
             return $node->getFileId();
         $propFind->handle(self::INTERNAL_FILEID_PROPERTYNAME, function () use($node) {
             return $node->getInternalFileId();
         $propFind->handle(self::PERMISSIONS_PROPERTYNAME, function () use($node) {
             $perms = $node->getDavPermissions();
             if ($this->isPublic) {
                 // remove mount information
                 $perms = str_replace(['S', 'M'], '', $perms);
             return $perms;
         $propFind->handle(self::GETETAG_PROPERTYNAME, function () use($node) {
             return $node->getEtag();
     if ($node instanceof \OCA\DAV\Connector\Sabre\File) {
         $propFind->handle(self::DOWNLOADURL_PROPERTYNAME, function () use($node) {
             /** @var $node \OCA\DAV\Connector\Sabre\File */
             $directDownloadUrl = $node->getDirectDownload();
             if (isset($directDownloadUrl['url'])) {
                 return $directDownloadUrl['url'];
             return false;
     if ($node instanceof \OCA\DAV\Connector\Sabre\Directory) {
         $propFind->handle(self::SIZE_PROPERTYNAME, function () use($node) {
             return $node->getSize();
     $propFind->handle(self::OWNER_ID_PROPERTYNAME, function () use($node) {
         $owner = $node->getOwner();
         return $owner->getUID();
     $propFind->handle(self::OWNER_DISPLAY_NAME_PROPERTYNAME, function () use($node) {
         $owner = $node->getOwner();
         $displayName = $owner->getDisplayName();
         return $displayName;
  * Retrieves system tag properties
  * @param PropFind $propFind
  * @param \Sabre\DAV\INode $node
 public function handleGetProperties(PropFind $propFind, \Sabre\DAV\INode $node)
     if (!$node instanceof SystemTagNode && !$node instanceof SystemTagMappingNode) {
     $propFind->handle(self::ID_PROPERTYNAME, function () use($node) {
         return $node->getSystemTag()->getId();
     $propFind->handle(self::DISPLAYNAME_PROPERTYNAME, function () use($node) {
         return $node->getSystemTag()->getName();
     $propFind->handle(self::USERVISIBLE_PROPERTYNAME, function () use($node) {
         return $node->getSystemTag()->isUserVisible() ? 'true' : 'false';
     $propFind->handle(self::USERASSIGNABLE_PROPERTYNAME, function () use($node) {
         // this is the tag's inherent property "is user assignable"
         return $node->getSystemTag()->isUserAssignable() ? 'true' : 'false';
     $propFind->handle(self::CANASSIGN_PROPERTYNAME, function () use($node) {
         // this is the effective permission for the current user
         return $this->tagManager->canUserAssignTag($node->getSystemTag(), $this->userSession->getUser()) ? 'true' : 'false';
     $propFind->handle(self::GROUPS_PROPERTYNAME, function () use($node) {
         if (!$this->groupManager->isAdmin($this->userSession->getUser()->getUID())) {
             // property only available for admins
             throw new Forbidden();
         $groups = [];
         // no need to retrieve groups for namespaces that don't qualify
         if ($node->getSystemTag()->isUserVisible() && !$node->getSystemTag()->isUserAssignable()) {
             $groups = $this->tagManager->getTagGroups($node->getSystemTag());
         return implode('|', $groups);
Example #19
  * Adds tags and favorites properties to the response,
  * if requested.
  * @param PropFind $propFind
  * @param \Sabre\DAV\INode $node
  * @return void
 public function handleGetProperties(PropFind $propFind, \Sabre\DAV\INode $node)
     if (!$node instanceof \OCA\DAV\Connector\Sabre\Node) {
     // need prefetch ?
     if ($node instanceof \OCA\DAV\Connector\Sabre\Directory && $propFind->getDepth() !== 0 && (!is_null($propFind->getStatus(self::TAGS_PROPERTYNAME)) || !is_null($propFind->getStatus(self::FAVORITE_PROPERTYNAME)))) {
         // note: pre-fetching only supported for depth <= 1
         $folderContent = $node->getChildren();
         $fileIds[] = (int) $node->getId();
         foreach ($folderContent as $info) {
             $fileIds[] = (int) $info->getId();
         $tags = $this->getTagger()->getTagsForObjects($fileIds);
         if ($tags === false) {
             // the tags API returns false on error...
             $tags = array();
         $this->cachedTags = $this->cachedTags + $tags;
         $emptyFileIds = array_diff($fileIds, array_keys($tags));
         // also cache the ones that were not found
         foreach ($emptyFileIds as $fileId) {
             $this->cachedTags[$fileId] = [];
     $tags = null;
     $isFav = null;
     $propFind->handle(self::TAGS_PROPERTYNAME, function () use($tags, &$isFav, $node) {
         list($tags, $isFav) = $this->getTagsAndFav($node->getId());
