Example #1
 private function getBranchAndSearchTerm(Command $command) : array
     $parameters = $command->getParameters();
     if (count($parameters) < 3 || strtolower($command->getParameter(0)) !== '-b' || !preg_match('#^(?:[0-9]+\\.[0-9]+|PECL|MASTER)$#i', $command->getParameter(1))) {
         return [self::DEFAULT_BRANCH, implode(' ', $parameters)];
     return [strtoupper($command->getParameter(1)), implode(' ', array_slice($parameters, 2))];
Example #2
 public function changelog(Command $command) : \Generator
     $repository = $command->getParameter(0) ?? 'Room-11/Jeeves';
     if (preg_match(self::EXPRESSION, $repository)) {
         return yield from $this->getLastCommit($command, $repository);
     return $this->chatClient->postMessage($command->getRoom(), "Usage: !!changelog [ <profile>/<repo> ]");
Example #3
 public function github(Command $command) : \Generator
     $obj = $command->getParameter(0) ?? 'status';
     if ($obj === 'status') {
         return yield from $this->status($command->getRoom());
     } elseif (strpos($obj, '/') === false) {
         return yield from $this->profile($command->getRoom(), $obj);
     } elseif (strpos($obj, '/') === strrpos($obj, '/')) {
         return yield from $this->repo($command->getRoom(), $obj);
     return $this->chatClient->postMessage($command->getRoom(), "Usage: !!github [status | <project> | <profile> | <profile>/<repo> ]");
Example #4
 private function execute(CommandMessage $command)
     if (!(yield $command->getRoom()->isApproved())) {
     if (!in_array($command->getParameter(0), self::ACTIONS, true)) {
     if ($command->getParameter(0) === "list") {
         return yield from $this->list($command);
     if (!(yield $this->storage->isAdmin($command->getRoom(), $command->getUserId()))) {
         return $this->chatClient->postReply($command, "I'm sorry Dave, I'm afraid I can't do that");
     switch ($command->getParameter(0)) {
         case 'add':
             return yield from $this->add($command, (int) $command->getParameter(1));
         case 'remove':
             return yield from $this->remove($command, (int) $command->getParameter(1));
     throw new \LogicException('Operation ' . $command->getParameter(0) . ' was considered valid but not handled??');
Example #5
 public function getRFC(Command $command)
     $rfc = $command->getParameter(0);
     if ($rfc === null) {
         // e.g.: !!rfc pipe-operator
         return $this->chatClient->postMessage($command->getRoom(), "RFC id required");
     $uri = self::BASE_URI . '/' . urlencode($rfc);
     /** @var HttpResponse $response */
     $response = (yield $this->httpClient->request($uri));
     if ($response->getStatus() !== 200) {
         return $this->chatClient->postMessage($command->getRoom(), "Nope, we can't have nice things.");
     $votes = self::parseVotes($response->getBody());
     if (empty($votes)) {
         return $this->chatClient->postMessage($command->getRoom(), "No votes found");
     $messages = [];
     foreach ($votes as $id => $vote) {
         $breakdown = [];
         $total = array_sum($vote['votes']);
         if ($total > 0) {
             foreach ($vote['votes'] as $option => $value) {
                 $breakdown[] = sprintf("%s (%d: %d%%)", $option, $value, 100 * $value / $total);
         $messages[] = ['name' => $vote['name'], 'href' => $uri . '#' . $id, 'breakdown' => implode(', ', $breakdown)];
     if (count($messages) === 1) {
         return $this->chatClient->postMessage($command->getRoom(), sprintf("[tag:rfc-vote] [%s](%s) %s", $messages[0]['name'], $messages[0]['href'], $messages[0]['breakdown']));
     $message = implode("\n", array_map(function ($message) {
         return sprintf('%s %s - %s (%s)', self::BULLET, $message['name'], $message['breakdown'], $message['href']);
     }, $messages));
     return $this->chatClient->postMessage($command->getRoom(), $message);
Example #6
  * Handle a command message
  * @param Command $command
  * @return Promise
 public function handleCommand(Command $command) : Promise
     if ($command->getParameter(0) === "list") {
         return $this->getSupportedCanonicals($command);
