Example #1
 public static function one(&$options, $name, $alt = null, $convert = true)
     if (!$convert && is_array($options)) {
         return isset($options[$name]) ? $options[$name] : $alt;
     $options = Options::make($options);
     return $options->get($name, $alt);
 protected function _init()
     // overridable _POST and _GET
     $this->post = Options::make($_POST);
     $this->get = Options::make($_GET);
     $this->user = SessionUser::user();
     // overridable Output / View / Template engine
     $O = Output::$class;
     $this->tpl = new $O($this);
Example #3
 public function resolveRoute($route, $uri)
     // routes have a leading /
     $path = '/' . $uri;
     // make a nice little regex
     $from = $route->from;
     $from = trim($from, '^ /');
     if (!$this->dispatcher->options->case_sensitive_paths) {
         $from = strtolower($from);
         $path = strtolower($path);
     $from = $this->routeToRegex($from, $route);
     $from = '^/' . $from;
     $from = '#' . $from . '#';
     // regex the path
     if (0 < preg_match($from, $path, $match)) {
         // NULL, Array, String or Closure
         $to = $route->to;
         if (null === $to) {
             // Array
             $to = $match;
         } else {
             if (is_callable($to)) {
                 // String or Array
                 $to = $to($match, $uri);
         if (is_string($to)) {
             $options = Options::make($route->options);
             $match[0] = preg_replace('/%(\\d+)/', '%\\1$s', $to);
             $goto = call_user_func_array('sprintf', $match);
             if ($options->redirect) {
                 return $this->redirect($goto, $options->redirect);
             return $goto;
         } else {
             if (is_array($to)) {
                 // any implicit arguments?
                 if (!isset($to['arguments'])) {
                     // arguments from regex
                     if (1 < count($match)) {
                         $to['arguments'] = array_slice($match, 1);
                 // return Location Array
                 return $to;
 public function index()
     $postsPerPage = $this->_config('posts_on_index');
     // Way 1
     // Define which get method to use to fetch Posts by checking ACL
     // Use that function and the Model's logic to get those posts.
     $unpub = $this->user->hasAccess('blog read unpublished');
     $method = $unpub ? 'newest' : 'newestPublished';
     $posts = models\Post::$method($postsPerPage);
     // The quick 'n dirty //
     $page = Options::one($_GET, 'page', 1, false);
     $start = ($page - 1) * $postsPerPage;
     $conditions = $unpub ? '1' : 'is_published = 1';
     $posts = models\Post::all($conditions . ' ORDER BY created_on DESC LIMIT ' . $start . ', ' . $postsPerPage . '');
     // Don't do it! //
     // Way 2
     // Define the difference in conditions here (instead of in the Model)
     $conditions = $unpub ? '' : array('is_published' => true);
     $numAllPosts = models\Post::count($conditions);
     // Way 3
     // A third way would be a combination like this:
     			$access = $this->user->hasAccess('blog read unpublished');
     			$posts = model\Post::postsByAccess($access, $this->_config('posts_on_index'));
     // That way you can check access in the Controller and have fetch logic in the Model
     $messages = Session::messages();
     $canCreatePosts = $this->user->hasAccess('blog create posts');
     return get_defined_vars();
     // view will be rendered by row\Controller->_post_action
     return $this->_display(__METHOD__, get_defined_vars(), !$this->AJAX);
     // view will be rendered by Output->display
     return $this->_display(get_defined_vars());
     // view will be rendered by Output->display
 public function getOptions()
     return Options::make(array('default_action' => 'index', 'not_found_exception' => 'row\\http\\NotFoundException', 'module_class_prefix' => '', 'module_class_postfix' => 'Controller', 'action_name_prefix' => '', 'action_name_postfix' => 'Action', 'action_path_wildcards' => array('#' => '(\\d+)', '%' => '([^/]+)', '*' => '(.+)', 'DATE' => '(\\d{4}-\\d\\d?\\-\\d\\d?)'), 'case_sensitive_paths' => false));
Example #6
 public function __construct($rules, $options = array())