         return new TagList($tags);
     $propFind->handle(self::FAVORITE_PROPERTYNAME, function () use($isFav, $node) {
         if (is_null($isFav)) {
             list(, $isFav) = $this->getTagsAndFav($node->getId());
         return $isFav;
Example #20
  * Adds shares to propfind response
  * @param PropFind $propFind propfind object
  * @param \Sabre\DAV\INode $sabreNode sabre node
 public function handleGetProperties(PropFind $propFind, \Sabre\DAV\INode $sabreNode)
     if (!$sabreNode instanceof \OCA\DAV\Connector\Sabre\Node) {
     // need prefetch ?
     if ($sabreNode instanceof \OCA\DAV\Connector\Sabre\Directory && $propFind->getDepth() !== 0 && !is_null($propFind->getStatus(self::SHARETYPES_PROPERTYNAME))) {
         $folderNode = $this->userFolder->get($propFind->getPath());
         $children = $folderNode->getDirectoryListing();
         $this->cachedShareTypes[$folderNode->getId()] = $this->getShareTypes($folderNode);
         foreach ($children as $childNode) {
             $this->cachedShareTypes[$childNode->getId()] = $this->getShareTypes($childNode);
     $propFind->handle(self::SHARETYPES_PROPERTYNAME, function () use($sabreNode) {
         if (isset($this->cachedShareTypes[$sabreNode->getId()])) {
             $shareTypes = $this->cachedShareTypes[$sabreNode->getId()];
         } else {
             $node = $this->userFolder->get($sabreNode->getPath());
             $shareTypes = $this->getShareTypes($node);
         return new ShareTypeList($shareTypes);
Example #21
  * This event is triggered when a PROPPATCH method is executed
  * @param array $mutations
  * @param array $result
  * @param DAV\INode $node
  * @return bool
 public function updateProperties(&$mutations, &$result, DAV\INode $node)
     if (!$node instanceof UserAddressBooks) {
         return true;
     $meCard = '{http://calendarserver.org/ns/}me-card';
     // The only property we care about
     if (!isset($mutations[$meCard])) {
         return true;
     $value = $mutations[$meCard];
     if ($value instanceof DAV\Property\IHref) {
         $value = $value->getHref();
         $value = $this->server->calculateUri($value);
     } elseif (!is_null($value)) {
         $result[400][$meCard] = null;
         return false;
     $innerResult = $this->server->updateProperties($node->getOwner(), array('{http://sabredav.org/ns}vcard-url' => $value));
     $closureResult = false;
     foreach ($innerResult as $status => $props) {
         if (is_array($props) && array_key_exists('{http://sabredav.org/ns}vcard-url', $props)) {
             $result[$status][$meCard] = null;
             $closureResult = $status >= 200 && $status < 300;
     return $result;
Example #22
  * copyNode
  * @param INode $source
  * @param ICollection $destinationParent
  * @param string $destinationName
  * @return void
 protected function copyNode(INode $source, ICollection $destinationParent, $destinationName = null)
     if (!$destinationName) {
         $destinationName = $source->getName();
     if ($source instanceof IFile) {
         $data = $source->get();
         // If the body was a string, we need to convert it to a stream
         if (is_string($data)) {
             $stream = fopen('php://temp', 'r+');
             fwrite($stream, $data);
             $data = $stream;
         $destinationParent->createFile($destinationName, $data);
         $destination = $destinationParent->getChild($destinationName);
     } elseif ($source instanceof ICollection) {
         $destination = $destinationParent->getChild($destinationName);
         foreach ($source->getChildren() as $child) {
             $this->copyNode($child, $destination);
     if ($source instanceof IProperties && $destination instanceof IProperties) {
         $props = $source->getProperties([]);
         $propPatch = new PropPatch($props);
Example #23
  * Fetches properties for a node.
  * This event is called a bit later, so plugins have a chance first to
  * populate the result.
  * @param PropFind $propFind
  * @param INode $node
  * @return void
 function propFindNode(PropFind $propFind, INode $node)
     if ($node instanceof IProperties && ($propertyNames = $propFind->get404Properties())) {
         $nodeProperties = $node->getProperties($propertyNames);
         foreach ($propertyNames as $propertyName) {
             if (array_key_exists($propertyName, $nodeProperties)) {
                 $propFind->set($propertyName, $nodeProperties[$propertyName], 200);
Example #24
     * Adds all CardDAV-specific properties
     * @param DAV\PropFind $propFind
     * @param DAV\INode $node
     * @return void
    function propFindEarly(DAV\PropFind $propFind, DAV\INode $node) {

