/** * Construct the API class */ public function __construct() { $this->ResqueStatus = new \ResqueStatus\ResqueStatus(\ResqueBoard\Lib\Service\Service::Redis()); }
/** * Create Mongo Collection index * * @since 1.1.0 * @return void */ private function setupIndexes() { Service::Mongo()->selectCollection(Service::$settings['Mongo']['database'], 'got_events')->ensureIndex('d.args.queue'); Service::Mongo()->selectCollection(Service::$settings['Mongo']['database'], 'got_events')->ensureIndex('d.args.payload.class'); Service::Mongo()->selectCollection(Service::$settings['Mongo']['database'], 'got_events')->ensureIndex('d.worker'); Service::Mongo()->selectCollection(Service::$settings['Mongo']['database'], 'fail_events')->ensureIndex('d.job_id'); Service::Mongo()->selectCollection(Service::$settings['Mongo']['database'], 'done_events')->ensureIndex('d.job_id'); Service::Mongo()->selectCollection(Service::$settings['Mongo']['database'], 'shutdown_events')->ensureIndex('d.worker'); Service::Mongo()->selectCollection(Service::$settings['Mongo']['database'], 'start_events')->ensureIndex('d.worker'); }
/** * Return an array of scheduled jobs * * @param string $start timestamp * @param string $end timestamp * * @return array array of jobs */ public function getJobs($start = 0, $end = null) { if ($end === null) { $end = (int) Service::Redis()->zcard(\ResqueScheduler\ResqueScheduler::QUEUE_NAME); } $timestamps = Service::Redis()->zrangebyscore(\ResqueScheduler\ResqueScheduler::QUEUE_NAME, $start, $end); if (empty($timestamps)) { return array(); } $pipelineCommands = array(); foreach ($timestamps as $key) { $pipelineCommands[] = array('llen', \ResqueScheduler\ResqueScheduler::QUEUE_NAME . ':' . $key); } $timestampLength = Service::Redis()->pipeline($pipelineCommands, \Redis::PIPELINE); $i = 0; $pipelineCommands = array(); foreach ($timestamps as $key) { $pipelineCommands[] = array('lrange', array(\ResqueScheduler\ResqueScheduler::QUEUE_NAME . ':' . $key, 0, (int) $timestampLength[$i++])); } $jobs = Service::Redis()->pipeline($pipelineCommands, \Redis::PIPELINE); $results = array(); $i = 0; foreach ($jobs as &$job) { foreach ($job as &$j) { $j = json_decode($j, true); $j['job_id'] = $j['args'][0]['id']; unset($j['args'][0]['id']); $j['args'] = var_export($j['args'][0], true); $j['time'] = date('c', $timestamps[$i]); $j['status'] = self::JOB_STATUS_SCHEDULED; $results[] = $j; } $i++; } return $results; }
set_time_limit(0); require "../src/ResqueBoard/Config/Bootstrap.php"; use ResqueBoard\Lib\Service\Service; $timezone = new \DateTimeZone(date_default_timezone_get()); $offset = $timezone->getOffset(new \DateTime("now", new \DateTimeZone("UTC"))); $offsetHours = round(abs($offset) / 3600); $offsetMinutes = round((abs($offset) - $offsetHours * 3600) / 60); $offsetString = ($offset < 0 ? '-' : '+') . ($offsetHours < 10 ? '0' : '') . $offsetHours . ':' . ($offsetMinutes < 10 ? '0' : '') . $offsetMinutes; if ($offsetHours == 0) { echo "All your dates does not need the timezone fix\n"; die; } $events = array('check', 'kill', 'done', 'fail', 'fork', 'found', 'got', 'kill', 'pause', 'process', 'prune', 'reconnect', 'resume', 'shutdown', 'signal', 'sleep', 'start'); $start = microtime(true); foreach ($events as $eventName) { $collection = Service::Mongo()->selectCollection(Service::$settings['Mongo']['database'], $eventName . '_events'); $count = $collection->count(); echo "\nFound " . $count . " results for events : " . strtoupper($eventName) . " \n"; echo "Start updating all " . $eventName . " dates to " . date_default_timezone_get() . " timezone\n"; echo "--- \n"; $cursor = $collection->find(array(), array('t' => true)); $i = 0; foreach ($cursor as $data) { $date = new \DateTime("@" . $data['t']->sec, new \DateTimeZone("UTC")); $usec = "" . $data['t']->usec; if (count($usec) < 6) { $usec = str_pad($usec, 7 - count($usec), "0", STR_PAD_LEFT); } $oldDate = $date->format('Y-m-d\\TH:i:s.') . $usec . "+00:00"; $newDate = new \DateTime($date->format('Y-m-d\\TH:i:s.') . $usec . $offsetString); echo $i . ") " . $oldDate . " -> " . $newDate->format('Y-m-d\\TH:i:s.uO') . "\n";