     $this->rules = $rules;
     $this->options = Options::make($options, Options::make(array('errors' => Options::make(array('notEmpty' => 'Must submit value', 'regex' => 'Invalid value format')))));
Example #7
 public final function __construct(\row\Controller $application, $options = array())
     $this->application = $application;
     $this->options = Options::make($options);
function options($options)
    return Options::make($options);
Example #9
 public function fetch($query, $mixed = null)
     // default options
     $class = false;
     $justFirst = false;
     $params = array();
     // unravel options
     if (is_array($mixed)) {
         if (is_int(key($mixed))) {
             $params = $mixed;
         } else {
             $class = Options::one($mixed, 'class', false);
             $justFirst = $mixed->get('single', $mixed->get('first', false));
             $params = $mixed->get('params', array());
     } else {
         if (is_bool($mixed)) {
             $justFirst = $mixed;
         } else {
             if (is_string($mixed)) {
                 $class = $mixed;
     // build SQL
     if (is_array($query)) {
         $query = $this->buildSQL($query);
     // apply params
     if ($params) {
         $query = $this->replaceholders($query, $params);
     $result = $this->result($query);
     Vendors::class_exists($class) or $class = false;
     if ($justFirst) {
         if ($class) {
             return $result->nextObject($class, array(true));
         return $result->nextAssocArray();
     if ($class) {
         return $result->allObjects($class, array(true));
     return $result->allAssocArrays();
Example #10
 public function &useElements()
     if (!$this->_elements) {
         if (!is_a($this->defaults, 'row\\database\\Model') && !is_a($this->defaults, 'row\\core\\Options')) {
             $this->defaults = Options::make((array) $this->defaults);
         $elements = array();
         $index = 0;
         foreach ($this->elements($this->defaults) as $name => $element) {
             $element['_name'] = $name;
             $element['_index'] = $index++;
             $elements[$name] = $element;
         $this->_elements = $elements;
     return $this->_elements;
Example #11
 public static function paginate($total, $perPage, $name, $options = array())
     $return = Options::one($options, 'return', false);
     $start = (int) (bool) $options->get('start', 1);
     // always 0 or 1
     $prevnext = $options->prevnext;
     $firstlast = $options->firstlast;
     $pages = ceil($total / $perPage);
     $current = isset($_GET[$name]) ? max($start, (int) $_GET[$name]) : $start;
     $end = $pages - 1 + $start;
     $g = $_GET;
     $html = '<ul class="pager">';
     if (true === $firstlast || null === $firstlast && $start < $current) {
         $page = $start;
         $g[$name] = $page;
         $html .= '<li class="first' . ($current == $start ? ' disabled' : '') . '">' . static::link('first', true, array('get' => $g)) . '</li>';
     if (true === $prevnext || null === $prevnext && $start < $current) {
         $page = max($start, $current - 1);
         $g[$name] = $page;
         $html .= '<li class="prev' . ($current == $g[$name] ? ' disabled' : '') . '">' . static::link('prev', true, array('get' => $g)) . '</li>';
     for ($i = 0; $i < $pages; $i++) {
         $page = $i + $start;
         $g[$name] = $page;
         $html .= '<li class="page page-' . $page . ($current == $page ? ' current' : '') . ($start == $page ? ' first-page' : ($end == $page ? ' last-page' : '')) . '">' . static::link($page, true, array('get' => $g)) . '</li>';
     if (true === $prevnext || null === $prevnext && $end > $current) {
         $page = min($end, $current + 1);
         $g[$name] = $page;
         $html .= '<li class="prev' . ($current == $g[$name] ? ' disabled' : '') . '">' . static::link('next', true, array('get' => $g)) . '</li>';
     if (true === $firstlast || null === $firstlast && $end > $current) {
         $page = $end;
         $g[$name] = $page;
         $html .= '<li class="last' . ($current == $end ? ' disabled' : '') . '">' . static::link('last', true, array('get' => $g)) . '</li>';
     $html .= '</ul>';
     return $html;