        $ns = '{' . self::NS_CARDDAV . '}';

        if ($node instanceof IAddressBook) {

            $propFind->handle($ns . 'max-resource-size', $this->maxResourceSize);
            $propFind->handle($ns . 'supported-address-data', function() {
                return new Xml\Property\SupportedAddressData();
            $propFind->handle($ns . 'supported-collation-set', function() {
                return new Xml\Property\SupportedCollationSet();

        if ($node instanceof DAVACL\IPrincipal) {

            $path = $propFind->getPath();

            $propFind->handle('{' . self::NS_CARDDAV . '}addressbook-home-set', function() use ($path) {
                return new Href($this->getAddressBookHomeForPrincipal($path) . '/');

            if ($this->directories) $propFind->handle('{' . self::NS_CARDDAV . '}directory-gateway', function() {
                return new Href($this->directories);


        if ($node instanceof ICard) {

            // The address-data property is not supposed to be a 'real'
            // property, but in large chunks of the spec it does act as such.
            // Therefore we simply expose it as a property.
            $propFind->handle('{' . self::NS_CARDDAV . '}address-data', function() use ($node) {
                $val = $node->get();
                if (is_resource($val))
                    $val = stream_get_contents($val);

                return $val;



Example #25
  * Adds all ownCloud-specific properties
  * @param PropFind $propFind
  * @param \Sabre\DAV\INode $node
  * @return void
 public function handleGetProperties(PropFind $propFind, \Sabre\DAV\INode $node)
     $httpRequest = $this->server->httpRequest;
     if ($node instanceof \OCA\DAV\Connector\Sabre\Node) {
         $propFind->handle(self::FILEID_PROPERTYNAME, function () use($node) {
             return $node->getFileId();
         $propFind->handle(self::INTERNAL_FILEID_PROPERTYNAME, function () use($node) {
             return $node->getInternalFileId();
         $propFind->handle(self::PERMISSIONS_PROPERTYNAME, function () use($node) {
             $perms = $node->getDavPermissions();
             if ($this->isPublic) {
                 // remove mount information
                 $perms = str_replace(['S', 'M'], '', $perms);
             return $perms;
         $propFind->handle(self::SHARE_PERMISSIONS_PROPERTYNAME, function () use($node, $httpRequest) {
             return $node->getSharePermissions($httpRequest->getRawServerValue('PHP_AUTH_USER'));
         $propFind->handle(self::GETETAG_PROPERTYNAME, function () use($node) {
             return $node->getETag();
         $propFind->handle(self::OWNER_ID_PROPERTYNAME, function () use($node) {
             $owner = $node->getOwner();
             return $owner->getUID();
         $propFind->handle(self::OWNER_DISPLAY_NAME_PROPERTYNAME, function () use($node) {
             $owner = $node->getOwner();
             $displayName = $owner->getDisplayName();
             return $displayName;
         $propFind->handle(self::DATA_FINGERPRINT_PROPERTYNAME, function () use($node) {
             if ($node->getPath() === '/') {
                 return $this->config->getSystemValue('data-fingerprint', '');
     if ($node instanceof \OCA\DAV\Files\FilesHome) {
         $propFind->handle(self::DATA_FINGERPRINT_PROPERTYNAME, function () use($node) {
             return $this->config->getSystemValue('data-fingerprint', '');
     if ($node instanceof \OCA\DAV\Connector\Sabre\File) {
         $propFind->handle(self::DOWNLOADURL_PROPERTYNAME, function () use($node) {
             /** @var $node \OCA\DAV\Connector\Sabre\File */
             try {
                 $directDownloadUrl = $node->getDirectDownload();
                 if (isset($directDownloadUrl['url'])) {
                     return $directDownloadUrl['url'];
             } catch (StorageNotAvailableException $e) {
                 return false;
             } catch (ForbiddenException $e) {
                 return false;
             return false;
         $propFind->handle(self::CHECKSUMS_PROPERTYNAME, function () use($node) {
             $checksum = $node->getChecksum();
             if ($checksum === NULL || $checksum === '') {
                 return null;
             return new ChecksumList($checksum);
     if ($node instanceof \OCA\DAV\Connector\Sabre\Directory) {
         $propFind->handle(self::SIZE_PROPERTYNAME, function () use($node) {
             return $node->getSize();