     if (!in_array($command->getParameter(0), self::ACTIONS)) {
         return $this->getMessage($command, implode(" ", $command->getParameters()));
     return resolve(function () use($command) {
         if (!(yield $this->admin->isAdmin($command->getRoom(), $command->getUserId()))) {
             return $this->chatClient->postReply($command, "I'm sorry Dave, I'm afraid I can't do that.");
         switch ($command->getParameter(0)) {
             case 'add':
                 return (yield $this->add($command, (string) $command->getParameter(1), (string) $command->getParameter(2)));
             case 'remove':
                 return (yield $this->remove($command, (string) $command->getParameter(1)));
             case 'fire':
                 return (yield $this->fire($command));
Example #7
 public function tweet(Command $command)
     if (!$this->isMessageValid($command->getParameter(0))) {
         return new Success();
     if (!(yield $this->admin->isAdmin($command->getRoom(), $command->getUserId()))) {
         return $this->chatClient->postReply($command, "I'm sorry Dave, I'm afraid I can't do that");
     $tweetText = (yield from $this->getMessage($command, $command->getParameters()[0]));
     if (mb_strlen($tweetText, "UTF-8") > 140) {
         return $this->chatClient->postReply($command, "Boo! The message exceeds the 140 character limit. :-(");
     $keys = ['oauth.consumer_key', 'oauth.access_token', 'oauth.consumer_secret', 'oauth.access_token_secret'];
     $config = [];
     foreach ($keys as $key) {
         if (!(yield $this->storage->exists($key, $command->getRoom()))) {
             return $this->chatClient->postReply($command, "I'm not currently configured for tweeting :-(");
         $config[$key] = (yield $this->storage->get($key, $command->getRoom()));
     $oauthParameters = ["oauth_consumer_key" => $config['oauth.consumer_key'], "oauth_token" => $config['oauth.access_token'], "oauth_nonce" => $this->getNonce(), "oauth_timestamp" => (new \DateTimeImmutable())->format("U"), "oauth_signature_method" => "HMAC-SHA1", "oauth_version" => "1.0", "status" => $tweetText];
     $oauthParameters = array_map("rawurlencode", $oauthParameters);
     $queryString = urldecode(http_build_query($oauthParameters, '', '&'));
     $baseString = "POST&" . rawurlencode(self::BASE_URI . "/statuses/update.json") . "&" . rawurlencode($queryString);
     $key = $config['oauth.consumer_secret'] . "&" . $config['oauth.access_token_secret'];
     $signature = rawurlencode(base64_encode(hash_hmac('sha1', $baseString, $key, true)));
     $oauthParameters["oauth_signature"] = $signature;
     $oauthParameters = array_map(function ($value) {
         return '"' . $value . '"';
     }, $oauthParameters);
     $authorizationHeader = $auth = "OAuth " . urldecode(http_build_query($oauthParameters, '', ', '));
     $request = (new HttpRequest())->setUri(self::BASE_URI . "/statuses/update.json")->setMethod('POST')->setProtocol('1.1')->setBody('status=' . urlencode($tweetText))->setAllHeaders(['Authorization' => $authorizationHeader, 'Content-Type' => 'application/x-www-form-urlencoded']);
     /** @var HttpResponse $result */
     $result = (yield $this->httpClient->request($request));
     $tweetInfo = json_decode($result->getBody(), true);
     $tweetUri = 'https://twitter.com/' . $tweetInfo['user']['screen_name'] . '/status/' . $tweetInfo['id_str'];
     return $this->chatClient->postMessage($command->getRoom(), $tweetUri);
Example #8
  * Handle a command message
  * According to http://www.strawpoll.me/11212318/r this plugin will support the following commands
  * !!<reminder|remind> remind this <in|at> <time>
  * !!at <time> remind this
  * !!in <time> remind this
  * @param Command $command
  * @return Promise
 public function handleCommand(Command $command) : Promise
     return resolve(function () use($command) {
         if ($command->hasParameters() === false) {
             return $this->chatClient->postMessage($command->getRoom(), self::USAGE);
         /* $command->getParameter(0) can be: list | examples | flush | unset | <text> | <time> */