  * Updates tags and favorites properties, if applicable.
  * @param string $path
  * @param \Sabre\DAV\INode $node
  * @param array $requestedProperties
  * @param array $returnedProperties
  * @return bool success status
 public function updateProperties(array &$properties, array &$result, \Sabre\DAV\INode $node)
     if (!$node instanceof \OC_Connector_Sabre_Node) {
     $fileId = $node->getId();
     if (isset($properties[self::TAGS_PROPERTYNAME])) {
         $tagsProp = $properties[self::TAGS_PROPERTYNAME];
         $this->updateTags($fileId, $tagsProp->getTags());
         $result[200][self::TAGS_PROPERTYNAME] = new TagList($tagsProp->getTags());
     if (isset($properties[self::FAVORITE_PROPERTYNAME])) {
         $favState = $properties[self::FAVORITE_PROPERTYNAME];
         if ((int) $favState === 1 || $favState === 'true') {
             $favState = true;
             $this->getTagger()->tagAs($fileId, self::TAG_FAVORITE);
         } else {
             $favState = false;
             $this->getTagger()->unTag($fileId, self::TAG_FAVORITE);
         $result[200][self::FAVORITE_PROPERTYNAME] = $favState;
     return true;
Example #27
  * Adds all CardDAV-specific properties
  * @param DAV\PropFind $propFind
  * @param DAV\INode $node
  * @return void
 function propFindEarly(DAV\PropFind $propFind, DAV\INode $node)
     $ns = '{' . self::NS_CARDDAV . '}';
     if ($node instanceof IAddressBook) {
         $propFind->handle($ns . 'max-resource-size', $this->maxResourceSize);
         $propFind->handle($ns . 'supported-address-data', function () {
             return new Property\SupportedAddressData();
         $propFind->handle($ns . 'supported-collation-set', function () {
             return new Property\SupportedCollationSet();
     if ($node instanceof DAVACL\IPrincipal) {
         $path = $propFind->getPath();
         $propFind->handle('{' . self::NS_CARDDAV . '}addressbook-home-set', function () use($path) {
             return new DAV\Property\Href($this->getAddressBookHomeForPrincipal($path) . '/');
         if ($this->directories) {
             $propFind->handle('{' . self::NS_CARDDAV . '}directory-gateway', function () {
                 return new DAV\Property\HrefList($this->directories);
     if ($node instanceof ICard) {
         // The address-data property is not supposed to be a 'real'
         // property, but in large chunks of the spec it does act as such.
         // Therefore we simply expose it as a property.
         $propFind->handle('{' . self::NS_CARDDAV . '}address-data', function () use($node) {
             $val = $node->get();
             if (is_resource($val)) {
                 $val = stream_get_contents($val);
             return $val;
     if ($node instanceof UserAddressBooks) {
         $propFind->handle('{http://calendarserver.org/ns/}me-card', function () use($node) {
             $props = $this->server->getProperties($node->getOwner(), ['{http://sabredav.org/ns}vcard-url']);
             if (isset($props['{http://sabredav.org/ns}vcard-url'])) {
                 return new DAV\Property\Href($props['{http://sabredav.org/ns}vcard-url']);
Example #28
  * beforeGetProperties
  * This method handler is invoked before any after properties for a
  * resource are fetched. This allows us to add in any CalDAV specific
  * properties.
  * @param string $path
  * @param DAV\INode $node
  * @param array $requestedProperties
  * @param array $returnedProperties
  * @return void
 public function beforeGetProperties($path, DAV\INode $node, &$requestedProperties, &$returnedProperties)
     if ($node instanceof DAVACL\IPrincipal) {
         // calendar-home-set property
         $calHome = '{' . self::NS_CALDAV . '}calendar-home-set';
         if (in_array($calHome, $requestedProperties)) {
             $principalId = $node->getName();
             $calendarHomePath = self::CALENDAR_ROOT . '/' . $principalId . '/';
             unset($requestedProperties[array_search($calHome, $requestedProperties)]);
             $returnedProperties[200][$calHome] = new DAV\Property\Href($calendarHomePath);
         // schedule-outbox-URL property
         $scheduleProp = '{' . self::NS_CALDAV . '}schedule-outbox-URL';
         if (in_array($scheduleProp, $requestedProperties)) {
             $principalId = $node->getName();
             $outboxPath = self::CALENDAR_ROOT . '/' . $principalId . '/outbox';
             unset($requestedProperties[array_search($scheduleProp, $requestedProperties)]);
             $returnedProperties[200][$scheduleProp] = new DAV\Property\Href($outboxPath);
         // calendar-user-address-set property
         $calProp = '{' . self::NS_CALDAV . '}calendar-user-address-set';
         if (in_array($calProp, $requestedProperties)) {
             $addresses = $node->getAlternateUriSet();
             $addresses[] = $this->server->getBaseUri() . $node->getPrincipalUrl() . '/';
             unset($requestedProperties[array_search($calProp, $requestedProperties)]);
             $returnedProperties[200][$calProp] = new DAV\Property\HrefList($addresses, false);
         // These two properties are shortcuts for ical to easily find
         // other principals this principal has access to.
         $propRead = '{' . self::NS_CALENDARSERVER . '}calendar-proxy-read-for';
         $propWrite = '{' . self::NS_CALENDARSERVER . '}calendar-proxy-write-for';
         if (in_array($propRead, $requestedProperties) || in_array($propWrite, $requestedProperties)) {
             $aclPlugin = $this->server->getPlugin('acl');
             $membership = $aclPlugin->getPrincipalMembership($path);
             $readList = array();
             $writeList = array();
             foreach ($membership as $group) {
                 $groupNode = $this->server->tree->getNodeForPath($group);
                 // If the node is either ap proxy-read or proxy-write
                 // group, we grab the parent principal and add it to the
                 // list.
                 if ($groupNode instanceof Principal\IProxyRead) {
                     list($readList[]) = DAV\URLUtil::splitPath($group);
                 if ($groupNode instanceof Principal\IProxyWrite) {
                     list($writeList[]) = DAV\URLUtil::splitPath($group);
             if (in_array($propRead, $requestedProperties)) {
                 $returnedProperties[200][$propRead] = new DAV\Property\HrefList($readList);
             if (in_array($propWrite, $requestedProperties)) {
                 $returnedProperties[200][$propWrite] = new DAV\Property\HrefList($writeList);
         // notification-URL property
         $notificationUrl = '{' . self::NS_CALENDARSERVER . '}notification-URL';
         if (($index = array_search($notificationUrl, $requestedProperties)) !== false) {
             $principalId = $node->getName();
             $calendarHomePath = 'calendars/' . $principalId . '/notifications/';
             $returnedProperties[200][$notificationUrl] = new DAV\Property\Href($calendarHomePath);
     // instanceof IPrincipal
     if ($node instanceof Notifications\INode) {
         $propertyName = '{' . self::NS_CALENDARSERVER . '}notificationtype';
         if (($index = array_search($propertyName, $requestedProperties)) !== false) {
             $returnedProperties[200][$propertyName] = $node->getNotificationType();
     // instanceof Notifications_INode
     if ($node instanceof ICalendarObject) {
         // The calendar-data property is not supposed to be a 'real'
         // property, but in large chunks of the spec it does act as such.
         // Therefore we simply expose it as a property.
         $calDataProp = '{' . Plugin::NS_CALDAV . '}calendar-data';
         if (in_array($calDataProp, $requestedProperties)) {
             $val = $node->get();
             if (is_resource($val)) {
                 $val = stream_get_contents($val);
             // Taking out \r to not screw up the xml output
             $returnedProperties[200][$calDataProp] = str_replace("\r", "", $val);
Example #29
  * This method is triggered whenever properties are requested for a node.
  * We intercept this to see if we must return a {DAV:}sync-token.
  * @param DAV\PropFind $propFind
  * @param DAV\INode $node
  * @return void
 function propFind(DAV\PropFind $propFind, DAV\INode $node)
     $propFind->handle('{DAV:}sync-token', function () use($node) {
         if (!$node instanceof ISyncCollection || !($token = $node->getSyncToken())) {
         return self::SYNCTOKEN_PREFIX . $token;
Example #30
 public function updateProperties(&$properties, &$result, \Sabre\DAV\INode $node)
     if ($node instanceof \afterlogic\DAV\FS\File && array_key_exists('{DAV:}lastmodified', $properties)) {
         $mResult = $node->updateLastModified($properties['{DAV:}lastmodified']);
         if ($mResult !== false) {
             $result[200]['{DAV:}lastmodified'] = null;
     return true;