         $textOrCommand = $command->getParameter(0);
         $commandName = $command->getCommandName();
         // <reminder|in|at>
         switch ($commandName) {
             case 'in':
                 return (yield $this->setReminder($command, 'in'));
             case 'at':
                 return (yield $this->setReminder($command, 'at'));
             case 'reminder':
         if (count(array_diff($command->getParameters(), array($textOrCommand))) < 1) {
             switch ($textOrCommand) {
                 case 'list':
                     return (yield $this->getAllReminders($command));
                 case 'examples':
                     return (yield $this->getExamples($command));
                 case 'nuke':
                     // nukes all reminders
                     return (yield $this->nuke($command));
         if ($command->getParameter(0) === 'unset' && $command->getParameter(1) !== null && count($command->getParameters()) <= 2) {
             return (yield $this->unset($command));
         return (yield $this->setReminder($command, 'reminder'));
Example #9
 private function execute(CommandMessage $command)
     if (!(yield $command->getRoom()->isApproved())) {
         return null;
     switch ($command->getParameter(0)) {
         case 'list':
             return $this->list($command);
         case 'enable':
             return $this->enable($command);
         case 'disable':
             return $this->disable($command);
         case 'status':
             return $this->status($command);
     return $this->chatClient->postReply($command, "Syntax: plugin [list|disable|enable] [plugin-name]");
Example #10
 public function dadGreet(Command $command)
     $room = $command->getRoom();
     switch ($command->getParameter(0)) {
         case 'on':
             if (!(yield $this->admin->isAdmin($room, $command->getUserId()))) {
                 return $this->chatClient->postReply($command, "I'm sorry Dave, I'm afraid I can't do that");
             if (preg_match('#[0-9]+#', $command->getParameter(1))) {
                 if (1 > ($frequency = (int) $command->getParameter(1))) {
                     return $this->chatClient->postReply($command, 'Frequency cannot be less than 1');
                 yield from $this->setDadGreetFrequency($room, $frequency);
             yield from $this->setDadGreetEnabled($room, true);
             return $this->chatClient->postMessage($room, 'Dad greeting is now enabled with a frequency of ' . (yield from $this->getDadGreetFrequency($room)));
         case 'off':
             if (!(yield $this->admin->isAdmin($room, $command->getUserId()))) {
                 return $this->chatClient->postReply($command, "I'm sorry Dave, I'm afraid I can't do that");
             yield from $this->setDadGreetEnabled($room, false);
             return $this->chatClient->postMessage($room, 'Dad greeting is now disabled');
         case 'status':
             $state = (yield from $this->isDadGreetEnabled($room)) ? 'enabled with a frequency of ' . (yield from $this->getDadGreetFrequency($room)) : 'disabled';
             return $this->chatClient->postMessage($room, 'Dad greeting is currently ' . $state);
     return $this->chatClient->postReply($command, 'Syntax: ' . $command->getCommandName() . ' on|off|status [frequency]');
Example #11
 private function execute(CommandMessage $command) : \Generator
     if (!(yield $command->getRoom()->isApproved())) {
     try {
         switch ($command->getParameter(0)) {
             case 'alias':
                 return yield from $this->alias($command);
             case 'list':
                 return $this->list($command);
             case 'map':
                 return yield from $this->map($command);
             case 'remap':
                 return yield from $this->remap($command);
             case 'unmap':
                 return yield from $this->unmap($command);
     } catch (\Throwable $e) {
         return $this->chatClient->postReply($command, self::message('unexpected_error', $e->getMessage()));
     return $this->chatClient->postMessage($command->getRoom(), self::message('syntax'));